"Pendahuuan: Risiko Perilaku Kekerasan (RPK) merupakan salah satu gejala positif yang sering terjadi pada klien skizofrenia. RPK merugikan banyak orang termasuk diri sendiri dalam hal keselamatan, dan mengakibatkan dampak psikologis, dampak fisik, dampak ekonomi, termasuk memperpanjang waktu rawat inap dan meningkatkan stigmatisasi. Latihan asertif merupakan terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis yang terbukti dapat mencegah perilaku kekerasan, menurunkan tanda dan gejala dan meningkatkan kemampuan klien dalam mengontrol RPK. Teori comfort belum banyak dikembangkan pada penelitian-penelitian RPK dengan skizofrenia.
Tujuan: menganalisis penerapan terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis latihan asertif pada klien RPK menggunakan pendekatan teori comfort.
Metode: case report dengan pendekatan teori comfort.
Hasil: Terdapat penurunan tanda gejala serta peningkatan kemampuan klien dalam mengontrol RPK setelah pemberian terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis latihan asertif menggunakan pendekatan teori comfort.
Kesimpulan: Tulisan ini menggunakan pedekatan teori comfort pada penerapan terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis latihan asertif yang terbukti menurunkan tanda gejala dan meningkatkan kemampuan klien dalam mengontrol RPK.
Rekomendasi: Penerapan terapi keperawatan jiwa spesialis latihan asertif menggunakan pendekatan teori comfort direkomendasikan untuk diberikan pada klien dengan RPK dengan skizofrenia.
Introduction: The risk of violent behavior (RVB) is one of the positive symptoms that often occurs in schizophrenia. RVB harms many people including oneself in terms of safety, and results in psychological impacts, physical impacts, economic impacts, including length of stay and increasing stigmatization. Assertive training is a specialist psychiatric nursing therapy that is proven to be able to prevent violent behavior, reduce signs and symptoms, and increase the ability to control the RVB. Comfort theory has not been widely developed in RVB studies with schizophrenia. Purpose: to analyze the application of assertive training, specialist psychiatric nursing therapy to the RVB clients using the comfort theory approach. Method: case report with comfort theory approach. Results: There is a decrease in signs and symptoms and an increase in the client's ability to control RVB after giving assertive training, specialist psychiatric nursing therapy, using the comfort theory approach. Conclusion: This paper uses the comfort theory approach to the application of assertive training, specialist psychiatric nursing therapy, which is proven to reduce signs and symptoms and increase the client's ability to control RVB. Recommendation: The application of assertive training, specialist psychiatric nursing therapy, using the comfort theory approach is recommended to be given to RVB clients with schizophrenia."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023