"Tesis ini meneliti tentang intensi dalam melakukan pembelian kosmetik bersertifikat Halal berdasarkan tingkat religiusitas dan Theory of Planned Behavior. Variabel-variabel yang digunakan antara lain Awareness dan Religiosity (dibentuk dari lima dimensi yaitu Ideological, Intellectual, Ritualistic, Experiential, dan Consequential) terhadap Attitude towards Purchasing Halal Certified Cosmetics. Lalu, variabel Attitude towards Purchasing Halal Certified Cosmetics, Subjective Norm, dan Perceived Behavioral Control terhadap Intention to Purchase Halal Certified Cosmetics. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada responden wanita yang beragama Islam, baik yang menggunakan jilbab, maupun yang tidak menggunakan jilbab. Dari hasil kuesioner yang disebarkan, didapatkan 205 responden yang datanya dapat diolah lebih lanjut. Kemudian, data diolah dengan menggunakan metode SEM (Structural Equation Modeling).
Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi Awareness dan Religiosity, maka semakin positif sikap dalam pembelian kosmetik bersertifikat Halal, dan semakin positif, kuat, serta tinggi ketiga faktor di dalam Theory of Planned Behavior yaitu sikap dalam pembelian kosmetik bersertifikat Halal, norma subyektif, dan Perceived Behavioral Control maka akan semakin tinggi intensi dalam pembelian kosmetik bersertifikat Halal. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi para produsen kosmetik bersertifikat Halal untuk meningkatkan awareness umat muslim terhadap produknya, menunjukkan identitas kehalalannya, membentuk sikap positif mereka terhadap pembelian produknya, membentuk image bahwa produknya dibeli oleh orang-orang yang berada di lingkungan mereka, serta meningkatkan keyakinan diri mereka terhadap pembelian produknya supaya intensi mereka dalam melakukan pembelian kosmetik bersertifikat Halal akan semakin meningkat.
This thesis examines intention in purchasing halal certified cosmetics based on level of religiosity and Theory of Planned Behavior. The variables that are used are Awareness and Religiosity (formed by five dimensions namely Ideological, Intellectual, Ritualistic, Experiential, and Consequential) with Attitude towards Purchasing Halal Certified Cosmetics. Then, Attitude towards Purchasing Halal Certified Cosmetics, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control toward Intention to Purchase Halal Certified Cosmetics. The questionnaires were distributed to woman respondents who are moslem, either wearing hijab or not wearing hijab. From this distribution, was obtained 205 respondents whose data can be further analyzed. Afterwards, the data was processed by using SEM method (Structural Equation Modeling).The results from this research shows that the higher Awareness and Religiosity, the more positive attitude in purchasing halal certified cosmetics. The more positive, stronger, and higher of three factors in Theory of Planned Behavior namely Attitude towards Purchasing Halal Certified Cosmetics, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control, then the intention in purchasing halal certified cosmetics will be more higher. Thus, it is important for halal certified cosmetic producers to increase moslem‟s awareness toward the products, show its halal identity, form their positive attitude toward purchasing the products, form the image that the products are bought by important people in their circle, and also increase their belief toward purchasing the products in order to increase their intention to purchase halal certified cosmetics."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015