"[Munculnya berbagai tantangan baru dalam pengendalian TB, salah satunya multidrug resistant tuberculosis (TB MDR). TB MDR adalah salah satu jenis resistensi TB yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis yang tidak merespon (resisten), setidaknya, isoniazid dan rifampicin yang merupakan dua jenis obat yang paling efektif pada lini pertama obat anti TB (OAT). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya
konversi kultur sputum pada pasien TB Paru MDR. Penelitian dilakukan di dilakukan di RSUD Labuang Baji Kota Makassar dimulai dari bulan April 2015-Juni 2015. Desain penelitian adalah kohort retrospektif. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini yakni 183 pasien, 139 pasien (76,0%) yang mengalami konversi kultur sputum, 4 pasien (2,2%) yang tidak mengalami konversi kultur sputum, dan 40 pasien (21,8%) yang loss to follow up. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa probabilitas konversi kultur sputum pasien TB paru MDR sebesar 95,52%. Hasil
analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa interupsi pengobatan (HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), status diabetes melitus (DM) sebelum 33 hari (HR:0,75; 95%CI: 0,29- 1,95) dan setelah 33 hari yakni (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), serta riwayat pengobatan yang pernah mendapatkan OAT lini I (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90) serta yang pernah mendapatkan OAT lini II (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77). Diperlukan penanganan secara intensif dan lengkap pada pasien TB paru MDR di Poli TB MDR dengan memperhatikan interupsi pengobatan, status DM, dan riwayat pengobatan sebelumnya;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line. This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April 2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study. There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75; 95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.;One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment., One of the new emerging challenges in TB controlling is multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). MDR TB is a type of TB resistant caused by the
unresponsiveness (resistancy) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to at least isoniazid
and rifampicin in which both are the most effective anti-TB drugs in first line.
This study was aimed to determine the influencing factors for the timing of
sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB patients. This study was
conducted in Labuang Baji General Hospital, Makassar City started from April
2015 to June 2015. Cohort-retrospective design was performed in this study.
There were 183 patients involved in this study consisted of 139 (76,0%) patients
with sputum culture conversion, 4 (2,2%) patients with no sputum culture
conversion, and 40 (21,8%) patients were loss to follow up. The result of the
study shows that the probability of sputum culture conversion of Pulmonary MDR
TB was 95,52%. Multivariate analysis showed that the interruption of treatment
(HR:0,45; 95%CI: 0,26-0,79), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) before 33 days (HR:0,75;
95%CI: 0,29-1,95), DM after 33 days (HR:1,95; 95%CI: 0,90-7,60), previously
treated with FLDs (HR:0,32; 95%CI: 0,12-0,90), and previously treated with
SLDs (HR:0,27; 95%CI: 0,10-0,77) were found to be the influencing factors for
the sputum culture conversion among pulmonary MDR TB. Complete and
intensive care are needed among pulmonary MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic by
observing the interruption of treatment, DM, and history of previous treatment.]"