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Muhamad Abdi
"Proyek EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) pembangkit listrik memiliki kompleksitas yang tinggi untuk mencapai keberhasilan proyek (biaya, mutu, waktu). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor efektivitas tim yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung secara signifikan mempengaruhi keberhasilan proyek EPC pembangkit listrik. Faktor efektivitas tim diidentifikasi menggunakan SLR (systematic literature review) berdasarkan jurnal manajemen proyek. Setelah itu dilakukan metode Delphi untuk menganalisis relevansi dan dampak dari faktor-faktor tersebut pada keberhasilan proyek. Kami menemukan 28 faktor dan urutan pengaruhnya. Selanjutnya kami menilai proyek EPC pembangkit listrik di Sulawesi Indonesia berdasarkan tingkat penerapan, kepentingan, dan frekuensi masalah dengan melakukan kuesioner dan diskusi kelompok. Analisis Fishbone Diagram digunakan untuk menyelidiki akar permasalahan dan mencari perbaikan atau solusi. Empat faktor dianggap perlu perbaikan lebih lanjut: rasa hormat (respect); metode pengadaan/kontrak yang efektif (efficacy of procurement method and contract); komunikasi (communication); dan pengambilan keputusan (decision making). Hal penting dari studi adalah berfokus pada proyek EPC pembangkit listrik di Indonesia dan ini memberikan pengetahuan bagi manajer proyek dan anggota untuk menciptakan tim yang efektif untuk keberhasilan proyek. Akhirnya, penelitian ini memberikan indikator referensi untuk membentuk tim proyek yang efektif.

EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) power plant projects have a high complexity to achieve project success (i.e., cost, quality, and time). This study aims to identify factors of team effectiveness that significantly affect the successful outcomes of the EPC power plant project either directly or indirectly. SLR (systematic literature review) based on project management journals is applied to identify the factors of team effectiveness. Delphi method is utilized to analyze their relevance and impacts on the project’s success. We reveal twenty-eight factors and their impacts. Subsequently, we assess an EPC power plant project according to their implementation, importance, and frequency of problems by conducting a survey and a focus group discussion. Fishbone diagrams are employed to investigate the root causes and to seek improvements or solutions. Four factors are discovered and deemed to improve: respect, efficacy of procurement method and contracts, communication, and decision-making. The important point of the study is that it focuses on the EPC power plant project in Indonesia and this provides knowledge for project managers and members to create an effective team for project success. Finally, the study provides reference indicators for forming an effective project team."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renata Anna Maria PS.
"This writing, as a final assignment will discuss about the emp1oyec’s
performance of Autocustom XYZ Ltd. The company had a unique characteristic
of employee. Their working principle is like an artist, as described in the job
description; they cannot be too restricted, but they are also need to be well
managed. The oompany’s characteristic is also not well structured, because they
still do not have any clear prospective which can create a standard for the
employees. This may leads to conflicts and work goals loss target.
One ofthe efforts to overcome this situation is to train the employee in
building an effective team. Team building training is expectably can lead to
emp1oyee’s awareness about the impoitance of an effective teamwork. The
awareness mentioned is to build eohesiveness, which is one of many criteria of an
effective team.
Thus, a specialized team building training is formed using Appreciative
Inquiry (Al) approaching. This training covers cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor area including the 4D model from AI (discovery, dreams, design,
and destiny) as a step to build a positive attitude so it may leads to the emp1oyee’s
awareness about the effective teamwork and can create optimum efforts.
An advantage for Autocustom XYZ Ltd. 'fiom this writing is well
expected, and for other fellow student who in practice, willing to create a team
building using appreciative inquiry approaching.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ertrina Wulaningtyas
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu intervensi yang bertujuan mengatasi permasalahan mengenai Team Innovation yang kurang berjalan dengan baik pada PT UT dalam menjalankan program continuous improvement sebagai bagian dari usaha pencapaian visi PT UT menjadi perusahaan berbasis solusi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner yang terisi oleh 72 karyawan pada level kepala departemen cabang dan jobsite. Kuesioner dikembangkan berdasarkan alat ukur Team Innovation (Jackson, 1995), Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Avolio & Bass, 2004), dan Team Climate (Anderson & West, 1998). Kuesioner telah melalui modifikasi oleh peneliti yang kemudian diuji coba dan dianalisis itemnya hingga didapat bahwa keseluruhan itemnya valid. Dari hasil penelitian didapat bahwa Transformational Leadership memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar terhadap Team Innovation dibandingkan Team Climate dengan nilai Beta dan Sig sebesar 0,673 dan 0,000 untuk variabel Transformational Leadership serta 0,207 dan 0.067 untuk variabel Team Climate.
Melalui peninjauan lebih dalam, diketahui bahwa dimensi dari variabel Transformational Leadership yang paling rendah adalah Inspirational motivation dan Intellectual Stimulation. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa karyawan PT UT khususnya cabang dan jobsite belum merasa pimpinannya dapat membangkitkan motivasi mereka untuk bekerja lebih baik, belum menemukan tantangan dalam pekerjaan mereka sehari-hari untuk mencapai target bersama, serta kurangnya bimbingan dari pimpinan dalam hal stimulasi pola pikir kreatif dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Untuk itu, dirancang program intervensi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pimpinan cabang dan jobsite untuk membangkitkan motivasi bawahan serta memberikan arahan dalam proses berpikir kreatif untuk penyelesaian masalah. Desain intervensi yang direkomendasikan adalah berupa pemberian tugas fasilitasi kelompok QCC untuk membuat sebuah improvement project di level cabang maupun jobsite yang sebelumnya diberikan pelatihan sebagai pembekalan untuk proses fasilitasi selama enam bulan ini.

This study aims to develop an intervention to overcome the problems of the poorly executed Team Innovation In PT UT, as part of a continuous improvement efforts in achieving the company's vision-to be a 'solution driven company'. This study was conducted with a quantitative approach with data collection techniques using questionnaires filled by 72 employees at the level of department heads of UT branches& jobsites. The questionnaire was developed based on Team Innovation (Jackson, 1995), Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Avolio & Bass, 2004), and Team Climate (Anderson & West, 1998). The questionnaire has been through a modification process then tested and analyzed to the result that the items are entirely valid. As shown from the results that transformational leadership had greater influence on Team Innovation than Team Climate with the value of Sig and Beta of 0.673 & 0.000 for the Transformational Leadership and 0.207 & 0.067 for Team Climate.
Through a deeper review, it was known that from the dimensions of Transformational Leadership, Intellectual Stimulation and Inspirational Motivation had the least score. These results indicate that most of employees of PT UT located in branches and jobsites were not well motivated by their leaders as well as having a lack of guidance in terms of stimulating the creative mindset in solving problems. Therefore, intervention programs were designed and recommended to improve the ability of the Branch and Jobsites Managers to rise the motivation of their subordinates and to provide guidance in the process of creative thinking for problem solving. The intervention that was recommended to PT UT was an act of facilitating QCC teams in making an improvement project at branch and jobsite level, by previously giving a series of training to Branch & Jobsite Managers as a debriefing training for facilitation process.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Aziz Rivaldho
"[Loyalitas terhadap tim sangat penting dalam industri olahraga terutama karena kurangnya kontrol terhadap hasil pertandingan. Untuk itu perlu ada pendekatan relasional untuk menciptakan loyalitas para supporter. Selain itu, perlu juga ditambahkan pendekatan hierarchy of effects, cognition ? affection ? conation, untuk membantu menjelaskan seberapa kuat dan loyal hubungan antara konsumen olahraga dan timnya terjalin. Penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling dengan bantuan software LISREL 8.51. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa team attachment memiliki pengaruh positif dengan team loyalty. Kedua, membuktikan bahwa team self ? expression memiliki pengaruh positif dengan team attachment. Ketiga, membuktikan bahwa team trust memiliki pengaruh positif dengan team attachment. Terakhir, membuktikan bahwa team involvement memiliki pengaruh positif dengan team attachment.;In sport industry, loyalty was considered as one of the most important aspect as the lack of match control often to happen. Therefore, relational approach is needed in order to create supporters?s loyalty. Moreover, hieararchy of effects; cogmition- affection-conation is needed to describe further the relationship between consumers and the club itself. This research used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Lisrel 8.51 as the statistical software. Furthermore, this research found that team attachment had a positive influence towards team loyalty. It was also prove that team self expression had a positive influence towards team attachment. Last but not least, This research found that team involvement had a positive influence towards team attachement., In sport industry, loyalty was considered as one of the most important aspect as the lack of match control often to happen. Therefore, relational approach is needed in order to create supporters’s loyalty. Moreover, hieararchy of effects; cogmition- affection-conation is needed to describe further the relationship between consumers and the club itself. This research used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Lisrel 8.51 as the statistical software. Furthermore, this research found that team attachment had a positive influence towards team loyalty. It was also prove that team self expression had a positive influence towards team attachment. Last but not least, This research found that team involvement had a positive influence towards team attachement.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Richards, Dick
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass , 1994
658.402 2 RIC a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barker, James R.
London: Sage, 1999
658.4 BAR d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ace Sudrajat
"Retensi perawat merupakan salah satu ukuran keberhasilan rumah sakit khususnya bagian manajemen sumber daya manusia dan bidang keperawatan dalam mengelola dan mempertahankan perawat. Perawat akan nyaman dan produktif dalam bekerja apabila terpenuhi berbagai kebutuhan baik secara fisik maupun psikologis. Pemenuhan kebutuhan fisik dan psikologis dapat tergantung pada beberapa faktor antara lain faktor demografi perawat, bobot pekerjaan, kepemimpinan, manajemen karir, kondisi bekerja, komunikasi interpersonal dan imbalan jasa.
Dengan terpenuhinya beberapa faktor tersebut maka perawat akan merasa puas dan pada akhirnya nyaman dalam bekerja, loyal terhadap pimpinan rumah sakit, dan hidupnya merasa bagian dari rumah sakit dimana perawat bekerja Peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan retensi perawat di Rumah Sakit Agung karena basil residensi penulis mendapati turnover perawat cukup tinggi (26.9-40.5) pada tahun 2001.
Rumah Sakit Agung sebagai tempat penelitian memiliki kapasitas tempat tidur 63 dewasa dan 9 bayi, dengan jumlah 88 perawat, dan 77 perawat diantaranya adalah menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan retensi perawat. Sebagai variabel independen adalah faktor demografi, bobot pekeijaan, kepemimpinan, manajemen karir, kondisi bekerja, komunikasi dan imbalan jasa. Variabel dependennya adalah retensi perawat.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat yang hasilnya menunjukkan : tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara variabel demografi, bobot pekerjaan, kepemimpinan, manajemen karir dan komunikasi dengan retensi perawat; ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kondisi bekerja dan imbalan jasa dengan retensi perawat. Hasil analisis regressi logistik dengan metode backward menghasilkan subvariabel pendidikan dan variabel kondisi bekerja sangat kuat berhubungan dengan retensi perawat. Hasil uji interaksi kedua variabel didapatkan variabel kondisi bekerja yang paling berhubungan dengan p-value 0.002.
Penelitian ini merupakan masukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang sangat berhubungan perlu dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan. Kemudian yang tidak berhubungan perlu dilakukan kajian kembali agar terhadap program-program yang telah direncanakan apakah telah relevan dengan keinginan para karyawan atau belum. Dengan demikian retensi perawat dapat ditingkatkan dan sekaligus mengurangi turnover perawat.
Daftar pustaka 43 (1986 - 2002).

Factors Related to between Nurses Retention in the Hospital Agung in 2003The nurses retention is the one of hospital success especially for maintaining and managing nurses in Human Resources management and Nursing division. The nurses will be comfortable and productive in their work if all their physic and psichological need are meet. This condition depends on the many factors include : nurses demographic, kind of work, leadership, career management, work condition, interpersonal communication and salary. When all their need are meet, the nurses will be satisfied and by the end will be comfortable and loyal to the leader of Hospital. Reseacher interested to reseach the relationship between all the factors with the nurses retention in Agung Hospital because the nurses turnover was high in 2001.
Agung Hospital as the reseach site has 63 bed adult and 9 bed for baby and 88 nurses, 77 nurses were as the responden of this reseach. This research was a corelatif descriptive research with cross sectional approach. Independent variables were demographic factor, kind of work, leadership, career management, work condition, communication and salary. A dependent variable was the nurses retention.
This research used univariat, bivariat and multivariat analysis. The result find that no relationship between demography, kind of work, leadership career management and communication with nurses retention. It also, find that there are a statistcally association beetween work condition and salary with nursess retention. With the logistic regression analysis with backward method find that education subvariable and work condition have a very strong relationship with nurses retention. The result from the interaction test of two variables analysis showed that work condition was the strongest factor related to the nurses retention with p-value 0.002.
This result is an input for hospital that the positive factor should be maintain and improve, and negative factor need to reasses in order to make a plan the relevan program. So the retention can improve and reduce turnover."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 8244
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evie Supriyatni
"Tugas Akhir ini membahas rencana intervensi untuk mengatasi masalah kesenjangan kompetensi karyawan PT XYZ dengan pendekatan team learning approach (pembelajaran tim). Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 30 karyawan Unit A. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sumber masalah adalah belum memadainya public reflection dan shared meaning dalam roda pembelajaran tim. Pada public reflection, tim melakukan refleksi secara bersama mengenai pengalaman tim pada masa lalu serta melakukan introspeksi terhadap pengalaman tim tersebut. Pada shared meaning, tim menciptakan gagasan dan kemungkinan untuk bertindak serta membangun dasar yang sama agar tim dapat mencapai pemahaman bersama. Alternatif intervensi yang direkomendasikan adalah menciptakan pemimpin tim yang efektif dengan mengadakan pelatihan kepemimpinan kepada para supervisor menggunakan Lewin's Change Model.

This study ojers an intervention plan to overcome employee conmetency gap of PT XYZ through team learning approach Conducted for 30 employees of Unit A, result of study is showing that root of cause was due to inadequacy of public rejlection and shared meaning in team learning wheel. In public reflection team is conducting reflection and review about team experience in the past. In shared meaning team is creating ideas and act possibilities, together with builthng agreed foundation to achieve understanding. Recommended alternative interventions is to create epeetive team leader by providing leadershhn training to supervisors using Lewin's Change Model."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arsenoa Adji
In a software development project, the project manager has a strong role in
managing the team to achieve project success. Managing a project team is
different from managing team in usual business activity because sometimes it
needs different approach to match the project?s characteristic. According to PMI
(2008), a project has a limited timeline (temporary) and unique requirements.
Project manager?s leadership style was the main focus in this research that had
influences on leadership outcome (effectiveness, extra effort, and satisfaction).
There was also a finding about team?s work environment captured while they
were in a software development project. Based on personal interview with 14
employees in PT Quadra Solution, they perceived that there were some problems
toward their project managers. This research was addressed to examine the
leadership styles of project managers and the outcome related to their leadership
styles in this company and also to see the characteristic of the team?s current work
environment while they were in the software development project. The data were
collected using questionnaires, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and
Work Environment Scale (WES). The result of leadership style was the project
manager implemented idealized behavior, idealized attribute and management by
exception active as perceived by the team members. The leadership trait that was
the most significant in influencing the outcome, effectiveness, was laissez-faire
(negative). The most significant in influencing the outcome, extra effort, was
individualized consideration. The most significant in influencing the outcome,
satisfaction, was idealized behavior. The work environment perceived by the team
members was characterized by relationship dimensions (involvement, peer
cohesion, and supervisor support) and some personal growth dimensions
(autonomy and work pressure)."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Nurthia
"Manajemen risiko merupakan salah satu faktor terpenting dalam manajemen proyek untuk memastikan proyek dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Dengan adanya pengelolaan risiko yang tepat, risiko-risiko yang mungkin terjadi dapat diantisipasi sedini mungkin. Pada akhirnya, kemampuan perusahaan untuk mengalokasikan dana kontingensi risiko menjadi faktor keberhasilan dalam mengestimasi biaya dan keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan proses identifikasi dan analisis risiko untuk memperoleh risiko yang termasuk kategori tinggi yang mungkin muncul selama pelaksanaan proyek PLTU X, serta menentukan strategi penanganan risiko. Setelah itu, dilakukan simulasi dengan menggunakan simulasi Monte Carlo untuk menentukan besarnya dana kontingensi optimal dengan tingkat kepercayaan mulai dari 80% sampai 100%. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan perhitungan alokasi dana kontingensi yang optimal, maka perusahaan dapat mengalokasikan dana dengan tepat dan pada akhirnya akan menguntungkan bagi pihak perusahaan.

Risk management is one of the most important factors in project management to ensure that the project will accomplished well. By managing the risk well, it can anticipate risks that may appear from the beginning of the project. At the end, the company ability to allocate cost contingency for the risks become the success factor in cost estimation and profit that can be achieved by the company itself. The research contains of risk identification process and risk analysis to identify the risk that included as a high risk category that may occur along the project CFSPP X taken place, and determine risk response planning for each high risk category. After that, Monte Carlo simulation will be conducted to determine the optimal cost contingency with the level of confidence started from 80% until 100%. Overall, it can be concluded that by calculating the optimal cost contingency, company can allocate the fund correctly and will achieve the profit eventually."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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