A new type of viral pneumonia was discovered on December 31, 2019 from Wuhan, China, which was named as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 primarily attacks the respiratory system that can disruption fulfillment of oxygen characterized by shortness of breath and decreased oxygen saturation. The main nursing problem found is that the airway is not effective. The purpose of this scientific work to describe the results of nursing analysis by using application of pursed lips breathing to increase oxygen saturation in COVID-19 client in High Care Unit Universitas Indonesia Hospital. Measurement evaluation was conducted using Pulse oximetry which showed an average increase in oxygen saturation from 94.75% to 96.75% over five days of treatment. In conclusion, pursed lips breathing is given to help overcome the ineffectiveness clearance the airway by increasing the development of alveoli on each lung lobe so that the pressure of alveoli increases, helping to push the secret on the airway during an expiratory and can induce a pattern of breath into normal. Therefore, the results of this practice can be used as a reference for nursing practice in COVID-19 patients with disruption fulfillment of oxygen."
Jenis pneumonia virus baru ditemukan pada 31 Desember 2019 yang berasal dari Wuhan, Cina yang diberi nama penyakitnya sebagai Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Pasien dengan COVID-19 mengalami ansietas, diskriminasi, stigma sosial yang buruk, berada dalam karantina mengalami kebosanan, kesepian, dan kemarahan. Karya ilmiah akhir ners (KIAN) ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan hasil analisis asuhan keperawatan psikososial ansietas menggunakan penerapan teknik distraksi pada klien dengan COVID-19 di ruang Wijaya Kusuma RS Universitas Indonesia. Asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan sudah disesuaikan dengan matriks asuhan keperawatan kesehatan jiwa psikososial; sementara pengukuran evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Hospital Anxiety and Depression Sclae (HADS) yang menunjukkan penurunan dari total skor 15 menjadi 6 selama 12 hari perawatan. Masalah psikososial (ansietas) dan fisik (COVID-19) pada klien saling memengaruhi, sehingga diperlukan rancangan tindakan keperawatan yang terintegrasi secara holistik yang meliputi bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual untuk mengatasi ansietas klien.