ABSTRAKPerkembangan manusia menyebabkan krisis lingkungan dan memunculkan pemikiran pembangunan berkelanjutan sebagai upaya mengatasinya. Kota hijau merupakan sebuah metafora dari pencapaian tujuan- tujuan pembangunan perkotaan berkelanjutan. Kota hijau diwujudkan melalui pemenuhan 8 atribut, terdiri atas green planning and design, green community, green open space, green water, green waste, green building, green transportation, dan green energy. Salah satu atribut yang secara nyata dapat diukur dan telah menjadi masalah adalah green open space (ruang terbuka hijau). Isu kebutuhan akan ruang terbuka, terutama ruang terbuka hijau, muncul sebagai akibat perubahan lingkungan fisik yang terjadi di tingkat nasional dan internasional.
Kota Depok sebagai kotamadya yang baru berusia 14 (empat belas) tahun, secara administratif berada di bawah kewenangan Provinsi Jawa Barat, tetapi perkembangannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Kota Depok merupakan wilayah hunian tujuan masyarakat Jabodetabek dan wilayah dengan fasilitas pendidikan yang dituju oleh seluruh Indonesia. Kota Depok telah berkomitmen untuk berupaya mewujudkan kota hijau melalui penandatanganan Piagam Kota Hijau tanggal 8 November 2012. Kemampuan kota Depok mewujudkan kota hijau dapat dilihat berdasarkan daya dukung dan daya tampung, potensi sosial dan budaya serta penegakan hukum di kota tersebut.
ABSTRACTHuman development causes environmental crisis and bring sustainable development thinking to handle. Green city is a methaphor of achieving sustainable urban development goals. Green city realized through the fulfillment of 8 atributes, consist of green planning and design, green community, green open space, green water, green waste, green building, green transportation, and green energy. One of the atributes that can actually measured and has become a problem is green open space. The issue of open space necessity, especially green open space, appear as the result of physical environmental changes that occur at the national and international level.
Depok City as a 14 years municipality, is administratively under the authority of West Java province, but its’ development is strongly influenced by DKI Jakarta. Depok is a residential area aimed by Jabodetabek society and have educational facility for Indonesia. Depok has committed for struggle create green city through the the signing of Green City Charter date 8th November 2012. The ability of Depok to make green city into realize can be seen by carrying capacity, social and cultural potential as well as law enforcement in the city., Human development causes environmental crisis and bring sustainable development thinking to handle. Green city is a methaphor of achieving sustainable urban development goals. Green city realized through the fulfillment of 8 atributes, consist of green planning and design, green community, green open space, green water, green waste, green building, green transportation, and green energy. One of the atributes that can actually measured and has become a problem is green open space. The issue of open space necessity, especially green open space, appear as the result of physical environmental changes that occur at the national and international level.
Depok City as a 14 years municipality, is administratively under the authority of West Java province, but its’ development is strongly influenced by DKI Jakarta. Depok is a residential area aimed by Jabodetabek society and have educational facility for Indonesia. Depok has committed for struggle create green city through the the signing of Green City Charter date 8th November 2012. The ability of Depok to make green city into realize can be seen by carrying capacity, social and cultural potential as well as law enforcement in the city.]"