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Verry Herawan
"Latar Belakang: Kondilus mandibula sering terlibat dalam berbagai kondisi patologis seperti tumor dan cedera traumatis, dimana melibatkan kondilus mandibula sehingga memerlukan reseksi dan pengangkatannya. Ameloblastoma mencakup sekitar 14% dari semua tumor rahang dan kista dan merupakan tumor odontogenik yang prevalensinya paling tinggi di negara berkembang. Pelat rekonstruksi mandibula digunakan dalam bedah mulut dan maksilofasial untuk rekonstruksi defek mandibula. Karena mandibula memainkan peran sentral dalam fungsi dan estetika, hilangnya kontinuitas rahang dapat sangat merusak integritas rahang pasien, dan sangat mempengaruhi persepsi diri dan kepercayaan diri pasien. Saat ini, kemajuan teknologi tiga dimensi (3D) dapat digunakan untuk membuat model aloplastik untuk rekonstruksi mandibula.
Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan perubahan posisi protesa kondilus pada pasien ameloblastoma pascareseksi disartikulasi yang menggunakan 3D Model STL dan tidak menggunakan 3D Model STL pre operasi pada kontrol 1 hari setelah operasi dan 6 bulan pascareseksi mandibula di Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta periode 2015-2020.
Metode Penelitian: 22 subjek penelitian panoramik diambil dari pasien Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Subjek penelitian dilihat perbedaan nilai rata-rata tinggi protesa kondilus antara 2 kelompok (dengan Model 3D STL dan tanpa Model 3D STL) pada 1 hari pascareseksi dan 6 bulan pascareseksi. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi IC Measure. Analisis data untuk melihat perbedaan nilai rata-rata letak posisi protesa kondilus antara 2 kelompok (dengan Model 3D STL dan tanpa Model 3D STL) pada 1 hari pasca reseksi dan 6 bulan pasca reseksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Uji Dependent T.test dan Wilcoxon- Signed Rank test dan perbedaan nilai tinggi dan letak posisi protesa kondilus antara 2 kelompok (dengan Model 3D STL dan tanpa Model 3D STL) 1 hari pasca reseksi dan 6 bulan pasca reseksi dengan menggunakan Uji ANOVA.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan ketinggian dengan nilai P sebesar P= 0,004 dan tidak terdapat perbedaan letak protesa yang signifikan secara statistik dengan nilai P sebesar P= 0,66 antara kontrol 1 hari pasca reseksi dan 6 bulan pasca reseksi dengan model 3D STL. Terdapat perbedaan ketinggian dengan nilai P sebesar P=0,005 dan tidak terdapat perbedaan letak protesa yang signifikan secara statistik dengan nilai P sebesar P= 0,76 antara kontrol 1 hari pascareseksi dan 6 bulan pascareseksi tanpa model 3D STL.
Kesimpulan: tidak terdapat perbedaan ketinggian dan letak protesa pada fossa kondilus yang signifikan secara statistik antara kelompok 1 hari tanpa model STL, 1 hari dengan model STL, 6 bulan dengan model STL dan 6 bulan tanpa model STL pascareseksi disartikulasi.

Background: Mandibular condyles are often involved in various pathological conditions such as tumors and traumatic injuries, that involving the mandibular condyles that require resection and removal. Ameloblastoma accounts for approximately 14% of all jaw tumors and cysts and is the most prevalent odontogenic tumor in developing countries. Mandibular reconstruction plates are used in oral and maxillofacial surgery for the reconstruction of mandibular defects. Since the mandible plays a central role in function and esthetics, loss of jaw continuity can severely impair the patient's jaw integrity, and severely affect the patient's self-perception and self-confidence. Currently, technological advances in three-dimensional (3D) models can be used to create alloplastic models for mandibular reconstruction.
Aim: To know and analyze the differences in the position changes of the condylar prosthesis in ameloblastoma patients after disarticulation resection using the 3D STL model and not using the 3D STL model preoperatively in controls 1 day after surgery and 6 months after mandibular resection at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. 2015-2020 period.
Methods: 22 panoramic research subjects were taken from Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital patients according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Research subjects saw the difference in the average height of the condylar prosthesis between the 2 groups (with 3D STL model and without STL 3D model) at 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection. Measurements are carried out using the IC Measure application. Data analysis to see the difference in the average value of the position of the condylar prosthesis between the 2 groups (with 3D STL Model and without 3D STL Model) at 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection was carried out using the Dependent T.test and Wilcoxon-Signed Rank Test. The difference in the height and position of the condylar prosthesis between the 2 groups (with 3D STL model and without STL 3D model) 1 day after resection and 6 months after resection using the ANOVA test.
Result: There was a difference in height with a P value of P = 0.004 and there was no statistically significant difference in location with a P value of P = 0.66 between controls 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection with the 3D STL model. There was a difference in height with a P value of P = 0.005 and there was no statistically significant difference in the location of the protest with a P value of P = 0.76 between controls 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection without the 3D STL model.
Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference in height and position of the prosthesis between controls 1 day post-resection and 6 months post-resection without 3D STL model, there was no statistically significant difference in height and position of the prosthesis between controls 1 day post-resection and 6 months post resection with 3D STL model.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Septian
"Latar Belakang: Kekuatan gigit merupakan salah satu indikator status fungsional dalam sistem pengunyahan yang diperankan oleh gerakan otot-otot pengunyahan pada proses biomekanik kraniomandibula. Pengukuran nilai kekuatan gigit dapat menggambarkan status fungsional sistem pengunyahan pada individu yang dihasilkan oleh gerakan otot-otot rahang pada proses biomekanik kraniomandibular. Tindakan reseksi mandibula yang disebabkan kondisi patologis dapat menurunkan nilai kekuatan gigit pascaoperasi dengan cara menghasilkan ketidakseimbangan pada otot-otot pengunyahan, gerakan mandibula dan penurunan tekanan kunyah. Prosedur rekonstruksi diperlukan untuk mengembalikan fungsi menelan, fungsi bicara dan fungsi kunyah yang dapat dinilai dari kekuatan gigit.
Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui perbedaan nilai kekuatan gigit pascareseksi rekonstruksi menggunakan vascular fibula graft, pelat rekonstruksi dibandingkan dengan nilai kekuatan gigit subyek normal di Rumah sakit Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta Periode 2015-2020.
Metode Penelitian: 45 subjek penelitian diambil dari pasien Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo. Setelah dilakukan informed consent, subjek penelitian dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol, kelompok vascular fibula graft dan kelompok pelat rekonstruksi. Subjek penelitian diukur kekuatan gigit menggunakan alat bite force meter sebanyak 3 kali dan diambil nilai tertinggi. Data kekuatan gigit selanjutnya diuji statistik menggunakan Oneway Anova.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna nilai kekuatan gigit antara kelompok kontrol (535.1N), kelompok vaskular fibula graft (241.8N) dan kelompok pelat rekonstruksi (148,9N) dengan nilai Sig.0.000 (p<0.05) pada uji Oneway Anova. Nilai kekuatan gigit dipengaruhi oleh jenis kelamin pada kelompok kontrol Sig.0.015 (p<0.05), dan tipe defek mandibula pada kelompok vaskular fibula graft Sig 0.009 (p<0.05).
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan nilai kekuatan gigit pascareseksi dan rekonstruksi mandibula dibandingkan dengan nilai kekuatan gigit subjek normal di Rumah sakit Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta Periode 2015-2020.

Background: Bite force is an indicator of functional status of the masticatory system, which is controlled by the movement of the masticatory muscles in the craniomandibular biomechanical processes. The measurement of the bite force value can describe the functional status of the masticatory system in individuals produced by the movement of the jaw muscles in the craniomandibular biomechanical processes. Mandibular resection caused by pathological conditions can reduce the value of postoperative bite force due to imbalances in the masticatory muscles, mandibular movement, and a decrease in masticatory load. Reconstructive procedures are needed to restore swallowing, speech and chewing functions which can be assessed by the bite force.
Aim: To investigate the differences of the bite force values post mandibular resection reconstructed with vascular fibula grafts, reconstruction plate, and of normal subjects at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta in 2015-2020.
Methods: 45 research subjects were recruited from Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital patients according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After informed consent, the research subjects were divided into 3 groups, namely the control group, the vascular fibula graft group, and the plate reconstruction group. The bite force values of the research subjects were measured three times using a bite force meter, and the highest value was taken. The bite force data was then statistically compared using Oneway Anova.
Results: Significant differences were found in the bite force values between the control group (535.1N), the fibula graft vascular group (241.8N) and the plate reconstruction group (148.9N) with a Sig. 0.000 (p<0.05) value in Oneway Anova test. The value of the bite force was influenced by sex in the control group Sig.0.015 (p<0.05), and the type of mandibular defects in the vascular fibula graft with Sig.0.009 (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Statistically significant differences were found in the value of the bite force post resection and reconstruction of the mandible compared to that of normal subjects at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta in 2015-2020.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudy Ardilla Utomo
"Latar Belakang: Tumor rongga mulut jinak yang besar menyebabkan deformitas pada wajah sehingga tindakan koreksi dengan operasi menyebabkan defek anatomis, fisiologis, serta psikologis pada penderita. Prosedur bedah dan rekonstruksi pada pasien dengan tumor mandibula merupakan tantangan yang kompleks. Mandibula tersusun atas komponen-komponen seperti korpus mandibula, simphisis mandibula, parasimphisis mandibula, ramus mandibula, procesus coronoideus, dan kondilus mandibula. OPG masih dapat digunakan untuk melihat perubahan morfologi kondilus. Diketahui bahwa perubahan pada morfologi kondilus dapat berupa berkurangnya konfigurasi dan volume dari kondilus itu sendiri, berkurangnya ketinggian ramus, hal ini dapat menyebabkan permasalahan pada sistem stomatognatik pasien.
Tujuan: Mengetahui perubahan morfologi kondilus mandibula pasca reseksi dengan kategori perubahan morfologi kondilus di Divisi Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial, Departemen Gigi dan Mulut RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
Material dan Metode: Penelitian dengan metode retrospektif melalui radiografi panoramik pasien-pasien tumor mandibula pre operasi reseksi,pasien-pasien tumor mandibula pasca operasi reseksi,dan pasien-pasien tumor mandibula 1 tahun pasca operasi reseksi selama bulan Juni sampai dengan Agustus tahun 2019 di Divisi Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Setiap sampel dilakukan pengukuran pada radiografi panoramiknya dengan menggunakan Klasifikasi Kranjenbrink dan klasifikasi morfologi kondilus mandibula.
Hasil: Pada penelitian ini tidak terjadi perubahan tinggi kondilus mandibula pasca segmental reseksi mandibula. (p: 0,801). Tidak terjadi perubahan morfologi kondilus mandibula pasca reseksi mandibula (P: 0.41) untuk kondilus kiri dan (p: 0.32) untuk kondilus kanan. Dan didapat dengan jenis operasi disartikulasi, terjadi perubahan morfologi kondilus mandibula pasca disartikulasi reseksi mandibula (p: 0.003) untuk kondilus kiri, dan (p: 0.012) untuk kondilus kanan.
Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perubahan morfologi kondilus mandibula pada reseksi mandibula pada left condyle (LC)ataupun right condyle (RC). Terdapat perubahan morfologi kondilus pada satu sisi pasca reseksi disartikulasi mandibula. Tidak terdapat perubahan tinggi kondilus mandibula pasca reseksi segmental mandibula pada left condyle (LC)ataupun right condyle (RC).

Background: Large benign oral cavity tumors causing deformity in the face, requires surgical correction causing anatomical, physiological and psychological defects in patients. Surgical and challenging procedures in patients with mandibular tumors are complex challenges. The mandible is composed of components such as the mandibular corpus, mandibular symphysis, mandibular parasymhysis, mandibular ramus, coronoid process, and mandibular condyle. OPG can still be used to see changes in the condyle morphology. It is known that changes in the condyle morphology can affect its configuration and volume of the condyle itself, reducing the height of the ramus, this can cause complications in the patient's stomatognathic system.
Objective: To determine the morphological changes of the mandibular condyle post resection in condyle morphological changes in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Division, Department of Dentistry Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study using panoramic radiographs of patients with preoperative mandibular tumor resection, patients with mandibular tumor postoperative resection, and mandible tumor patients 1 year after surgery 2019 in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Cipto General Hospital, Cipto General Hospital Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Each sample was measured on its panoramic radiography using the Kranjenbrink Classification and the morphological classification of the mandibular condyle.
Result: In this study there was no change in the height of the mandibular condyle after segmental resection of the mandible. (p: 0.801). There were no changes in the morphology of the mandibular condyle after resection of the mandible (P: 0.41) for the left condyle and (p: 0.32) for the right condyle. And obtained with this type of disarticulation surgery, there was a morphological change in the mandibular condyle after disarticulation of the resection of the mandible (p: 0.003) for the left condyle, and (p: 0.012) for the right condyle.
Conclusion: The results showed no morphological changes in the mandibular condyle in resection of the mandible in the left condyle (LC) or right condyle (RC). There is a change in the condyle morphology on one side post disarticulating resection of the mandible. There is no change in the height of the mandibular condyle after resection of the segmental mandible in the left condyle (LC) or right condyle (RC).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rianti Surjanto
"Keletuk sendi merupakan gejala klinis yang banyak dijumpai pada penderita disfungsi sendi temporo-mandibula. Radiografi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengevaluasi letak kondilus sendi temporo-mandibula. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan proyeksi transkranial miring lateral superior dengan menggunakan condy-ray. Foto rontgen yang didapat diperbesar 4x, kemudian dibuat tracing. Pada hasil tracing dilakukan pengukuran. Dari penelitian pada 30 pasien dengan gejala keletuk sendi terlihat posisi kondilus kanan atau kiri adalah non konsentris dan kemungkinan pergeseran posisi kondilus kanan atau kiri kea rah anterior atau posterior adalah sama (Chi kuadrat p kurang dari 0,05). Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini, menunjukkan adanya perbedaan letak kondilus pada kasus disfungsi dengan dan tanpa gejala keletuk sendi (uji fisher p kurang dari 0,05)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kandita Iman Khairina
Perubahan pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia ke arah usia yang lebih tua. Seiring bertambahnya usia, tubuh manusia mengalami perubahan salah satunya adalah perubahan jaringan tulang. Salah satu tulang yang terlibat dalam kedokteran gigi adalah tulang mandibula. Gambaran radiogoraf panoramik dapat melihat tinggi tulang mandibula secara radiografis. Tujuan: Mengetahui nilai rata-rata tinggi tulang mandibula pasien rentang usia 45-75 tahun secara radiografis. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Pengukuran tinggi tulang mandibula pada tiga titik referensi spesifik pada 136 radiograf panoramik digital pasien usia 45-75 tahun menggunakan software Digora for Windows 2.5 R1 Tuusula Finland. Tiga titik referensi tersebut yaitu A, C, dan F. Tinggi A merupakan tinggi mandibula pada daerah sudut dalam mandibula, Tinggi F merupakan tinggi pada daerah foramen mental, dan C merupakan tinggi di antara tinggi A dan F. Hasil: Nilai rata-rata tinggi tulang mandibula pasien rentang usia 45-75 tahun yang diperoleh 32.27 mm dengan nilai rata-rata tertinggi pada titik referensi F. Nilai rata-rata tinggi tulang mandibula tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok usia 45-55 tahun, sedangkan terendah pada kelompok usia 66-75 tahun. Kesimpulan: Nilai rata-rata tinggi tulang mandibula menurun pada kelompok usia 66-75 tahun. Usia bukan merupakan satu-satunya faktor yang mempengaruhi tinggi tulang mandibula.

Indonesia rsquo s population growth is increasing in older group. As the age is increasing, human body undergoes some changes. One of the changes that happens is osseous tissues changes. One of bones in human body that is involved in dentistry is mandible. Dental panoramic radiograph can be used to see the heigh of mandible bone radiographically. Objective To obtain the average value of mandibular height in 45 75 year old patiesnts in digital panoramic radiograph. Method This study is a descriptive cross sectional study.Mandibular height at three specific references in 136 digital panoramic radiograph of 45 75 year old patients were measured using Digora for Windows 2.5 R1 Tuusula Finland software. The three specific references are, mandibular height A which is the height of mandible in inner angle of mandible region, F is the height of mandible in foramen mental region, and C is the height of mandible between them. Results The average value of mandibular height in 45 75 year old patients that has been obtained is 32.272 mm with the highest average value at specific reference F. The age group with the highest average value is 45 55 age group, while the lowest is 66 75 age group. Conclusion The average value of mandibular height is lower in 66 75 age group. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azizah Nur Hanifah
Latar belakang: Sudut gonial merupakan salah satu struktur anatomis pada mandibula yang mengalami perubahan paling signifikan pada proses pertumbuhan. Pengukuran sudut gonial banyak dijadikan parameter evaluasi tumbuh kembang yang bermanfaat bagi bidang ilmu kedokteran gigi termasuk ortodonsi dan prostodonsi. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui nilai rerata sudut gonial berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, status dental, dan morfologi kondil pada radiograf panoramik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai nilai acuan dalam melihat pola perubahan sudut gonial mandibula. Metode: Pengukuran sudut gonial pada 210 sampel radiograf panoramik digital usia diatas 21 tahun, dengan mengkategorikan berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, status dental dan morfologi kondil mandibula. Hasil: Pengukuran sudut gonial terhadap usia, jenis kelamin, status dental, dan morfologi kondil mandibula tidak berbeda bermakna secara statistik, namun besar sudut gonial cenderung mengecil sesuai perubahan usia. Nilai rata-rata sudut gonial ditemukan cenderung lebih kecil pada laki-laki dan juga pada individu dengan status dental dentate. Kesimpulan: Nilai sudut gonial menunjukkan perubahan yang tidak berbeda bermakna berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, maupun morfologi kondil mandibula.

Background: The gonial angle is one od the anatomical structures in the mandible that experiences the most significant changes in the growth process. Gonial angle measurements are widely used as evaluation parameters of growth and development wich are beneficial for the field of dentistry such as orthodontics and prosthodontics. Objective: to determine the average value of the gonial angle based on age, gender, dental status, and mandibular condyle morphology on panoramic radiograph so that it can be used as a reference value in seeing the pattern of changes in the gonial angle of mandible. Methods: Gonial angle measurements in 220 samples of digital panoramic radiographs over the age of 21 years, categorizing by age, gender, dental status, and mandibular condyle morphology. Results: Gonial angle measurements of age, gender, dental status, and mandibular condyle morphology did not differ statistically significant, ut the size of the gonial angle tended to shrink according to age change. The average gonial angle values were found to tend to be smaller in men and also in individuals with dental status dentate. Conclusion: The gonial angle values show changes that are not significantly different based on age, gender, and mandibular condyle morphplogy."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria G Ernawati
Latar Belakang: Osteoporosis laki-laki adalah penyakit degeneratif yang penting
diperhatikan oleh dokter gigi dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan
mulut, karena osteoporosis pada bagian tubuh yang lain juga bedampak pada
tulang rahang. Osteoporosis pada tulang rahang dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan
dalam pembuatan gigi tiruan, pemasangan implan dan perawatan penyakit
periodontal. Untuk mengatasi kegagalan perawatan perlu pemeriksaan kadar
testosteron dan pemeriksaan densitas tulang. Pemeriksaan kadar testosteron dan
pemeriksaan densitas tulang mahal dan hanya ada di kota-kota besar di Indonesia,
karena itu perlu dibuat indeks untuk memprediksi penurunan kadar testosteron
darah dan indeks untuk memprediksi penurunan densitas tulang mandibula lansia
laki-laki. Tujuan: mengetahui faktor risiko yang berperan pada penurunan kadar
testosteron dan faktor risiko yang berperan pada penurunan densitas tulang
mandibula lansia laki-laki dan untuk membuat indeks prediksi penurunan kadar
testosteron dan indeks densitas tulang mandibula. Metode: uji diagnostik dan uji
kasus kontrol pada lansia laki-laki usia > 60 tahun dengan wawancara pengisian
kuesioner, pemeriksaa klinis dan radiografi. Hasil: Faktor-faktor Risiko yang
berperan pada penurunan kadar testosteron dan penurunan densitas tulang
mandibula serta indeks untuk menentukan penurunan kadar testosteron dan indeks
untuk menentukan penurunan densitas tulang mandibula lansia laki-laki.
Dihasilkan software dan indeks sebagai alat bantu prediksi.

Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools;Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools, Background: Osteoporosis in men is a degenerative disease which is an
important subject to be apprehended by dentists in order to provide an optimal
dental and oral health service because osteoporosis can also affect the mandible.
Examination of testosterone level and bone density in Indonesia is relatively
expensive and can only be accessed in big cities. This highlights the importance of
establishing both an index to determine the decrease of total blood testosterone
level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly
patients. Objective: to know risk factors that contributes to the decrease of
testosterone level and the decrease of mandibular bone density in elderly men; to
make a prediction model for the decreasing level of testosterone and mandibular
bone density. Methods: diagnostic test and case control study in elderly men
above 60 years old by way interviews to fill questionnares, clinical and
radiographic examination. Results: Risk factors that contribute to the decrease of
testosterone level and index to determine the decrease of mandibular bone density
in elderly men. A software and index are produced as prediction tools]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatin Fadillah
"Latar Belakang: Penelitian tentang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi M1 bawah pada ras Deutromalayid berdasarkan usia kronologis, jenis kelamin, dan status gizi masih terbatas.
Tujuan: Mengetahui frekuensi distribusi tahap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi M1 bawah pada ras Deutromalayid di Indonesia berdasarkan usia kronologis, jenis kelamin, dan status gizi.
Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang menggunakan sampel 122 data rekam medik pasien anak laki-laki dan perempuan Klinik Integrsi Anak FKG UI dengan perbandingan yang sama berusia 5-11.
Hasil: Penilaian tahap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi M1 bawah dengan reproduksi digital memiliki reproduksibilitas yang baik. Tidak ada perbedaan tahap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi M1 bawah sisi kiri dan kanan. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi M1 bawah terjadi dengan bertambahnya usia. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi M1 bawah berbeda terhadap jenis kelamin, yaitu anak perempuan lebih awal, kecuali pada kelompok usia 6, 10, dan 11. Status gizi yang berbeda tidak menunjukkan perbedaan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi M1 bawah, kecuali pada kelompok usia 5 dan 8.
Kesimpulan: Subjek penelitian dapat mewakilkan ras Deutromalayid di Indonesia. Perbedaan usia dan jenis kelamin menunjukkan perbedaan proporsi tahap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi M1 bawah, sedangkan status gizi tidak.

Background: Researches on growth and develompent of mandibular first permanent molars based on chronological age, sex, and nutritional status are limited in Deutromalayid race group.
Objectives: To know the frequency distribution of growth and development stages of mandibular first permanent molars in the Deutromalayid race group based on chronological age, sex, and nutritional status. 
Method: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study with 122 medical records of patients of Pedodontics Integrated Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia with the same ratio of both sexes aged 5-11 as samples.
Result: Assessment of growth and development stages with reproduced digital panoramics has a good reproducibility. Theres no difference of growth and development stages on left and right side. The growth and development undergo with the increase of individuals age. The growth and development differs on sex, that girls undergo earlier, except on age groups of 6, 10, and 11. Difference of nutritional status doesnt show difference of the growth and development, except on age groups of 5 and 8.
Conclusion: Subjects of research can represent the Deutromalayid race in Indonesia. Differences of age and sex show differences in growth and development of mandibular first permanent molars, while difference of nutritional status doesnt.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yus Arlika Putra Wibawa
"Latar Belakang: Deviasi atau ketidakseimbangan proporsi fasial serta hubungan gigigeligi yang menggangu fungsi, estetika dan profil wajah. Bedah ortognatik bertujuan memperbaiki ketidakharmonisan dan estetika wajah bekerjasama dengan perawatan ortodonti. Sagital split osteotomy merupakan reposisi segmen mandibula yang dilakukan
secara bilateral. Perubahan posisi kondilus mandibula serta stabilitas skeletal pada pasien BSSO mempengaruhi asimetri kondilus mandibula yang dikaitkan dengan adanya resiko terjadinya TMD.
Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan kondilus mandibula pada pasien pra bedah dan pasca bedah BSSO di Divisi Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial RSCM, Jakarta dengan perhitungan indeks simetri dan asimetri kondilus mandibula. Material dan Metode: Penelitian retrospektif melalui radiografik panoramik pra bedah, pasca bedah dan 1 tahun pasca bedah BSSO prosedur setback mandibula di Divisi Bedah Mulut dan
Maksillofasial, RSCM, Januari 2001 hingga Desember 2017 sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dan didapatkan 16 sampel. Setiap sampel dilakukan pengukuran pada radiografi panoramiknya dengan menggunakan teknik Habets dan teknik Kjellberg.
Hasil Penelitian: Haasil uji Repeated ANOVA, didapatkan hasil kemaknaan p = 0.389 maka p>0.05 pada indeks asimetri Habets pada saat pra bedah, pasca bedah dan 1 tahun pasca bedah,. Sedangkan uji Repeated ANOVA kelompok indeks simetri Kjellberg, didapatkan hasil kemaknaan p = 0.297 maka p>0.05 pada indeks asimetri Kjellberg pada saat pra bedah, pasca bedah dan 1 tahun pasca bedah.
Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian indeks asimetri Habets dan indeks simetri Kjellberg menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada hasil pengukuran simetri dan asimetri mandibula. Orientasi kodilus terhadap fossa glenoid dan manuver posisi kondilus merupakan langkah terpenting yang harus dilakukan dalam BSSO.sehingga tujuan pokok
BSSO yaitu perbaikan fungsi, estetik dan stabilitas dapat tercapai.

Background: Deviations or imbalances in facial proportions and occlusions that interfere with facial function, aesthetics and profile. Orthognathic surgery aims to correct the disharmony and facial aesthetics in collaboration with orthodontic treatment. Sagittal split
osteotomy is repositioning of the bilateral mandible segment. Changes in mandibular condyle position and bone stability in BSSO affect mandibular condyle asymmetry related to TMD risk.
Objective: To determine the differences in mandibular condyle in pre-surgical and postBSSO patients in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Division, RSCM, by calculating the symmetry index and asymmetry of the mandibular condyle.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective studies through preoperative, postoperative and 1 year post-BSSO mandibular setback procedures panoramic radiographs in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Division, RSCM, January 2001 to December 2017 according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and obtained 16 samples. Each sample was measured on its panoramic radiography using the Habets technique and the Kjellberg technique.
Result: The results of repeated ANOVA test obtained significance p = 0.389 then p> 0.05 in the Habet asymmetry index during pre-surgery, post-surgery and 1 year post-surgery. Whereas the Repeated ANOVA test from the Kjellberg symmetry index group, the result of significance was p = 0.297, then p> 0.05 on the Kjellberg asymmetry index during presurgery, post-surgery and 1 year post-surgery.
Conclusion: The results of the Habets asymmetry index and the Kjellberg symmetry index showed no significant differences in the results of measurements of mandibular symmetry and asymmetry. Condyle orientation to the glenoid fossa and condyle position maneuver are the most important steps that must be done in BSSO. So that the main objectives of BSSO are improvement of function, aesthetics and stability can be achieved.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Ghaisani
Latar Belakang: Periodontitis merupakan suatu penyakit inflamatori kronis pada jaringan periodonsium yang masih menjadi masalah besar dalam bidang kedokteran gigi. Periodontitis dapat menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan gingiva, ligamen periodontal, dan tulang alveolar yang progresif, yang secara klinis ditandai dengan adanya kehilangan perlekatan gingiva dan perubahan tinggi tulang alveolar, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu model periodontitis yang sederhana, terstandar, dan terkendali untuk pendekatan pencegahan dan terapi dalam mengatasi masalah ini. Lipopolisakarida LPS terbukti dapat menginduksi terjadinya periodontitis secara terstandar. Tujuan: Membuat model kerusakan tulang alveolar periodontitis pada anterior mandibula tikus Wistar yang sederhana, terstandar, dan terkendali. Metode: Periodontitis diinduksi dengan injeksi LPS konsentrasi 200mg, 500mg, dan 750mg dalam 200ml larutan saline ke dalam gingiva mandibula tikus Wistar pada regio papilla interdental antara gigi insisif mandibula. Tikus Wistar dibunuh pada hari ketujuh, kemudian mandibula didiseksi dan jaringan lunak dipisahkan dari jaringan keras untuk dilakukan pengamatan dengan Stereomikroskop. Hasil: Kerusakan tulang terbesar terjadi pada injeksi LPS konsentrasi 200mg dalam 200ml larutan saline dengan rata-rata penurunan tinggi tulang yaitu 2,243mm. Kesimpulan: Injeksi LPS dengan konsentrasi 200mg dalam 200ml larutan saline pada jaringan periodontal regio anterior mandibula tikus Wistar dapat menyebabkan kerusakan tulang alveolar dan dapat menjadi acuan untuk pembuatan model periodontitis yang terstandar.

Background Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the periodontium that remains a major problem in the field of dentistry. Periodontitis can cause progressive destruction of gingival tissue, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone, which is clinically characterized by loss of gingival attachment and alveolar bone height reduction. Therefore, a simple, standardized, and controlled model of periodontitis is required for a preventive and therapeutic approach to overcome this problem. Lipopolysaccharide LPS has been shown to induce the occurrence of standardized periodontitis. Aim To create a model of alveolar bone destruction periodontitis in mandibular anterior region of Wistar rat which is simple, standardized, and controlled. Methods Periodontitis was induced by injection of 200 g, 500 g, and 750 g LPS in 200 l saline solution into mandibular gingiva of Wistar rat in the interdental papilla region between the mandibular incisors. Wistar rats were killed on the seventh day, then the mandible was dissected and the soft tissue was separated from the hard tissue for Stereomicroscopic observation. Results The highest bone loss occurred at injection of 200 g LPS in 200 l saline solution with an average height of bone loss is 2.243mm. Conclusion Injection of 200 g LPS in 200 l saline solution into the periodontal tissue of mandibular anterior of Wistar rat may cause alveolar bone destruction and may be used as a reference to make a standardized model of periodontitis."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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