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Alya Nabila SukmaAlya Nabila Sukma
"Indonesia saat ini sedang menghadapi wabah virus COVID-19 dan penyakit tuberkulosis yang semakin meningkat sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya kekurangan tenaga medis khususnya pada unit pulmonologi. Untuk membantu mengurangi beban kerja tenaga medis, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap implementasi Telehealth berbasis Internet of Things. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang prioritas implementasi Telehealth berbasis Internet of Things pada unit pulmonologi rumah sakit dengan mempertimbangkan kriteria penerapan IoT. Penelitian ini menggunakan integrasi metode Fuzzy AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), dan metode COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment). Metode Fuzzy AHP digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepentingan kriteria maupun sub-kriteria dalam pertimbangan penerapan Internet of Things pada unit pulmonologi rumah sakit swasta di Jakarta. Penggunaan metode COPRAS sebagai metode pemeringkatan prioritas alternatif IoT yang dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu berupa urutan prioritas implementasi dari 4 alternatif IoT berdasarkan tingkat signifikansi utilitasnya untuk digunakan pada unit pulmonologi rumah sakit swasta di Jakarta.

Indonesia is currently facing the COVID-19 virus and tuberculosis outbreaks which affecting the healthcare staff's shortages, especially in the pulmonology unit. To reduce the healthcare staff's workload, it is considered necessary to research Telehealth's implementation based on the Internet of Things. This paper aims to design priority of the Telehealth based Internet of Things implementation in hospital pulmonology units with the IoT application criteria consideration using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach. This paper uses the combination of the Fuzzy AHP method (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and the COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment) method. Fuzzy AHP method is used to assess the importance level of the criteria and sub-criteria for IoT implementation in one of Jakarta's private hospitals. COPRAS method is used as an alternative priority ranking method for applying the Internet of Things to improve healthcare services. This paper obtains four alternative IoT priority order based on its utility for one of Jakarta's private hospital pulmonology unit."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angywa Nadhira
"Perkembangan teknologi diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi tingkat kelelahan para tenaga medis ICU dengan mempermudah mereka dalam memberikan pelayanan yang lebih efektif dan efisien kepada pasien di ICU. Internet of Things (IoT) sebagai suatu tren baru dalam teknologi dapat membantu tenaga medis dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan. Penerapan IoT khususnya di ICU memberikan kemudahan untuk melakukan pengamatan pasien berkelanjutan, mengurangi terjadinya error, dan meningkatkan komunikasi antar tenaga medis yang lebih efisien. Penerapan IoT di ICU membutuhkan beberapa pertimbangan yang dilakukan oleh pihak rumah sakit seperti dari segi kemampuan teknologi, keamanan, kemampuan organisasi, dan lingkungan pendukung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ANP (Analytical Network Process) berbasis DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratoy)
\ untuk melihat secara lebih jelas pengaruh dan prioritas dari faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan Internet of Thing (IoT) di ICU pada rumah sakit di Jakarta dan Depok. Selain itu, metode COPRAS (Complex Proportional Asessment) digunakan untuk mengetahui prioritas teknologi yang dapat diterapkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa teknologi pemantauan infus pintar berbasis IoT merupakan prioritas teknologi pertama untuk diterapkan di ICU rumah sakit di Jakarta dan Depok.

The development of technology is expected to give a solution to reduce the level of difficulty on medical staff in the ICU by facilitating them in providing more effective and efficient services for patients in the ICU. Internet of Things (IoT) as a new trend in technology can help medical staff in providing health services. The application of IoT especially in the ICU makes it easy to conduct continuous patient observation, reduce
the occurrence of errors, and improve communication between medical staff more efficiently. The implementation of IoT in ICU requires several considerations carried out by the hospital such as in terms of technological capability, security, organizational capability, and supporting environment. This study uses DEMATEL (Decision-Making
Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) based ANP (Analytical Network Process) method to see more clearly the influence and priority of the factors considering the implementation of the Internet of Thing (IoT) in hospital ICUs at Jakarta and Depok. In addition, the COPRAS (Complex Proportional Assessment) method is used to determine technological priorities that can be applied. The results of this study found that IoTbased smart infusion monitoring technology is the first technology priority to be applied in hospital ICUs at Jakarta and Depok.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulfa Azizia
"Internet of Things (IoT) dapat menjadi salah satu solusi bagi rumah sakit untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kualitas layanan operasional. Akan tetapi, dengan adanya hambatan teknis dan non-teknis seperti biaya, organisasi, dan pengalaman pengguna menyebabkan penerapan IoT tidak bisa dilakukan secara langsung di semua bagian di rumah sakit. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat prioritaspemilihanunit di rumah sakit dalam rangka penerapan Internet of Things (IoT) berdasarkan performa unit saat ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan operasional kesehatan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory) berbasis ANP (Analytic Network Process) untuk melihat secara detail pengaruh dan bobot dari faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan Internet of Things di rumah sakit. Selain itu, metode VIKORRUG (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje for Ranking Unimproved Gap) juga digunakan untuk melihat kesenjangan kinerja pada 9 unit rumah sakit di Jakarta.Pada hasil akhir, ditemukan bahwa unit One-Day-Care adalah unit yang menjadi prioritas pertama dalam penerapan teknologi IoT di rumah sakit.

Internet of Things (IoT) can be a solution for hospitals to improve the efficiency and quality of operational services. However, with technical and non-technical barriers such as costs, organization, and experience of users using IoT, it cannot be done directly in all parts of the hospital. For this reason, this study aimsto make a framework to prioritize hospital units to implementthe Internet of Things (IoT) based on current performance.
This research using the DEMATEL (Decision-Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory) based ANP(Analytical Network Process) methodto see more about detail and calculate the influence weight between factors. In addition, the VIKORRUG method (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje for Ranking Unimproved Gap) was also used to look at performance gaps in 9 units in hospitalat Jakarta. As a final results, it was found that the One-Day-Care unit was the unit that was the first priority in the application of technology in hospitals.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhdan Hilmy Taufiqurrahman
Skripsi ini menganalisa bagaimana range, power consumption pada Dragino LoRa Shield. Pada tahap pertama, dibuat desain embedded system LoRa yang bersangkutan menggunakan aplikasi Node-red. Pada percobaan, diukur power consumption pada berbagai jarak antara client dan server. Jarak yang diuji adalah jarak dimana konektivitas antara client dan server masih terjaga/terhubung. Aplikasi Node-Red yang digunakan untuk menyajikan hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa konektivitas tetap terjaga hingga 1700 cm indoor, dan 1.980 km outdoor. Selain itu, melalui pengukuran yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa daya yang dikonsumsi adalah 0.103 watt untuk indoor, dan 0.103 watt untuk outdoor.

This final project explains the implement of sensor and humidity sensor namely DHT11 on LoRa Client and LoRa Server, in using application of IoT. The implement of how to connect using range, Power Consumption with Dragino LoRa Shield. In this work, the design of embedded of LoRa system connected can be served by Node red application. The result of the measured range between LoRa Client and LoRa Server. The range which is measured, is the connectivity between client and server is still connected. Node Red application is used to present the result research which is presenting that the indoor connectivity is still exist to 1700 cm, and the outdoor reaches 1.980 km. Besides that, the result of power consumption in indoor and outdoor are 0.103 watt. "
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Alya Zahra
"Internet of Things dipercaya dapat membawa kemudahan pada Rumah Sakit dalam hal pengumpulan serta manajemen informasi yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Namun penerapan IoT memiliki risiko dan tantangan yang patut diwaspadai. RS perlu memikirkan bagaimana meminimalisasi terjadinya risiko dan tantangan dalam menerapkan IoT.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu model untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya risiko dan tantangan dalam penerapan IoT di rumah sakit dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Zero-one Goal Programming (ZOGP).
Pemberian bobot prioritas penerapan IoT di rumah sakit berdasarkan faktor tantangan dilakukan dengan metode AHP. Penilaian risiko dengan skala probability dan severity juga dilakukan untuk menilai penerapan IoT yang memiliki risiko terkecil. Bobot prioritas dan nilai risiko penerapan IoT di rumah sakit, digunakan untuk pengembangan model menggunakan ZOGP.
Hasil akhir dari model didapatkan bahwa Sistem Pengelola Antrian Pasien terpilih pada semua skenario yang ada dengan pengurangan risiko teknis sebesar 38,5%, risiko personnel sebesar 46,2% dan tantangan sebesar 69,3%.

Internet of Things (IoT) is innovation believed to bring convenience to Hospital in terms of gathering & managing the information which could improve the healthcare service quality. Nevertheless, IoT implementation followed by its risks & challenges that need to be watched out. Hospital management needs to figure out how to minimized the risks and challenges in implementing IoT.
The aim of this study is to obtain a model to minimize the risks and challenges of IoT Implementation in the hospital using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan Zero-one Goal Programming (ZOGP) method. AHP method is used to calculate the priority weight of IoT implementation in hospitals based on challenge factors.
The IoT implementation assessed with probability and severity scale to get the risk value. The priority weight and risk value of IoT implementation in the hospital are used for the development of models using AHP-ZOGP.
The final results from the model showed that Patient Queue Management System is chosen in every scenarios in this research that would decrease 38,5% Technical risk, 46,2% Personnel risk and 69,3% challenge.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrianto Adi Wibowo
"AEC (Asean Economic Community) 2015 menimbulkan beberapa tantangan dalam industri logistik. Oleh karenanya diperlukan peranan dan penerapan layanan IoT (Internet of Things) untuk meningkatkan daya saing, yaitu berupa implementasi layanan smart logistic transport. Tesis ini mengusulkan model implementasi smart logistic transport di Indonesia yang berfokus pada sistem cold supply chain.
Tesis ini bertujuan melakukan analisis ekonomi teknik dalam bentuk analisis komparatif layanan smart logistic transport terkait pemilihan teknologi jaringan 2G/3G/4G dan fitur MDVR yang dibedakan menjadi Skenario 1-2-3. Sedangkan pengembangan model implementasi didapatkan setelah melakukan wawancara dengan application customers,technological vendors,regulator & network provider.
Berdasarkan trial implementasi smart logistic transport bulan September-Oktober 2015 dengan analisis ekonomi teknik, didapatkan layanan not feasible hanya pada skenario 3 untuk unit "CD6", di jaringan 4G. Hal ini terkait masih mahal dan belum banyak tersedianya modul m2m gateway dan MDVR teknologi jaringan 4G. Sehingga diperlukan jumlah minimum truk "CD6" dan "Fuso" pada tiap skenario agar implementasi menjadi feasible. Untuk model implementasi layanan terdiri atas 11 fitur, yaitu 2 fitur basic dan 9 fitur ad.

Asean Economic Community 2015 has been creating more challenges in logistics industries in Indonesia. The implementation of IoT in logistic services is needed for increasing competitiveness leading to the establishment of so-called "smart logistic transport". We propose the implementation model of the Indonesian Smart Logistic Transport, by focusing on cold supply chain system.
We have conducted an engineering economic analysis of the smart logistics transport, in relation with the mobile network platform of 2G, 3G, 4G. Development of the implementation model is completed by conducting in-depth interviews with the application customers, technological vendors, regulator and network provider. Based on implementation trial in September-October 2015 and engineering economic analysis, we have found that Smart Logistic Transport is not feasible only on scenario 3 for "CD6" at 4G network. Such condition is caused by the expensive price of 4G’s M2M gateway module and MDVR.
Therefore, it requires the minimum amount of implemented truck to make implementation feasible. Our proposed model has signified 11 features, i.e. 2 basic feature and 9 advanced features, formulating the Indonesian smart logistics transport system. Due to the dynamic business process, customers may need specific advanced features in the future. By taking such opportunity, Indonesian local content developer can work to develop any relevant application features, which is needed by the logistic companies in the near future.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Salsabila
"Pemantauan dan pengendalian kondisi lingkungan budidaya jamur tiram merupakan tantangan utama dalam industri jamur. Saat ini, penelitian sudah berhasil melakukan pemantauan dan pengendalian kondisi lingkungan budidaya secara jarak jauh dengan menggunakan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT). Pada skripsi ini, diajukan desain alat budidaya jamur skala rumah tangga dengan konsumsi daya maksimum sebesar 253,607 Watt. ESP32 digunakan sebagai mikrokontroler utama dengan tiga buah pendingin peltier sebagai aktuator pengendali suhu dan humidifier sebagai aktuator pengendali kelembaban. Platform Blynk IoT digunakan untuk memonitor suhu, kelembaban udara, kelembaban media tanam, dan intensitas cahaya berdasarkan masing-masing sensor. Pemantauan pertumbuhan jamur juga dapat dilihat melalui Google Drive yang dikirim oleh ESP32-CAM. Pengujian selama 30 hari menunjukkan jamur tiram yang dibudidaya menggunakan alat yang diusulkan dapat dipanen hingga tiga kali, sedangkan budidaya jamur tiram tanpa alat hanya dapat dipanen satu kali. Implementasi penggunaan IoT pada alat budidaya jamur tiram yang diusulkan ini efektif digunakan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan jamur tiram di skala rumah tangga.

Monitoring and controlling the environmental conditions of oyster mushroom cultivation is a major challenge in the mushroom industry. Currently, research has successfully implemented remote monitoring and control of cultivation environmental conditions using IoT technology. In this thesis, a home-scale mushroom house design is proposed with maximum power consumption of 253.607 Watt. The ESP32 microcontroller is used as the main controller, with three Peltier coolers as temperature control actuators, and a humidifier as a humidity control actuator. The Blynk IoT platform is used to monitor temperature, air humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity based on respective sensors. Monitoring mushroom growth can also be viewed through Google Drive sent by an ESP32-CAM. A 30-days testing period showed that oyster mushrooms cultivated using the proposed device could be harvested up to three times, compared to mushroom cultivation without the device could be only harvested once. The implementation the IoT in the proposed oyster mushroom cultivation device is effectively used in meeting the needs of oyster mushroom on a household scale."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ervin Halimsurya
"Generator Set yang sering di singkat menjadi genset, merupakan sebuah alat yang berfungsi untuk menghasilkan energi listrik dari beragam jenis bahan bakar. Penggunaan genset biasanya diperlukan ketika terjadinya pemadaman saluran listrik atau ketika ada kebutuhan listrik di tempat terpencil yang tidak terjangkau distribusi listrik negara. Kemampuan untuk mengawasi kondisi genset serta mengoperasikan genset dari jarak jauh dapat menjadi hal yang penting dan memudahkan pengoperasian genset terebut. Pada skripsi ini, telah dilakukan rancang bangun sistem untuk mengendalikan genset dan mengawasi parameter genset yang berupa suhu, level bahan bakar, tegangan aki, serta tegangan yang dihasilkan genset. Dari hasil penelitian telah didapatkan bahwa sistem dapat menyalakan dan mematikan genset melalui protokol komunikasi LoRaWAN melalui antares. Dari penelitian didapatkan bahwa sensor AC memiliki persentase kesalahan sebesar 7,9%, sensor DC sebesar 9,02%, sensor suhu sebesar 11,11%, dan sensor ultrasonik sebesar 13,79%. Dari penelitian didapatkan juga parameter transmisi SNR dan juga RSSI telah bernilai di dalam batas rentang yang dapat diterima LoRa dengan nilai SNR terkecil sebesar -18,5 dB dan terbesar 5 dB dan nilai RSSI terkecil sebesar -120 dB dan tertinggi -106 dB. Diperoleh juga delay dengan rata-rata sebesar 0.248 detik.

A generator set which is also known as a genset is a device that can produce electricity by consuming various kinds of fuel. Genset is commonly used in places where there is no access to electricity, be that because of a power outage or because of an isolated location that has no access to electricity. The ability to monitor and operate genset from afar might be a useful tool to simplify the maintenance and usage of genset over a distance. In this thesis, the writer has designed and implemented a prototype of a device that can monitor and operate genset from afar using Internet of Things (IoT) with LoRaWAN and Antares as its method of communication. The device was tested and connected with a genset and has the capability to turn a genset on and off again through a phone application connected to the internet. The device also has the capability of observing several parameters which are temperature, fuel level, genset’s battery voltage, and the genset’s output voltage itself. From the measured data it is obtained that the AC voltage sensor has an inaccuracy of 7,9%, the DC voltage sensor has an inaccuracy of 9,02%, the temperature sensor has an inaccuracy of 11,11%, and the ultrasonic sensor has an inaccuracy of 13,79%. The result from measurement shows that SNR has a minimum of -18,5 dB and maximum value of 5 dB and that RSSI has a minimum value of -120 dBm and maximum value of -106 dB, both of those parameters barely fulfill the threshold range required by LoRa. The delay also has an average of 0.248 seconds.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ayyasy
"Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) merupakan terobosan teknologi yang memungkinkan adanya pengumpulan dan pertukaran data antara objek objek yang saling terhubung dalam suatu jaringan tertentu sehingga, memudahkan akses terhadap data yang didapatkan untuk dikelola menjadi sebuah informasi yang bermanfaat. Implementasi teknologi IoT dapat dimanfaatkan di berbagai bidang sebagai solusi efisiensi, kemudahan, dan keamanan. Pada riset ini, teknologi IoT diimplementasikan sebagai sistem untuk solusi masalah keamanan dan kemudahan pada kendaraan bermotor. Sistem dirancang dengan menggunakan komponen GPS untuk melacak posisi bujur lintang kendaraan, relay untuk memutus rangkaian kelistrikan kendaraan, dan sensor MPU6050 sebagai pendeteksi getaran mencurigakan pada kendaraan. Semua informasi yang didapatkan pada setiap sensor diproses oleh ESP32 kemudian dikirimkan ke server dengan bantuan LoRa. Informasi yang tersimpan di database server dapat diakses melalui aplikasi hasil rancangan. Dari rancangan sistem yang telah ditetapkan, didapatkan sebuah alat yang dapat digunakan untuk melacak dan mengendalikan nyala mati mesin kendaraan melalui sebuah aplikasi hasil rancangan bernama MOTRAV. Kendaraan yang dipasangi alat dapat diubah statusnya ke dalam mode parkir yang akan mengirimkan notifikasi peringatan apabila terdapat suatu gerakan atau getaran yang terdeteksi mencurigakan.

Internet of Things (IoT) technology is a technological breakthrough that allows the collection and exchange of data between objects that are connected to each other in a certain network, making it easier to access the data obtained to be managed into useful information. The implementation of IoT technology can be utilized in various fields as a solution for efficiency, convenience, and security. In this research, IoT technology is implemented as a system for solving security and convenience problems in vehicles. The system is designed using GPS components to track the longitude and latitude position of the vehicle, relays to disconnect the vehicle's electrical circuit, and MPU6050 sensors as suspicious vibration detectors on the vehicle. All information obtained on each sensor is processed by ESP32 and then sent to the server with the help of LoRa. Information stored in the server database can be accessed through the designed application. From the system design that has been determined, a device is obtained that can be used to track and control the turning off of a vehicle engine through a designed application called MOTRAV. The vehicle installed with the device can be changed into parking mode which will send a warning notification if there is a suspicious movement or vibration detected.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chen, Xiaoming
"This book focuses on massive access to the cellular internet of things (IoT). Both theory and technique are addressed, with more weight placed on the latter. This is achieved by providing in-depth studies on a number of central topics such as channel state information acquisition, user clustering, superposition coding, and successive interference cancellation. Four typical application scenarios are examined in detail, namely the stationary IoT device scenario, frequency division duplex-based low-mobility IoT device scenario, time-division duplex-based IoT device scenario, and high-mobility IoT device scenario. The comprehensive and systematic treatment of key techniques in massive access to the cellular IoT is one of the major features of the book, which is particularly suited for readers who are interested in finding practical solutions for the cellular IoT. As such, it will benefit researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of information engineering, telecommunications engineering, computer engineering, etc."
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Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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