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Takeshi Nishimura
"While the number of occupations known as "professions" has increased, studies in economics have not secured a grasp of old and new professions within the same context. One reason is that they do not view certain occupations in terms of the concept of "profession" as an ideal type. This study reconsiders many aspects of professions and extracts the most notable features that characterize an occupation as a profession. The most crucial characteristic of an ideal profession type is a codified body of knowledge. A profession needs to be socially accepted as being highly developed and not substitutable. In addition, the occupational function of a profession involves urgency and indispensability, and the profession must be at the vertex of its field while using a common body of knowledge. In categorizing modern professionals based on these criteria, we arrived at five types: established professions, new professions, semi-professions (A), semi-professions (B), and skilled workers and experts."
Japan: Graduate School of Economics Kyoto University, 2013
330 KER 82:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shirley Budiarti
"Tesis ini membahas faktor-faktor budaya kerja apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai kantor pusat bank Muamalat selain 12 nilainilai budaya kerja Muamalat. Adapun metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis logit. Analisis deskriptif merupkan ganibaran atau lukisan secara sistimatis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki. Sedangkan analisis logit dalam penelitian ini adalah dimaksudkan untuk menjawab rumusan permasalahan melalui penggunaan model ekonometri yang merupakan model dengan variabel terikat dummy atau kategorik yang disebut Model Logit. Untuk menjalankan analisis tersebut digunakan alat SPSS.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Bahwa faktor-faktor budaya kerja selain 12 nilai-nilai budaya Muarnalat yaitu faktor perilaku hubungan kemanusiaan dan faktor konseptual berpengaruh secara signifikan pada a 10% terhadap kinerja pegawai kantor pusat bank Muamalat. (2) Bahwa faktorfaktor kepuasan kerja yang meliputi : gaji, kondisi lingkungan, hubungan antar pegawai, pekerjaan, kemampuan, prestasi kerja, memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada a 10 % terhadap terhadap peningkatan kinerja pegawai kantor pusat bank Muamalat. Semakin baik sistem panggajian dan upah yang diterima, semakin baik kondisi lingkungan dan hubungan antar pegawai, semakin baik pekerjaan, kemampuan dan prestasi kerja maka semakin kecil kemungkinannya untuk pegawai yang memiliki kinerja tidak baik(3) Begitu pula dengan faktor-faktor kesempatan dan tanggung jawab, walaupun ada yang tidak signifikan namun secara substansi variabel tersebut dapat dijadikan indikator dalam penilaian yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai kantor pusat bank Muamalat.(4) Berdasarkan faktor-faktor tersebut diatas make probabilitas pegawai yang berkinerja tidak baik hanya sebesar 0.00658%. sehingga faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja kantor pusat bank Muamalat tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh 12 nilai budaya kerja Muamalat saja.

This research is to analyze any kinds factors of culture of works which can be influenced the Crew's performance in the Head Office of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk. (BMI), excluding 12 values of culture of works which had been implemented By BMI. The analyze methods had been used in this research are descriptive analysis and logit analysis. The descriptive analysis will give the abstraction by systematically, factual, and accurate related to the facts and the relation between the phenomena which had been analyzed. The logit analysis in this research were used in order to give the answer to the problem through the using of the econometrics model which accordance to the model using dummy or categorical variable dependant which called Logit Model. To run those analysis, SPSS program were used in this research.
The result of this research conclude that : (I) The Human Relation behavior and the conceptual factor are the factors which have influenced significantly at a = 10 % to the Crew's performance in the Head Office of BMI, excluding the 12 values of culture of works of BMI. (2) The utility of work's factors included : the remuneration, the environment condition, the relation between the crew, the work, the ability, the performance, had the significant influence at a. = 10 % to the Crew's performance in the Head Office of BMI. If the remuneration system, the environment condition, the relation between the crew, the works, the ability, and the performance are getting better, the probability of the Crew with a low performance can be eliminated. (3) Even the factor of the opportunity and the responsibility does not influence significantly, but substantially those variables can be used as the indicator in examine the factors which influenced the Crew's performance in the Head Office of BMI. (4) Based on the factors, the probability of the crew with bad performance is 0,00658 %, therefore the factors which influenced the Crew's performance in the Head Office of BMI not only influence by the 12 values of culture of works of BMI.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Smith, E. Janet
Canada: Thomson Reuters, 2011
331.7 SMI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill Boook Company, 1954
650 ADV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alterio, Christopher J
Phladelphia: Wolter Kluwer, 2019
331.7 ALT c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Dahlia
"Usaha Jasa Boga Golongan A3 merupakan salah satu industri kecil sektor informal yang melayani kebutuhan umum dengan pengolahan yang menggunakan dapur khusus dan mempekerjakan tenaga kerja. Dalam mengolah bahan makanan usaha jasa boga di Jakarta pada umumnya menu tnakan bahan bakar elpiji karena elpiji mempunyai beberapa keunggulan dibanding bahan bakar lain. Disamping mempunyai keunggulan, elpiji juga tidak luput dari terjadinya kebakaran. Prevalensi kebakaran yang disebabkan oleh elpiji cukup tinggi, hal ini dikarenakan pengetahuan dan perilaku yang salah oleh pekerja dalam men gunakan elpiji.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan faktor predisposisi, faktor pemungkin dan faktor penguat (Green 1991) dengan perilaku keselamatan kerja penggunaan elpiji pada pekerja bagian pengolahan usaha jasa boga golongan A3 di Jakarta Selatan tahun 2002.
Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer tentang umur, pendidikan, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, pengetahuan tentang elpiji, pengetahuan tentang keselamatan kerja, prosedur kerja, fasilitas, pelatihan, kebijakan dan perilaku keselamatan kerja penggunaan elpiji pada pekerja bagian pengolahan usaha jasa boga golongan A3. Desain penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, Iokasi penelitian di 10 (sepuluh) usaha jasa boga golongan A3 yang mempunyai izin tetap penyehatan makanan di Jakarta Selatan. Pcngambilan sampel secara purposive pada 100 pekerja bagian pengolahan, pengumpulan data primer melalui kuesioner untuk variabel umur, pendidikan, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, pengetahuan tentang elpiji, pengetahuan tentang keselamatan kerja, prosedur kerja, fasilitas kerja, pelatihan dan kebijakan. Wawancara dan observasi dilakukan untuk variabel dependen yaitu perilaku keselamatan kerja penggunaan elpiji_ Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian responden berperilaku keselamatan kerja baik (73%), sedangkan yang berperilaku keselamatan kerja kurang baik sebesar (27%), sebagain responden berjenis kelamin Iaki-laki (70%), umur responden sebagian besar antara 18 - 49 tahun (91%), tingkat pendidikan tinggi (5%), menengah (59%) dan rendah (36%). Masa kerja responden sebagain besar kurang dari 10 tahun (74%) sedangkan pengetahuan responden tentang elpiji balk (44%), sedang (16%), kurang (40%) dan pengetahuan responden tentang keselamatan kerja baik (42%), sedang (32%) dan kurang (26%). Prosedur kerja, responden menjawab (57%) sesuai dan (43%) tidak sesuai. Fasilitas tersedia (42%), tidak tersedia (58%), ada pelatihan (33%), ada kebijakan (30%), dan sebagain besar tidak ada pelatihan dan kebijakan.
Hasil analisis bivariat temayata pengetahuan tentang elpiji (M0,048), pengetahuan tentang keselamatan kerja (P),037), prosedur kerja (P.),004), pelatihan (P),005) berhubungan secara bermakna dengan perilaku keselamatan kerja penggunaan elpiji pads pekerja bagian pengolahan usaha jasa boga golongan A3 di Jakarta Selatan. Dari basil multivariate, variabel prosedur kerja (P,0256) dan pelatihan (M0,0295), memberikan hubungan yang bermakna dengan perilaku keselamatan kerja penggunaan elpiji.
Dari faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku keselamatan kerja penggunaan elpiji, maka penelitian ini mengambil kesimpulan bahwa prosedur kerja dan pelatihan adalah faktor yang paling dominan dan erat hubungannya dengan perilaku keselamatan kerja maka penelitian ini juga memberikan saran agar memberikan pelatihan, monitoring, pengawasan tentang perilaku keselamatan kerja mengguaakan elpiji. Untuk semua usaha jasa boga agar meningkatkan fasilitas, memperhatikan prosedur kerja dan mensosialisasikan kebijakan agar tejadi suasana kerja yang mengutamakan keselamatan kerja dan kesehatan kerja.

The A3 category of catering known is one of the informal small industries sector serving public need, which is processed by using special kitchen and helped by some hired hands. The process of raw food materials for catering business in Jakarta, generally uses elpiji because it has some advantages compared other fuels. Besides its advantages, elpiji as well as other fuels can not avoid the fire to happen. The rate of occurrences of fire caused by elpiji is high enough, and this is because the know how and correct manner is not sufficiently observed by workers using it.
The study has purpose to find out whether or not there is predisposition, causing and encouraging factors relationship (Green 1991) with working safety manners of the workers involved in catering business category A3 in South Jakarta in 2002.
This study uses primary data on age, education, gender, works experience/duration, knowledge on elpiji, the knowledge of the work safety, work procedures, facility, training, policy and manner of using elpiji safely at the processing division catering A3.
The design of study was quantitative to cross sectional approach, location at 10 (ten) catering A3 that hold permanent license of food sanitary at South Jakarta. The purposive sample selection is done to 100 processing workers, primary data collection through questioner on variable ages, education, gender, work experience/duration, knowledge of elpiji, knowledge of working safety, working procedures, working facilities, training and policies. Interviews and observation performed for dependent variable, that is working safety measures of using elpiji. Data analyze using univariat, bivariat and multivariat analyses.
The result of the study indicates that some respondents are good at observing safety manner (73%), while those behaving rather badly is (27%). Some respondents are of male sex (70%). Most of respondents age is between 18 - 49 years (91%); those of low education is (36%). Work experience/duration of some of the respondents is less than 10 years (74%), while their knowledge about elpiji ranges from good (42%), moderate (32%) and somewhat bad (26%). Work procedures answered by (57%) is in accordance with the regulation and as much as (43%) is not. About 42% of facilities is available, unavailable (58%); training provided (33%); policies imposed (30%), and mostly there is no training and policies provided.
The analysis outcome of bivariat indicates that the knowledge on elpiji (P=0.048), knowledge on safety (P~_037), work procedures (P=0.004), training (P=0.005) has significant relationship with the safety manner of using elpiji at the processing of catering business in Jakarta Selatan. As from the result of multivariate analysis, work procedure variables is (P=0.025) and training is (P=0.029), has significant relationship with the working safety manner of using elpiji.
From the factors having relationship with safety manner of using elpiji, this study concludes that work procedures and training is a dominant factor and has close relationship with working safety behavior. Thereby this study also offers suggestions to establish training, monitoring, control on working safety manner following the use of elpiji. For catering it is advised to foster facility, observe work procedures and socialize policies so that there will be an acceptable work atmosphere that put working safety and work health in the first place.
Bibliography : 44 (1980-2001)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taiabei Shi: Tian xia wen hua chu ban gu fen you xian gong s, 1995
SIN 150.51 SHE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Burke, Michelle Marie, Author
"A primary, concise guide to the basics of training for managers, supervisors, team leaders, or anyone who needs to learn to train. The focus is on the critical elements of training, so that readers can learn the basics in just a few hours. Real-world examples make the lessons clear."
New York: American Management Association, 1997
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Untuk mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan kesehatan diselenggarakan berbagai upaya kesehatan yang didukung oleh sumberdaya manusia kesehatan yang memadai. Salah satu sumber daya manusia yang berperan adalah tenaga bidan yang dapat menerapkan peran fungsinya di pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya informasi tentang mutu lulusan D III Kebidanan Cipto Mangunkusuko Poltekes Depkes Jakarta III Tahun 2004. Penelitian dilakukan di Prodi Kebidanan Cipto Mangunkusumo karena Prodi ini merupakan institusi yang pertama kali menyelenggarakan D III Kebidanan. Metode yang digunakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) serta Diskusi Kelompok Terarah. Dengan informan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 24 orang yang terdiri dari 14 orang lulusan yang sudah bekerja, 5 orang lulusan yang tidak bekerja, 2 orang dari institusi pendidikan dan 2 orang dari provider.
Dari hasil penelitian untuk komponen masukan didapatkan peserta didik sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku, SDM dari segi kuantitas dan kualitas dirasakan masih kurang, kurikulum sudah mengacu kepada kurikulum nasional, fasilitas sudah memadai, biaya sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan dan kebutuhan; dari komponen proses terlihat belum semua dosen membuat perencanaan pengajaran khususnya SAP, pelaksanaan pembelajaran sudah cukup baik, evaluasi yang dilaksanakan meliputi UTS, UAS dan UAP sesuai dengan ketentuan; komponen luaran didapatkan hampir seluruh lulusan terserap/bekerja, yang tidak bekerja karena melanjutkan pendidikan, dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya terutama yang bekerja di puskesmas dan rumah bersalin swasta sedangkan yang di rumah sakit kurang kontribusinya.
Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil: mutu lulusan DIII Kebidanan Cipto Mangunkusumo cukup baik, dimana banyak diserap di layanan kesehatan dan dapat menerapkan peran dan fungsinya secara maksimal khususnya di puskesmas dan rumah bersalin swasta. Untuk lebih meningkatkan mutu lulusan, maka perlu meningkatkan secara kualitas SDM (pengajar) baik institusi maupun Clinical instructure (CI) dengan mengikutkan pendidikan lebih tinggi dan menambah jumlah serta mengikutsertakan pelatihan.

In order to achieve health development objectives, a varied activities and efforts are conducted supported by adequate human resources in health sector. One of the important human resources in health is midwife who can apply her function in health appropriately. The objective of this study was to obtain information on quality of graduates from diploma on midwifery produced by Cipto Mangunkusumo Midwifery Study Program, Jakarta Health Polytechnics III year 2004. This study was conducted in Cipto Mangunkusumo Study Program since this institution was the first institution that provided midwifery diploma. Qualitative approach was employed and data were collected through in-depth interview and FGD with 24 informants consisted of 14 working graduates, 5 non-working graduates, 2 from the institution, and 2 from health provider.
The study result on input show proper students in accordance to the rule, quantity and quality of human resources were felt as lacking, curricula was already referred to national curricula, facility was felt adequate, cost was in accordance to regulation and needs; result on process shows that not all of lecturers prepared teaching plan, particularly SAP, implementation of teaching was good, evaluation (mid-exam, final exam, and practical exam) was in accordance to the regulation; result on output shows that almost all graduates were absorbed in workplace, those who were not absorbed were continuing their study, regarding duty and function, the graduates who work in public health centers and private maternity clinics contributed better than those who worked in hospitals.
The study concludes that quality of graduates were considerably good reflected by the high absorption in work place and could apply their role and function in an optimal way particularly among those who worked in public health centers and private maternity clinics. To improve more the graduates quality, there is a need to improve human resources quality (lecturers) both academic and clinical instructors by attending higher level of education and adding the number of lecturers as well as increasing attendance of training."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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