"Era globalisasi, yang ditandai dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berdampak pads persaingan pasar kerja, termasuk di sekter keperawatan, sehingga mendorong profesi keperawatan di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme (pendidikan minimal D-III Keperawatan) dan meningkatkan mutu pelayanannya berorientasi pada manajemen mutu layman kesehatan yang tinggi. Tenaga keperawatan (PNS Depkes, 2002) terbesar lulusan SPKl sederajat 73.6 persen. Keterbatasan tenaga pelaksana di pelayanan menjadi masalah utama bagi pengelola untuk mengijinkannya perawat mengikuti pendidikan D-III dengan meninggalkan dinas. Untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan di atas, dibuat Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan, pagi had mereka tetap dinas di RSIPuskesmas, dan sore harinya mengikuti kuliah. Program ini telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 1997, untuk itu perlu dilakukan pemantauan mutu pendidikan guna menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas.
Tujuan umum penelitian untuk mengetahui mute pendidikan Program Khusus D Ill Keperawatan ditinjau dari persepsi lulusan tentang kinerjanya, mutu input dan Proses Belajar Mengajar (PBM) di Institusi Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik, menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian lulusan tahun 2000 sampai 2005 di lima provinsi yaitu Sulawesi Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Sarnpel penelitian ini lulusan Pendidikan D-III Keperawatan Program Khusus di Poltekes Makasar, Samarinda, Tanjong Karang, Semarang dan Surabaya. Jumlah sampel lulusan 166 orang, atasan 54 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner diisi langsung oleh responden. Analisis menggurtakan univariat, bivariat dan multivariat.
Hasil penelitian: kinerja lulusan menurut persepsi lulusan maupun atasan lebih dari separuh responden menyatakan baik. Namun yang perlu perbaikan guna peningkatan mutu outcome pendidikan adalah: pelaksanaan tindakan keperawatan lanjut, keperawatan kesehatan masyarakat, pendidikan kesehatan dan kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi masalah penelitian keperawatan. Persepsi Input pendidikan: lebih dan separuh lulusan menyatakan ketenagaan dan sarana prasarana pendidikan baik, sebagian besar menyatakan kurikulum pendidikan dan administrasi pendidikan baik, namun yang dibiayai penuh oleh instansi hanya 21.1 persen. Sarana prasarana hubungannya paling signifikan dengan kinerja (nilai OR = 2.63) menjadi prioritas utama, yaitu kelengkapan buku referensi terbaru di peerpustakaan. Persepsi PBM pendidikan: lebih dari separuh lulusan menyatakan kesiapan institusi, kesiapan dosen, kesiapan pembimbing klinik baik. Interaksi dosen-mahasiswa dan metode pembelajaran sebagian besar menyatakan baik. Kesiapan dosen menjadi faktor yang paling signifikan hubungannya dengan kinerja lulusan (nilai OR = 3.56), maka variabel ini menjadi prioritas utama yang perlu perbaikan, terutama dalam ketepatan jam mengajar dosen.
Berdasarkan hasil di atas, maka saran bagi Pusdiknakes agar Program Khusus D-Ili Keperawatan tetap dilanjutkan, dan mempertimbangkan penambahan kurikulum tentang after care service dalam pelayanan keperawatan, guna persiapan praktik mandiri perawat profesional, serta melakukan uji kompetensi dosen secara berkala. Dalam upaya continuous quality improvement Pendidikan D-III Keperawatan maka Pusdiknakes, Poltekes dan Dinas Kesehatan/RS agar melaksanakan supervisi langsung secara berkala guna memonitor input dan PBM Pendidikan-III Keperawatan. Bagi Program Studi Keperawatan agar melengkapi sarana prasarana (buku-buku terbaru, alat di laboratorium klinik, penyediaan dosen dan pembimbing klinik yang kompeten), Serta memonitor pelaksanaan PBM oleh dosen terutama ketepatan mengajar, pengajaran di laboratorium klinik, dan kedatangan pembimbing akademiklklinik ke lahan praktik.
Globalisation Era, indicated by the development of science and technology caused work market competition in the world, also at nursing sector. This condition urged the nurses to be a professional ones by continued their study minimum at Diploma III Degree. In 2002 there were about 73.6 percent of the Nurses who works as a government employer in Indonesia, their education background from SPK (similar with Senior High School). They couldn,t continued their study caused by the implementer nurse in hospital or community public health is limited. So the manager prohibited them continued their study at Diploma III in Nursing Reguler Program. In compliance with the matter, the nurses could continued their study in the afternoon at The Diploma III of Nursing Education Special Program, but they still working in the morning. This Program has been working from 1997 until now; so it needed quality monitoring in order to produce qualified improvement graduation .
General objective of this research is to find out information about quality of the Diploma III Nursing Education Special Program from the graduates perception about their competency and its relation with quality of input and process at the education in the institution when they studied there. This is a quantitative survey research using cross sectional design. Population of this research is graduation of the Diploma III Nursing Education Special Program in the year 2000 - 2005, from five Capital Province (Makasar, Samarinda, Tanjungkarang, Semarang and Surabaya). The amount of sample is 166 graduates and 54 graduate managers. Data collected is primary data using questionnaire that is filled in directly by the respondence themselves. Analysis conducted is univariate, bivariate, and multivariate.
The result of this research shows that competency performanced of the graduates more than fifty percent of the responders is good (67.5 percent according to the graduates and 53.7 percent according to the manger). In order to promote continuous quality improvement in the institution, the area of graduates competency which need improvement are: community health nursing care, advanced nursing care, health education and nursing research identification. The result of Institution Input according to the graduates: more than fifty percent graduates said the man power and equipment is good (60.8 and 59.0 percent), the majority curriculum and administration is good (81.9 and 90.0 percent), but only 21.1 percent institution which pay for their education fee fully. Equipment is the most significant related to graduates performanced (OR = 2.63), is the first priority to be improve, specially supply of the new literature reference books in the library and nursing equipment in clinical laboratory. The result of education process: more than fifty percent graduates said institution, lecturer and clinical instructor preparation is good (65.7, 72.9 and 66.9 percent), and the majority lecturer inter-action and teaching methodology is good (84.3 and 86.7 percent). Lecturer preparation is the most significant related to graduates performanced (OR = 3.56) is the first priority to be improve, specially on time in class exactness.
Based on the research result, it is advised for Pusdiknakes to conilnue Diploma III Nursing Education Special Program, and considered to add curriculum of after care service in nursing, in order to prepare independence clinical nursing practice. Also implemented lecturer competency test periodically. In related with continuous quality improvement of the education, it is advised for Pusdiknakes, Poltekes, Province/Territory Health DepartmentlHospital Board of Director monitored the input and education process in the institution. For Board of institution director fulfilled qualified equipment, competence lecturer and clinical instructor. Monitoring lecturer and clinical instructor individually during educational process, especially on time when they teach in class."