ABSTRAKMicrogrid (Jaringan Listrik Mikro/JLM) adalah system pembangkit terdistribusi
menggunakan beberapa sumber energi sebagai sumber energi listrik, antara lain, dari sumber
energi terbarukan, sehingga ramah lingkungan. JLM dapat bekerja terhubung dengan grid
ataupun bekerja secara terpisah dari grid/isolated. Stabilitas sistem JLM memberikan
reliabilitas, kualitas daya dan efesiensi daya listrik yang lebih baik.
Pada JLM yang menggunakan sumber energi surya maka ada satu kondisi dimana pada
saat kondisi islanding (tidak terhubung pada jaringan utilitas/PLN) dan pembangkit tidak
mendapatkan pasokan energi surya, seperti pada saat malam hari, maka hanya menggunakan
baterai sebagai sumber energinya. Hal ini menimbulkan permasalahan lain yaitu bagaimana
melakukan pengaturan operasi baterai dari masing-masing pembangkit, dengan tetap dapat
menjaga kontinuitas penyaluran daya ke beban sehingga setiap pembangkit tetap mampu
menyalurkan daya tanpa harus dilakukan pemutusan beban karena kekurangan pasokan energi
dari baterai atau jika dilakukan pemutusan beban maka dipastikan paling minimal. Dengan pola
pengaturan operasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembangkit beroperasi menggunakan baterai,
disetiap akhir siklus operasinya, selain seluruh beban dapat dipasok daya,juga tercapai kondisi
level baterai maksimum.
Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan diatas maka dibuat metode pembagian daya antar
inverter pada aplikasi manajemen energi di JLM-PV yang mengatur operasi penggunaan
baterai cadangan di setiap pembangkit terdistribusi agar dapat menjaga kontinuitas pasokan
daya atau minimalisasi besaran beban yang harus diputus, dengan menggunakan zero one
integer programing. Pada setiap pembangkit guna memenuhi kebutuhan daya dari beban
dengan mekanisme pengaturan pembagian penyaluran daya lisrik (power sharing) antar
pembangkit serta melakukan pemanfaatan sumber energi yang berasal dari radiasi matahari
secara maksimal, berdasarkan data perkiraan beban dan perkiraan radiasi.
Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan penerapan mekanisme optimasi pemutusan beban
menggunakan zero-one integer programming pada permasalahan diatas dapat meningkatkan
IPD (indek penyaluran daya) dari 86,65% menjadi 95,75% pada simulasi 5 pembangkit dengan
metode pembagian daya berdasarkan mode operasi kesamaan daya inverter. Sementara
berdasarkan mode operasi kesamaan level baterai penerapan optimasi pemutusan beban
meningkatkan IPD dari 95,86% menjadi 99,20%.;
ABSTRACTMicrogrid is a distributed generation system using multiple energy sources, such as, renewable energy
sources, that making it environmentally friendly. Microgrid is able to work connected to grid (on grid) or
disconnected to grid (off grid/isolated). Microgrid system provides better reliability, power quality and
power efficiency.
On solar energy microgrid,during the islanding condition and no solar radiation, at night, it only use the
battery as a source of energy. This condition raises another problem of how to manage battery operation
of each generation to maintain the continuity of the power distribution to each load so that each
generation is still able to distribute power without load shadding due to insufficient of energy supply from
the battery or if load shedding is done, it must be done at the most minimum. By performing operation
management of the generation when supplied using the battery, the entire load can be supplied with
power and the battery reached the maximum level, at the end of every operation cycle.
To solve the aforementioned problem, the inverter power sharing method is developed in energy
management application on PV-microgrid, which will manage the usage of back-up battery operation on
each distributed generation in order to maintain the continuity of power distribution or to minimize the
amount of load shedding, by using the zero one integer programming. To meet the load power
requirements with generated power and to maximizing the use of solar radiation energy, each generation,
using power sharing control mechanism based on data of load prediction and forecasting of solar
The result of the research shown that implementation of the load shedding optimization mechanism using
zero-one integer programming on the aforementioned problem, can increase the PDI (Power Distribution
Index) from 86,65% to 95,75% at 5 generation simulation, with power sharing method based on Equal
Inverter Output Power Operation Mode. Meanwhile, power sharing method based on Equal Battery Level
Operation Mode, the implementation of load shedding optimization increases PDI from 95,86% to
99,20%., Microgrid is a distributed generation system using multiple energy sources, such as, renewable energy
sources, that making it environmentally friendly. Microgrid is able to work connected to grid (on grid) or
disconnected to grid (off grid/isolated). Microgrid system provides better reliability, power quality and
power efficiency.
On solar energy microgrid,during the islanding condition and no solar radiation, at night, it only use the
battery as a source of energy. This condition raises another problem of how to manage battery operation
of each generation to maintain the continuity of the power distribution to each load so that each
generation is still able to distribute power without load shadding due to insufficient of energy supply from
the battery or if load shedding is done, it must be done at the most minimum. By performing operation
management of the generation when supplied using the battery, the entire load can be supplied with
power and the battery reached the maximum level, at the end of every operation cycle.
To solve the aforementioned problem, the inverter power sharing method is developed in energy
management application on PV-microgrid, which will manage the usage of back-up battery operation on
each distributed generation in order to maintain the continuity of power distribution or to minimize the
amount of load shedding, by using the zero one integer programming. To meet the load power
requirements with generated power and to maximizing the use of solar radiation energy, each generation,
using power sharing control mechanism based on data of load prediction and forecasting of solar
The result of the research shown that implementation of the load shedding optimization mechanism using
zero-one integer programming on the aforementioned problem, can increase the PDI (Power Distribution
Index) from 86,65% to 95,75% at 5 generation simulation, with power sharing method based on Equal
Inverter Output Power Operation Mode. Meanwhile, power sharing method based on Equal Battery Level
Operation Mode, the implementation of load shedding optimization increases PDI from 95,86% to