ABSTRACTDumbo (Clarias gariepinus) is one of walking catfish species from
Africa. Dumbo was introduced to Indonesia in 1986. Sangkuriang (Clarias
gariepinus var. Sangkuriang) is one of dumbo variant that was launched by
Balai Budidaya Air Tawar Sukabumi.
The study about feeding behavior of sangkuriang is using juvenile of
clarias (Clarias gariepinus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), tambaqui
(Collossoma macropomum) and tilapia (Tilapia mossambica) as preys.
Feeding behavior and prey preference of sangkuriang were compared with
dumbo (control). Parameters were observed in this study included:
aggressivity, time needed to recognize the prey, velocity to attack the prey,
and number of preys eating by two variant of catfish. The study was
conducted in aquarium (artificial environment).
Number of preys have been eaten by dumbo and sangkuriang were
recorded every 2 (two) hours along one day (24 hours). Data of each
parameter of dumbo and sangkuriang was compared. Data analysis was using mean difference comparison with t-test for independence variance and
one way ANOVA used SPSS program release 12.0.
In the feeding preference test, both of sangkuriang and dumbo were
prefer to attack juvenile of common carp and juveniles of clarias was second
preference. But in the feeding test, both of sangkuriang and dumbo
preferred to eat juvenile of clarias itself more than three other species.
Feeding preference of two variant of catfish were influenced by their prey
behavior. Juveniles of clarias were the weakest preys. When juveniles of
clarias needed oxygen, they would swim vertically to water surface. Its time,
both sangkuriang and dumbo attacked juveniles of clarias on the weakest
The time of sangkuriang ate maximum number of preys is between
02.00 ? 04.00 a.m. This result is match with many other research and studies
that say catfish is nocturnal fish. Dumbo ate preys maximum between 12.00
? 14.00. There are many previous studies describe that on the special case,
catfish can be active on daytime. Dumbo was more aggressive than sangkuriang. Time attacked its
preys by dumbo was faster than sangkuriang?s.. Dumbo was also more
cannibal than sangkuriang. Sangkuriang ate preys more than dumbo. Both
of dumbo and sangkuriang can be serious threat if they enter into natural
environment, because they will attack endemic fishes."