ABSTRACTPenggunaan plastik sekali pakai yang berlebihan oleh manusia membuat zaman ini dapat disebut sebagai zaman plastik. Dampaknya, alam menjadi rusak dan membahayakan keberlangsungan hidup berbagai spesies. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model teoretis yang dapat menjelaskan perilaku ramah lingkungan sebagai solusi persoalan zaman plastik ini. Studi literatur menunjukkan perilaku ramah lingkungan dapat dijelaskan oleh teori value-belief-norm VBN , paparan alam, serta keterhubungan dengan alam, namun belum ada penelitian yang mengintegrasikan variabel-variabel tersebut menjadi model teoretis yang terpadu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner, observasi perilaku, dan juga focus group discussion pada sampel 533 murid kelas lima Sekolah Dasar Alam dan Umum di wilayah Jabodetabek. Lingkungan alam di sekitar sekolah, latar belakang budaya, usia, domisili, serta lama bersekolah dikontrol. Data diolah menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modelling SEM serta independent sample t-test. Analisis statistik menemukan dari empat model yang diuji, model 3 yang adalah integrasi VBN, paparan alam, dan keterhubungan dengan alam, paling baik menjelaskan perilaku ramah lingkungan anak. Selain itu ditemukan perbe-daan yang signifikan antar murid sekolah alam dan umum pada variabel perilaku ramah lingkungan, AC, AR, PN, serta paparan alam.
ABSTRACTOur excessive consumption of single use plastic has made this era become a plastic age. As result, nature has been degraded and many species live on the brink of extinction. This study aims to find out a theoretical model which could explains pro environmental behaviour PEB as a solution to this plastic age issue. Literature study shows that PEB could be explained by value belief norm VBN theory, nature exposure, and nature relatedness, nevertheless none has attempted to integrate these variables into one comprehensive model. Questionnaires, observation, and focus group discussion is used to obtain data from 533 fifth grader students in Nature based Sekolah Alam and Public Elementary School in Jabodetabek. School environment, cultural background, age, length of study, and where the participants live are controlled. Data is then processed through Structural Equation Modelling SEM and independent sample t test. It is found that out of the 4 models tested, model 3 which is an integration of VBN, nature exposure, and nature relatedness, could explain PEB in children the best. Furthermore this study found out that there is a significant difference between Nature based and Pubic School students rsquo PEB, AC, AR, PN, and nature exposure variables. "