ABSTRAKKopi Sulawesi merupakan produk komoditi lokal yang memiliki harga tinggi di pasar global.
Saat ini permintaan terhadap kopi Sulawesi semakin meningkat. Adanya isu lingkungan
membuat LSM dunia menekankan pentingnya sertifikasi terhadap tanaman pertanian dimana
kopi Sulawesi salah satu yang harus disertifikasi. Sertifikasi dan tuntutan global akan kualitas
dan jumlah kopi membuat adanya dinamika yang terjadi di pasar global. Rantai kopi lokal
yang diawali oleh petani sebagai produsen, pedagang dan eksportir sebagai pendistribusi
mendapatkan pengaruh atas dinamika global yang terjadi. Atas tuntutan global dan adanya
sertifikasi kopi mengharuskan pengolahan kopi pasca panen disesuaikan dengan keinginan
pembeli dan kaidah pemrosesan kopi. Dua lokasi penelitian telah mendapatkan sertifikasi
sementara satu lokasi penelitian belum, tetapi memiliki terterampilan budidaya kopi sangat
baik. Ketiga lokasi penelitian ini mendapatkan bantuan dari buyers yang berbeda serta
disesuaikan dengan kondisi keruangan lokasi-lokasi tersebut. Dinamika global yang terjadi
memberikan pengaruh yang baik bagi masyarakat. Pengaruh yang baik tidak hanya bantuan
berupa kompensasi ? kompensasi yang diterima petani tetapi lebih menitik beratkan pada
kebermanfaatan jangka panjang bagi masyarakat.
ABSTRACTSulawesi coffees are the local commodities which have a high price in the global market.
Recently, demand of Sulawesi coffees are getting higher. There is an environment issue
makes the world NGOs decided that the agricultural commodity has to get the certification
which is Sulawesi coffee one of the product that has to be certified. Certification and the
global demand to the quality and quantity of Sulawesi coffees affect to the global dynamic in
global market. The local chains started from the small holder farmers as the producers, the
collectors and exporters as the distributors as well as get the impacts of global dynamic.
Based on the global demand and the certification, Sulawesi coffees must be on the good
coffee processing after the harvest and the good processing as well as followed the buyers?
procedures. Two of the fieldwork locations have been certified but the other one has not been
certified but this location actually has a good cultivation skill of coffee. Three of the
fieldwork locations have got the compensation from buyers differently and it is appropriated
with the spatial and geographic location itself. Global dynamic showed the good impacts to
the community. The good impacts are not only as the aids of compensations which received
by the small holder farmers but the highest tendency is on the long beneficial of sustainability
to the local community."