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Nainggolan, Ginova
"Studi eksperimental hewan memperlihatkan bahwa kadar vasopresin serum yang tinggi berhubungan dengan hiperfiltrasi, albuminuria dan hipertrofi glomerulus, dan dikhawatirkan berlanjut menjadi penurunan laju filtrasi glomerulus (LFG) dalam jangka panjang. Namun, belum terdapat laporan yang membuktikan hubungan sebab-akibat antara peningkatan vasopresin serum dengan gangguan ginjal. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan peningkatan vasopresin serum dengan gangguan ginjal, beserta lokasi gangguan ginjal tersebut. Studi ini juga ditujukan untuk melihat kemampuan berat jenis (BJ) urin untuk mendeteksi gangguan ginjal.
Penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang dengan consecutive sampling di sebuah pabrik sepatu pada bulan Januari–Maret 2020. Subjek adalah pekerja terpajan panas yang dinyatakan sehat berdasarkan medical checkup tahun 2019. Sampel darah dan urin diambil lima jam setelah subjek bekerja. Subjek diperiksakan kreatinin plasma, estimasi LFG berdasarkan CKD-EPI, BJ urin, albuminuria carik-celup, albumincreatinine ratio (ACR) urin, vasopresin serum, kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) urin, dan nefrin urin. Data masa kerja, dan jenis kelamin diperoleh melalui wawancara.
Pada studi ini, diperoleh 119 subjek wanita dengan median usia 38 (31–51) tahun dan median masa kerja 10 (3–14) tahun. Hiperfiltrasi didapatkan pada 18 subjek, LFG tidak menurun pada 104 subjek (87,4%), dan peningkatan nefrin urin pada 104 pekerja (87,4%). Tidak terdapat hubungan antara vasopresin meningkat dengan hiperfiltrasi, penurunan LFG, albuminuria, nefrin urin, dan KIM-1 urin. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara peningkatan nefrin urin dengan masa kerja ≥ 10 tahun (p = 0,03). Terdapat hubungan peningkatan KIM-1 urin dengan albuminuria (p = 0,008). Terdapat area under the curve (AUC) antara BJ urin dan nefrin urin sebesar 81,7% (95% CI 68,8–94,6%), dengan titik potong BJ urin ≥ 1,018 yang memiliki sensitivitas 71,2% dan spesifisitas 80% untuk kenaikan nefrin.
Sebagai simpulan, peningkatan vasopresin serum tidak berhubungan dengan hiperfiltrasi, penurunan LFG, albuminuria, dan peningkatan KIM-urin. Masa kerja > 10 tahun dihubungkan dengan peningkatan nefrin urin. BJ urin ≥ 1,018 dapat dijadikan acuan untuk mendeteksi kenaikan nefrin urin pada pekerja terpajan panas.

Animal experimental studies have shown that high serum vasopressin levels are associated with hyperfiltration, albuminuria, and glomerular hypertrophy, which may lead to decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in long-term. However, there was no earlier report that has established the causal relationship between elevated serum vasopressin and renal impairment. This study aims to determine the association between increased serum vasopressin and kidney impairments, along with the location of these impairments. This study is also aimed to look at the ability of urine specific gravity to detect elevated serum vasopressin and kidney impairments.
This study was a cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling in a shoe factory from January–March 2020. Subjects were heat-exposed workers who were declared healthy based on the medical checkup in 2019. Blood and urine samples were taken five hours after the subject worked. Subjects were examined for plasma creatinine, estimated GFR (eGFR) based on CKD-EPI, urine specific gravity, dipstick albuminuria, urine albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR), serum vasopressin, urine kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), and urinary nephrin. Data on age, length of service, and gender were obtained through interviews.
There were 119 female subjects with a median age of 38 (31–51) years and a median length of service 10 (3–14) years. eGFR was not decreased in 104 subjects (87.4%) and urinary nephrin increased in 104 workers (87.4%). There were no increase in urinary albumin excretion and urinary KIM-1. There were significant association between increased urinary nephrin with length of service ≥ 10 years (p = 0.03), normal-increased eGFR with age 30–39 years (p = 0.001), and increased urinary KIM-1 with albuminuria (p = 0.008). There was an area under the curve (AUC) of 81.7% (95% CI 68.8–94.6%) between urine specific gravity and urinary nephrin, with a cut-off point of urine specific gravity > 1.018 having a sensitivity of 71.2% and a specificity of 80% for the increase in urinary nephrin.
In conclusion, increased serum vasopressin does not cause a decrease in GFR, albuminuria, and increase in urinary KIM, but does cause an increase in urinary nephrin. urine specific gravity ≥ 1.018 can be used as a cut-off for detecting increased urinary nephrin in heat-exposed workers."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rindhy Utami Muris
"Gangguan fungsi ginjal merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2. Pendeteksian dini dengan menggunakan senyawa 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α dan KIM-1 diperlukan untuk mencegah progresifitasnya. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis hubungan antara kadar 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α dan KIM-1 urin dengan estimasi laju filtrasi glomerulus (eLFG). Sampel yang dianalisis adalah 40 orang pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 di Puskesmas Pasar Minggu, dengan teknik total sampling.
Nilai eLFG diperoleh berdasarkan nilai kreatinin serum yang diukur menggunakan metode kinetik Jaffe, sedangkan kadar 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α dan KIM-1 diukur dengan menggunakan metode ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). Kadar 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α diperoleh 6633,87 ± 1292,62 pg/mg kreatinin, kadar KIM-1 diperoleh 8,23 ± 3,23 ng/mL dan nilai eLFG diperoleh 99,65 ± 41,12 (Cockroft-Gault); 96,59 ± 41,90 (MDRD study); dan 100,79 ± 40,07 (CKD-EPI).
Hubungan antara kadar 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α dengan nilai eLFG berdasarkan persamaan Cockroft-Gault (r = 0,520; p = 0,001), MDRD (r = 0,477; p = 0,004) dan CKD-EPI (r = 0,403; p = 0,013), serta setelah perokok dieksklusi, berdasarkan ketiga persamaan, yaitu Cockroft-Gault (r = 0,595; p = 0,001), MDRD (r = 0,554; p = 0,003) dan CKD-EPI (r = 0,559; p = 0,003). Hubungan antara kadar KIM-1 dengan nilai eLFG berdasarkan persamaan Cockroft-Gault (r = -0,155; p = 0,339), MDRD (r = -0,173; p =0,285) dan CKD-EPI (r = -0,024; p = 0,883). Sehingga diketahui terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α dengan nilai eLFG dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara KIM-1 dengan nilai eLFG.

Renal dysfunction is one of complication that most common in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The earlier detection is needed to prevent its progression with 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α and KIM-1. The aim of this study was to analyze concentration of 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α and KIM-1urine and its correlation with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Samples analyzed were 40 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at Pasar Minggu Local Government Clinic, used total sampling method.
eGFR was obtained based on the measurement of serum creatinine on kinetic Jaffe method, 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α and KIM-1 was measured by ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method. Concentration of 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α was 6633,87 ± 1292,62 pg/mg creatinine, concentration of KIM-1 was 8,23 ± 3,23 ng/mL and the eGFR values were 99,65 ± 41,12 (Cockroft-Gault); 96,59 ± 41,90 (MDRD study); and 100,79 ± 40,07 (CKD-EPI).
The correlation between 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentration and eGFR is based on Cockroft-Gault (r = 0,520; p = 0,001), MDRD (r = 0,477; p = 0,004) and CKD-EPI (r = 0,403; p = 0,013), and the correlation between 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentration after smoker exclution and eGFR based on Cockroft-Gault (r = 0,595; p = 0,001), MDRD (r = 0,554; p = 0,003) and CKD-EPI (r = 0,559; p = 0,003). But the correlation between KIM-1 concentration and eGFR based on Cockroft-Gault (r = -0,155; p = 0,339), MDRD (r = -0,173; p =0,285) and CKD-EPI (r = -0,024; p = 0,883). So there was a significant correlation between 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentration and eGFR, and also there were no significant correlation between KIM-1 concentration and eGFR.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penyakit Ginjal Diabetes (PGD) dapat menyebabkan albuminuria, yang berkembang menjadi insufisiensi ginjal. Namun, sekitar 20-40% kasus PGD merupakan PGD normoalbuminuria, yaitu gangguan fungsi ginjal dengan kadar albumin normal. Penelitian ini untuk membandingkan metabolit urin pada pasien penyakit ginjal diabetes dengan normoalbuminuria dan albuminuria yang mengonsumsi metformin-glimepirid. Desain penelitian potong lintang dengan metode consecutive sampling di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Minggu dan RSUD Jati Padang. Sampel urin dan darah dikumpulkan untuk pengukuran HbA1c, UACR, dan analisis metabolit urin. Sebanyak masing-masing 16 pasien dibagi menjadi kelompok PGD normoalbuminuria dan PGD albuminuria, serta dianalisis metabolit urinnya menggunakan metabolomik tidak tertarget dengan Quadruple Time of Flight Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Metabolit yang berbeda signifikan divisualisasi dengan Projections to Latent Structures Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA). Lalu, dianalisis nilai Variable Importance for the Projection (VIP) > 1.0; Fold Change (FC) >1,2 (p<0,05); dan Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUROC). Metabolit dengan nilai Area Under Curve (AUC) > 0,65 dinilai sebagai biomarker potensial. Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna pada karakteristik dasar dan klinis pada kedua kelompok, kecuali HbA1c (p<0,001). Terdapat 20 metabolit urin yang berbeda signifikan pada kelompok PGD normoalbuminuria dan albuminuria. Dari analisis jalur metabolisme pada metabolit tersebut ditemukan empat jalur metabolisme, yaitu metabolisme gliserofosfolipid, eter lipid, fenilalanin, dan triptofan. Dari keempat jalur metabolisme tersebut, ditemukan tiga metabolit biomarker potensial, yaitu glycerophosphocholine, hippuric acid, dan 2-aminobenzoic acid. Ketiga metabolit tersebut berkurang secara signifikan dari kondisi normoalbuminuria ke albuminuria. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan studi lanjut mengenai ketiga metabolit tersebut pada perkembangan PGD normoalbuminuria dan albuminuria.

Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) leads to albuminuria and gradually progresses to renal insufficiency. However, about 20-40% of DKD are normoalbuminuric DKD, which has impaired kidney function with normal albumin levels. This study compared urine metabolites in patients consuming metformin-glimepiride with normoalbuminuric and albuminuria DKD. The research design was cross-sectional with consecutive sampling method at Pasar Minggu District Public Health Centre and Jati Padang Hospital. Urine and blood samples were collected for measurement of HbA1c, UACR, and metabolite analysis. There were each 16 samples divided into normoalbuminuric DKD group and albuminuria DKD group. All subjects were analysed using non-targeted metabolomics with Quadruple Time of Flight Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. The signature metabolites were determined by Projections to Latent Structures Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) with Variable Importance for the Projection (VIP) > 1.0; Fold Change (FC) >1.2 (p<0.05); and Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUROC). Metabolites with an Area Under Curve (AUC) value > 0.65 are considered potential biomarkers. There were no significant differences in baseline and clinical characteristics of two groups, except for HbA1c (p<0.001). There were 20 metabolites identified between two groups. The metabolic pathway analysis of these metabolites found that four metabolic pathways were glycerophospholipid, ether lipid, phenylalanine, and tryptophan metabolism. There were three potential biomarkers, glycerophosphocholine, hippuric acid, and 2-aminobenzoic acid, enriched in these four metabolic pathways. Compared between normoalbuminuric and albuminuria groups these three metabolites were significantly reduced. Therefore, further studies are needed regarding these three metabolites in the development of normoalbuminuric and albuminuria DKD."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anip Manfaatun
"Hingga saat ini, penanda biologis yang menggambarkan gangguan fungsi ginjal akibat diabetes melitus (DM) belum dapat mendeteksi adanya kerusakan sejak dini. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α dengan laju filtrasi glomerulus yang diestimasi (eLFG) sebagai penanda gangguan fungsi ginjal yang terjadi pada pasien DM tipe 2. Sebagai salah satu senyawa penanda terjadinya stres oksidatif, 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α diduga berkaitan dengan gangguan fungsi ginjal sebagai salah satu komplikasi diabetes. Kadar 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α diukur dari urin dan nilai eLFG dihitung dari kreatinin serum. Sampel urin dan serum diambil dari 36 pasien DM tipe 2 dengan teknik total sampling.
Metode spektrofotometri digunakan untuk mengukur kadar kreatinin serum, sedangkan untuk pengukuran kadar 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α digunakan metode enzyme immunoassay. Data lain yang diperlukan diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kadar 8-iso-ProstaglandinF2α berbanding terbalik dengan penurunan nilai eLFG pasien DM tipe 2. Namun, hubungan tersebut tidak bermakna secara statistik. Faktor usia dan kadar glukosa darah merupakan faktor yang paling mempengaruhi nilai eLFG pada pasien DM tipe 2.

Until now, biological marker that describes renal dysfunction due to diabetes mellitus (DM) have not been able to detect any damage early. This study aimed to determine the relationship between 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α with estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) as a marker of renal dysfunction at type 2 diabetes mellitus. As one of the markers of oxidative stress, 8-iso-ProstaglandinF2α assumed to be associated with renal dysfunction as a complication of diabetes mellitus. The levels of 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α measured from urine, and eGFR calculated from serum creatinine. Urine and serum samples taken from 36 type 2 DM patients, using total sampling method.
Spectrophotometric used to measure levels of serum creatinine and the levels of 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α was measured by enzyme immunoassay. Other necessary data obtained through questionnaires. The results showed that increasing level of 8-iso-ProstaglandinF2α was inversely proportional to the decline in eGFR of type 2 DM patients. However, these correlation was not significant statistically. Age and blood glucose were the factors that could effect the value of eGFR in type 2 DM patients.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Putri Balqis Sarena
"Diabetes Melitus adalah penyakit metabolik yang terjadi karena adanya kelainan pada sekresi insulin atau kerja insulin yang ditandai dengan adanya karakteristik hiperglikemia dan dapat berujung komplikasi berupa nefropati diabetik. Pemeriksaan penunjang untuk mendiagnosis Diabetes Melitus salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan HbA1c, yang merupakan hasil dari proses glikosilasi nonenzimatis glukosa pada hemoglobin. Korelasi antara HbA1c dengan mikroalbumin dan laju filtrasi glomerulus sebagai penanda nefropati diabetik belum banyak diteliti di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini menggunakan design penelitian cross-sectional dengan menggunakan 80 subjek yang memeriksakan kadar HbA1c, mikroalbuminuria dan laju filtrasi glomerulus ke Laboraturium RSCM. Data diolah dengan menggunakan uji spearman untuk HbA1c dan mikroalbumin dengan hasil r = 0.381 dan p < 0,001 serta uji pearson untuk HbA1c dengan laju filtrasi glomerulus dengan hasil p > 0,05. Pada penelitian didapatkan terdapat korelasi lemah antara HbA1c dan mikroalbumin serta tidak ada korelasi antara HbA1c dengan laju filtrasi glomerulus.

Diabetes Mellitus is metabolic disease with impairment of insulin secretion and insulin function which marked by hyperglycemia and could lead to diabetic nephropathy complication. Testing for HbA1c is one of the tests to diagnose diabetes mellitus. HbA1c itself is a substance that results from glucose nonenzimatic glycosylation process to hemoglobin. The correlation between HbA1c with microalbumin in urine and glomerular filtration rate is not fully known in Indonesia.
This study is using cross sectional study design on 80 subjects from RSCM laboratory. The data for HbA1c and microalbumin were analyzed using spearman test r 0.381 and p 0,001 and the for HbA1c and glomerular filtration rate were analyzed using pearson test p 0,05. The conclusion are there was a weak correlation between HbA1c and microalbumin in urine and no correlation between HbA1c and glomerular filtration rate.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisrina Nurfitria
"Stres oksidatif yang diinduksi hiperglikemia memainkan peran utama dalam patogenesis komplikasi ginjal di antara pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2, yang dikenal sebagai nefropati diabetik. Peroksidasi asam arakidonat, salah satu komponen membran fosfolipid yang dapat ditemukan sebagian besar di sel mesangial glomerulus, membentuk kelompok zat mirip prostaglandin yang disebut isoprostanes. Salah satu metabolit, 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α, diketahui memiliki aktivitas vasokonstriktif yang kuat, yang diduga terkait dengan patofisiologi hiperfiltrasi glomerulus pada tahap awal nefropati diabetik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian multisenter cross-sectional ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi apakah 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α dikaitkan dengan hiperfiltrasi glomerulus, yang tercermin oleh perkiraan laju filtrasi glomerulus (eGFR) yang tinggi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada tahun 2019 di Puskesmas Pasar Minggu (n = 57). Sampel yang diperoleh peneliti sebelumnya pada tahun 2015 di Rumah Sakit Sitanala, dan pada tahun 2016 dan 2017 di Puskesmas Pasar Minggu juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini (n = 154). Semua spesimen serum dan urine partisipan dianalisis untuk mengukur kreatinin serum dan konsentrasi 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α urin mereka masing-masing. Kreatinin serum digunakan untuk menghitung eGFR berdasarkan persamaan CKD-EPI. 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α urine diukur menggunakan metode ELISA kompetitif. Sampel (n = 211) dibagi menjadi dua kelompok berdasarkan nilai eGFR ≥90 dan 60-89 mL/menit/1,73 m2. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan karakteristik dasar antara kedua kelompok, kecuali usia peserta (p <0,001). Rerata 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α urin ditemukan lebih tinggi pada kelompok eGFR ≥90. Namun, perbedaannya tidak signifikan secara statistik (p = 0,214), menunjukkan bahwa 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α mungkin terkait dengan hiperfiltrasi glomerulus tetapi masih belum cukup spesifik untuk digunakan sebagai penanda tahap awal nefropati diabetik.

Oxidative stress induced by hyperglycemia plays a major role in the pathogenesis of kidney complications among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, known as diabetic nephropathy. Arachidonic acid peroxidation, one of the components of the phospholipid membrane that can be found mostly in mesomer cells glomerulus, forming a group of prostaglandin-like substances called isoprostanes. One of the metabolites, 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α, is known to have strong vasoconstrictive activity, which is thought to be related to the pathophysiology of glomerular hyperfiltration in the early stages of diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, this cross-sectional multicenter study was conducted to evaluate whether 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α was associated with glomerular hyperfiltration, which was reflected by the high estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Sampling was carried out in 2019 at the Pasar Minggu Health Center (n = 57). Samples obtained by previous researchers in 2015 at Sitanala Hospital, and in 2016 and 2017 at Pasar Minggu Health Center were also used in this study (n = 154). All participants' serum and urine specimens were analyzed to measure serum creatinine and their respective urine 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α concentrations. Serum creatinine is used to calculate eGFR based on the CKD-EPI equation. 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α urine is measured using the competitive ELISA method. The sample (n = 211) was divided into two groups based on eGFR values ​​of ≥90 and 60-89 mL/min/1.73 m2. Statistical analysis showed that there were no differences in baseline characteristics between the two groups, except the age of the participants (p <0.001). The mean 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α urine was found to be higher in the eGFR group ≥90. However, the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.214), suggesting that 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2α might be associated with glomerular hyperfiltration but still not specific enough to be used as a marker for the early stages of diabetic nephropathy."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Saat ini belum ada penanda biologis yang dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi PGK sejak dini. Rasio albumin terhadap kreatinin urin (UACR) dan estimasi laju filtrasi ginjal (eLFG) digunakan sebagai penanda gangguan fungsi ginjal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara UACR dengan eLFG pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan normoalbuminuria dan mikroalbuminuria. Sampel yang dianalisis adalah urin dan serum 90 orang pasien DM tipe 2 di Puskesmas Pasar Minggu yang dikumpulkan tahun lalu, dengan teknik total sampling. Kreatinin urin diukur dengan metode kinetic jaffe. Albumin urin diukur dengan metode bromkresol hijau. eLFG diperoleh dari nilai kreatinin serum. Hasil rerata UACR yang didapatkan (15,60±1,93). Hasil rerata eLFG Cockroft Gault (95,65±4,17), MDRD (89,71±3,65) dan CKD-EPI (87,00±2,62). Hasil hubungan antara UACR dengan eLFG rendah MDRD (p= 0,004,r= -0,422); Cockroft (p= 0,083,r= -0,261); CKD-EPI (p= 0,006,r= -0,404), sedangkan dengan LFG tinggi MDRD (p= 0,020, r= 0,346); Cockroft (p= <0,0-01, r= 0,540); CKD (p= 0,002, r= 0,449). Kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu hubungan bermakna antara UACR dengan eLFG rendah dan tinggi. Tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara UACR normoalbuminuria dan mikroalbumnuria dengan eLFG. ;Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the causes complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Currently there are no biological markers that can be used to detect CKD early. Urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR) and estimated kidney filtration rate (eLFG) is used as a marker of impaired kidney function. This study aimed to determine the relationship between UACR with eLFG in patient type 2 diabetes mellitus with normoalbuminuria and microalbuminuria. Samples were urine and serum of 90 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Puskesmas Pasar Minggu which were collected last year, with total sampling technique. Urinary creatinine was measured by Jaffe kinetic method. Urine albumin was measured by the method bromkresol green. eLFG obtained from serum creatinine values. UACR results obtained (15.60 ± 1.93). Results eLFG Cockroft Gault (95.65 ± 4.17), MDRD (89.71 ± 3.65) and CKD-EPI (87.00 ± 2.62). Results relationship between UACR with low eLFG MDRD (p = 0.004, r = -0.422); Cockroft (p = 0.083, r = -0.261); CKD (p = 0.006, r = -0.404), while the high eLFG MDRD (p = 0.020, r = 0.346); Cockroft (p = <0.001, r = 0.540); CKD (p = 0.002, r = 0.449) so there is a significant relationship between UACR with low and high eLFG. There is no significant relationship between UACR normoalbuminuria and microalbuminuria with eLFG., Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the causes complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Currently there are no biological markers that can be used to detect CKD early. Urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR) and estimated kidney filtration rate (eLFG) is used as a marker of impaired kidney function. This study aimed to determine the relationship between UACR with eLFG in patient type 2 diabetes mellitus with normoalbuminuria and microalbuminuria. Samples were urine and serum of 90 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Puskesmas Pasar Minggu which were collected last year, with total sampling technique. Urinary creatinine was measured by Jaffe kinetic method. Urine albumin was measured by the method bromkresol green. eLFG obtained from serum creatinine values. UACR results obtained (15.60 ± 1.93). Results eLFG Cockroft Gault (95.65 ± 4.17), MDRD (89.71 ± 3.65) and CKD-EPI (87.00 ± 2.62). Results relationship between UACR with low eLFG MDRD (p = 0.004, r = -0.422); Cockroft (p = 0.083, r = -0.261); CKD (p = 0.006, r = -0.404), while the high eLFG MDRD (p = 0.020, r = 0.346); Cockroft (p = <0.001, r = 0.540); CKD (p = 0.002, r = 0.449) so there is a significant relationship between UACR with low and high eLFG. There is no significant relationship between UACR normoalbuminuria and microalbuminuria with eLFG.]"
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Hadi Susanto
"Latar Belakang: Penyakit ginjal diabetik (PGD) merupakan komplikasi mikrovaskular yang paling sering terjadi pada diabetes melitus. Podositopati merupakan kunci utama dari kerusakan glomerular pada PGD. miRNA-21 merupakan regulator epigenetik yang mempunyai peran dalam kerusakan podosit pada PGD, namun hasil dari penelitian yang sudah ada sebelumnya masih menyisakan kontroversi tentang peran miRNA-21 pada patogenesis PGD. Tujuan: Mengetahui korelasi antara kadar miRNA-21 dengan kadar nefrin urin, podosin urin, dan rasio albumin kreatinin urin pada pasien PGD. Metode: Studi potong lintang terhadap 42  pasien PGD di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta selama periode April sampai Juli 2023. Uji korelasi dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan miRNA-21 dengan nefrin, podosin, dan rasio albumin kreatinin urin. Regresi linier dilakukan untuk menilai variabel perancu terhadap hubungan tersebut. Hasil: Didapatkan hasil rerata ekspresi relatif miRNA-21 0,069 (0,024) , median nefrin 35,5 (15,75 – 51,25)ng/ml, median podosin 0,501 (0,442– 0,545) ng/mL, dan rasio albumin kreatinin urin 150 (94,56 – 335,75) ng/ml.Ditemukan korelasi antara miRNA-21 dengan nefrin (r = 0,598; p = <0,0001). Ditemukan korelasi antara miRNA-21 dengan rasio albumin kreatinin urin (r = 0,604; p = <0,0001). Tidak didapatkan korelasi antara miRNA-21 dengan podosin. Simpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif antara miRNA-21 dengan nefrin dan rasio albumin kreatinin urin namun tidak didapatkan korelasi yang bermakna antara miRNA-21 dengan podosin urin.

Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the most common microvascular complication in diabetes mellitus. Podocytopathy is a key component of glomerular damage in DKD. miRNA-21 is an epigenetic regulator that plays a role in podocyte damage in DKD, however, the results of previous studies have not resolved the controversy about the role of miRNA-21 in the pathogenesis of DKD. Objective: The aim is to investigate the correlation between miRNA-21 levels and the urinary nephrin, urinary podosin, and urinary albumin-creatinine ratio (uACR) in patients with DKD.  Methods: A cross-sectional study of 42 patients with DKD was conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta from April to June 2023. A correlation test was performed to assess the association of miRNA-21 with the nephrin, podosin, and uACR. A linear regression test was performed to assess the confounding variables in these relationships. Results: The mean relative expression of miRNA-21 was 0.069 (0.024), the median nephrin was 35.5 (15.75 - 51.25) ng/ml, the median podocin was 0.516 (0.047 - 0.620) ng/ml, and the uACR was 150 (94.56 - 335.75) ng/ml. There was a correlation between miRNA-21 and nephrin (r = 0.598; p = <0.0001). There was a correlation between miRNA-21 and the uACR (r = 0.604; p = <0.0001). No correlation was found between miRNA-21 and podocin. Conclusions: There was a positive correlation between miRNA-21 and nephrin and urinary albumin-creatinine ratio, but no significant correlation between miRNA-21 and urinary podocin."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santi Indrawati
Latar belakang : Pekerja yang bekerja di lingkungan panas mempunyai resiko tinggi mengalami gangguan ginjal akibat dehidrasi kronis. Gangguan ginjal dapat dicegah jika kelainan dapat dideteksi dan diterapi sejak awal dimana resiko kesakitan dan kematian juga akan berkurang. Pemeriksaan yang biasa dilakukan dalam praktek sehari-hari pada saat ini adalah dengan kreatinin. Namun pemeriksaan kreatinin baru menunjukkan kelainan pada penurunan LFG lanjut. Cystatin C dikatakan bisa mendeteksi gangguan ginjal lebih awal sebelum kadar kreatinin meningkat sehingga dapat segera dilakukan tindakan pencegahan untuk menghindari kerusakan ginjal lebih lanjut. Metode penelitian:` Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain Cross sectional. Dilakukan pada 94 pekerja laki-laki yang dipilih secara random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan laboratorium. Kadar cystatin c serum diukur dengan metode Immunonephelometri, kreatinin diukur dengan metode enzymatik, kemudian dihitung estimasi Laju Filtrasi Glomerulus berdasar Cystatin C dan kreatinin dengan metode CKD EPI. Hasil penelitian dilakukan analisa univariate dan bivariate. Hasil: Didapatkan prevalensi Gangguan Fungsi Ginjal dari Pemeriksaan Cystatin C pada Pekerja terpapar panas dengan Laju Filtrasi Glomerulus normal sebesar 17 %. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia dan gangguan ginjal (p=0,000) dengan OR 13,22. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara masa kerja dengan gangguan ginjal (p = 0,043) dengan OR 6,67. Kesimpulan: LFG dengan Cystatin C dapat mendeteksi lebih dini gangguan ginjal sebelum kreatininnya meningkat dengan prevalensi 17% sehingga dengan upaya promotif dan preventif yang dilakukan diharapkan dapat mencegah gangguan ginjal lebih lanjut.;

Background: Workers who work in hot environments have a high risk of having renal disorders due to chronic dehydration. Renal disorders can be prevented if the abnormality can be detected and treated early in the beginning where the risk of morbidity and mortality is lower, as well. The common test conducted in daily practice today is the creatinine clearance test. However, creatinine clearance test shows abnormalities only in an advance reduced GFR. Cystatin C is known to be able detecting renal disorders in early stage before the creatinine level increases so that precautions can be taken to prevent a more advance renal damage. Study Method: This study used a cross sectional design. It was conducted to 94 workers whom selected with random sampling. Data was collected by interview, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Serum level of Cystatin C was measured by the method of immunonephelometry. Creatinine was measured by enzymatic method and subsequently, Glomerular Filtration Rate was estimated based on cystatin and creatinine using CKD EPI method. Univariate and bivariate analysis was performed to the results. Result: The study suggest that there is prevalence of renal disorders based on Cystatin C test in heat-exposed workers with normal glomerular filtration rate by 17%. There is a significant association between age and renal disorder (p = 0,000) with OR 13.22. There is a significant relation between period of employment with renal disorder (p = 0,001) with OR 6.57. Conclusion: Cystatin-based GFR is able to detect renal disorder at early stage before the creatinine level increases with prevalence of 17% so that further renal damage is expected to be able prevented with promotion and prevention attempts.
;Background: Workers who work in hot environments have a high risk of having renal disorders due to chronic dehydration. Renal disorders can be prevented if the abnormality can be detected and treated early in the beginning where the risk of morbidity and mortality is lower, as well. The common test conducted in daily practice today is the creatinine clearance test. However, creatinine clearance test shows abnormalities only in an advance reduced GFR. Cystatin C is known to be able detecting renal disorders in early stage before the creatinine level increases so that precautions can be taken to prevent a more advance renal damage. Study Method: This study used a cross sectional design. It was conducted to 94 workers whom selected with random sampling. Data was collected by interview, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Serum level of Cystatin C was measured by the method of immunonephelometry. Creatinine was measured by enzymatic method and subsequently, Glomerular Filtration Rate was estimated based on cystatin and creatinine using CKD EPI method. Univariate and bivariate analysis was performed to the results. Result: The study suggest that there is prevalence of renal disorders based on Cystatin C test in heat-exposed workers with normal glomerular filtration rate by 17%. There is a significant association between age and renal disorder (p = 0,000) with OR 13.22. There is a significant relation between period of employment with renal disorder (p = 0,001) with OR 6.57. Conclusion: Cystatin-based GFR is able to detect renal disorder at early stage before the creatinine level increases with prevalence of 17% so that further renal damage is expected to be able prevented with promotion and prevention attempts.
, Background: Workers who work in hot environments have a high risk of having renal disorders due to chronic dehydration. Renal disorders can be prevented if the abnormality can be detected and treated early in the beginning where the risk of morbidity and mortality is lower, as well. The common test conducted in daily practice today is the creatinine clearance test. However, creatinine clearance test shows abnormalities only in an advance reduced GFR. Cystatin C is known to be able detecting renal disorders in early stage before the creatinine level increases so that precautions can be taken to prevent a more advance renal damage. Study Method: This study used a cross sectional design. It was conducted to 94 workers whom selected with random sampling. Data was collected by interview, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Serum level of Cystatin C was measured by the method of immunonephelometry. Creatinine was measured by enzymatic method and subsequently, Glomerular Filtration Rate was estimated based on cystatin and creatinine using CKD EPI method. Univariate and bivariate analysis was performed to the results. Result: The study suggest that there is prevalence of renal disorders based on Cystatin C test in heat-exposed workers with normal glomerular filtration rate by 17%. There is a significant association between age and renal disorder (p = 0,000) with OR 13.22. There is a significant relation between period of employment with renal disorder (p = 0,001) with OR 6.57. Conclusion: Cystatin-based GFR is able to detect renal disorder at early stage before the creatinine level increases with prevalence of 17% so that further renal damage is expected to be able prevented with promotion and prevention attempts.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marliana Sri Rejeki
"Latar belakang Sisplatin merupakan pengobatan utama untuk karsinoma nasofaring KNF , tetapi berpotensi menimbulkan nefrotoksisitas. Selain kadar BUN dan kreatinin serum, KIM-1 dan NGAL diduga cukup sensitif untuk mendeteksi nefrotoksisitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kadar KIM-1 dan NGAL dalam urin untuk mendeteksi gangguan fungsi ginjal pada pasien KNF stadium lanjut yang mendapatkan kemoterapi berbasis sisplatin.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort prospektif. Subyek penelitian dibagi dalam 3 kelompok: pasien yang belum pernah terpapar dan yang sudah pernah mendapatkan kemoterapi berbasis sisplatin 75-100 mg/m serta pasien yang belum pernah mendapatkan kemoterapi sisplatin dan kemudian diberi sisplatin 40 mg/m 2 . Kadar KIM-1, NGAL dalam urin serta kadar BUN dan kreatinin dalam serum diukur pada saat sebelum dan sesudah mendapatkan sisplatin pada ketiga kelompok. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji ANOVA, uji Pearson, Spearman, Kolmogorov-Smirnov dan SPSS versi 22,0.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan selisih kadar BUN yang bermakna antara sebelum dan sesudah diterapi pada ketiga kelompok p=0.0001 . Perbedaan selisih kadar NGAL dalam urin pada penelitian ini juga berbeda bermakna antara sebelum dan sesudah diterapi terhadap ketiga kelompok p=0,025 , tetapi ada perbedaan rerata pada sepasang kelompok yang bermakna hanya didapatkan pada kelompok yang belum pernah dikemoterapi 40 mg/m 2 dan kelompok yang sudah pernah diberi kemoterapi 75-100 mg/m 2 p=0,02. Perbedaan selisih kadar KIM-1 tidak bermakna pada ketiga kelompok p=0,275.
Kesimpulan: Sisplatin menunjukkan akumulasi nefrotoksisitas yang tergantung pada dosis dose-dependent manner . Pengukuran kadar NGAL dalam urin dapat mendeteksi nefrotoksisitas tahap dini, tetapi belum bisa menggantikan peran BUN. Pengukuran kadar KIM-1 dalam urin tidak dapat mendeteksi gangguan fungsi ginjal.

Background: Cisplatin is the main treatment for nasopharyngeal carcinoma NPC with a potency of causing nephrotoxicity. In addition to serum BUN and creatinine levels, KIM 1 and NGAL levels is assumed to be quite sensitive in detecting nephrotoxicity. The study was aimed to evaluate urinary KIM 1 and NGAL level to detect kidney dysfunction in patients with advanced stage NPC who received cisplatin based chemotherapy.
Method: The study was a cohort prospective study. Subjects were categorized into 3 groups, i.e. patients who had never received and who had received 75 100 mg m2 cisplatin based chemotherapy as well as those who had never received any cisplatin based chemotherapy and were subsequently received 40 mg m cisplatin. The levels of urinary KIM 1, NGAL and serum level of BUN and creatinine were measured before and after receiving cisplatin in the three groups. Statistical analysis used in our study were ANOVA, Pearson, Spearman, KolmogorovSmirnov test and SPSS version 22.0.
Results: There was a significant difference of delta BUN level before and after treatment in all three groups p 0.0001 . Delta urinary NGAL level was also significantly different between before and after treatment in all groups p 0.025 however, a significant mean difference of a pair group was only found between those who never had 40 mg m 2 chemotherapy and those who had received 75 100 mg m 2 chemotherapy p 0.02 while delta KIM 1 level showed no significant difference in all three groups p 0.275.
Conclusion: Cisplatin may cause accumulated nephrotoxicity, which has dosedependent manner. Measuring urinary NGAL level can detect an early stage of kidney dysfunction however, it still cannot replace the role of BUN. Measurement of urinary KIM 1 level cannot detect kidney dysfunction.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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