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Cornelia Samantha Winata
"Kegemukan pada anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang berdampak negatif jangka panjang bagi anak. Prevalensi hipertensi pada dewasa muda juga terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dan terdapat kemungkinan bahwa kegemukan anak berpengaruh terhadap hipertensi saat dewasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi kegemukan saat balita (0-59 bulan) terhadap hipertensi dewasa (21-26 tahun). Penelitian cohort retrospective ini menggunakan data IFLS 1 tahun 1993 dan IFLS 5 tahun 2014 dengan total responden 596 balita setelah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eklusi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat 15,1% anak yang hipertensi saat dewasa dengan proporsi anak yang kegemukan dan mengalami hipertensi sebesar 17,4%. Variabel yang berhubungan signifikan dengan kejadian hipertensi, yaitu jenis kelamin, status gizi obesitas dewasa, konsumsi fast food, konsumsi soft drink, dan kebiasaan merokok. Analisis multivariat ditemukan bahwa kegemukan memiliki risiko 0,83 lebih rendah untuk hipertensi dibandingkan dengan status gizi normal setelah dikontrol dengan variabel kebiasaan merokok dan status gizi dewasa, namun hubungan ini tidak bermakna secara statistik.

Kegemukan pada anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang berdampak negatif jangka panjang bagi anak. Prevalensi hipertensi pada dewasa muda juga terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dan terdapat kemungkinan bahwa kegemukan anak berpengaruh terhadap hipertensi saat dewasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi kegemukan saat balita (0-59 bulan) terhadap hipertensi dewasa (21-26 tahun). Penelitian cohort retrospective ini menggunakan data IFLS 1 tahun 1993 dan IFLS 5 tahun 2014 dengan total responden 596 balita setelah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eklusi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat 15,1% anak yang hipertensi saat dewasa dengan proporsi anak yang kegemukan dan mengalami hipertensi sebesar 17,4%. Variabel yang berhubungan signifikan dengan kejadian hipertensi, yaitu jenis kelamin, status gizi obesitas dewasa, konsumsi fast food, konsumsi soft drink, dan kebiasaan merokok. Analisis multivariat ditemukan bahwa kegemukan memiliki risiko 0,83 lebih rendah untuk hipertensi dibandingkan dengan status gizi normal setelah dikontrol dengan variabel kebiasaan merokok dan status gizi dewasa, namun hubungan ini tidak bermakna secara statistik.

Childhood obesity is a health problem that has a long-term negative impact onchildren. The prevalence of hypertension in young adults continues to increase year by year and it is suggested that childhood obesity affects hypertension in adulthood. This study aims to determine the effect of obesity as a child under the age of five (0-59months) on adult hypertension (21-26 years). This retrospective cohort study data werefrom IFLS 1 in 1993 and IFLS 5 in 2014, with a total of 596 respondents under the age of five after meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This study showed that 15,1%of the children have hypertension as adults, with the proportion of overweight children having hypertension being 17,4%. Variables significantly related to the incidence of hypertension were gender, nutritional status of obese adults, consumption of fast food, consumption of soft drinks, and smoking habits. Multivariate analysis found that childhood obesity lower the risk for hypertension by 0.83 times compared to normal nutritional status after being controlled by smoking habits and adult nutritional status variables, but this relationship was not statistically significant.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna Ningsih
"Sepertiga kasus kegemukan pada orang dewasa telah dimulai sejak masa anak-anak. Kegemukan pada anak-anak dapat menyebabkan timbulnya risiko penyakit degeneratif seperti penyakit kardiovaskuler, diabetes mellitus, dan lain-lain pada saat mereka dewasa nanti. Proporsi kegemukan pada balita dilaporkan semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Riskesdas menunjukkan peningkatan proporsi kegemukan pada Balita yaitu 12,2% pada 2007 menjadi 14,0% pada 2010 atau meningkat sekitar 1,8% dari hasil Riskesdas pada tahun 2007. Dua belas Provinsi memiliki masalah kegemukan pada Balita di atas angka nasional, DKI Jakarta merupakan provinsi dengan proporsi teratas yang memiliki masalah tersebut. Berdasarkan data tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan berat lahir dan faktor lainnya dengan kejadian kegemukan pada balita usia 6-59 bulan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2010. Desain penelitian Riskesdas 2010 adalah potong lintang. Variabel dependen yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah status kegemukan pada balita 6-59 bulan berdasarkan IMT/U. Analisis data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian didapatkan proporsi kegemukan pada anak usia 6-59 bulan adalah 24,3% dan proporsi Berat Lahir Rendah sebesar 4,9%. Hasil uji chi-square diketahui tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara berat lahir dan variabel independen lainnya dengan kegemukan, namun didapatkan status pekerjaan ibu merupakan faktor paling berisiko terhadap kejadian kegemukan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta.

One third of adult overweight cases has begun since children period. Overweight on children can cause a degenerative risk diseases such as cardiovaskuler, diabetes mellitus,etc when they grow up later. The overweight proportion has increase by the year. From health research data was found that overweight on children under five years has increase about 1,8% which on 2007 the proportion was 12,2% become 14,0% on 2010. DKI Jakarta was the first Province from 12 Provinces who has the overweight problem which the proportion more than national rate. Based on that data, the writer want to analyze the association between birth weight and other factors with overweight on children ages 6-59 months in DKI Jakarta Province.
This research is a quantitative research using a secondary data from health research 2010 (Riskesdas 2010). Riskesdas 2010 design is a cross sectional. The dependent variable is an overweight status based on Basal Metabolism Index per Age (BMI/Age). Data analysis are univariat, bivariat and multivariat. The research has found that overweight proportion is 24,3% while the low birth weight proportion is 4,9%. Chi-Square test has found that there is no relationship between birth weight and other independent factors with overweight, which mother occupation has the most risk factor to overweight in DKI Jakarta Province.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henny Kurniati
"Obesitas merupakan permasalahan global yang semakin sering ditemukan diberbagai negara. Obesitas berkaitan erat dengan permasalahan penyakit tidak menular lainnya dan menyebabkan kematian pada 2,80 juta orang dewasa setiap tahunnya. Beberapa penelitian menemukan bahwa obesitas dapat disebabkan oleh status pertumbuhan individu pada usia dini. Sementara itu prevalensi obesitas saat dewasa di negara berkembang juga meningkat bersamaan dengan tingginya prevalensi kekurangan gizi pada masa anak-anak. Beberapa studi menunjukkan adanya fenomena catch up growth atau mengejar ketertinggalan pertumbuhan yang berdampak pada kelebihan gizi di masa depan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan status gizi stunting saat balita terhadap risiko obesitas saat dewasa di Indonesia berdasarkan analisis data Indonesia Family Life Survey tahun 1993 dan 2014. Desain penelitian adalah kohort retrospektif. Besar sampel yang digunakan adalah 588 sampel berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara status gizi stunting saat balita terhadap risiko obesitas saat dewasa (p=0,003). Hasil analisis multivariat juga menunjukkan bahwa responden dengan status gizi stunting saat balita cenderung 1,63 (95% CI 1,18-2,27) kali berisiko mengalami obesitas saat dewasa setelah dikontrol variabel riwayat obesitas ibu, jenis kelamin, berat badan lahir, dan daerah tempat tinggal. Perlu penguatan program gizi spesifik, seperti pemeriksaan antenatal care (ANC) pada ibu hamil dan pemberian makanan tambahan bagi ibu hamil yang kekurangan energi kronis (KEK). Selain itu adanya upaya penguatan edukasi pada remaja perempuan saat mulai memasuki masa pubertas, dengan cara mengkonsumsi makanan yang tinggi protein seperti telur, susu, daging, ikan, keju, kerang dan udang. Protein nabati juga dianjurkan untuk dikonsumsi seperti tempe, tahu dan kacang- kacangan.

Obesity is a global problem that is increasingly found in various countries. Obesity is closely related to other non-communicable disease problems and causes death in 2,80 million adults each year. Several studies have found that obesity is also caused by an individual growth status in early age. Meanwhile, the prevalence of obesity as adults in developing countries has also increased, the prevalence of malnutrition in childhood was high. Several studies have shown that there is a catch- up growth phenomenon that results in excess nutrition in the future. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between stunting in childhood to the risk of obesity in adulthood in Indonesia based on analysis of Indonesia Family Life Survey data in 1993 and 2014. We used a retrospective cohort study. The sample size was 588 respondents based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed that the nutritional status of stunting in children associated with the risk of obesity in adolescent (p=0,003). The results of the multivariate analysis also showed that respondents with stunting nutritional status in children tended to be 1,63 (95% CI 1,18-2,27) times at risk of developing obesity in adolescent after controlling for the variables of history of maternal obesity, sex, birth weight, and area of residence. It is necessary to strengthen specific nutrition programs, such as antenatal care examinations for pregnant women and provision of additional food for pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency. In addition, there are efforts to strengthen education for teenager when they start entering puberty, by consuming foods that consist of high protein such as eggs, milk, meat, fish, cheese, shellfish, and shrimp. Plant-based or nabati protein is also recommended for consumption such as tempe, tofu, and nuts."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika
"Obesitas merupakan akibat dari keseimbangan energi positif untuk periode waktu yang cukup panjang. Masalah obesitas dapat terjadi pada usia anak-anak, remaja hingga dewasa. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang paling berhubungan dengan obesitas pada anak (5-15 tahun), menggunakan sumber data sekunder data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2007. Prevalensi obesitas (persentil >95) pada anak rentang usia 5-15 tahun sebesar 8,3%. Faktor risiko yang paling berhubungan dengan obesitas pada anak usia 5-15 tahun adalah tingkat pendidikan anak setelah dikontrol oleh variabel jenis kelamin, riwayat obesitas ayah, kebiasaan olah raga dan merokok serta asupan protein. Perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan faktor risiko obesitas dengan menanamkan pendidikan kesehatan pada anak sejak usia dini, melalui peningkatan KIE (komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi), seperti gerakan anti rokok, gerakan cinta serat (sayur dan buah) serta membudayakan aktivitas fisik.

Obesity is the result of positive energy balance for long periods of time. The problem of obesity can occur at the age of children, teens to adults. The purpose of this study is to identify the most dominant factor of obesity in children (5-15 years) using Basic Health Research in 2007. The proportion of obesity (percentile >95) in children (5-15 years old) was 8.3%. The risk factor which mostly associated with obesity was the level of education after being controlled by sex, father's obesity, exercise and smoking habits and intake of protein. To overcome obesity problem in children (5-15 years old), it is needed to provide health education for children from an early age through enhanced IEC (Information, Education and Communication) such as anti smoking program, love of fiber (vegetables and fruits) and develop a culture of sport activities."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rita Chairani
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai durasi pemberian ASI dan faktor lainnya yang berhubungan dengan kegemukan pada anak prasekolah di KB/TK Islam Al- Azhar 4 Kebayoran Lama. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional yang dilakukan pada seluruh siswa, laki-laki dan perempuan, usia 2-6 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April sampai dengan bulan Mei 2012. Sampel yang bersedia diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 74 anak. Data penelitian diambil dengan melakukan pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan, pengisian kuesioner serta pengisian lembar food record. Data yang telah didapat kemudian diolah menggunakan uji chi square untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi kegemukan pada anak prasekolah di KB/TK Islam Al-Azhar 4 Kebayoran Lama sebesar 32.4%. Pada penelitian ini, kejadian kegemukan berhubungan dengan asupan energi, asupan lemak, dan status gizi orang tua. Selain itu ditemukan pula adanya penurunan prevalensi kegemukan seiring dengan peningkatan durasi pemberisan ASI. Untuk itu, disarankan pihak sekolah dan orang tua mengajarkan serta membiasakan anak memiliki pola makan yang sehat dan rutin melakukan aktivitas fisik. Disarankan pula setidaknya pemberian ASI dengan durasi lebih dari 6 bulan untuk mengurangi kejadian kegemukan pada anak prasekolah.

This thesis discusses about the duration of breast jeeding and other factors associated with overweight in preschool children in Islamic playgroup and kindergarten Al-Azhar 4 Kebayoran Lama. This study used cross sectional designs are done on all students, boys and girls, aged 2-6 years. This research was conducted in April until May 2012. Samples are willing to particqoate in this study amounted 74 children. The data of this research was taken by measuring weight and height, filing out the questionnaire and food record sheet. The data has been acquired and then processed using the chi-square to see the relationship between the variables studied. Results showed the prevalence of obesity in preschool children in Islamic playgroup and kindergarten Al-Azhar 4 Kebayoran Lama is 32.4%. In this study, the incidence of obesity associated with energy intake, fat intake, and nutritional status of parents. In addition it also found that with increasing duration of breastfeeding, can reduce the prevalence of overweight in preschool children. Therefore, we advised the school and parents to teach and habituating the children to have a healthy diet and regular physical activity. We also recommend to give breastfeeding in infant for more than 6 months to reduce the incidence of overweight in preschool children."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widya Aprilita Minamilail
"Kegemukan pada anak terjadi karena adanya ketidakseimbangan antara energi yang diasup dan energi yang digunakan. Prevalensi kegemukan pada anak di Indonesia terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan adanya perbedaan proporsi asupan makanan, aktivitas fisik, durasi tidur, screen time, kebiasaan konsumsi kudapan, dan kebiasaan sarapan pada kejadian kegemukan pada siswa di SD Islam Al-Falaah tahun 2014.
Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan desain studi cross sectional pada siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SD Islam Al Falaah dengan jumlah responden 154 yang berusia 10-12 tahun, dipilih menggunakan sistem simple random sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji chi square dan analisis stratifikasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 35,7% siswa yang dikategorikan gemuk. Ditemukan bahwa ada perbedaan bermakna di tingkat asupan energi pada kejadian kegemukan sebelum dan sesudah dikontrol oleh jenis kelamin (p value = 0,022). Disarankan untuk pihak sekolah memiliki program untuk memantau status gizi (IMT/U) siswa melalui UKS dan melakukan penyuluhan mengenai Gizi Seimbang.

Overweight in children occurs because of an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. In Indonesia, prevalence of overweight in children increases gradually. This study aims to prove proportion differences of food intake, physical activity, sleep duration, screen time, snacking habits, and breakfast habits on overweight of Al-Falaah Islamic Elementary School students in 2014.
This study was conducted with a cross-sectional design in 4th and 5th grade of Al-Falaah Islamic Elementary School. The subjects were 154 students aged 10-12 years old, chosen by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using chi square test and stratified analysis.
The results showed that there were 35.7% of students who are classified as overweight. There are significant differences in the levels of energy intake on the incidence of overweight before and after controlled by sex (p value = 0.022). It would be advisable for the school to has a program to monitor the nutritional status (BMI/U) students through UKS and do counseling regarding Gizi Seimbang.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anthony Zein
"Prevalensi obesitas pada anak dan remaja saat ini semakin meningkat, sehingga dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan timbulnya penyakit degeneratif dimasa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan obesitas pada anak usia 11-15 tahun di SMP Strada Santa Maria 1 Kota Tangerang. Desain penelitian ini deskriptif analitik dengan cross sectional study. Dengan teknik stratified random sampling, didapatkan jumlah sampel 228 responden. Sebagian besar responden adalah perempuan (55,7%) dengan rerata usia 13,32 tahun.Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan Karbohidrat dengan Obesitas (p=0,033), asupan Protein dengan Obesitas (p=0,001), asupan Serat dengan Obesitas (p=0,005), dan jenis kelamin dengan Obesitas (p=0,032).

The prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents is now increasing, so it is feared will lead to the onset of degenerative diseases in the future This study aimed to identify the factors that lead to obesity in children aged 11-15 years in junior Strada Santa Maria 1 Tangerang. The study design was descriptive cross sectional analytic study. With stratified random sampling technique, the sample obtained 228 respondents. Most respondents were female (55.7%) with a mean age of 13.32 years.There are significant correlation between carbohydrate intake with obesity (p = 0.033), protein intake with obesity (p = 0.001), fiber intake with obesity (p = 0.005), and sex with obesity (p=0,032)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Puspito Rini
"Kegemukan merupakan masalah kesehatan dunia yang sering ditemukan di berbagai negara (Daniels, 2009). Berat badan lebih atau gemuk adalah keadaan dimana seseorang memiliki berat badan yang lebih dibandingkan berat badan idealnya yang disebabkan karena terjadinya penumpukan lemak di dalam tubuh (Supariasa, 2000). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan Kegemukan pada Anak di Sekolah Dasar Katolik Ignatius Slamet Riyadi II Jakarta Timur Tahun 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional yang dilakukan pada bulan Mei tahun 2019 di SDK Ignatius Slamet Riyadi II Jakarta Timur dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 128 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner secara mandiri oleh responden. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara univariat, analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square, dan analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik ganda model prediksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 55.5% anak di SDK Ignatius Slamet Riyadi II Jakarta Timur mengalami kegemukan. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik, variabel jenis kelamin (p-value =0.020;OR=2.483), asupan energi (p-value=0.0001;OR=7.347), asupan protein (p-value=0.0001;OR=4.055), asupan karbohidrat (p-value=0.001; OR=6.349), dan asupan lemak (p-value=0.044; OR=2.300) berhubungan dengan kegemukan pada anak. Selain itu, diketahui juga jenis kelamin merupakan faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan kegemukan dimana anak laki-laki 3.166 kali lebih berisiko untuk mengalami kegemukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan kepada siswa untuk lebih memperhatikan berat badan dan tinggi badan dengan melakukan pengukuran antropometri berkala di sekolah dan memperhatikan asupan makan dengan mengonsumsi makanan bergizi seimbang, serta tidak mengonsumsi fast food dan minuman manis kemasan bergula berlebihan. Sekolah disarankan melakukan pemantauan berat badan dan tinggi badan siswa dengan mengadakan pengukuran antropometri secara berkala, melakukan edukasi kepada orang tua murid tentang gizi seimbang, serta membuat program senam pagi bersama di sekolah.

Overweight is a world health problem that is often found in various countries (Daniels, 2009). Overweight is a condition where a person has more weight than his ideal body weight due to the accumulation of fat in the body (Supariasa, 2000). This aim of this study is to know determine factors that associated with overweight in children at Katolik Elementary School Ignatius Slamet Riyadi II Jakarta Timur 2019. This is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design conducted in May 2019 at SDK Ignatius Slamet Riyadi II Jakarta Timur, with 128 respondents. Data collection was done by interviewing and also use of self-administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate using Chi-Square test, and multivariate using multiple logistic regression models of prediction. The univariate results showed that 55.5% of children in SDK Ignatius Slamet Riyadi II Jakarta Timur were overweight. Based on the results of statistical tests, gender variables (p-value = 0.020; OR = 2.483), energy intake (p-value = 0.0001; OR = 7.347), protein intake (p-value = 0.0001; OR = 4,055), carbohydrate intake (p-value = 0.001; OR = 6,349), and fat intake (p-value = 0.044; OR = 2,300) associated with overweight in children. In addition, it is also known that gender is the dominant factor associated with overweight where boys are 3,166 times more at risk for overweight. Based on the results of the study, the researchers suggested that students pay more attention to their weight and height by conducting periodic anthropometric measurements at school and paying attention to food intake by eating balanced nutritious foods, and not consuming fast food and sugar sweetened beverages. Schools are advised to monitor students' body weight and height by conducting regular anthropometric measurements, educating parents about balanced nutrition, and making a morning exercise program at school."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Prasetiowati
Pendahuluan. Masalah gizi pada anak tidak hanya gizi kurang tetapi juga gizi lebih, termasuk berat badan berlebih dan obesitas. Status gizi anak dapat dinilai menggunakan indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Perbedaan IMT dapat mengakibatkan perubahan anatomik akibat adanya peningkatan beban tubuh sehingga mempengaruhi performa motorik termasuk keseimbangan postur, kekuatan otot dan lokomosi. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh IMT terhadap keseimbangan postur dan kekuatan otot tungkai atas serta mengetahui adanya korelasi antara keseimbangan postur dengan kekuatan otot tungkai atas pada anak 8 – 10 tahun. Metode. 63 anak usia 8 – 10 tahun terbagi dalam 3 kelompok IMT normal, IMT berat badan berlebih dan IMT obesitas. Pengukuran keseimbangan dengan single leg balance test pada MatScan dan didapatkan hasil area centre of pressure (COP). Kekuatan otot isometrik dari ektensor panggul dan ektensor lutut diukur menggunakan hand-held dynamometer. Hasil. Area COP pada anak obesitas lebih besar signifikan dibandingkan anak berat badan berlebih (p = 0.004) dan anak normal (p = 0.000). Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara kekuatan ekstensor panggul anak dengan IMT obesitas daripada IMT berat badan berlebih dan IMT normal yang tidak signifikan (p = 0,527). Kekuatan ekstensor lutut anak obesitas lebih besar secara signifikan dibandingkan anak berat badan berlebih (p = 0.038) dan anak normal (p = 0.001). Namun tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara area COP dengan kekuatan otot ekstensor panggul dan ekstensor lutut. Kesimpulan. Anak obesitas memperlihatkan penurunan keseimbangan postur dan peningkatan kekuatan otot ekstensor lutut dibandingkan dengan anak berat badan berlebih dan berat badan normal. Tidak ada korelasi signifikan antara keseimbangan dan kekuatan otot.

Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength.;Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength., Introduction. Nutritional problems in children are not only malnutrition but also overnutrition, including overweight and obesity. It can be assessed using the body mass index (BMI). The BMI difference can leads anatomic changes due to an increased of body loading that might affect the motor performance, including changes in balance posture, muscle strength and locomotion. Purposes. to explain the influence of BMI on the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength and to assess a correlation between the balance posture and lower limb muscle strength in children aged 8-10 years. Methods. 63 children aged 8-10 years are divided in 3 groups of BMI-normal, BMI-overweight and BMI-obese. The postural balance was assessed by single leg balance test on MatScan and the centre of pressure (COP) area was recorded. Isometric muscle strength of hip extensor and knee extensor were measured using a hand-held dynamometer. Results. Obese children had larger COP area significantly than overweight (p = 0.004) and normal children (p = 0.000). There were no significant differences in hip extensor muscle strength between obese children with overweight and normal children (p = 0.527). The knee extensor muscle strength in obese group was significantly higher than the overweight groups (p = 0.038) and normal group (p = 0.001). However there was no significant correlation between the hip extensor and knee extensor muscles strength with COP area. Conclusion. Children with BMI obesity had decreased balance posture and increased knee extensor muscle strength when compared to overweight and normal children. There was no significant correlation between the postural balance and muscle strength.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Mayasari
Latar belakang: Obesitas pada anak merupakan predisposisi terjadinya obesitas saat dewasa yang berhubungan dengan timbulnya penyakit ko-morbiditas metabolik. Obesitas ditandai dengan penimbunan jaringan adiposa tubuh secara berlebihan sehingga menghasilkan sitokin dan mediator inflamasi yang berperan dalam terjadinya inflamasi subklinis.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui profil penanda inflamasi subklinis pada anak obes usia 9-12 tahun melalui pemeriksaan sitokin inflamasi (Interleukin-6) dan protein fase akut (C-reactive protein dan alpha-1-acid glycoprotein).
Metode: Penelitian deskriptif potong lintang yang dilakukan pada siswa SD obes dan non-obes usia 9-12 tahun di Jakarta Selatan dan bersedia diukur antropometri serta diperiksa laboratorium IL-6, CRP, dan AGP.
Hasil: Dari 30 anak obes dan 30 anak non-obes didapatkan kadar median IL-6 anak obes lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan anak non-obes yaitu 3,09 (1,16-6,49) vs 1,27 (0,51-3,86), kadar median CRP pada kelompok obes lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok non-obes, yaitu 2,25 (0,4-64) vs 0,2 (<0,2-2,6) dan kadar rerata AGP kelompok obes lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok non-obes, yaitu 93,13 ± 18,29 vs 71 ± 18,89.
Simpulan: Inflamasi subklinis telah terjadi pada anak obes berusia 9-12 tahun. Kadar sitokin inflamasi IL-6, kadar protein fase akut CRP dan AGP lebih tinggi pada anak obes dibandingkan anak non-obes.

Background: Obesity in children is an important predisposing factor of adult obesity and correlates with metabolic co-morbidities. Obesity is basically an overt body adipose tissue which resulting cytokine and inflammatory mediators. The cytokine and inflammatory mediators play important role in subclinical inflammation.
Objective: To describe subclinical inflammatory marker of obese children age 9-12 years old by examining inflammatory cytokine (Interleukin-6) and acute phase protein (C-reactive protein and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein).
Methods: Cross sectional descriptive study was conducted in elementary school students of obese and non-obese age 9-12 years old in South Jakarta. Antropometric measurements and examination of IL-6, CRP, AGP were taken.
Results: Thirty obese and thirty non-obese children were recruited in this study. Obese children showed higher median IL-6 compared to non-obese (3,09 (1,16-6,49) vs 1,27 (0,51-3,86)), higher median CRP in obese children compared to non-obese (2,25 (0,4-64) vs 0,2 (<0,2-2,6)). Obese children also showed higher mean AGP compared to non-obese (93,13 ± 18,29 vs 71 ± 18,89).
Conclusions: Obese children age 9-12 years old have evidence of subclinical inflammation. The subclinical inflammation was based on higher IL-6, CRP, and AGP in obese children compared to non-obese children.;Background: Obesity in children is an important predisposing factor of adult obesity and correlates with metabolic co-morbidities. Obesity is basically an overt body adipose tissue which resulting cytokine and inflammatory mediators. The cytokine and inflammatory mediators play important role in subclinical inflammation.
Objective: To describe subclinical inflammatory marker of obese children age 9-12 years old by examining inflammatory cytokine (Interleukin-6) and acute phase protein (C-reactive protein and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein).
Methods: Cross sectional descriptive study was conducted in elementary school students of obese and non-obese age 9-12 years old in South Jakarta. Antropometric measurements and examination of IL-6, CRP, AGP were taken.
Results: Thirty obese and thirty non-obese children were recruited in this study. Obese children showed higher median IL-6 compared to non-obese (3,09 (1,16-6,49) vs 1,27 (0,51-3,86)), higher median CRP in obese children compared to non-obese (2,25 (0,4-64) vs 0,2 (<0,2-2,6)). Obese children also showed higher mean AGP compared to non-obese (93,13 ± 18,29 vs 71 ± 18,89).
Conclusions: Obese children age 9-12 years old have evidence of subclinical inflammation. The subclinical inflammation was based on higher IL-6, CRP, and AGP in obese children compared to non-obese children.;Background: Obesity in children is an important predisposing factor of adult obesity and correlates with metabolic co-morbidities. Obesity is basically an overt body adipose tissue which resulting cytokine and inflammatory mediators. The cytokine and inflammatory mediators play important role in subclinical inflammation.
Objective: To describe subclinical inflammatory marker of obese children age 9-12 years old by examining inflammatory cytokine (Interleukin-6) and acute phase protein (C-reactive protein and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein).
Methods: Cross sectional descriptive study was conducted in elementary school students of obese and non-obese age 9-12 years old in South Jakarta. Antropometric measurements and examination of IL-6, CRP, AGP were taken.
Results: Thirty obese and thirty non-obese children were recruited in this study. Obese children showed higher median IL-6 compared to non-obese (3,09 (1,16-6,49) vs 1,27 (0,51-3,86)), higher median CRP in obese children compared to non-obese (2,25 (0,4-64) vs 0,2 (<0,2-2,6)). Obese children also showed higher mean AGP compared to non-obese (93,13 ± 18,29 vs 71 ± 18,89).
Conclusions: Obese children age 9-12 years old have evidence of subclinical inflammation. The subclinical inflammation was based on higher IL-6, CRP, and AGP in obese children compared to non-obese children., Background: Obesity in children is an important predisposing factor of adult obesity and correlates with metabolic co-morbidities. Obesity is basically an overt body adipose tissue which resulting cytokine and inflammatory mediators. The cytokine and inflammatory mediators play important role in subclinical inflammation.
Objective: To describe subclinical inflammatory marker of obese children age 9-12 years old by examining inflammatory cytokine (Interleukin-6) and acute phase protein (C-reactive protein and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein).
Methods: Cross sectional descriptive study was conducted in elementary school students of obese and non-obese age 9-12 years old in South Jakarta. Antropometric measurements and examination of IL-6, CRP, AGP were taken.
Results: Thirty obese and thirty non-obese children were recruited in this study. Obese children showed higher median IL-6 compared to non-obese (3,09 (1,16-6,49) vs 1,27 (0,51-3,86)), higher median CRP in obese children compared to non-obese (2,25 (0,4-64) vs 0,2 (<0,2-2,6)). Obese children also showed higher mean AGP compared to non-obese (93,13 ± 18,29 vs 71 ± 18,89).
Conclusions: Obese children age 9-12 years old have evidence of subclinical inflammation. The subclinical inflammation was based on higher IL-6, CRP, and AGP in obese children compared to non-obese children.]"
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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