ABSTRAKDisertasi ini membahas dinamika penguasaan tanah dan eksploitasi sumberdaya alam yang
berdampak pada krisis sosio-ekologi di wilayah Teluk Kao, Maluku Utara. Studi ini
menggunakan extended case method dengan teori regimes of dispossession dan metabolic rift.
Hasil studi menunjukkan, bahwa penguasaan tanah oleh negara dan perusahaan berlangsung di
bawah paksaan dan kekerasan dengan melibatkan elit adat telah menciptakan ketimpangan
penguasaan dan kepemilikan tanah, serta retaknya relasi sosial dalam masyarakat. Adapun
eksploitasi sumberdaya alam memiliki dampak negatif yang lebih luas, bukan hanya menutup
dan menghilangkan sarana produksi masyarakat terhadap tanah, tetapi telah berdampak pada
ketidakberlanjutan ekologi-pencemaran tanah, sungai dan laut yang mengakibatkan
terganggunya keberlanjutan produksi-konsumsi masyarakat, serta perubahan budaya. Studi ini
merekomendasikan agar kebijakan dan regulasi terkait penguasaan tanah untuk eksploitasi
sumberdaya alam harus ditinjau kembali dalam upaya pemulihan krisis sosio-ekologi di wilayah
Teluk Kao.
ABSTRACTThis dissertation discusses the dynamics of land control and exploitation of natural resources that
have an impact on the socio-ecological crisis in the region of Teluk Kao, North Maluku. This
study used the extended case method with the theory of regimes of dispossession and metabolic
rift. The results of the study showed that land control by the state and companies took place
under coercion and violence by involving indigenous elites which created inequalities in land
control and ownership, as well as the breakdown of social relations within the community. The
exploitation of natural resources had a wider negative impact, not only closing and eliminating
community production facilities on land, but had an impact on ecological unsustainability pollution of land, rivers and seas which resulted in disruption of the sustainability of community
production consumption, as well as cultural changes. This study recommends that policies and
regulations relating to land control for the exploitation of natural resources must be reviewed in
the context of restoring socio-ecological crisis in the Teluk Kao region."