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Halida Nabilla Salfa
"Teori Peran sosial menjelaskan bahwa setiap perbedaan perilaku antara laki-laki dan perempuan adalah hasil dari stereotype budaya tentang gender. Perempuan diharapkan untuk berperilaku sesuai dengan gendernya, sehingga hal ini menyebabkan perbedaan tugas yang diberikan pada mereka oleh masyarakat. Perbedaan tugas ini mencolok di pekerjaan yang didominasi oleh perempuan, seperti pekerja kesehatan, guru playgroup dan guru Taman Kanak-Kanak, apabila disandingkan dengan pekerjaan yang didominasi laki-laki, seperti pekerja bangunan, montir atau tukang listrik. Dewasa ini, perbedaan tersebut juga dapat ditemui di komisi-komisi legislatif Indonesia. Komisi yang terkait dengan subjek kesehatan, kegiatan sosial, atau komisi-komisi dengan nuansa soft politics, tampak memiliki keterlibatan perempuan yang cukup tinggi apabila dibandingkan dengan komisi-komisi yang terkait dengan urusan militer, dalam negeri, atau komisi-komisi lain dengan nuansa hard politics. Sehingga, riset mengenai perbedaan proposi gender antar komisi perlu untuk dilakukan untuk melihat dampak peran sosial kepada pembagian tugas di DPR RI. Menggunakan data yang dikumpulkan melalui proses wawancara dan studi literatur, riset ini menemukan bahwa peran sosial tidak mempengaruhi institusi legislatif secara system, tetapi lebih berakar pada pengaruh budaya yang membuat perempuan sulit untuk ikut terlibat dalam institusi legislatif. Walaupun masalah ini terus coba untuk diselesaikan oleh pemerintah, perempuan masih mengalami berbagai halangan untuk bergabung dalam institusi legislatif, karena mereka harus memiliki kemauan, kemampuan finansial, dan izin dari keluarga. Halangan-halangan ini tidak terjadi pada laki-laki karena peran laki-laki dalam keluarga masih diharapkan untuk menjadi pencari uang, memimpin, dan tergabung dalam pemerintahan. Sedangkan, perempuan masih diharapkan untuk mengambil peran sosial sebagai pengurus keluarga. Sehingga, peran sosial masih mempengaruhi perempuan untuk tergabung dalam institusi legislatif yang akhirnya membuat jumlah perempuan secara supply lebih sedikit dan tugas komisi yang mereka pilih juga masih dipengaruhi oleh peran sosial sebagai perempuan dalam keluarga.

Social role suggests that almost all behavioral differences between male and females are the result from cultural stereotypes about gender. For women is expected to behave differently, task assigned to them in working space is also different. This differentiation in task assigned is stark in women dominated jobs, such as healthcare assistant, preschool and kindergarten teacher, compared to men dominated jobs, such as construction worker, mechanics and electrician. It has recently observed that the extension of gender- dominated jobfield might have extension to legislatif commission in Indonesia. Commission that deals with health issue, social work, and anything related to soft politics are high in women’s involevement, but not in commission that related to military, internal affairs, or anything that relates to hard politics. Thus, a study regarding the disproportional gender ratio between certain commission is required to examine the impact of social role to the job division among women in Indonesian legislatif. Using data gathered from interview and literature review, this research concludes that the social role does not affect the legislatif institutions by system, but it rather stems from cultural perspectives that stem from lack supply of women-gendered legislatif member. Although this problem is constantly being addressed by the government, women are still under various hindrace from joining the legislatif as they are limited by willingness, financial capability and approval from the family. These hindrances are virtually nonexistent to male, as they are expected to lead and get involved in the government as breadwinner, while women are still expected to take caretaking role of the family. Therefore, although the women are not systematically oppressed, the social role is still affecting their involvement in the legislatif process as they are naturally few in number by supply and has internal willingness to take task that is close to their social role as a woman in the family."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Rahmawati
"Peran perempuan dalam dunia politik di Indonesia kerap kali masih menemui berbagai hambatan jika dikaji dalam beberapa aspek. Untuk itu, tulisan ini akan membahas bagaimana perempuan yang duduk di ranah legislatif mengkonstruksikan dirinya dan menjalankan peran politisnya secara konkret. Agar penelitian ini menjadi lebih terarah, studi akan berfokus mengenai bagaimana peran legislator perempuan dalam memperjuangkan Rancangan Undang-Undang Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual (RUU PKS) yang dianggap mewakili suara dan kegelisahan perempuan di Indonesia. Tulisan ini menggunakan strategi penelitian fenomenologi dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Kemudian tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran bagaimana konstruksi peran perempuan di lembaga legislatif Indonesia melalui teori konstruksi sosial realitas milik Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann. Melalui teori konstruksi sosial realitas, tulisan ini akan membahas konstruksi peran perempuan melalui tiga dimensi yaitu eksternalisasi, objektivasi dan internalisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kesenjangan antara laki-laki dan perempuan yang terjadi di parlemen nyata adanya. Kesenjangan tersebut menghalangi peran perempuan untuk memaksimalkan peran politisnya. Akibatnya, perempuan harus bekerja dan berusaha lebih keras untuk membuktikan kualitas dirinya.

The role of women in the political field in Indonesia still encounters various obstacles when examined in several aspects. For this reason, this paper discussed how women who has a role as a legislator built their social construct and carry out their political roles in a concrete way. To make this research more focused, the study will elaborate the role of women legislators in Submission of legislation draft on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS) which is considered to represent concerns of most women in Indonesia. This paper used a fenomenology research strategy with a constructivist paradigm. Moreover, the purpose of this study is to provide a perspective of how the construction of the role of women in Indonesian legislature through the theory of social construction of reality belonging to Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Through the theory of social construction of reality, this paper will dissect the construction of women's roles through three dimensions, namely externalization, objectivation and internalization. The results of this study indicate that the gap between men and women in parliament is real. This gap holds back the role of women to maximize their political role. As a result, women have to work and try harder to prove themselves."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, 1925-2006
Jakarta: Hasta Mitra, 2000
920.72 PRA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai peran Kesatuan Perempuan Partai Golkar (KPPG) sebagai organisasi sayap Partai Golkar dalam pencalonan perempuan sebagai anggota DPR RI pada Pemilu tahun 2019. Partai Golkar menggunakan tiga strategi untuk meningkatkan representasi perempuan yaitu diskriminasi positif, rhetorical strategy, dan affirmative action dengan mendirikan KPPG sebagai sumber utama rekrutmen kader perempuan. KPPG berperan dalam proses rekrutmen, kaderisasi hingga pencalonan perempuan sebagai anggota legislatif pada pemilu, yang disebut dengan kebijakan One Gate Policy. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam. Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Gender dan Partai Politik, dan Model Interaksi Supply dan Demand dari Joni Lovenduski dan Pippa Norris. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa KPPG yang hadir sebagai strategi affirmative action Partai Golkar bertanggung jawab sebagai supply side yang melakukan penawaran atas kandidat caleg perempuan yang ingin dicalonkan sebagai anggota legislatif dalam menjawab keinginan dari demand side yang merupakan permintaan dari gatekeeper yaitu Partai Golitik sebagai aktor yang menyeleksi kelayakan kandidat yang ingin mencalonkan dirinya melalui partai politik. Namun, pada implementasinya peran dari KPPG belum dapat memberikan hasil yang signifikan dalam rangka meningkatkan keterwakilan dan partisipasi perempuan. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh hambatan terhadap peran yang berusaha dijalankan oleh KPPG.

This thesis discusses the role of KPPG as a women wing organization of The Golkar Party in the nomination of women as members of the Indonesian Parlament in the 2019 legislative elections. The Golkar Party uses three strategies to increase women's representation, namely positive discrimination, rhetorical strategy, and affirmative action by establishing KPPG as the main source of recruitment of female candidates. KPPG plays a role in the process of recruitment, regeneration, qualification and the nomination of women as legislative members in elections, which is called the One Gate Policy. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods through in-depth interviews. The theories used are Gender and Political Parties Theory, and Supply and Demand Interaction Models from Joni Lovenduski and Pippa Norris.The findings of this study indicate that the KPPG which is present as an affirmative action strategy of the Golkar Party is responsible as the supply side for bidding on female candidates who want to be nominated as members of the legislatives in response to the demands of the demand side which are requests from the gatekeeper namely The Golkar Party as an actor selecting the eligibility of candidates who want to nominate themselves through political parties. However, in its implementation the role of the KPPG has not been able to produce significant results in the context of increasing women's representation and participation. This is caused by obstacles to the role the KPPG is trying to carry out."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1991
920.729 2 BIO (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febrianto Syam
Tesis ini menggambarkan tentang modal sosial dan strategi yang digunakan
kelima Anggota legislatif perempuan terpilih di Sulawesi Selatan. Latar belakang
penulisan yaitu berawal dari fakta yang dilihat dari hasil pemilu tahun 2014
khususnya Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dimana dari lima Anggota legislatif
perempuan yang terpilih merupakan keluarga dari para penguasa yang ada di
daerah tersebut meskipun dalam pertarungan perebutan kursi DPR RI, terdapat
banyak calon perempuan yang juga berasal dari kalangan aktivis perempuan.
Dengan metode kualitatif, hasil yang diperoleh yaitu modal sosial yang dimiliki
oleh masing-masing Anggota legislatif perempuan yang terpilih menjadi kunci
mereka untuk terlibat dalam pencalonan pada pemilu 2014 silam. Faktorfaktornya
adalah pertama, karena kelima Anggota legislatif perempuan terpilih
merupakan keluarga dari penguasa di daerah Sulawesi Selatan, maka dengan
mudah dukungan birokrasi diberikan kepada mereka. Kedua, adanya beberapa
bentuk kecurangan seperti money politics serta bentuk pelanggaran pemilu guna
memenangkan kelimanya menyebabkan mereka berhasil memperoleh suara yang
signifikan di daerah dimana keluarga mereka berkuasa.

This thesis describes social capital and strategies used five female legislators elected in South Sulawesi Background of writing that originated from the fact that seen from the election results in 2014 especially South Sulawesi province where five legislators of elected women is the family of rulers in the area despite the fight for the seat of Parliament there are many female candidates are also come from women activists With qualitative methods the results obtained by the social capital which is owned by their respective legislative Members woman to be elected to key them to be involved in the nomination of the 2014 elections ago The factors is the first as the fifth legislative Members elected women is the family of the ruler in the area of South Sulawesi it can easily support given to their bureaucracy Second the existence of some form of fraud such as money politics as well as the violation of the election in order to win his fifth cause they managed to gain a significant voice in the area where their families in power ;This thesis describes social capital and strategies used five female legislators elected in South Sulawesi Background of writing that originated from the fact that seen from the election results in 2014 especially South Sulawesi province where five legislators of elected women is the family of rulers in the area despite the fight for the seat of Parliament there are many female candidates are also come from women activists With qualitative methods the results obtained by the social capital which is owned by their respective legislative Members woman to be elected to key them to be involved in the nomination of the 2014 elections ago The factors is the first as the fifth legislative Members elected women is the family of the ruler in the area of South Sulawesi it can easily support given to their bureaucracy Second the existence of some form of fraud such as money politics as well as the violation of the election in order to win his fifth cause they managed to gain a significant voice in the area where their families in power ;This thesis describes social capital and strategies used five female legislators elected in South Sulawesi Background of writing that originated from the fact that seen from the election results in 2014 especially South Sulawesi province where five legislators of elected women is the family of rulers in the area despite the fight for the seat of Parliament there are many female candidates are also come from women activists With qualitative methods the results obtained by the social capital which is owned by their respective legislative Members woman to be elected to key them to be involved in the nomination of the 2014 elections ago The factors is the first as the fifth legislative Members elected women is the family of the ruler in the area of South Sulawesi it can easily support given to their bureaucracy Second the existence of some form of fraud such as money politics as well as the violation of the election in order to win his fifth cause they managed to gain a significant voice in the area where their families in power , This thesis describes social capital and strategies used five female legislators elected in South Sulawesi Background of writing that originated from the fact that seen from the election results in 2014 especially South Sulawesi province where five legislators of elected women is the family of rulers in the area despite the fight for the seat of Parliament there are many female candidates are also come from women activists With qualitative methods the results obtained by the social capital which is owned by their respective legislative Members woman to be elected to key them to be involved in the nomination of the 2014 elections ago The factors is the first as the fifth legislative Members elected women is the family of the ruler in the area of South Sulawesi it can easily support given to their bureaucracy Second the existence of some form of fraud such as money politics as well as the violation of the election in order to win his fifth cause they managed to gain a significant voice in the area where their families in power ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Martiany
Latar belakang penelitian berawal dari mencermati hasil Pernilu 2004 yang mana jumlah perempuan Anggota DPD terpilih meneapai 21%, padahal DPD merupakan lembaga legislatif baru dengan sistem pencalonan independen. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap enam perempuan Anggota DPD-Rl masa jabatan 2004-2009, yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria tertentu, yaitu: perbedaan latar belakang pengalaman partisipasi politik informal sebelum pencalonan; perbedaan profesi, dan juga berdasarkan proporsi daerah asal pemilihan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-berperspektif feminis. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan para lnforman. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan: (1). latar belakang perempuan yang berhasil menjadi anggota DPD; (2). pengalaman mereka dalam menghadapi proses pencalonan DPD; (3). hambatan struktural dan kultural yang dialami; serta (4). mengidentifikasi potensi bentuk representasi mereka di DPD.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan yang berhasil menjadi Anggota DPD adalah mereka yang tergolong 'bukan perempuan biasa' artinya mereka memiliki modal internal dan model eksternal, yang tidak selalu dimiliki perempuan kebanyakan. Modal internal itu terdiri dari tingkat intelektualitas yeng tinggi, akses kepemilikan properti, ketokohan, dan percaya diri. Sementara itu, modal eksternal meliputi modal sosial-politik dan finansial. Kenyataan di atas menunjukkan bahwa hanya segelintir perempuan yang memiliki kemampuan atau modal untuk memenangkan pencalonan legislatif, khususnya secara independen. Temuan penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan perempuan di DPD, berkecenderungan masih berbentuk representasi fungsional, belum sepenuhnya merepresentasikan kepentingan perempuan, meskipun mereka perempuan. Pengalaman mereka dalam berkiprah secara sosial-politik, belum banyak merefleksikan sensitivitas dan kesadaran gender. Hal ini juga tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan kondisi struktural dan kultural politik negara, pada tataran makro.

This research began when the researcher realized that the number of women in DPD-RI's election in year 2004, achieved 21% from the total member. It's a good achievement in representatives of women, because DPD-RI is a new chamber (as Senate) in our legistative. This research used feminist methodology with a qualitative approach. During the research, six women who are member of the DPD-RI for the period 2004-2009 were interviewed. They were choosen based on certain criterias, such as: differentiation in informal political participation and profession before the election, also by the election's area The data collection technique used in-depth interview with the informants. The objectives of the researeh are to reveal: the background of women member of DPD-RI; their experiences as a candidate in 2004 election; the structural and cultural constrains they faced; and to understand the probability of women representation in DPD-RI.
The research showed that the women who sit at the DPD-Rl, have both internal and external capital, which isn't all women having it. The internal capital included high intellectuality, access to property ownership, strong positive publicity, and self confident. The external capital included socio-politic and financial capital. The research also showed that the representation of women in DPD-RI did not imply that they will always represented women's interest. Recently, their form of representation is still functional, not represented women's interest yet, although they are a woman. Their life experiences influenced their awareness and sensitiveness, but also depends on structural-cultural of pollitical condition at macro level.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Harjanti Widyastuti
"Gerakan sosial yang terjadi di Negara Berkembang, termasuk Indonesia sangat berkaitan dengan masalah pembangunan dan konstruksi proyek-proyek Negara maju di dunia Internasiona. Gerakan perempuan selama Orde baru terkooptasi oleh politik gender, dan dikotakkan pada ideology ibuisme. Namun setelah orde bare tumbang dan seiring dengan berkembangnya wacana tentang penguatan masyarakat sipil, kini perempuan di lapis paling bawah sekalipun berani menyuarakan aspirasi dan tuntutannya kepada para pengambil kebijakan. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan dan perlu dicermati, apakah munculnya gerakan perempuan akar rumput yang berkembang di berbagai daerah merupakan bagian dari penguatan rnasyarakat sipil sebagai kekuatan rakyat ataukah bagian dari rating social yang telah dirancang Negara dan kekuatan besar Internasional yang maskulin. Kajian terhadap gerakan perempuan ini dilihat dari bagaimana perjuangan ideology dan cultural dalam menggocang system dan struktur yang tidak adil buat perernpuan. Secara umum penelitian ini mengkaji gerakan perempuan yang muncul di akar rumput. Secara kusus mengkaji peran aktor gerakan perempuan dalam menarasikan identitas dirinya dalam kehidupan sebagai manusia berjenis kelamin perempuan. Dan bagaimana perubahan social yang terjadi di masyarakat mempengaruhi pemikiran, internalisasi nilai dan mengubah kehidupan serta menggerakkannya untuk mempengaruhi perempuan lain dan anggota masyarakat dalam membangun tata kehidupan yang adil buat perempuan. Dalam wacana gerakan social, gerakan perempuan dikategorikan sebagai Gerakan Sosial Baru. Gerakan perempuan merupakan gerakan kebudayaan yang ditandai oleh sebuah kritik dan transformasi citra perempuan dalam masyarakat dan oleh lahirnya nilai-nilai etis baru. Menurut de Beaucoir dalam perjalanan sejarah panjang umat manusia, perempuan dicitrakan sebagai sosok yang lain, menjadi the second sex. Dan kekuasaan laki-laki terhadap perempuan ini telah diterima sebagai ideology yang hegemonis. Oleh karena itu pendidikan, kultur dan kesadaran perempuan sebagai bagian Bari masyarakat sipil model Gramsci menjadi sangat panting dalam memperjuangkan identitas dan hakhak azasi mereka. Dengan kesadaran kritis ini pula gerakan perempuan terhindar dari pengaruh dominasi Negara dan ekonomi pasar yang bisa dilihat dari berbagai indicator yang muncul dalam berbagai interkasi dan hubungan yang dijalin para aktor gerakan perempuan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan informan utama para actor gerakan perempuan yang dipercaya masyarakat untuk mengampu lembaga public dan mempunyi pengaruh besar terhadap gerakan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan indepth interview kepada informan utama dan stakeholders gerakan perempuan sebagai triangialasi data, pengamatan langsung dan kajian dokumen serta pustaka berkaitan dengan gerakan perempuan. di Kabupaten Klaten. Hasil temuan kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, eksplanatif dan interpretatif. Dan penelitan tergambarkan bahwa kesadaran perempuan untuk menarasikan identitas dirinya yang otonom tidak datang secara tiba-tiba tetapi melalui proses panjang dialog pribadi tentang pengalaman hidup dalam budaya patriarkhi yang membekas dan akumulatif Upaya menarasikan identitas perempuan dalam proses perubahan sosial dipengaruhi wacana besar gerakan perempuan di Indonesia dan gerakan social yang digerakkan oleh beberapa LSM dan beberapa organisasi rakyat yang ada di Kabupaten Klaten, Jaringan dan Aliansi beberapa organisasi dan gerakan perempuan mampu menyuarakan dengan lebih lantang dan kuat. Sedangkan aliansi gerakan sosial lintas kelas, gender, ras dan golongan seperti gerakan petard, gerakan moral keagamaan dan sebagainya meningkatkan posisi tawar dihadapan pengambil kebijakan. Aliansi antar elemen gerakan social mempertajam analisis kritis berkait denga posisi dan perspektif perempuan sebagai masyarakat sipil dalam sistem dan struktur kehidupan masyarakat, Negara dan ekonomi pasar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa gerakan perempuan merupakan gerakan kebudayaan yang merubah tata kehidupan yang memberikan ruang buat perempuan dan laki-laki. Penelitian ini mampu membangun pengetahuan perempuan yang selama ini diabaikan tentang apa yang dialami, dirasakan dan dilakukan. Semoga penelitian ini membarikan inspirasi bagi tumbuhnya gagasan batu bagi para aktivis gerakan perempuan. Dan akhirnya semoga penalitian ini bisa menjadi bagian bagi gerakan perempuan dalam membangun peradaban yang adil buat perempuan dan laki-laki.

The social movement which happened in developed countries includes Indonesia mostly connected with development questions and projects construction of advanced countries and international world. During new order period, women movement was co-optated by gender politic and was framed by paternalistic ideology. But after New Order came to end and along with the development of discourse on civil society strengthening, so the women of grass root even have braveness voicing their aspiration and demand toward decision makers. It is emerge the questions and proper to criticize, what the emerging women movement of grass root, which develops at various regions, is part of civil society strengthening as people power or part of social setting that was designed by advanced countries and international world which so masculine. The research on the women movement was viewed from how cultural and ideology straggle to stroke the injustice system and structure which burdened to women. Generally, this research was meant to study women movement that emerges at grass root. Particularly, this research was meant to study the role of women movement actors in their effect to narrate their self-identity at life as human who has female sexual. The research also criticizes how social change occurred in society could influence paradigms and values internalization, also how it change human life and move the other women and community to build the social justice order to women.
At the social movement discourse, women movement was categorized in New Social Movement. The women movement is culture movement that characterized by critic and image transformation of women at the society. It was also characterized by the emerge of new ethic values. According de Beaucoir, at history of human life, the women imaged as other figure, as second sex, while the man power toward women was viewed as taken for granted and became hegemonic ideology. Therefore, education, culture and women consciousness as part of civil society movement which introduced by Gramsci Becae is the most significant, especially to struggling women identity and their human rights. Through this critic consciousness, the women movement also moved out from state and free -market domination. It was viewed from various indicators that emerge in the interaction and connection among women movement actors. This research is qualitative research which involved women movement actors as main information source. They are the figure who believed by community to handle and to manage the public institution and have huge influence toward movement. Data was taken by deep-interview to main information sources and stakeholders women movement as data triangulation, direct observation and document and bibliography studies which related with women movement at Klaten Regency. The output of research process then was analyzed by descriptive, explanative and interpretative methods. Result of the research reflected that independent women consciousness narrating their self-identity not just happens in sudden, but pass through long process. It was about personal dialogue about life experience in patriarchy culture which be artifact and accumulative. The effort to narrate women-identity at social change process was influenced by big discourse of women movement in Indonesia and the social movement which was moved by several NGOs, people organizations and at latent Regency. Network and alliance of several organizations and women movement have capacity to voice strongly and soundly their aspiration and demands. In addition, the alliance of social movement that trans class, gender, race and groups (framer, movement, moral movement of religion, etc.) can emerge bargaining-position before decision-maker. The alliance among the element of social movements can shape critic analysis which was connected with women position and perspective as civil society at system and structure of state and free-market. It was indicating if women movement is a culture movement that changes life order to open the public space for women and men. The research can build women knowledge which was ignored for a long time. It is knowledge about what was felt, was done and was happened. We hope that this research can give inspiration in growing up new ideas among women movement activists. Finally, hopefully this research can be part of women movement to build justice civilization for women and men.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Matuli-Walanda, A.P.
Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 1989
920.72 MAT w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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