"Arsitektur enterprise merupakan suatu landasan organisasi yang terdiri dari komponen-komponen, hubungan antar komponen tersebut, hubungan antar komponen dengan lingkungan dan prinsip-prinsip yang digunakan dalam mengelola perancangan sistem tersebut dan evolusinya. Perkembangan arsitektur enterprise yang pesat dan pentingnya arsitektur enterprise membuat banyak perusahaan di seluruh dunia memutuskan untuk menerapkan arsitektur enterprise untuk mendukung proses bisnis yang dijalankannya. Namun tidak semua organisasi mendapatkan manfaat yang dijanjikannya, karena bergantung pada manajemen arsitektur enterprise yang dijalankan oleh organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari keterkaitan antara komponen manajemen arsitektur enterprise atau
enterprise architecture management (EAM) dan dampaknya terhadap manfaat TI maupun manfaat bisnis. Terdapat 4 manfaat TI yang diamati yaitu efisiensi TI, fleksibilitas TI, ketersediaan informasi, keselarasan strategis dan 4 manfaat bisnis yang diamati yaitu keunggulan operasional, kedekatan konsumen, kepemimpinan produk dan kecerdasan strategis. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan melibatkan 92 sampel yang terdiri dari perusahaan BUMN dan BUMS yang diolah dengan menggunakan pendekatan
partial least square (PLS)
. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa EAM terbukti memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap manfaat terkait teknologi terutama pada efisiensi dan keselarasan strategis, manfaat terkait teknologi terbukti pengaruh positif terhadap manfaat terkait bisnis terutama ketesediaan informasi terhadap kedekatan konsumen dan kepemimpinan produk, serta EAM terbukti memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap manfaat bisnis melalui manfaat TI terutama dalam keunggulan operasional dan kecerdasan strategis. Hal ini sekaligus membuktikan bahwa manajemen arsitektur enterprise mampu meningkatkan kinerja bisnis melalui peningkatan kinerja TI.
Enterprise architecture (EA) is the fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution. The rapid development and the importance of EA in business lead companies all over the world to decide implementing EA and use the architecture for supporting their business processes. However, not every company perceived the potential benefits of EA because the benefits gained by the companies depend on how the companies perform the enterprise architecture management (EAM). Therefore, this study aims to identify relations between enterprise architecture management (EAM) and EA benefits perceived by the company, both the information technology (IT) related benefits and the business related benefits. In this study, the IT related benefits observed consist of 4 benefits including IT efficiency, IT flexibility, information availability, and strategic alignment. The business related benefits observed also consist of 4 benefits which are operational excellence, customer intimacy, product leadership, and strategic agility. This research having 92 companies, both private companies and state-owned companies, for research sample and performed using quantitative methods with structural equation modeling- partial least square (SEM-PLS) approach. Result of the research shows that EAM positively related to the IT related benefits perceived by the company, especially to the IT efficiency and strategic alignment, the IT related benefits have positive impacts to the business related benefits perceived by the company particularly on the impacts of information availability that improved companies’ customer intimacy and product leadership, and the EAM have positive impacts to the business related benefits perceived by the company foremost on companies’ operational excellence and strategic agility. Those reasons prove that EAM can improve the achievement of business related benefit through the attainment of related benefits."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2013