"Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana kedudukan akuisisi atas aset perusahaan dalam hukum positif di Indonesia dan di Amerika Serikat serta bagaimana perbandingan pengaturan akuisisi aset yang dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya persaingan usaha tidak sehat di Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat. Di Indonesia metode akuisisi yang dikenal hanyalah atas saham perusahaan, sehingga terhadap metode akuisisi lain, seperti atas aset perusahaan belum diatur dengan jelas di Indonesia. Ditinjau dari segi persaingan usaha, tindakan akuisisi aset ini juga perlu mendapat perhatian khusus karena, sama seperti akuisisi atas saham, akuisisi aset juga berpotensi mengurangi tingkat persaingan di pasar. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan suatu pembahasan mendalam mengenai pentingnya pengaturan akuisisi aset tersebut di Indonesia, salah satu caranya dengan merujuk kepada pengaturan di negara yang telah lama menerapkannya, yakni di Amerika Serikat.
The focus of this study is to discuss the regulations about acquisition of the company's assets in the positive law in Indonesia and in the United States and the comparison between the regulations of asset acquisition that may substantially lessen competition in Indonesia and in the United States. In Indonesia, an acquisition can be done only by purchasing the stock of another company. That?s why any other methods of an acquisition, such as asset acquisition, have not been set out clearly in Indonesia. In terms of competition, this asset acquisition also needs special attention because, like the acquisition of stocks, the acquisition of assets also has the potential to reduce the level of competition in the market. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze about the importance of regulation about an asset acquisition in Indonesia. To do that analysis, we can refer to the United States as a country that has already applied the regulation."