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Agitra Sugandi
"Pemerintah melalui kementerian BUMN telah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Negara BUMN No. PER-01/MBU/2011 tentang Penerapan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik. Perhutani sebagai salah satu BUMN ikut melaksanakan peraturan tersebut. Namun pada penerapannya, terdapat penyimpangan-penyimpangan dari prinsip-prinsip GCG. Oleh karena itu, penilitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG pada Perum Perhutani. Penelitian menggunakan prinsip-prinsip GCG dikembangkan oleh Organization for Economic Cooperation dan Development (OECD) yang kemudian diadaptasi kedalam Pedman Pelaksanaan GCG yang disusun oleh KNKG. Penelitian menggunakan metode post-positivist yaitu membandingkan kondisi ideal dengan kondisi sebenarnya di lapangan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari wawancara mendalam serta studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prinsip-prinsip GCG sudah diterapkan dengan baik dan telah memenuhi indikator-indikator penerapan GCG. Akan tetapi perlu ditingkatkannya peran serta komitmen dari para top management dalam mendukung terlaksananya GCG dengan baik.

Government through Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises has issued Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-01/MBU/2011 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance. Perhutani as one of the SOEs participates in implementing these regulations. However, in the implementation process, there are irrelevance from the principles of Good Corporate Governance. Therefore, this study aims to examine the application of GCG principles and the obstacles in the Implementation. This study used the principles of GCG which was developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation dan Development (OECD) which later adapted into by KNKG into Implementation Guidelines of GCG.This study uses the post-positivist method to compare ideal condition and real actual condition. The data used in this study were sourced from depth interviews and literature studies. The results of the study indicate that the principles of GCG have been implemented properly. However, it is necessary to increase the commitment from the top managements in supporting the implementation of GCG."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Fajarwati
"Skripsi ini membahas penerapan good corporate governance dengan prinsip-prinsip seperti: fairness, transparency, accountability serta responsiveness. Penerapan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance memiliki peranan penting dalam memaksimumkan nilai perusahaan dengan membentuk sistem manajemen yang mendukung dan memajukan kreatifitas dan kewirausahaan yang berkualitas. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance di lingkungan internal Perum Bulog Jakarta.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Berdasarkan penggunaan waktu, penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam penelitian cross sectional. Berdasarkan manfaatnya, penelitian ini termasuk penelitian murni. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini yaitu prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance telah diterapkan di lingkungan Perum Bulog namun masih banyak hal yang perlu diperbaiki.

This paper discusses the implementation of good corporate governance principles such as fairness, transparency, accountability and responsiveness. Application of the principles of good corporate governance has an important role in maximizing corporate value by establishing a management system that promotes and supports creativity and the entrepreneurial quality. The study aims to determine how the application of the principles of good corporate governance in the internal environment Bulog Jakarta.
The research uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research. Based on the use of time, this study included the cross-sectional study. Based on its benefits, this study included pure research. Final results from this study form a picture of knowledge about the application of the principles of good corporate governance in terms of transparency, accountability, responsibility and fairness.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrea Ambiayu Hanan
"Latar belakang dari penelitian ini ialah adanya dugaan penyelewangan pada proyek infrastruktur PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta yang merupakan BUMD tergolong baru, namun juga memiliki beberapa prestasi yang berkaitan dengan penerapan sistem GCG yang dianut oleh Perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance di PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan post-positivism dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dengan beberapa pihak dan studi kepustakaan. Teori yang digunakan adalah Good Corporate Governance, Prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance, State-Owned Enterprise. Hasil penelitian dari  penerapan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance pada PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta dapat dikatakan baik, PT MRT Jakarta telah menerapkan sistem GCG dengan komitmen dan tanggung jawab yang kuat pada perusahaan. Hal tersebut didukung dengan penetapan Code of Corporate Governance oleh PT MRT Jakarta. Meski demikian dari lima dimensi yang diteliti, terdapat satu dimensi yaitu prinsip independensi yang menunjukkan hasil cukup baik. Empat dimensi dari prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance yang diterapkan yaitu prinsip transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas serta kewajaran dan kesetaraan menunjukkan hasil baik.

The background of this research is the alleged deviations in the infrastructure project of PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta, which is a relatively new BUMD, but also has several achievements related to the implementation of the GCG system adopted by the Company. This study aims to analyze the application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance in PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta. The research approach used is post-positivis, with qualitative research methods. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews with several parties and literature study. The theory used is Good Corporate Governance, Good Corporate Governance Principles, State-Owned Enterprise. The results showed that the application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance at PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta are the four dimensions of the principles of Good Corporate Governance applied show that the results of the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility and fairness and equality are good, one dimension is the principle of independence shows quite good results."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agita Chici Rosdiana
"Dalam penyelenggaraan RUPS, perusahaan senantiasa berpedoman pada prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Pengurus perseroan harus memperhatikan keabsahan RUPS, karena dapat berakibat pada penyimpangan-penyimpangan prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Hal ini bertujuan dapat terciptanya tatanan pengelolaan perusahaan yang baik dan tidak ada penyimpangan-penyimpangan pada prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini mengenai: (i) bagaimana penyimpangan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance pada penyelenggaraan RUPS di dalam beberapa putusan pengadilan negeri di Indonesia; dan (ii) peran dan tanggung jawab notaris pada penerapan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder disertai tipologi penelitian eksplanatoris-analitis. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu (i) pada penyelenggaraan RUPS di perseroan tertutup ditemukan penyimpangan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance yang mengakibatkan RUPS diputus tidak sah dan batal yang terdapat pada beberapa putusan pengadilan negeri di Indonesia, seperti tidak adanya keterbukaan informasi dalam laporan keuangan, akuntabilitas perseroan yang tidak terpenuhi akibat tidak jelas fungsi, dan kewenangan antar pengurus, pelanggaran syarat keabsahan RUPS sebagaimana telah diatur UUPT 2007, sehingga prinsip responsibilitas yakni kepatuhan perusahaan pada hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku tidak terpenuhi, terdapat juga penyimpangan prinsip independensi yakni pengurus perusahaan yang tidak objektif dalam memberikan keputusan RUPS, dan kesetaraan serta kewajaran, pemegang saham minoritas dirugikan akibat putusan RUPS yang tidak melibatkan mereka, dan (ii) peran dan tanggung jawab notaris memberikan penyuluhan hukum agar syarat formil RUPS dapat dipenuhi dan secara tidak langsung dapat membantu perusahaan untuk meminimalisir penyimpangan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance.

In holding the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the company is guided by the principles of Good Corporate Governance, the management of the company must pay attention to the legality of the GMS. Otherwise, the principles of good corporate governance will not be fulfilled. It is intended thus the company in holding the GMS can create a good corporate management system and there are no deviations from the principles of Good Corporate Governance. This research discusses about: (i) How the deviations of the principles of Good Corporate Governance in the holding of the GMS based on several decisions of the district courts in Indonesia; and (ii) the roles and responsibilities of a notary in the application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance. This research is normative juridical research and uses secondary data accompanied by an explanatory research typology. The results of this study are (i) in several district court decisions in Indonesia, deviations from the principles of Good Corporate Governance were found which resulted in the holding of the GMS being declared invalid and void, such as the absence of information disclosure in the financial statements, incomplete accountability of the company due to unclear functions, and authority between management, violation of the requirements for the legality of the GMS as regulated in the Law Number 40 of 2007 about Company Law thus the principle of responsibility is not fulfilled, company management who are not objective in making the decisions of the GMS, and equality and fairness that are not felt by minority shareholders because the GMS decisions are detrimental to them, and (ii) notary can use the obligation to provide legal counseling and eventually the formal requirements of the GMS can be fulfilled and able to indirectly help the company to minimize deviations from the principles of Good Corporate Governance."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrianto Dwitomo
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai konsep dari pada Whistleblowing System dalam tatanan Good Corporate Governance diterapkan pada perusahaan yang berstatus sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Konsep Whistleblowing System ini kemudian dianalisis penerapannya pada sejumlah bank umum yang menyandang status sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Negara, dan bagaimana konsep tersebut dapat mempengaruhi berjalannya Good Corporate Governance sebagaimana diwajibkan bagi perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan. Sehingga dapat ditentukan ditentukan bahwa mekanisme penerapan konsep Whistleblowing System seperti apa yang tepat, dan memenuhi seluruh unsur yang terdapat pada prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menelaah data-data kepustakaan, yang mencakup peraturan perundang-undangan, tinjauan-tinjauan teori para ahli, jurnal-jurnal ilmiah dan laporan tahunan dari beberapa Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang menjadi objek penelitian.
.....This thesis discusses the concept of the Whistleblowing System in the order of Good Corporate Governance applied to companies with the status of State-Owned Enterprises. The Whistleblowing System concept is then analyzed for its application to a number of commercial banks that have the status of a State-Owned Enterprise, and how this concept can affect the implementation of Good Corporate Governance as required for State-Owned Enterprises based on laws and regulations. So that it can be determined that the mechanism for implementing the Whistleblowing System concept is appropriate, and fulfills all the elements contained in the principles of Good Corporate Governance. This research was conducted by reviewing literature data, which includes laws and regulations, expert theoretical reviews, scientific journals and annual reports from several State-Owned Enterprises that are the object of research."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemberian kredit merupakan kegiatan utama bank yang mengandung resiko yang dapat berpengaruh pada kesehatan dan kelangsungan usaha bank. Untuk meminimalisir resiko perkreditan tersebut bank wajib menerapkan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance (GCG). Prinsip-prinsip GCG meliputi transparency (transparansi), accountability (akuntabilitas), responsibility (tanggung jawab), independency (independensi), fairness (kewajaran). Untuk itu perlu diketahui bagaimana pengaturan mengenai konsep GCG yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan serta bagaimana Bank BTN menerapkan prinsip-prinsip GCG tersebut dalam perkreditannya. Untuk memperoleh data dan informasi penulis mengadakan penelitian berupa penelitian normatif yang bersifat deskriptif analisis dan juga didukung dengan wawancara dengan narasumber. Dalam beberapa pasalnya Undang-Undang Perbankan telah mengatur mengenai konsep GCG dalam perbankan. Bank BTN telah pula menerapkan prinsip-prinsip GCG tersebut tak terkecuali di bidang perkreditan.

The focus of this study is Giving credit is the main activity of banks which contain the risks that may impact on the health and sustainability of the bank. The scope of the credit as a banking activity, not simply in the form of borrowing to customers but the relationship is complex because it involves elements that quite a lot of them include: the sources of credit funds, allocation of funds, organization and management of credit, credit policy, documentation and loan administration. Application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in the lending bank can minimize the risk involved in lending itself so that the level of bank health and business continuity is maintained. GCG principles include transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency, and fairness."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andar Sudiar Sukma
"Hubungan antara induk dan anak perusahaan selalu menimbulkan risiko pelanggaran prinsip separate entity dan disparitas tujuan induk dan anak perusahaan. Hal ini kemudian menjadi pertanyaan bagaimana tata kelola yang baik dalam hubungan induk perusahaan dan anak perusahaan serta praktiknya yang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance agar risiko dan disparitas tersebut dapat dihindari. Bentuk penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah sosiolegal dimana mencakup penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam tata kelola pengendalian anak perusahaan perlu diperhatikan prinsip-prinsip hukum perusahaan serta prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance. Kesimpulannya adalah diperlukan tata kelola perusahaan dalam bentuk sistem pengendalian anak perusahaan yang tertuang pada
suatu kebijakan dan diberlakukan sesuai dengan mekanisme hukum perusahaan

The relationship between parent and subsidiary always poses the risk of violating the principle of separate entity and disparity in the objectives of the parent and subsidiary. This then becomes a question of how good governance is in the relationship between the parent company and its subsidiaries and its practices in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governanceso that risks and disparities can be avoided. The form of research in this paper is sociolegal which includes library law research. The results of this study indicate that in the governance of controlling subsidiaries, it is necessary to notice the principles of corporate law and the principles of Good Corporate Governance. The conclusion is that corporate governance is needed in the form of a subsidiary control system that is formed in a policy and enforced in accordance with the company's legal mechanism."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andhika Putra Pratama
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai analisis dampak penerapan manajemen risiko terhadap prinsip Good Corporate Governance di perusahaan perasuransian yang dilakukan dengan studi kasus pada perusahaan PT. XYZ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat penerapan manajemen risiko perusahaan dan kesesuaiannya dengan POJK No.1/POJK.05/2015 serta perbandingannya dengan sebelum adanya peraturan tersebut. Hasil dari penerapan manajemen risiko yang dilakukan oleh PT. XYZ dilihat kaitannya terhadap prinsip Good Corporate Governance untuk melihat bagaimana penerapan manajemen risiko yang efektif berimplikasi terhadap pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penerapan manajemen risiko yang dilakukan oleh PT. XYZ sebagai perusahaan perasuransian sudah melakukan penerapan manajemen risiko yang efektif dengan baik sesuai dengan ketentuan POJK No.1/POJK.05/2015 dengan adanya peningkatan sebesar 4,76 . Namun ada beberapa hal yang belum sesuai dan perlunya penyesuaian dari ketentuan prinsip penerapan manajemen risiko yaitu struktur organisasi dan sistem informasi manajemen risiko.

This Paper discusses about the analysis of the effect of risk management implementation on the Good Corporate Governance principles in insurance company, which in this case study is conducted at PT. XYZ. The purposes of this study are to observe the risk management implementation in the company and its compliance with POJK No.1 POJK.05 2015 and also its comparison before the regulation was released. Then, the effect of risk management implementation in PT. XYZ will be interpreted through the lens of Good Corporate Governance principles, in order to see the implication that an effective risk management implementation can have on the Good Corporate Governance principles. Based on author rsquo s results, risk management implementation in PT. XYZ as an insurance company has done well in its compliance to POJK No.1 POJK.05 2015 evidenced by the 4,76 increase of implementation. However, there are still incomplete in implementation and adjustment is also needed in order to improve the compliance to the POJK such as organizational structure and risk management information system."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Business ethics on business practices becomes a crucial thing and a company is required to meet it. applying business ethics consistently of organizations can create a good and healthy organization's condition. ..."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Ajeng Yani Tri Handayani
"The monetary crisis followed by the economic disaster in Asia region was the main reason for the increasing awareness of Good Corporate Governance. Bank Mandiri is one of the largest state-owned banking company receiving more than IDR 200 trillion recapitalization fund from the government in order to maintain its operation after the economic crisis, therefore it has to perform the best banking practices and should implement excellent corporate governance so that it could increase the stakeholder's value. The government as a share holder and regulator (through the central bank) should create guidances and regulations to ensure the implementation of good corporate governance not only in Bank Mandiri but also in any other state-owned company. The role of the government in providing Good Corporate Governance regulations is very important; therefore the government's employees (civil servant) should implement good governance in any governmental activities. Two regulations, namely the State-Owned Enterprise Law No. 19/2003 and Central Bank Regulation No. 8/4/PB1/2006 regarding good corporate governance for commercial bank, had been issued by the government. Those regulations are relevant to the implementation of good corporate governance not only for government bodies and state-owned banks, but also for private banks. Hence the good corporate governance becomes a very important issue in Constitutional Law. While other theses of the similar topic come from economic's view, this thesis analyse the role of the government and the bureaucratic's apparatus in the implementattion and implication of GCG at Bank Mandiri as a state-owned banking company from constitutional law's view."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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