"[Skripsi ini membahas tentang hubungan faktor-faktor utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan dengan lama hari rawat inap di PT. Bosowa Asuransi selama periode Januari-Oktober 2015 dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan design penelitian cross sectional. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan data primer yang diperoleh dari data sekunder dari report klaim PT. Bosowa Asuransi kemudian diambil data khusus klaim rawat inap. Hasilnya diperoleh bahwa usia, jenis kepesertaan dan klasifikasi penyakit memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap lama hari rawat, yaitu memiliki nilai p-value ≤0,05 sementara jenis kelamin, kelas perawatan dan tipe PPK tidak berhubungan signifikan secara statistik dengan lama hari rawat, yaitu memiliki nilai p-value > 0,05.
;This study discusses the relationship factors of health service utilization by long days of hospitalization in health insurance participants PT. Bosowa Insurance during the period from January to October 2015 by using a quantitative method and cross sectional study design. Based on collection techniques derived from secondary from the report claim PT. Insurance Bosowa then taken specific based on hospitalization claims. The result showed that age, the type of membership and classification of the disease has a significant relationship to the length of stay, which has a p-value ≤0,05 while gender, class and type provider care not statistically significantly associated with length of stay, which has p-value> 0.05.
, This study discusses the relationship factors of health service utilization by long days of hospitalization in health insurance participants PT. Bosowa Insurance during the period from January to October 2015 by using a quantitative method and cross sectional study design. Based on collection techniques derived from secondary from the report claim PT. Insurance Bosowa then taken specific based on hospitalization claims. The result showed that age, the type of membership and classification of the disease has a significant relationship to the length of stay, which has a p-value ≤0,05 while gender, class and type provider care not statistically significantly associated with length of stay, which has p-value> 0.05.