"Memasuki masa perkuliahan menjadi transisi hidup yang rentan menimbulkan stres karena menuntut individu untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan pendidikan dan sosial yang sepenuhnya baru. Sebuah hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa 39% mahasiswa UI mengalami distres psikologis yang tinggi, dan 10.6% melaporkan adanya masalah Adjustment to College World (ACW). Self-esteem merupakan prediktor yang krusial dari college adjustment. Mahasiswa dengan self-esteem rendah rentan mengalami distres psikologis. Salah satu teknik untuk meningkatkan self-esteem adalah melalui dukungan sosial. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan intervensi psikologis berupa Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) untuk mengoptimalkan dukungan sosial dari hubungan interpersonal yang dimiliki.
Metode: Penelitian randomized controlled trial dilakukan menggunakan desain one-group pretest-posttest dan teknik accidental sampling. Intervensi dilakukan sebanyak enam pertemuan setiap satu minggu sekali dengan melibatkan empat partisipan yang memiliki self-esteem di bawah rata-rata menurut Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale (RSES) distres psikologis tinggi menurut Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25 (HSCL-25), dan masalah pada ranah adjustment to college world.
Hasil: Keempat partisipan mengalami peningkatan self-esteem berdasarkan alat ukur RSES dan penurunan distres psikologis berdasarkan alat ukur HSCL-25. Secara umum, keempat partisipan merasakan adanya pandangan yang lebih positif mengenai dirinya dan berkurangnya kecemasan terhadap penilaian orang lain.
Kesimpulan: IPT efektif untuk meningkatkan self-esteem dan mengurangi distres psikologis pada mahasiswa UI. Hasil refleksi dari partisipan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan keterbukaan dalam mengekspresikan perasaan. Teknik-teknik yang dianggap paling membantu adalah survei kualitas positif diri dan role play.
Attending college is a stressful life transition for many students as they have the demands to adapt with new educational and social environments. A preliminary study showed that 39% of undergraduate students at Universitas Indonesia was considered to have high level of psychological distress, and 10.6% of this population reported to experience Adjustment to College World (ACW) problems. Self-esteem was found to be a crucial predictor of college adjustment. Students with low self-esteem are predicted to have poor adjustment and also susceptible to psychological distress. One of the treatments to increase self-esteem is through social support enhancement. Therefore, Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) is conducted to assist participants in establishing and maintaining supportive relationships as well as enhancing self-appreciation skills.
Methods: Randomized controlled trial was conducted using one-group pretestposttest design and accidental sampling to recruit participants. The treatment was conducted in 6 (six) weekly sessions to each of four undergraduate students with low self-esteem according to the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), high level of psychological distress according to the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25 (HSCL-25), and some adjustment to college world problems.
Result: All participants reported improvements in self-esteem and reductions in psychological distress symptoms according to the RSES and HSCL-25. Overall, the four participants explained that the treatment had built more positive feelings about themselves and made them less anxious about people?s judgements.
Conclusion: IPT is considered effective to increase self-esteem and reduce psychological distress symptoms among undergraduate students at Universitas Indonesia. Participants reported some improvements in their self-disclosure and self-appreciation. Techniques that are considered helpful were positive qualities survey and role play."