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Rifatul Mahmudah
"Pandemi COVID-19 memberi berbagai dampak bagi banyak manusia di dunia. Pembatasan sosial sebagai upaya untuk mencegah penyebaran virus COVID-19 ternyata menimbulkan masalah sosial bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi persoalan sosial tersebut bagi masyarakat rentan adalah dengan upaya perlindungan sosial. Bantuan sosial non-reguler yang dikeluarkan pemerintah menjadi salah satu bentuk perlindungan sosial agar masyarakat miskin dan rentan tidak semakin terpuruk kondisinya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif yang membahas mengenai upaya pemerintah dalam memberikan bantuan sosial dilihat dari upaya pada ranah politik, administratif dan operasional. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi dokumen dan wawancara terhadap 15 orang yang terdiri atas pemerintah baik pemerintah pusat, DKI Jakarta, dan penerima manfaat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas pada ranah politik lebih banyak ditentukan oleh rapat tingkat tinggi di jajaran presiden dan menteri. Pada ranah administratif, penyusunan petunjuk teknis pada keputusan dirjen, gubernur bahkan perjanjian kerjasama merupakan langkah untuk menerjemahkan kebijakan yang dirumuskan pada ranah politik menjadi lebih teknis sehingga dapat menjadi acuan pada pelaksanaan agar tujuan dapat tercapai. Pada ranah operasional, keterlibatan para aparat birokrasi dalam pelaksanaan menjadi kunci dalam melakukan intervensi. Kerjasama lintas sektoral juga menjadi hal kunci dan upaya menerapkan pendekatan terintegrasi sesuai prinsip kebijakan perlindungan sosial.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had various impacts on many people around the world. As an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, social restrictions turned out to be the cause of social problems in people's lives. One of the efforts to overcome these social problems for vulnerable people is social protection. Non-regular social assistance is a form of social protection so that the poor and vulnerable people do not get worse under challenging times. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative methods that discusses the government's efforts to provide social assistance in the political, administrative, and operational domains. This research was conducted by study of documentation and interviews with 15 informants from the government, and beneficiaries. The study results show that activities in the political sphere are determined mainly by high-level meetings in the ranks of the president and ministers. In the administrative sphere, the preparation of technical guidelines is a step to translate policies formulated in the political sphere into more technical ones so that they can be used as a reference for implementation to achieve goals. In the operational sphere, the involvement of the street-level bureaucracy in execution is the key to conducting interventions. Cross-sectoral collaboration is also crucial to implement an integrated approach according to the social protection policy principles."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Rheina Audy Farrasati
"Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pentingnya memahami keberfungsian sosial ibu tunggal bekerja dilihat dari aspek pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari dan dalam menjalani peranannya. Dalam upaya memenuhi kedua aspek tersebut, ibu tunggal menemui permasalahan. Cara yang dilakukan untuk menghadapi permasalahan tersebut dikenal sebagai coping mechanism. Urgensi penelitian ini adalah memberikan gambaran pemahaman tentang salah satu aspek terkait perempuan dalam dunia kerja, yang dapat membantu perumusan kebijakan terkait job requirement dan job design pekerja perempuan kerja dan dapat membantu pengembangan dan perencanaan karir pekerja perempuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari-November 2021, masa pandemi Covid-19, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif untuk memahami keberfungsian sosial ibu tunggal yang bekerja di masa pandemi Covid-19 serta mekanisme kopingnya dalam menghadapi permasalahan. Pengambilan data melalui wawancara secara daring melalui video call dengan 17 informan. Informan terbagi 3 kelompok, pertama informan utama yakni ibu tunggal, informan pendukung – relasi keluarga yakni anak dari informan utama, dan informan pendukung – relasi kerja yakni rekan kerja informan utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pandemi ini menyebabkan kebutuhan ibu tunggal meningkat yaitu pada kebutuhan pangan, uang transportasi, dan kebutuhan rumah tangga. Peningkatan juga terjadi pada tanggung jawab atas perannya sebagai pekerja akibat kebijakan ‘bekerja dari rumah’/work from home- WFH. Namun penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa keberfungsian sosial ibu tunggal dapat berjalan dengan baik walaupun terjadi peningkatan kebutuhan dan tanggungjawab peran, karena para informan masih mampu memenuhi keduanya. Penelitian inipun mengungkapkan bahwa permasalahan yang dihadapi para informan di masa pandemi yakni jenuh bekerja, masalah peningkatan beban pekerjaan, dan kekhawatiran beraktivitas di luar rumah. Menghadapi permasalahan tersebut, para informan ibu tunggal bekerja ini melakukan lima mekanisme koping/coping mechanism dalam 3 kategori. Tiga mekanisme dalam kategori pertama, problem-focused coping yaitu dengan mengatur keuangan, tidak keluar rumah apabila tidak ada hal mendesak, dan melakukan hobi untuk menyegarkan pikiran. Satu mekanisme dalam kategori kedua, emotion-focused coping yakni meminta dukungan dari teman dan keluarga. Satu bentuk mekanisme dalam kategori ketiga avoidance-focused coping, yakni bersantai menunda tanggung jawab dengan menonton acara dan mendengarkan musik.
This research underpinned by importance of the social functioning of working single mothers from the aspect of meeting their daily needs and in carrying out their roles. In an effort to fulfill these two aspects, single mothers encounter problems. The way to deal with this problem is known as a coping mechanism. This research can see how women in the world of work, can assist related parties in formulating policies related to job requirements and job design for female workers and can assist in the development and career planning of women workers.This research was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely in February-November 2021 using a descriptive type approach to understand the social functioning of single mothers who work during the Covid-19 pandemic and their coping mechanisms in dealing with problems. Collecting data through nterview using video calls with 17 informants. Informants were divided into 3 groups, first is the main informant, namely single mothers, second is supporting informants - family relations, namely the children of the main informants, and third is supporting informants - work relations, namely co-workers of the main informants. The results showed that the needs of single mothers increased during a pandemic such as food needs, transportation, and household needs. An increase in responsibilities of their roles is also seen as a result of WFH policies. However, in addition to an increase in these 2 aspects, the social functioning of single mothers can run well because they are still able to fulfill both aspects of social functioning. The problems faced during the pandemic are the increase of feeling surfeited because of working, increasing workload because of pandemic and its policy , and worry about doing activities outside the house. In dealing with her problems, single mothers do what is known as a coping mechanism. The method consists of 3 methods, first problem-focused coping, namely managing finances, not leaving the house if there is nothing urgent, and doing hobbies to refresh the mind. Second is emotion-focused coping which asking for support from friends and family. Third, avoidance-focused coping, namely relaxing in order to procrastinate by watching shows and listening to music."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustina Lita Sari
"Untuk memutus penyebaran Covid-19, pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan pembatasan aktivitas masyarakat. Kebijakan tersebut membawa dampak ekonomi bagi masyarakat baik yang bekerja di sektor formal maupun informal. Pemberian bantuan sosial Covid-19 diberikan untuk memitigasi dampak tersebut. Selama pandemi Covid-19, terdapat peningkatan signifikan belanja bantuan sosial namun angka kemiskinan justru meningkat. Dalam pelaksanaan penyaluran bantuan di lapangan juga dapat timbul beragam permasalahan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peranan bansos Covid-19 dalam mempertahankan taraf kesejahteraan keluarga dan bagaimana kinerja kebijakan menurut persepsi penerima kebijakan. Data utama penelitian diperoleh melalui survei kepada keluarga. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk menilai persepsi keluarga dan analisis DID digunakan untuk menilai pengaruh pemberian dan pencabutan bansos Covid-19 terhadap kesejahteraan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan kinerja kebijakan telah memuaskan atau telah memenuhi harapan penerima manfaat meskipun begitu, masih ditemukan salah sasaran dan ketidakmerataan dalam pemberian bansos. Pemberian uang tunai sebesar Rp300 ribu sebanyak enam kali belum mampu menjaga taraf kesejahteraan keluarga yang menurun akibat pandemi Covid-19. Peningkatan nilai bantuan dan kombinasi bantuan dengan barang yang dibutuhkan masyarakat, efektif dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan namun hal ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh jumlah anggota keluarga. Pencabutan bansos Covid-19 berupa uang dan barang signifikan menurunkan kesejahteraan karena perekonomian keluarga belum sepenuhnya pulih.
Restrictions policy on community activities applied by DKI Jakarta Province to suppress social activities in order to suppress the spread of Covid-19. That policy has an economic impact on the community both working in the formal and informal sectors. In response, Covid-19 social assistance is provided to mitigate this impact. During the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a significant increase in social assistance spending on DKI Jakarta government budget, but the poverty rate actually increased. During the distribution of social assistance to the community, various problems can also arise. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Covid-19 social assistance effect in maintaining the level of family welfare and how the policy performance according to the perceptions of policy recipients. The main data of the study were obtained through a survey to families. Descriptive analysis was used to assess family perceptions and DID analysis was used to assess the effect of giving and withdrawing Covid-19 social assistance on welfare. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of policy performance has been satisfactory or has met the expectations of the beneficiaries, however, it is still found that there are mistargets in the provision of social assistance. Giving cash of Rp300 thousand six times was able to maintain family welfare the level of family welfare which has decreased due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Increasing the value of aid and the combination of aid with goods needed by the community are effective in improving welfare, but this is greatly influenced by the number of family members. The withdrawal of the Covid-19 social assistance in the form of money and goods significantly reduces welfare because the family economy has not fully recovered."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Heriko Putra
ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas mengenai reformasi pelayanan bantuan sosial di kota Bandung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis proses reformasi birokrasi pemerintah kota Bandung terhadap pelayanan bantuan sosial, dimulai dari perubahan kebijakan publik sampai dengan mekanisme dan sistem yang diterapkan selama ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait serta studi kepustakaan, dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam penelitian. Bantuan Sosial Online adalah salah satu bentuk inovasi pelayanan publik yang berbasis e-government dengan tujuan transparansi dan keterbukaan publik terkait penyaluran dana bantuan sosial di kota Bandung. Jenis bantuan sosial yang dibeikan oleh pemerintah Kota Bandung terdiri dari berbagai macam bantuan seperti bantuan pendidikan, kesehatan, perencanaam pembangunan dan lainya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pemerintah Kota Bandung telah melakukan reformasi birokrasi terhadap pelayanan dana bantuan sosial dengan cara merevisi peraturan walikota serta menciptakan standar operasional prosedur yang jelas, namun terdapat beberapa kekurangan diantaranya adalah mengenai sosialisasi yang dilakukan pemerintah kota Bandung terhadap masyarakat atau lembaga organisasi karena pada kenyataanya masih ada masyarakat yang belum mengetahui mengenai permohonan bantuan sosial yang sekarang sudah menjadi online.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the reform of social assistance services in the city of Bandung. The purpose of this research is to analyze the process of bureaucratic reform of Bandung city government toward social assistance service, starting from public policy change until mechanism and system applied so far. The method used in this research is by conducting in depth interviews with related parties as well as literature study, and using qualitative approach in research. Online Social Assistance is one form of public service innovation based on e government with the aim of transparency and public openness related to the distribution of social assistance funds in the city of Bandung. Type of social assistance provided by the government of Bandung consists of various kinds of assistance such as education, health, development and other planners. The result of this research is the government of Bandung City has done bureaucracy reform to social assistance fund service by revising the regulation of mayor as well as creating standard operational procedure which clear, but there are some deficiencies such as socialization done by Bandung city government to society or organization institution because In fact there are still people who do not know about the application for social assistance that is now online."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Kirst-Ashman, Karen Kay
"Karen K. Kirst-Ashman's introductory book enhances readers' ability to grasp the essence and spirit of generalist social work and the issues in social welfare that social workers address every day. Giving those who are contemplating a career in social work a solid introduction to the profession, Kirst-Ashman presents a balanced introductory look within a unifying theme of critical thinking that trains readers to be more evaluative of key concepts. This fifth edition is completely updated in every chapter, and includes practice concepts, social welfare policy concepts, history and current state of the profession, the contexts of practice and populations served, and professional development. Written in a clear and straightforward manner, the book provides numerous case examples to illustrate social work practice."
Boston, MA: Cengage Learning , 2017
361 KIR i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Kirst, Ashman Karen Kay
Belmont: Cengage Learning, 2013
361 KIR i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Dias Yudhistira
"Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana aspek implementasi dari kebijakan pembatasan jarak fisik melalui PSBB selama pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Bogor yang kemudian direformulasi kembali pada implementasi kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Mikro dan Komunitas (PSBMK). Adapun, perspektif teoritis yang digunakan bersumber pada pandangan dari Majone & Wildavsky (1978) yang mengartikan implementasi sebagai proses di mana program-program terus dibentuk dan didefinisikan ulang. Selain itu, turut dirujuk pendapat dari Grindle (1980) yang menyatakan terdapat dua aspek utama di dalam menentukan derajat keberhasilan dari sebuah implementasi kebijakan antara lain; konten atau isi kebijakan dan konteks implementasi. Dalam menghimpun data, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan didukung oleh data primer yang bersumber dari proses wawancara mendalam terhadap narasumber serta data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini pun menunjukkan bahwa konsep implementasi yang dikemukakan oleh Majone & Wildavsky (1978) dan Grindle (1980) relevan dengan temuan yang ada. Di mana kebijakan mengalami reformulasi dan dibentuk kembali selama tahap pengimplementasian. Hal itu dibuktikan dari pengambilan keputusan pemkot Bogor untuk menerapkan kebijakan PSBMK di Kota Bogor di samping memiliki tujuan dan derajat perubahan yang sama juga lebih menyesuaikan dengan konteks kondisi di Kota Bogor ketimbang melanjutkan kebijakan PSBB yang memberikan dampak besar terutama pada sektor ekonomi. Keberhasilan PSBMK juga dapat dibuktikan dari model analisis Grindle (1980) antara isi kebijakan dan konteks implementasinya, hingga mengubah status Kota Bogor dari zona merah ke zona oranye dalam waktu sepuluh hari.
This research discusses the implementation aspect of the policy of physical distancing through PSBB during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bogor City which was then reformulated into the implementation of the Micro and Community Scale Social Restrictions (PSBMK) policy. Meanwhile, the theoretical perspective used stems from the view of Majone & Wildavsky (1978) which defines implementation as a process in which programs are continuously shaped and redefined. In addition, the opinion of Grindle (1980) is also referred to, which states that there are two main aspects in determining the degree of success of a policy implementation, among others; content or contents of the policy and implementation context. In collecting data, this study uses qualitative methods supported by primary data which originates from in-depth interviews with informants as well as secondary data which includes books, journal articles and other scientific documents. The results of this study also show that the implementation concept put forward by Majone & Wildavsky (1978) and Grindle (1980) is relevant to the existing findings. Where the policy undergoes reformulation and is reshaped during the implementation stage. This is evidenced by the decision made by the Bogor City Government to implement the PSBMK policy in Bogor City. Apart from having the same goals and degree of change, it is also more adapted to the context of conditions in Bogor City, rather than continuing the PSBB policy which has a major impact, especially on the economic sector. The success of PSBMK can also be proven from Grindle's (1980) analysis model between the content of the policy and the context of its implementation, to changing the status of Bogor City from the red zone to the orange zone within ten days."
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Benedicta Cindy Delphinia
"Pandemi COVID-19 merupakan masa-masa stress bagi masyarakat, kecemasan dan rasa takut akan adanya penyakit baru menimbulkan stigma sosial. Stigma sosial dapat berdampak buruk bagi penanganan dan pengendalian wabah. Mahasiswa memiliki peran sebagai pembawa dan pelaku perubahan serta contoh nyata. Salah satu bentuk nyata dapat diwujudkan melalui upaya pencegahan dan mengatasi stigma sosial COVID-19 di masyarakat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stigma sosial COVID-19 di kalangan mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia dan faktor yang berpotensi menyebabkan stigma sosial COVID-19 tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu studi potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ini merupakan seluruh mahasiswa jenjang studi strata 1 (S1) dengan sampel sebanyak 373 responden. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner daring yang diisi mandiri oleh responden. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 31,1% responden masih memiliki stigma sosial. Analisis bivariat yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara variabel jenis kelamin, pengetahuan dan keterpaparan informasi dengan stigma sosial COVID-19. Meskipun secara statistik tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan namun ditemukan kecenderungan pada variabel asal fakultas non-kesehatan, sikap, peran tokoh masyarakat, dan peran petugas kesehatan.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a stressful time for the community, anxiety and fear of a new disease causing social stigma. Social stigma can have a negative impact on the handling and control of the outbreaks. Students have a role as agents of change as well as the real examples in society. One of the real action of this role can be realized through the efforts to prevent and overcome the social stigma of COVID-19 in society.This study aims to determine the social stigma of COVID-19 among University of Indonesia students and the factors that potentially causing the social stigma of COVID-19. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis with a cross-sectional study design. The population of this study were all undergraduate students (S1) and minimum sample of 373 respondents was obtained. Data were collected through online questionnaires and filled out independently by respondents. The analysis carried out includes univariate and bivariate analysis using the chi square test.The results showed that 31.1% of respondents still had COVID-19 social stigma. The bivariate analysis conducted showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between the variables of gender, knowledge and information exposure with the social stigma of COVID-19. Although there is no statistically significant relationship, a trend was found in the non-health faculty origin variables, attitudes, the role of community leaders, and the role of health workers."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ananta Firdaus
ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai pengaruh proses pendampingan sosial yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesejahteraan sosial kecamatan TKSK terhadap pencapaian tujuan kelompok usaha bersama fakir miskin KUBE-FM . Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan di antara proses pendampingan sosial TKSK dan pencapaian tujuan KUBE-FM. Hasil ini sesuai dengan hipotesis awal Ho yang menyatakan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan di antara proses pendampingan tenaga kesejahteraan sosial kecamatan TKSK terhadap pencapaian tujuan KUBE-FM Anggota KUBE rdquo; H0 : p = 0, 0.
ABSTRACTThis thesis was discussed the influence of the social assistance process conducted by the social welfare workers of the sub district TKSK towards the achievement of the poor cooperative business group KUBE FM objectives. The method research is quantitative approach. This result of research indicates that there is no relationship between TKSK social assistance process and the achievement of KUBE FM objectives. This result is in accordance with the initial hypothesis Ho which states that there is no relationship between the process of assisting of social welfare workers of the sub district TKSK on the achievement of KUBE FM objectives KUBE FM Members H0 p 0,0 ."
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Astrini Merlindha
"[Tesis ini membahas upaya Rehabilitasi Sosial dalam Penanganan Gelandangan dan Pengemis di Provinsi DKI Jakarta pada Panti Sosial Bina Insani Bangun Daya (PSBI BD) 2 Cipayung, Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian
kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya rehabilitasi sosial di PSBI BD 2 Cipayung belum maksimal sehingga gelandangan dan pengemis di Provinsi DKI Jakarta cenderung kembali ke jalan setelah
mendapatkan pembinaan dalam panti. Disarankan kepada pemerintah untuk memberikan pelayanan panti khsusus rehabilitasi sosial gelandangan dan pengemis, memberikan sanksi tegas bagi gelandangan dan pengemis yang kembali ke jalan dan meningkatkan SDM petugas panti dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas.
This thesis examines the social rehabilitation efforts in handling the homeless and beggars in Jakarta at Panti sosial Bina Insani (PSBI BD 2) Cipayung. Researcher conducting a qualitative descriptive on this study.The findings from this research show that social rehabilitation efforts in homeshelter is not maximized so that the homeless people and beggars in Jakarta tends to return to the street after getting coaching in this homeshalter. This research provide a recommendation to the government to provide a homeshalter which focused for homeless and beggars social rehabilitation, give strict punishment to the homeless and beggars who are back on the street and increases quality and quantity of human resources servant;This thesis examines the social rehabilitation efforts in handling the homeless and beggars in Jakarta at Panti sosial Bina Insani (PSBI BD 2) Cipayung.Researcher conducting a qualitative descriptive on this study.The findings from this research show that social rehabilitation efforts in homeshelter is not maximized so that the homeless people and beggars in Jakarta tends to return to the street after getting coaching in this homeshalter. This research provide arecommendation to the government to provide a homeshalter which focused for homeless and beggars social rehabilitation, give strict punishment to the homeless and beggars who are back on the street and increases quality and quantity of human resources servant., This thesis examines the social rehabilitation efforts in handling the homeless andbeggars in Jakarta at Panti sosial Bina Insani (PSBI BD 2) Cipayung.Researcher conducting a qualitative descriptive on this study.The findings fromthis research show that social rehabilitation efforts in homeshelter is notmaximized so that the homeless people and beggars in Jakarta tends to return tothe street after getting coaching in this homeshalter. This research provide arecommendation to the government to provide a homeshalter which focused forhomeless and beggars social rehabilitation, give strict punishment to the homelessand beggars who are back on the street and increases quality and quantity ofhuman resources servant]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library