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"Epinephelus fuscoguttatus-lanceolatus atau kerapu cantang merupakan salah satu jenis kerapu hibrida yang dibudidayakan oleh nelayan di Pulau Panjang. Sementara Siganus guttatus atau ikan baronang totol merupakan ikan yang banyak ditemukan pada padang lamun di sekitar Pulau Panjang. Pulau Panjang merupakan salah satu pulau terbesar di Teluk Banten yang paling padat penduduk. Kepadatan penduduk Pulau Panjang yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya berdampak pada peningkatan jumlah limbah rumah tangga terutama sampah plastik. Plastik di lautan dapat terdegradasi menjadi bentuk yang lebih kecil yang disebut mikroplastik. Mikroplastik di lingkungan laut dapat mengontaminasi berbagai biota yang hidup di dalamnya, termasuk ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, insang serta saluran pencernaan dari ikan kerapu cantang dan baronang totol 100% mengandung mikroplastik. Rata-rata jumlah mikroplastik dari keseluruhan sampel insang kerapu cantang adalah 2594,67±60,43 partikel, sementara dari keseluruhan sampel saluran pencernaan kerapu cantang adalah 4196,33±103,94 partikel mikroplastik. Rata-rata jumlah mikroplastik dari keseluruhan sampel insang baronang totol adalah 4488±142,20 partikel, sementara dari keseluruhan sampel saluran pencernaan baronang totol adalah 4286,67±82,92 partikel mikroplastik. Selain pada saluran pencernaan dan insang ikan, perairan di pelabuhan Kampung Peres dan padang lamun di Pulau Panjang juga 100% mengandung mikroplastik. Rata-rata keseluruhan jumlah partikel mikroplastik yang ditemukan dalam sampel air dari pelabuhan Kampung Peres adalah sebanyak 384,67±92,81 partikel, sementara pada sampel air dari padang lamun adalah sebanyak 382±103,79 partikel mikroplastik.

Epinephelus fuscoguttatus-lanceolatus or usually known as cantang grouper is one of the grouper hybrid species that is cultivated by the fisherman in Pulau Panjang. Meanwhile, Siganus guttatus or known as dotted baronang is a herbivorous fish that are commonly found in seagrass bed in Pulau Panjang. Pulau Panjang is one of the biggest and most densely populated island in Teluk Banten. Population density that is increasing every year in Pulau Panjang have an impact on increasing the amount of household waste, including the plastic waste. Plastic in the ocean can be degraded into smaller particles called microplastics. The presence of microplastics in the environment can be harmful to the ocean biotas, including fishes. Results of this study showed 100% of gastrointestinal tract and gills samples from cantang grouper and dotted baronang are contaminated by microplastics. Total average of microplastics particles found in cantang grouper’s gills were 2594.67±60.43 particles, and 4196.33±103.94 particles inside cantang grouper’s gastrointestinal tracts. Meanwhile, in dotted baronang the total average of microplastics found in its gills were 4488±142.20 particles, and 4286.67±82.92 particles inside the gastrointestinal tracts. Water samples from floating cage near Kampung Peres Port and seagrass bed near Pulau Panjang are also contaminated by microplastics particles. Total average of microplastics particles found in water samples from floating cage near Kampung Peres Port were 384,67±92,81 particles, meanwhile microplastics particles found in water samples from seagrass bed near Pulau Panjang were 382±103,79 particles.
DEpok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kintan Dienda Dienizar

Mikroplastik merupakan partikel plastik yang terdegradasi di lingkungan dengan ukuran < 5 mm. Kandungan mikroplastik di perairan tawar berpotensi membahayakan kelangsungan hidup biota di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelimpahan dan persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik pada insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan nila Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus,1758) di Ciliwung daerah Srengseng Sawah, Jakarta Selatan. Insang dan saluran pencernaan (lambung dan usus) dari 10 sampel ikan nila diekstraksi dan dihancurkan menggunakan larutan asam nitrat (HNO3) 65%. Sampel yang telah diekstraksi kemudian diberi larutan NaCl jenuh agar mikroplastik mengapung ke permukaan. Sampel diteteskan sebanyak 1 ml pada Sedgwick Rafter Chamber kemudian diamati di bawah mikroskop dan dihitung jumlah mikroplastik berdasarkan bentuk partikelnya. Hasil penelitian terdapat kelimpahan mikroplastik pada sampel insang, lambung, dan usus ikan nila diantaranya bentuk fiber, film, fragmen, dan granula. Total kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik di insang sebanyak 4.135 ± 3.297,20 partikel/ind, di lambung sebanyak 2.772 ± 1.030,43 partikel/ind, dan di usus sebanyak 3.598 ± 1.582,18 partikel/ind ditemukan pada ikan nila. Persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik yang ditemukan dominan pada ikan nila terdapat bentuk fiber sebesar 57,85% di insang; 53,21% di lambung dan 53,06% di usus.


Microplastics are plastic particles that degrade in the environment with a size of <5 mm. The content of microplastics in freshwater has the potential to endanger the survival of the biota in it. This study aims to analyze the abundance and percentage composition of microplastic forms in the gills and digestive tract of Nile Tilapia fish Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Ciliwung, Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta. The gills and digestive tract (stomach and intestines) of 10 samples of nile tilapia fish were extracted and crushed using a 65% nitric acid (HNO3) solution. The extracted sample is then given a saturated NaCl solution so that the microplastic floats to the surface. The sample was dropped as much as 1 ml into the Sedgwick Rafter Chamber and then observed under a microscope and the number of microplastics was calculated based on the shape of the particles. The results showed an abundance of microplastics in the samples of gill, stomach, and intestines of tilapia including the form of fiber, film, fragments, and granules. The total abundance of microplastics in the gills was 4.135 ± 3.297,20 particles / ind, 2.772 ± 1.030,43 particles / ind in the stomach, and 3.598 ± 1.582,18 particles / ind in the intestine, which was found in tilapia. The percentage composition of the microplastic form that was found predominantly in tilapia contained a fiber form of 57,85% in the gills; 53,21% in the stomach and 53,06% in the intestine.


Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Rizkia Putri
"Keberadaan mikroplastik di perairan dapat mengancam biota di dalamnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan menganalisis kelimpahan, bentuk, dan warna mikroplastik pada air, sedimen, insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan sapu-sapu Pterygoplichthys pardalis dari Situ Kenanga dan Situ Mahoni, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Pengambilan sampel air dan sedimen dilakukan pada inlet, midlet, dan outlet kedua situ. Sampel air disaring menggunakan plankton net, sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan Ekman grab kemudian dikeringkan menggunakan oven, sampel P. pardalis sebanyak 15 individu diambil menggunakan cast net dari masing-masing situ, kemudian insang dan saluran pencernaannya diisolasi dan didestruksi menggunakan HNO3 65%. Tiap sampel yang diperoleh dilarutkan dengan larutan NaCl jenuh agar terjadi flotasi. Pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan mikroskop cahaya dan Sedgwick Rafter Chamber untuk meletakkan sampel, dengan mengamati bentuk, warna, dan jumlah partikel mikroplastik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk fiber, film, fragmen, granula, serta warna transparan, hitam, biru, dan merah muda ditemukan pada semua sampel. Kelimpahan mikroplastik di Situ Kenanga pada air sebanyak 48,26 ± 23,51 partikel L-1, sedimen 45837,04 ± 36305,97 partikel Kg-1, insang 290,48 ± 154,58 partikel g-1 atau 1156,44 ± 378,69 partikel ind-1, saluran pencernaan 134,37 ± 55,72 partikel g-1 atau 1364,89 ± 339,54 partikel ind-1. Kelimpahan mikroplastik di Situ Mahoni pada air sebanyak 48,63 ± 30,21 partikel L-1, sedimen 36237,04 ± 16702,60 partikel Kg-1, insang 287,23 ± 109,40 partikel g-1 atau 1153,78 ± 324,32 partikel ind-1, saluran pencernaan 123,77 ± 34,35 partikel g-1 atau 1304,44 ± 270,90 partikel ind-1. Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kelimpahan mikroplastik di Situ Kenanga dan Situ Mahoni pada semua sampel.

The presence of microplastics in the water could threaten the biota there. This study was conducted to analyze the abundance, shapes, and colors of microplastics in water, sediment, gills and digestive tract of amazon sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis from Situ Kenanga and Situ Mahoni, Universitas Indonesia Campus, Depok. Sampling of water and sediment were carried out at the inlet, midlet, and outlet of both situ. Water samples were filtered using plankton net, sediment samples were taken using Ekman grab and dried using an oven, as many as 15 individual P. pardalis samples were taken using cast net from each situ, then their gills and digestive tract were isolated and pulverized using 65% HNO3. Each sample obtained was dissolved with saturated NaCl solution for flotation to occur. Observations were made using a light microscope and Sedgwick Rafter Chamber to place each sample, by observing the shape, color, and number of microplastic particles. The results showed that the shapes of fibers, films, fragments, granules, as well as transparent, black, blue, and pink colors were found in all samples. The abundance of microplastics in Situ Kenanga water was 48.26 ± 23.51 particles L-1, sediment 45837.04 ± 36305.97 particles Kg-1, gills 290.48 ± 154.58 particles g-1 or 1156, 44 ± 378.69 ind-1 particles, digestive tract 134.37 ± 55.72 particles g-1 or 1364.89 ± 339.54 ind-1 particles. The abundance of microplastics in Situ Mahoni water was 48.63 ± 30.21 particles L-1, sediment 36237.04 ± 16702.60 particles Kg-1, gills 287.23 ± 109.40 particles g-1 or 1153, 78 ± 324.32 ind-1 particles, digestive tract 123.77 ± 34.35 particles g-1 or 1304.44 ± 270.90 ind-1 particles. There was no significant difference between the abundance of microplastics in Situ Kenanga and Situ Mahoni in all samples."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasibuan, Ahmad Jauhari
"Mikroplastik didefinisikan sebagai partikel plastik dengan ukuran <5 mm. Mikroplastik dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh organisme air khususnya ikan melalui oral dan insang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada air, insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan mujair Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852) serta menguji perbedaan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada ikan mujair di Danau Kenanga dan Danau Agathis Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan di Departemen Biologi FMIPA UI, Depok. Sampel ikan mujair diperoleh sebanyak total 20 ekor dari kedua danau dengan panjang tubuh relatif antara 16--19 cm. Insang dan saluran pencernaan dari 20 sampel ikan mujair diisolasi, kemudian diekstraksi dan dihancurkan menggunakan larutan asam nitrat (HNO3) 65%. Sampel yang telah diekstraksi kemudian diberi larutan NaCl jenuh agar mikroplastik mengapung ke permukaan. Sampel diteteskan sebanyak 1 ml pada Sedgwick Rafter Chamber kemudian diamati di bawah mikroskop dan dihitung jumlah mikroplastik berdasarkan bentuk partikelnya. Total kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik pada air Danau Kenanga sebesar 1.766,6 ± 40,11 partikel/L, sementara total kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik air pada Danau Agathis sebesar 1.885,53 ± 106,27 partikel/L. Total kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik ikan mujair pada Danau Kenanga di insang sebanyak 6.232 ± 1.898,66 partikel/ind dan di saluran pencernaan sebanyak 9.108 ± 4.027,14 partikel/ind, sementara total kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik ikan mujair pada Danau Agathis di insang sebanyak 6.716 ± 2.467,67 partikel/ind dan di saluran pencernaan sebanyak 4.038 ± 2.180,75 partikel/ind. Persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik yang ditemukan dominan pada Danau Kenanga terdapat bentuk fragmen sebesar 40% di air; fiber 80% di insang dan fiber 75% di saluran pencernaan, Sementara komposisi bentuk mikroplastik yang ditemukan dominan pada Danau Agathis terdapat bentuk fiber sebesar 43% di air; 75% di insang dan 67% di saluran pencernaan. Hasil analisis statistik Uji Mann-Whittney menunjukkan adanya perbedaan secara signifikan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada ikan mujair di Danau Kenanga dan Danau Agathis, Universitas Indonesia.

Microplastics are define as plastic particles with a size of <5 mm. Microplastics can enter the body of aquatic organisms, especially fish through the mouth and gills. This study aims to determine the shape and abundance of microplastics in water, gill and digestive tract tilapia fish Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852) at Kenanga Pond and Agathis Pond, University of Indonesia and to analyze and examine differences in the abundance of microplastics in tilapia fish at Kenanga Pond and Agathis Pond, University of Indonesia. The study was conducted at Department of Biology FMIPA UI, Depok. Total 20 tilapia fish from the two lakes with relative length between 16--19 cm. Gills and digestive tract samples were obtained of tilapia fish were isolated, extracted and then crushed using a saturated solution of nitric acid (HNO3) 65%. The extracted sample is then given NaCl solution so that the microplastic floats to the surface. As much as 1 ml NaCl were dropped in the Sedgwick Rafter Chamber then observed under a microscope. The number of microplastic was calculated based on the type. The average total abundance of microplastics in the water of Kenanga Pond was 1.766,6 ± 40,11 particles/L, meanwhile the average total abundance of microplastics in the water of Agathis Pond was 1.885,53 ± 106,27 particles/L. The average total microplastics in tilapia gill at Kenanga Pond was 6.232 ± 1.898,66 particles/ind and in the digestive tract was 9.108 ± 4,027.14 particles/ind, meanwhile the average total abundance microplastics in tilapia gill at Agathis Pond was 6.716 ± 2.467,67 particles/ind and in the digestive tract was 4.038 ± 2.180,75 particles/ind. The percentage composition of the microplastic form that was found dominant at Kenanga Pond were as much as 40% fragments in the water; 80% fiber in the gills and 75% fiber in the digestive tract. Meanwhile, the percentage composition of the microplastic form that was found dominant at Agathis Pond were as much as 43% fiber in the water; 75% in the gills and 67% in the digestive tract. The results of the Mann-Whittney test statistical analysis showed that there was significant difference between abundance of microplastics in tilapia fish at of Kenanga Pond and Agathis Pond, University of Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amar Saktiawan




Ikan sapu-sapu merupakan salah satu ikan yang dapat dijumpai di Ciliwung dan mampu bertahan dari pencemaran pada perairan sehingga kerap dijadikan indikator biologis untuk  perairan tercemar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelimpahan dan bentuk mikroplastik pada ikan sapu-sapu Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855), air, dan sedimen di Ciliwung daerah Srengseng Sawah, Jakarta Selatan. Pengambilan sampel ikan dilakukan dengan jaring sebanyak 4 kali dan diambil 10 ekor. Pengambilan sampel air dan sedimen dilakukan pada 5 titik. Insang dan saluran pencernaan di ekstraksi dan dihancurkan menggunakan HNO3 65%. Sampel air sebanyak 20 liter disaring dengan plankton net. Sampel sedimen diambil kemudian sampel dikeringkan di oven. Larutan NaCl jenuh ditambahkan untuk pengapungan mikroplastik pada tiap sampel insang, lambung, usus, air tersaring, dan sedimen kering. Sampel diletakkan pada Sedgwick Rafter Chamber kemudian diamati bentuk dan jumlah mikroplastik di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik pada Insang adalah 5.973 ± 1.087,85 partikel ind-1, 5.250 ± 313,22 partikel ind-1 pada lambung, 5.089 ± 253,79 partikel ind-1 pada usus,  223,6 ± 46,12 partikel L-1 pada air, dan 336.320 ± 38.087,68 partikel kg-1 pada sedimen. Persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik terbesar pada insang, lambung, usus, dan sedimen adalah fragmen. Untuk sampel air, persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik terbesar adalah film.



Cattle fish is one of the fish that can be found in Ciliwung and is able tostand with pollution in the waters so it is often used as a biological indicator for polluted waters. This study aims to analyzed the abundance and shape of microplastics in the cattle fish Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855), water and sediments in Ciliwung, Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta. Fish samples were taken with a net 4 times and 10 were taken. Water and sediment samples were taken at 5 points. Gills and digestive tract were extracted and crushed using 65% HNO3. A 20 liter water sample was filtered with a plankton net. The sediment sample was taken and then the sample was dried in an oven. A saturated NaCl solution was added for microplastic flotation on each sample of gills, stomach, intestines, filtered water, and dry sediment. The sample was placed in the Sedgwick Rafter Chamber and then the shape and number of microplastics were observed under a microscope. The results showed that the average abundance of microplastics in gills was 5,973 ± 1087.85 ind-1 particles, 5,250 ± 313.22 ind-1 particles in the stomach, 5.089 ± 253.79 ind-1 particles in the intestine, 223.6 ± 46 , 12 particles of L-1 in water, and 336,320 ± 38,087.68 particles of kg-1 in sediment. The largest percentage of microplastic form compositions in gills, stomach, intestines, and sediments are fragments. For water samples, the largest percentage composition of the microplastic form is film.

Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harezki Bazakhi
"Ikan Nila Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) pada Setu Babakan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis presentase kelimpahan bentuk mikroplastik pada insang, lambung, dan usus ikan Nila Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) yang diperoleh dari Setu Babakan, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan di Setu Babakan dan Laboratorium Biologi Laut, Departemen Biologi FMIPA Universitas Indonesia. Sampel ikan Nila yang diteliti sebanyak 18 ekor dengan panjang berkisar 13-20 cm. Sampel diisolasi untuk kemudian dilakukan metode destruksi dengan menggunakan larutan HNO3 65% sehingga dapat dilakukan proses analisis kelimpahan dan bentuk mikroplastik di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat total kelimpahan rata-rata pada sampel air permukaan sebesar 308,00 ± 128,29 partikel/liter; insang sebesar 7.820 ± 1.847 partikel/individu; pada sampel lambung sebesar 2.588,11 ± 751,33 partikel/individu; dan pada sampel usus sebesar 5.178,16 ± 2.098,55 partikel/individu. Total kelimpahan mikroplastik terbesar terdapat pada sampel insang dan terendah pada sampel lambung. Hasil uji statistik Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan presentase bentuk mikroplastik (fiber, film, fragmen dan granula) yang signifikan pada sampel insang, lambung dan usus ikan Nila Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus,1758) di Setu Babakan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan

Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Setu Babakan Jagakarsa, South Jakarta is widely consumed by the local communities. This study analyzed percentage abudance of microplastics form in the gills, stomach, and intestinal of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Setu Babakan Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. This study was conducted at Setu Babakan and Marine Biology Laboratory, Departement of Biology FMIPA UI, Depok. The samples of Nile Tilapia studied were 18 individuals with the same relative length between 13-20 cm. The sample were isolated in order to do the destruction methods with HNO3 65%, then analysis of abundance and shape of microplastics can be done. The results show that the average total abudance in the gills sample was 7.820 ± 1.847 particles/individual; in the stomach was 2.588,11 ± 751,33 particles/individual; and in the intenstine was 5.178,16 ± 2.098,55 particles/individuals. The highest total abudance of microplastics was found in the gills and the lowest in the stomach samples. The results from Kruskal-Wallis statistical test shows there was no significant difference in the percentage of microplastics form (fiber, film, fragment, and granules) in the gills, stomach, and intestinal samples of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus,1758) in Setu Babakan, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ario Dewandaru Suryo Arianto
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan mikroplastik pada air, sedimen, serta insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan mujair Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852) dan Ikan Sepat Rawa Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) di Situ Mahoni, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Sampel air diambil sebanyak 20 L menggunakan beaker glass 1000 mL lalu disaring menggunakan plankton net hingga tertampung volume air 300 mL, sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan ekman grab dan ditampung pada jar kaca 250 mL. Sementara itu, sampel ikan mujair dan ikan sepat rawa masing-masing diambil 15 ekor dengan cast net lalu disimpan pada wadah penyimpanan berisi alkohol 70%. Ekstraksi sampel dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi Kelautan, Departemen Biologi, FMIPA UI dengan metode penghancuran oleh HNO3 65% untuk sampel ikan. Sedangkan, sampel sedimen dikeringkan dengan menggunakan oven selama 2 hari. Selanjutnya, seluruh sampel dicampurkan dengan larutan NaCl jenuh untuk mengapungkan mikroplastik. Kemudian dilakukan analisis kelimpahan, bentuk, dan warna mikroplastik menggunakan mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata total kelimpahan mikroplastik pada air diperoleh 437,67 ± 30,21 partikel L-1, pada sedimen diperoleh 36.237,04 ± 16.702,60 partikel kg-1, pada insang ikan mujair diperoleh 785,78 ± 292,07 partikel ind-1, pada insang ikan sepat rawa diperoleh 553,33 ± 242,54 partikel ind-1, saluran pencernaan ikan mujair diperoleh 1.058,67 ± 215,44 partikel ind-1, pada saluran pencernaan ikan sepat rawa diperoleh 892,89 ± 156,52 partikel ind-1. Secara keseluruhan, bentuk mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah mikroplastik berbentuk fiber. Berdasarkan hasil uji Mann-Whitney terhadap sampel insang dan saluran pencernaan dari ikan mujair dan ikan sepat rawa didapatkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan jumlah mikroplastik yang signifikan.

The purpose of this study is to identify the abundance of microplastics in water, sediment, gills, and digestive tract of tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters,1852) and three spot gourami Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) in Situ Mahoni, University of Indonesia Campus, Depok. As much as 20 Litres of water samples were taken using a 1000 mL beaker glass and then filtered using a plankton net until 300 mL of water is stored, Sediment samples were taken using an ekman grab then stored on a 250 mL glass jar, while 15 samples of the tilapia and three spot gourami were caught using a cast net and then stored with alcohol 70%. Sample extractions were carried out at the Marine Biology Laboratory, Department of Biology, FMIPA UI by pulverizing the fish samples with HNO3 65%. The sediment samples were dried using the oven for 2 days. Then, all of the samples were mixed with a NaCl solution to float the microplastics. Then, an analysis of abundance, shape, and colours of microplastics under the microscope were done. The results showed that the average total abundance of microplastics was 437,67 ± 30,21 L-1 particles in water samples, in sediment samples was 36.237,04 ± 16.702,60 kg-1 particles in sediment samples, 785,78 ± 292,07 ind-1 particles in the gills of tilapia, 553,33 ± 242,54 ind-1 particles in the gills of the three spot gourami, 1.058,67 ± 215,44 ind-1 particles in the digestive tract of the tilapia, 892,89 ± 156,52 ind-1 particles in the digestive tract of the three spot gourami. Overall, the predominant form of microplastic in the water, sediment, gills, and digestive tract is in the form of fiber. There is a significant difference between the abundance of microplastics based on the results of the Mann-Whitney Test on gill and digestive tract samples of tilapia and three spot gourami."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enggit Glory
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk, ukuran, dan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan kakap merah Lutjanus argentimaculatus di tambak Desa Muara, Tangerang, Banten. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara dipancing, sebanyak 10 ekor dengan ukuran sekitar 25,76 cm. Insang ikan kakap merah dipotong sebesar 1 cm2. Isi lambung dan isi usus dikeluarkan lalu dilarutkan dengan 30 ml akuades. Dinding lambung dan dinding usus yang telah kosong dipotong sebesar 1 cm2. Pengamatan dilakukan di bawah mikroskop cahaya dengan aplikasi IndoMicroView 3.7. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bentuk mikroplastik yang paling dominan adalah fiber. Kisaran mikroplastik yang ditemukan memiliki ukuran 25—4200 µm. Kelimpahan mikroplastik pada ikan kakap smerah tambak Desa Muara sebanyak 121,19 ± 35,32 partikel ind-1 pada insang, 792 ± 344,79 partikel ind-1 pada isi lambung, 105, 77 ± 34,12 partikel ind-1 pada dinding lambung, 1096 ± 284,34 partikel ind-1 pada isi usus, dan 146,67 ± 60,34 partikel ind-1 pada dinding usus. Mikroplastik pada setiap lapisan insang memiliki perbedaan rata-rata. Jumlah mikroplastik yang terdapat pada isi dan dinding memiliki kelimpahan yang berbeda signifikan. Jumlah mikroplastik yang terdapat pada isi lambung dan isi usus berbeda signifikan. Jumlah mikroplastik yang terdapat pada dinding lambung dan dinding usus tidak berbeda signifikan.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the types, sizes, and quantities of microplastic in the gills and digestive system of the Lutjanus argentimaculatus in Muara Village pond. A total of 10 red snapper samples with sizes approximately 25,76 cm. The gills were cut to 1 cm2 size. The stomach’s content and intestine’s content were then dissolved in 30 ml aquades. The empty stomach and intestine wall were cut to 1 cm2 size. The samples were then observed under a light microscope and using the IndoMicroView 3.7. application. The most abundant microplastic type is fiber. The size of the microplastics are between 25-4200 µm. The abundance of microplastic is approximately 21,19 ± 35,32 ind-1 particle in the gills, 792 ± 344,79 ind-1 particles in the stomach content, 105, 77 ± 34,12 particles in the stomach wall, 1096 ± 284,34 particles in the intestine content, and 146,67 ± 60,34 particles in the intestine wall. The microplastics in every gill wall have different averages. Microplastics abundance in the content and the wall have a difference. Microplastics abundance in the content of the stomach and the intestine are different. The number of microplastics in the stomach and intestine wall is not different."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audithiya Deriano
"Analisis Kelimpahan Mikroplastik pada Insang dan Saluran Pencernaan Ikan Sapu-sapu Pterygoplichtys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855), Air, dan Sedimen di Ciliwung Daerah Tanjung Barat dan Daerah MT Haryono, Jakarta Selatan

Abundance Analysis of Microplastic in Gills dan Digestive Tract of Sailfin Catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855), Water, and Sediment in Tanjung Barat Area and MT Haryono Area, Ciliwung, South Jakarta"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farrel Ferdian
"Mikroplastik yang mencemari perairan tawar dapat mengganggu keberlangsungan hidup biota di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk, warna, dan kelimpahan mikroplastik yang terkandung pada air, sedimen, insang, dan saluran pencernaan ikan red devil Amphilophus labiatus di Situ Kenanga dan Situ Mahoni, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat. Sampel air dan sedimen di ambil pada 3 stasiun pengambilan sampel dari kedua situ. Sampel ikan red devil diperoleh 15 ekor pada masing – masing situ. Sampel insang dan saluran pencernaan dihancurkan menggunakan larutan asam nitrat (HNO3) 65%. Sampel air diambil 20 L dan disaring menggunakan plankton net. Sampel sedimen dikeringkan dalam oven sebanyak 25 gram. Larutan NaCl jenuh digunakan untuk memisahkan mikroplastik dengan pengotor. Sebanyak 1 mL sample diteteskan pada Sedgwick Rafter Chamber kemudian diamati dan dihitung berdasarkan bentuk mikroplastik di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelimpahan mikroplastik bentuk fiber, fragmen, film, granula terdapat pada seluruh sampel dengan warna yang beragam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total kelimpahan rata – rata mikroplastik di Situ Kenanga sebanyak 434,33 ± 23,51 partikel L-1 pada air, 45.837,04 ± 36.305,97 partikel kg-1 pada sedimen, 268,33 ± 119,18 partikel gr-1 dan 1266,2 ± 349,72 partikel ind-1 pada insang, 287,79 ± 185,22 partikel gr-1 dan 978,22 ± 336,38 partikel ind-1 pada saluran pencernaan. Pada Situ Mahoni sebesar 437,67 ± 30,21 partikel L-1 pada air, 36.237,04 ± 16.702,59 partikel kg-1 pada sedimen, 429,18 ± 187,50 partikel gr-1 dan 1233,8 ± 253,60 partikel ind-1 pada insang, 318,04 ± 114,94 partikel gr-1 dan 1053,78 ± 328,44 partikel ind-1 pada saluran pencernaan.

Microplastics that contaminate freshwater can disrupt the survival of the biota in it. This study aims to analyze the shape, color, and abundance of microplastics contained in water, sediment, gills, and digestive tract of red devil fish Amphilophus labiatus in Situ Kenanga and Situ Mahoni, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java. Water and sediment samples were taken at 3 sampling stations from the two Situ. Samples of red devil fish were obtained 15 tails in each Situ. Samples of gills and digestive tract were destroyed using 65% nitric acid (HNO3) solution. Water samples were taken 20 L and filtered using a plankton net. Sediment samples were dried in an oven as much as 25 grams. Saturated NaCl solution was used to separate microplastics with impurities. A total of 1 mL of the sample was dropped into the Sedgwick Rafter Chamber and then observed and calculated based on the shape of the microplastic under a microscope. The results showed an abundance of microplastics in the form of fibers, fragments, films, and granules in all samples with various colors. The results showed the total average abundance of microplastics in Situ Kenanga was 434,33 ± 23,51 L-1 particles in water, 45.837,04 ± 36.305,97 particles kg-1 in sediments, 268.33 ± 119.18 particles gr-1 and 1266.2 ± 349.72 particles ind-1 in the gills, 287.79 ± 185.22 particles gr-1 and 978.22 ± 336.38 particles ind-1 in the digestive tract. At Situ Mahoni there are 437,67 ± 30,21 particles L-1 in water, 36.237,04 ± 16.702,59 particles kg-1 in sediments, 429.18 ± 187.50 particles gr-1 and 1233.8 ± 253.60 particles ind-1 on the gills, 318.04 ± 114.94 particles gr-1 and 1053.78 ± 328.44 particles ind-1 in the digestive tract.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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