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Della Sherina Rizky
"Curah hujan di musim hujan berperan dalam mentransportasikan sampah, termasuk mikroplastik dari sungai ke laut. Peningkatan sampah, arus, dan peningkatan penduduk juga dapat memengaruhi kelimpahan mikroplastik. Mikroplastik di pesisir dapat menempel pada daun lamun. Daun lamun akan mengalami pertumbuhan, sehingga memungkinkan adanya perbedaan kelimpahan mikroplastik di sepanjang daun lamun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbandingan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada daun Enhalus acoroides, air, dan sedimen di Pulau Lima, Teluk Banten pada musim hujan tahun 2020 dan 2021, serta menganalisis apakah ada perbedaan kelimpahan mikroplastik di sepanjang daun E. acoroides. Sampel daun diambil seluas 1 cm2 dari helaian daun, kemudian dikerik menggunakan cutter. Sampel air sebanyak 20 L diambil menggunakan plankton net. Sampel sedimen sebanyak 200 g dikeringkan menggunakan oven. Rata-rata kelimpahan mikroplastik pada sampel daun lamun tahun 2020 sebesar 46,96±3,13 partikel/cm2, dan tahun 2021 sebesar 61,5±6,63 partikel/cm2. Sampel air tahun 2020 sebesar 130,66±14,19 partikel/L, sedangkan 2021 sebesar 162,22±7,82 partikel/L. Sampel sedimen tahun 2020 sebesar 12.066±4.017,6 partikel/Kg, sedangkan 2021 sebesar 17.354,67±2.341,95 partikel/Kg. Terdapat peningkatan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada semua sampel di Pulau Lima, Teluk Banten saat musim hujan tahun 2020 hingga 2021. Rata-rata kelimpahan mikroplastik pada jarak 20 cm dari pangkal daun sebanyak 36,7±7,8 partikel/cm2 lebih rendah daripada jarak 50 cm sebanyak 144,4±23,74 partikel/cm2. Terdapat perbedaan kelimpahan mikroplastik di sepanjang daun lamun.

Rainfall in the rainy season plays a role in transporting waste, including microplastics from rivers to the sea. Increased waste, currents, and population growth can also affect the abundance of microplastics. Microplastics on the coast are attached to seagrass leaves. Seagrass leaves experienced growth, thus allowing for differences in the abundance of microplastics along with the leaves. This study aims to analyze the comparison of the abundance of microplastics in Enhalus acoroides leaves, water, and sediment on Lima Island, Banten Bay in the rainy seasons of 2020 and 2021, and analyze whether there are differences in the abundance of microplastics along with E. acoroides leaves. The leaves were taken 1 cm2 from the leaf blade, then scraped using a cutter. The water (20 L) was taken using a plankton net. The sediment (200 g) was dried using an oven. The average abundance of microplastics in seagrass leaf samples in 2020 was 46.96±3.13 particles/cm2, while in 2021 was 61.5±6.63 particles/cm2. The water sample in 2020 was 130.66±14.19 particles/L, while in 2021 was 162.22±7.82 particles/L. The sediment sample in 2020 was 12,066±4,017.6 particles/Kg, while in 2021 was 17,354.67±2,341.95 particles/Kg. There was an increase in the abundance of microplastics in all samples on Lima Island, Banten Bay during the rainy season from 2020 to 2021. The average abundance of microplastics at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the leaf was 36.7±7.8 particles/cm2, lower than a distance of 50 cm at 144.4±23.74 particles/cm2. There were differences in the abundance of microplastics along with the seagrass leaves."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Anggreini
"Laut merupakan sumber daya dengan peran penting dalam mempertahankan produksi pangan. Namun, diperkirakan 51 triliun partikel mikroplastik tersebar di seluruh laut dunia. Polusi mikroplastik memungkinkan paparan ke manusia melalui jaring-jaring makanan karena dapat menempel pada biota laut yang edible seperti makroalga anggur laut. Penelitian pada anggur laut (Caulerpa racemosa) di Pulau Semak Daun bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dan total kelimpahan mikroplastik melalui kontrol positif 10 gram sampel dalam 100 ml akuades, metode pengadukkan dengan magnetic strirrer dan metode penghancuran menggunakan NaOH. Hasil penelitian menemukan mikroplastik fiber, fragmen, film, dan foam sebanyak 10,34 partikel/gram. Penelitian ini memberi bukti bahwa mikroplastik dapat menempel ke anggur laut dan unsur abiotik di sekitarnya sehingga beresiko masuk ke rantai makanan karena dikonsumsi oleh manusia secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui biota laut lain.

The ocean is a resource with an important role in maintaining global food production. However, an estimated 51 trillion microplastic particles are scattered throughout the world's oceans. Microplastic pollution allows exposure to humans through food webs because it can attach to edible marine biota such as sea grape macroalgae. Research on sea grapes (Caulerpa racemosa) in Pulau Semak Daun with objectives to determine the shape and total abundance of microplastics through positive control of 10 grams of sample in 100 ml of distilled water, stirring method with magnetic stirrer and destruction method using NaOH. The results of this research found microplastic fibers, fragments, films, and foams with the total abundance is 10.34 particles/gram. This research provides evidence that microplastics can stick to sea grapes and the surrounding abiotic elements and risk of entering the food chain because they are consumed by humans directly or indirectly through other marine biota."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhea Fanny Shavira
"Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk dan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada air, insang, dan saluran pencernaan ikan mujair Oreochromis mossambicus dan ikan setan merah Amphilophus labiatus yang terdapat di Situ Salam, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Sampel air diambil sebanyak 20 L lalu disaring menggunakan plankton net sampai volume air menjadi 200 ml sementara sampel ikan mujair dan ikan setan merah diambil masing-masing 10 ekor dengan jala lalu disimpan di wadah penyimpanan berisi formalin 40%. Ekstraksi sampel dilakukan di Laboratorium Biologi Kelautan, Departemen Biologi, FMIPA UI dengan metode dekstruksi oleh HNO3 65% kemudian dilakukan analisis bentuk dan kelimpahan mikroplastik di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, rata-rata total kelimpahan mikroplastik pada air diperoleh 153,7 ± 44,2 partikel L-1, pada saluran pencernaan ikan mujair diperoleh 2.868 ± 723,5 partikel ind-1, pada saluran pencernaan ikan setan merah diperoleh 3.548,4 ± 1031,4 partikel ind-1, pada insang ikan mujair diperoleh 3.782,6 ± 1.171,6 partikel ind-1, dan pada insang ikan setan merah diperoleh 3.848 ± 863,1 partikel ind-1. Bentuk mikroplastik yang mendominasi pada air situ, saluran pencernaan, dan insang adalah bentuk fiber. Berdasarkan hasil Uji T Dua Sampel terhadap sampel insang dan pencernaan dari ikan mujair dan ikan setan merah menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan.

Research has been carried out that aims to analyze the shape and microplastics in the water, gills, and digestive tract of tilapia fish Oreochromis mossambicus and red devil fish Amphilophus labiatus that found in Salam Lake, University of Indonesia Campus, Depok. Water samples were taken as much as 20 L and then filtered using a plankton net until the water volume became 200 ml while samples of tilapia fish and red devil fish were taken each with a net and stored in a storage container containing formalin 40%. Sample extraction was carried out at the Marine Biology Laboratory, Department of Biology, FMIPA UI with the destruction method by HNO3 65% and then analyzed the shape and abundance of microplastics under a microscope. The results showed that the average total abundance of microplastics in water was 153,7 ± 44,2 L-1 particles, in the digestive tract of tilapia fish it was obtained 2.868 ± 723,5 ind-1 particles, in the digestive tract of red devil fish obtained 3.548,4 ± 1.031,4 ind-1 particles, in the gills of tilapia fish obtained 3.782,6 ± 1.171,6 ind-1 particles, and in the gills of red devil fish obtained 3.848 ± 863,1 particles ind-1. The predominant form of microplastic in the water, digestive tract, and gills is the form of fiber. Based on the results of the Two-Sample T-Test on gill and digestive samples of tilapia fish and red devil fish, there is no significant difference."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Monica Salsabilla
"Makroalga merupakan tumbuhan yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber makanan bagi organisme laut dan manusia. Makroalga Sargassum cinereum pada bagian permukaan thalli dapat terakumulasi oleh miktoplastik yang memiliki daya akumulasi tinggi di perairan Pulau Semak Daun. Kontaminasi mikroplastik pada bagian makroalga terjadi karena adanya akumulasi mikroplastik pada tempat tumbuh makroalga. Mikroplastik dapat menempel, melilit, maupun terbungkus oleh makroalga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk, warna, dan ukuran mikroplastik dan pengaruh variasi waktu pengocokkan terhadap pengurangan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada makroalga Sargassum cinereum J. Agardh 1848. Sampel pada permukaan makroalga diambil sebanyak 10 g, kemudian diberi perlakuan pengocokkan dengan perbedaan waktu 5 menit, 10 menit, dan 15 menit dan disaring menggunakan kertas saring Whatman filter. Sampel yang menempel kuat pada makroalga dilarutkan dengan larutan NaOH, kemudian disaring menggunkan kertas Whatman filter. Sampel kontrol negatif di diamkan selama 15 menit, sedangkan kontrol positif langsung dilakukan penyaringan. Bentuk mikroplastik didominasi oleh fiber sebesar 58% dengan jumlah 36,5 partikel/g. Warna mikroplastik didominasi oleh biru sebesar 75%. Persentase pengurangan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada kelompok perlakuan tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan pengocokkan selama 15 menit (K15) sebesar 70% dan terendah pada perlakuan kontrol negatif (KN) sebesar 45%. Uji One Way ANOVA membuktikan bahwa adanya perbedaan rata-rata kelimpahan mikroplastik pada kelompok perlakuan pengocokkan dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,002 (< 0,05). Waktu pengocokkan mempengaruhi pengurangan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada makroalga Sargassum cinereum.

Macroalgae are plants that are widely used as a food source for marine organisms and humans. Sargassum cinereum macroalgae on the surface of the thalli can be accumulated by mytoplastics which have high accumulation power in the waters of Semak Daun Island. Microplastic contamination in the macroalgae section occurs due to the accumulation of microplastics in the macroalgae growing sites. Microplastics can be attached, wrapped around, or covered by macroalgae. This study aims to determine the shape, color, and size of microplastics and the effect of variations in shaking time on the reduction of microplastics in macroalgae Sargassum cinereum J. Agardh 1848. Samples on the surface of macroalgae were taken as much as 10 g, then given shaking treatment with a time difference of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes and filtered using a Whatman filter paper filter. Samples that adhered strongly to macroalgae were dissolved with NaOH solution, then filtered using Whatman filter paper. The negative control sample was allowed to stand for 15 minutes, while the positive control sample was immediately assessed. The form of microplastic is dominated by fiber by 58% with a total of 36.5 particles/g. The color of microplastic is dominated by blue by 75%. The percentage of microplastic reduction in the treatment group was highest in the shaking treatment for 15 minutes (K15) by 70% and the lowest in the negative treatment (KN) 45%. The One-Way ANOVA test proved that the difference between the mean and microplastics in the shaking treatment group had a significant value of 0.002 (< 0.05). Shaking time affects the reduction of microplastic in macroalga Sargassum cinereum."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Christyan Natanael Harvey Davika
"Keberadaan mikroplastik telah mencemari dan mengganggu perairan di wilayah Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada lamun Cymodocea rotundata, sedimen, dan air Pulau Rambut, Teluk Jakarta tahun 2022 dan 2023. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di tiga stasiun Pulau Rambut (Timur, Selatan, dan Barat).  Sampel diambil sebanyak delapan individu lamun per stasiun, sedimen, dan air dengan metode random sampling.  Sampel lamun dipotong sepanjang 2 cm lalu dikerik, sedimen dikeringkan lalu diberikan larutan jenuh NaCl, dan sempel air diberikan NaCl kemudian seluruh sampel diamati dibawah mikroskop. Rata-rata kelimpahan mikroplastik lamun C. rotundata pada tahun 2022 sebesar 42 partikel/cm dan pada tahun 2023 sebesar 44,46 partikel/cm. Rata-rata kelimpahan mikroplastik pada sedimen tahun 2022 sebesar 73,53 partikel/g dan pada tahun 2023 sebesar  79,56 partikel/g. Kelimpahan mikroplastik pada sampel air tahun 2022 sebesar 51,33 partikel/L dan pada tahun 2023 sebesar 53,78 partikel/L. Uji Korelasi Spearman menjelaskan bahwa kelimpahan mikroplastik sampel lamun dengan sedimen, air dengan sedimen, dan lamun dengan air memiliki korelasi positif yang kuat. Hasil Uji-T menyatakan terdapat perbedaan tidak signifikan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada lamun C. rotundata (sig. (2-tailed) 0,182>0,05) dan terdapat perbedaan signifikan kelimpahan mikroplastik sedimen tahun 2022 dan 2023 (sig. (2-tailed) 0,007<0,05). Hasil uji ATR-FTIR didapatkan kandungan polimer CA, ABS, HDPE, PMMA, PVC, dan PET pada sampel daun lamun C. rotundata.

The existence of microplastics has polluted and disturbed the waters in Indonesian territory. This research compared the abundance of microplastics i Cymodocea rotundata seagrass, sediment, and water on Rambut Island, Seribu Islands, Jakarta, in 2022 and 2023. Samples were taken as many as eight individuals of seagrass per station, sediment, and water by random sampling method.  The seagrass samples were cut 2 cm long and scraped, the sediment was dried and then given a saturated solution of NaCl, and the water sample was given NaCl. Then all samples were observed under a microscope. The average microplastic abundance of C. rotundata seagrass leaves in 2022 was 42 particles/cm and in 2023, it was 4.46 particles/cm. The average abundance of microplastics in sediments in 2022 was 73.53 particles/g and in 2023, it was 79.56 particles/g. The abundance of microplastics in water samples in 2022 was 51.33 particles/L and in 2023, it was 53.78 particles/L. The Spearman Correlation Test explains that the microplastic abundance of seagrass with sediment, water with sediment, and seagrass with water samples had a strong correlation. The results of the T-test stated that there was no significant difference in the abundance of microplastics in seagrass leaves of C. rotundata (sig. (2-tailed) 0.182>0.05) and there was a significant difference in the abundance of microplastics in sediments in 2022 and 2023 (sig. (2-tailed) 0.007<0.05). The results of the ATR-FTIR test found the polymer content of CA, ABS, HDPE, PMMA, PVC, and PET in C. rotundata seagrass samples."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Luna Fausya
"Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test.Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test.

Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harezki Bazakhi
"Ikan Nila Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) pada Setu Babakan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis presentase kelimpahan bentuk mikroplastik pada insang, lambung, dan usus ikan Nila Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) yang diperoleh dari Setu Babakan, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan di Setu Babakan dan Laboratorium Biologi Laut, Departemen Biologi FMIPA Universitas Indonesia. Sampel ikan Nila yang diteliti sebanyak 18 ekor dengan panjang berkisar 13-20 cm. Sampel diisolasi untuk kemudian dilakukan metode destruksi dengan menggunakan larutan HNO3 65% sehingga dapat dilakukan proses analisis kelimpahan dan bentuk mikroplastik di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat total kelimpahan rata-rata pada sampel air permukaan sebesar 308,00 ± 128,29 partikel/liter; insang sebesar 7.820 ± 1.847 partikel/individu; pada sampel lambung sebesar 2.588,11 ± 751,33 partikel/individu; dan pada sampel usus sebesar 5.178,16 ± 2.098,55 partikel/individu. Total kelimpahan mikroplastik terbesar terdapat pada sampel insang dan terendah pada sampel lambung. Hasil uji statistik Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan presentase bentuk mikroplastik (fiber, film, fragmen dan granula) yang signifikan pada sampel insang, lambung dan usus ikan Nila Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus,1758) di Setu Babakan Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan

Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Setu Babakan Jagakarsa, South Jakarta is widely consumed by the local communities. This study analyzed percentage abudance of microplastics form in the gills, stomach, and intestinal of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Setu Babakan Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. This study was conducted at Setu Babakan and Marine Biology Laboratory, Departement of Biology FMIPA UI, Depok. The samples of Nile Tilapia studied were 18 individuals with the same relative length between 13-20 cm. The sample were isolated in order to do the destruction methods with HNO3 65%, then analysis of abundance and shape of microplastics can be done. The results show that the average total abudance in the gills sample was 7.820 ± 1.847 particles/individual; in the stomach was 2.588,11 ± 751,33 particles/individual; and in the intenstine was 5.178,16 ± 2.098,55 particles/individuals. The highest total abudance of microplastics was found in the gills and the lowest in the stomach samples. The results from Kruskal-Wallis statistical test shows there was no significant difference in the percentage of microplastics form (fiber, film, fragment, and granules) in the gills, stomach, and intestinal samples of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus,1758) in Setu Babakan, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hefty Clarissa Wilyalodia
"Mikroplastik merupakan partikel plastik yang berukuran kurang dari 5 mm dan menjadi salah satu polutan di badan air. Mikroplastik termasuk emerging contaminant dan keberadaannya telah ditemukan di berbagai sungai. Sungai digunakan oleh manusia sebagai sumber air baku untuk air minum sehingga kualitasnya harus terjaga untuk mencegah dampak buruknya bagi manusia. Mikroplastik yang terakumulasi pada tubuh manusia dapat menyebabkan peradangan pada organ, cedera internal dan/atau eksternal, transformasi kandungan kimia plastik ke dalam tubuh, dan penurunan kesuburan. Penelitian perlu dilakukan di salah satu sungai dengan dampak terbesar di Jakarta, yaitu Sungai Ciliwung yang digunakan sebagai sumber air baku bagi masyarakat Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jumlah partikel mikroplastik, mengidentifikasi karakteristik partikel mikroplastik berdasarkan jenis, wana, dan material, serta menganalisis pengaruh kondisi cuaca terhadap kelimpahan partikel mikroplastik. Objek penelitian ini adalah air dan sedimen di Sungai Ciliwung dengan 7 titik lokasi pengambilan sampel dan 2 waktu pengambilan sampel. Pengambilan sampel air menggunakan plankton net untuk menyaring air sebanyak 10 liter. Preparasi sampel air dilakukan dengan cara memisahkan mikroplastik berdasarkan densitas, menghilangkan kandungan organik, menyaring dengan kertas saring, lalu menganalisis mikroplastik dengan mikroskop. Pengambilan sampel sedimen menggunakan Ekman grab sampler sebanyak 400 ml. Pengujian sampel sedimen hampir sama dengan sampel air dengan adanya penambahan pengeringan sampel menggunakan oven pada awal preparasi sampel. Analisis kelimpahan mikroplastik menggunakan metode adaptasi NOAA untuk air dan sedimen sungai. Identifikasi karakteristik material mikroplastik menggunakan uji FTIR untuk menghasilkan gugus ikatan kimia material. Analisis hubungan kelimpahan mikroplastik dengan cuaca dilakukan dengan paired t-test. Penelitian menghasilkan rata-rata kelimpahan pada air sebanyak 1.111 partikel/L dan pada sedimen sebanyak 1.583 partikel/100 gram. Jenis mikroplastik di Sungai Ciliwung ada fragmen, fiber, film, microbeads, dan foam dengan jenis paling mendominasi yaitu fragmen. Warna mikroplastik yang teridentifikasi di Sungai Ciliwung ada hitam, merah, biru, hijau, kuning, dan transparan, serta warna hitam merupakan warna dominan pada sampel. Material yang ditemukan pada sampel adalah Tencel, cellopha, cupra, PTFE, FEP, PVFM, dan silicon. Tencel adalah material yang ditemukan pada semua sampel. Cuaca tidak mempengaruhi kelimpahan mikroplastik pada kondisi curah hujan tinggi dan rendah.

Microplastic is plastic particle that is less than 5 mm in size and is one of the pollutants in water bodies. Microplastics are emerging contaminants and their presence has been found in various rivers. Rivers are used by humans as a source of raw water for drinking water so that its quality must be maintained to prevent adverse effects on humans. Microplastics that accumulate in human body can cause inflammation of organs, internal and/or external injury, transformation of plastic chemical substances in human body, and decreased fertility. Research needs to be conducted in one of the rivers with the greatest impact in Jakarta, the Ciliwung River, which is used as a source of raw water for the people in Jakarta. This study aims to analyze the number of microplastic particles, identify the characteristics of microplastic particles based on type, color, and material, and analyze the effect of weather conditions on the abundance of microplastic particles. The object of this research is water and sediment in the Ciliwung River with 7 sampling locations and 2 sampling times. Water sampling used a plankton net to filter 10 liters of water. Preparation of water samples is done by separating microplastics based on density, removing organic content, filtering with filter paper, then analyzing microplastics with a microscope. Sediment sampling uses an Ekman grab sampler in the amount of 400 ml. Sediment sample testing is almost the same as water samples with the addition of drying samples using an oven at the beginning of sample preparation. Analysis of microplastic abundance uses the NOAA adaptation method for water and river sediments. Identification of microplastic material characteristics uses the FTIR test to produce material chemical bond. Analysis of the relationship between microplastic abundance and weather is done with paired t-test. The study resulted in an average abundance in water of 1,111 particles/L and in sediment of 1,583 particles/100 grams. The types of microplastics in the Ciliwung River are fragments, fibers, films, microbeads, and foam with the most dominating type is fragments. The color of microplastics identified in the Ciliwung River is black, red, blue, green, yellow, and transparent, and black is the dominant color in the sample. The materials found in the samples are Tencel, cellopha, cupra, PTFE, FEP, PVFM, and silicon. Tencel was the material found in all samples. Weather did not affect the abundance of microplastics in high and low rainfall conditions. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evi Hardianti
"Penelitian ini menganalisis kelimpahan dan jenis mikroplastik pada ikan teri Stolephorus indicus dan air di Teluk Lada, Tanjung Lesung, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Banten. Pengambilan sampel ikan dan air dilakuakan pada 3 stasiun dengan jarak 1-3 km pada masing-masing stasiun. Sampel (n = 12). Sampel ikan teri diekstraksi dengan 1M NaOH dan 5% Lauryl Sulphate (SDS). Sementara itu, sampel air diisolasi dengan mencampurkan air dengan larutan NaCl jenuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada stasiun 1 sebanyak 228,33 ± 48,04 partikel ind-1 pada ikan teri, 153,44 ±11,55 partikel l-1 pada air. Stasiun 2 sebanyak 283,33 ± 22,54 partikel ind-1 pada ikan teri, 170,55 ± 10,03 partikel l-1 pada air. Pada stasiun 3 sebanyak 226, 67 ± 10,40 partikel ind-1 pada ikan teri, 144 ± 3,92 partikel l-1 pada air. Selain itu, 216,30 ± 30,13 ind-1 mikroplastik ditemukan pada ikan teri yang diambil dari pasar tradisional sebagai kontrol. Hasil penelitian menemukan jenis mikroplastik fiber, film, fragment dan granula. Jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan pada ikan teri adalah fiber (77,41%), film (16,64%), fragmen (5,6%) dan granula (0,35%). Sedangkan sampel air mengandung fiber (81,03%), film (11,92%), fragmen (7,0%) dan granula (0,05%). Fiber adalah jenis mikroplastik yang mendominasi pada setiap sampel. Jumlah Mikroplastik yang terdapat pada air memiliki korelasi positif hubungan sangat kuat terhadap jumlah mikroplastik yang ditemukan pada ikan teri Stolephorus indicus.

This research is aims to investigate the abundance and types of microplastics contained in anchovies stolephorus indicus and water from Teluk Lada (Lada Bay), Tanjung Lesung, Pandeglang, Banten. Fish and water sampling was carried out at 3 stations with a distance of 1-3 km at each station. Sampled (n = 12). Anchovies sample were extracted by 1M NaOH and 5% Lauryl Sulphate (SDS). Meanwhile, water samples were treated by mixed it into NaCl concentrate solution. The results show that abundance of microplastic at Station 1 of 228,33 ± 48.04 ind-1 in anchovies and 153,44 ± 11,55 l-1 in water. Station 2 were 283,33 ± 22,54 ind-1 in anchovies and 170,55 ± 10,03 l-1 in water. At station 3 there were 226,67 ± 10,40 ind-1 and 144 ± 3,92 particles l-1 microplastic particles were found in the anchovies and water, respectively. In addition, 216.30 ± 30.13 ind-1 microplastics were found in anchovies taken from traditional market as a control. The results of this study found that microplastic types of fiber, films, fragments and granules. The types of microplastics found in anchovies were fibers (77,41%), films (16,64%), fragments (5,6%) and a little amount of granules (0,35%) Meanwhile the water samples is contained with fibers (81,03%), films (11,92%), fragments (7,0%) and a little amount of granules (0,05%). Our study found that fibers are the dominant pollutant in all samples and the amount of microplastics contained in water is strongly related to the amount of microplastics found in anchovies."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramadhansyah Hermawan
"Plastik merupakan bahan stabilitas tinggi hasil polimerisasi monomer dengan tingkat penggunaan yang tinggi. Sampah plastik berbahaya bagi lingkungan karena partikel penyusunnya memiliki ketahanan dan kestabilan tinggi sehingga proses degradasinya berlangsung lama. Di lingkungan perairan, plastik akan mengalami degradasi atau penguraian menjadi partikel kecil yang disebut mikroplastik (<5 mm). Partikel mikroplastik berpotensi termakan oleh berbagai biota perairan sehingga membahayakan siklus rantai makanan melalui proses biomagnifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik mikroplastik (bentuk, ukuran, dan jenis polimer) pada air, sedimen dan ikan belanak Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) pada organ dan jaringan (daging, insang, saluran pencernaan) di Muara Sungai Blanakan, Subang, Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian ini diawali dengan pengambilan sampel dengan  air  diambil sebanyak 50 L lalu disaring menggunakan plankton net hingga tertampung volume air 1000 mL, sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan Vanveen grab hingga tertampung pada jar 500 mL dan sampel ikan belanak diambil 10 ekor menggunakan bubu. Ekstraksi sampel sedimen dilakukan dengan pemberian larutan NaCl jenuh dengan perbandingan 1 (sedimen): 2 (NaCl jenuh), kemudian diberi larutan H2O2 30% + FeSO4 0,05 M  dengan perbandingan 1:1 untuk sampel air dan sedimen. Ekstraksi sampel ikan dilakukan dengan mengambil jaringan dan organ yang digunakan, ditimbang dan dan diberi larutan KOH 10% sebanyak 50 mL. Sampel air, sedimen dan ikan disaring menggunakan kertas saring Whatman dan diidentifikasi mikroplastik menggunakan mikroskop olympus CX22LED. Analisis polimer mikroplastik dilakukan dengan metode Raman Spectroscopy. Uji statistik seperti uji kruskal-walis, one way anova, dan uji regresi spearman dan pearson digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata total kelimpahan mikroplastik pada air 710 ± 183,34  partikel meter-3, sedimen 879,63 ± 205,13 partikel Kg-1 dan ikan belanak 210,8 ± 108,80 partikel individu-1. Nilai kelimpahan mikroplastik ikan belanak jika diurutkan dari yang tertinggi hingga terkecil adalah daging, saluran pencernaan, dan insang. Secara keseluruhan, bentuk dan ukuran mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah fiber dan <300 µm. Polimer mikroplastik yang dominan adalah PET, PP, dan PVC. Berdasarkan hasil uji beda nyata kelimpahan mikroplastik antar organ dan jaringan ikan belanak menunjukan tidak memiliki perbedaannya yang signifikan. Hasil uji korelasi Spearman menunjukan adanya korelasi antara kelimpahan mikroplastik di air dan sedimen Muara Sungai Blanakan terhadap kelimpahan mikroplastik di ikan belanak.

Plastik is a high-stability material resulting from the polymerization of monomers, with a high level of usage. In aquatic environments, plastic undergoes photo-oxidative degradation by UV radiation from the sun and chemical processes, leading to the breakdown of plastic waste into small particles known as microplastics (<5 mm). Microplastic particles have the potential to be ingested by various aquatic organisms, posing a risk to the food chain through biomagnification. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of microplastics in water, sediment, and the flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) in different organs and tissues (muscle, gills, digestive tract) in the Blanakan River Estuary, Subang, West Java, based on their shape, size, and polymer types. Water samples were collected in a volume of 50 L, filtered using a plankton net to obtain a final volume of 1000 mL. Sediment samples were collected using a Vanveen grab and stored in 500 mL jars, while flathead grey mullet samples were collected using bubu (10 individuals). Sediment sample extraction was performed using a saturated NaCl solution with a ratio of 1 (sediment) to 2 (saturated NaCl solution), followed by the addition of a 30% H2O2 + 0.05 M FeSO4 solution in a 1:1 ratio for water and sediment samples. Fish sample extraction involved weighing and placing the tissues and organs in a glass beaker, followed by the addition of a 10% KOH solution in a volume of 50 mL. The water, sediment, and fish samples were then filtered using Whatman filter paper with the assistance of a vacuum pump, and placed in Petri dishes for microplastic identification using an Olympus CX22LED microscope. Polymer analysis of microplastics was performed using Raman Spectroscopy. Kruskal-Wallis and one-way ANOVA tests were used to determine significant differences in the abundance and composition of microplastics (size and shape) in water, sediment, flathead grey mullet, and their respective organs. Spearman and Pearson correlation tests were used to investigate the influence of water and sediment, as well as morphometric values, on microplastic accumulation in flathead grey mullet. The research findings showed an average total abundance of microplastics in water to be 710 ± 183,34 particles meter-3, in sediment to be 879,63 ± 205,13 particles kilogram-1, and in flathead grey mullet to be 210,8 ± 108,80 particles individual-1. When ranked in descending order, the abundance of microplastics in the three parts of the flathead grey mullet were as follows: flesh, digestive tract, and gills. Overall, the most commonly found forms and sizes of microplastics were microplastic fibers and those below 300 µm. The polymer analysis revealed that the microplastics found in the Blanakan River Estuary were dominated by PET (40%),  PP (40%), and PVC (20%). Based on the significant difference test for microplastic abundance among different parts of the flathead grey mullet, no significant differences were found. The Spearman correlation test indicated a correlation between the abundance of microplastics in water and sediment in the Blanakan River Estuary and the abundance of microplastics in flathead grey mullet."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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