Fathimah Zahra R.
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dimensi respon kognitif,
yang terdiri dari product/message thought, source-oriented thought, dan ad
execution thought, memiliki pengaruh terhadap purchase intention dengan
attitude toward ads, frequency of clicking ads, dan ads recall sebagai variabel
mediasi. Penelitian ini hanya mengukur keefektivitasan iklan internet berjenis
banner ads secara umum di Indonesia. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pengguna
internet berkewarganegaraan Indonesia yang berusia di atas 18 tahun, sejumlah
167 orang. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan metode Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM) dengan software LISREL 8.70.
Sebagian besar hipotesis pada penelitian ini terbukti sesuai dengan
penelitian sebelumnya bahwa keefektivitasan internet advertising ditunjukkan dan
adanya keinginan pembelian (purchase intention) dan didukung oleh sikap
pengguna internet terhadap iklan (attitude toward ads) dan frekuensi mengklik
iklan (frequency of clicking ads). Sebaliknya, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa
beberapa hubungan tidak terbukti signifikan adalah product/message thought
dengan frequency of clicking ads, source-oriented thought dengan attitude toward
ads, serta ads recall dengan purchase intention. Dari hasil pengolahan data pada
penelitian ini juga terlihat hubungan antara product/message thought dengan
attitude toward ads, ad execution thought dengan frequency of clicking
ads,frequency of clicking ads dengan ads recall, dan attitude toward ads dengan
purchase intention memiliki hubungan positif yang paling kuat di antara
hubungan antar variabel laten yang setara lainnya.
This study aims to determine whether the cognitive response’s dimensions,which consists of the product / message thought, source-oriented thought, and adexecution thought, having an influence on purchase intention by attitude towardads, frequency of clicking ads, and ads recall as mediating variables. This studyonly measures the effectiveness of internet advertising in general manifold bannerads in Indonesia. The sample was an Indonesian internet users over the age of 18years, a number of 167 respondents. Data processing was performed usingStructural Equation Modeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.70 software.Most of the hypotheses in this study are proved in accordance with previousstudies that demonstrated the effectiveness of internet advertising and intent topurchase (purchase intention) and supported by internet users’ attitudes towardsadvertising and frequency of clicking ads. In contrast, the analysis shows thatsome significant effects were not proven which are product / message thought tothe frequency of clicking ads, source-oriented thought to the attitude toward ads,and ads recall to purchase intention. From the data processing in this study, alsocan be seen that effect between product / message thought to attitude toward ads,ad-execution thought to frequency of clicking ads, frequency of clicking ads toads recall, and attitude toward ads to purchase intention which had the strongestpositive effects among latent variables."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013