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Hubungan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pengurangan kemiskinan, meskipun mapan, bersifat heterogen. Sumber heterogenitas tidak hanya berasal dari faktor sosial ekonomi tetapi juga dari struktur pertumbuhan output itu sendiri. Di Indonesia, sektor sekunder tampak inferior dalam mengurangi kemiskinan dibandingkan sektor lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak pertumbuhan sektoral terhadap kemiskinan di Indonesia dengan perhatian khusus pada disagregasi sektor sekunder, dan juga menganalisis sensitivitas relatif terhadap penanggulangan kemiskinan dari sektor padat karya dan non padat karya. Analisis empiris yang digunakan adalah analisis data panel provinsi di Indonesia dari tahun 2003-2018 dengan metode pooled OLS.

Hasil analisis data panel menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan sektoral tidak banyak berpengaruh terhadap perbaikan kondisi masyarakat miskin di Indonesia. Namun demikian, menarik kesimpulan langsung dari hasil tersebut berpotensi tinggi untuk tidak tepat sasaran. Kesimpulan yang lebih komprehensif mengenai hubungan pertumbuhan sektoral dan kemiskinan bisa didapatkan jika kondisi provinsi-provinsi yang didorong oleh pertambangan dan non-pertambangan di Indonesia diperhitungkan.

 Di provinsi non-pertambangan, pengaruh sektor sekunder terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan sektor jasa. Disagregasi enam sektor ekonomi (dengan atau tanpa mengontrol efek distribusi melalui intensitas tenaga kerja) menunjukkan bahwa di dalam sektor sekunder, memang tidak semua sub-sektor secara signifikan mengurangi kemiskinan. Subsektor yang secara signifikan mengurangi kemiskinan di provinsi non-pertambangan adalah pertambangan dan konstruksi. Namun, provinsi yang digerakkan oleh pertambangan tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan pertumbuhan-kemiskinan sektoral. Peran signifikan dari intensitas tenaga kerja dalam menentukan karakteristik pro-poor dari pertumbuhan sektoral menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan yang cenderung membuat bisnis enggan mempekerjakan tenaga kerja tidak disarankan. Sejalan dengan kebijakan yang mendorong lapangan kerja, kebijakan pengembangan keterampilan diperlukan untuk memastikan respons pasar kerja yang tepat terhadap permintaan dari setiap sektor.

The relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction, although well established, is heterogeneous. The source of heterogeneity not only comes from socio economic factors but also from the structure of output growth itself. In Indonesia, secondary sector seemed to be less poverty reducing than other sectors. This study aims to examine the impact sectoral growth on poverty in Indonesia with particular attention to disaggregated secondary sector, and also analyzes the relative sensitivity on poverty reduction from labor intensive sector and non-labor intensive one. The empirical analysis uses provincial panel data of Indonesia from 2003-2018 and employs pooled OLS method. The results show that sectoral growth has little effect to the improvement of the poors condition in Indonesia. Nevertheless, this conclusion has a high potential to be preposterous. A more comprehensible conclusion of sectoral growth-poverty linkage can be found if the condition of mining and nonmining-driven provinces in Indonesia is taken into account. In nonmining-driven provinces, secondary sector pales in comparison to services in alleviating poverty. Six sector disaggregation of the economy (with or without controlling the distributional effect through labor intensity) reveals that within secondary sector, indeed not all the subsectors are significantly poverty reducing. The subsectors that significantly reduce poverty in nonmining-driven provinces are mining and construction. Mining-driven provinces, however, does not display a sectoral growth-poverty linkage. The significant role of labor intensity in determining pro-poor characteristic of sectoral growth suggests that malformation of policies that leans towards discouraging businesses to employ labor is inadvisable. In line with policies that induce labor employment, skill development policy is needed to ensure a correct response of the labor market to the demand from each sector.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joni Marsius
"Tesis ini membahas bagaimana pengaruh kemajuan sektor perbankan baik bagi penurunan tingkat kemiskinan Indonesia, di satu sisi dengan membawa peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di sisi lainnya melalui tersedianya kredit yang sesuai dengan masyarakat miskin. Dengan kemajuan sektor perbankan maka tabungan dapat dimobilisasi dan uang dapat dialokasikan ke hal-hal yang lebih produktif, baik dengan peningkatan modal fisik maupun meningkatnya produktivitas dari modal fisik. Efek menetes ke bawah dari perubahan kelembagaan dan keekonomian yang disebabkan oleh kemajuan sektor perbankan membawa perubahan yang lumayan komplek terhadap kondisi kehidupan masyarakat miskin. Pada saat terjadi krisis keuangan pada tahun 1997 - 2000, yang juga menghantam sektor perbankan membawa pengaruh sangat buruk terhadap kondisi kemiskinan, dan menahan pengaruh positif yang diakibatkan kemajuan sektor perbankan yang sebelumnya telah berhasil mereduksi jumlah penduduk miskin. Hipotesis mengenai kemajuan sektor perbankan dan dampak krisis keuangan selama periode 1971 ? 2009, telah membawa pelajaran langsung yang sangat bermanfaat bagi pengambilan kebijakan.

This thesis investigates how banking development is beneficial to the reduction of Indonesian?s poverty, on the one hand by promoting growth and in the other hand directly by providing affordable loan. Banking Sector Development (BSD) mobilizes saving and allocates capital to more productive uses, both of which help increase the amount of physical capital and its productivity. The trickle-down effect of economic and institutional changes brought by BSD became more complex effect on living condition of the poor. At the same time, however, financial instability in 1997 - 2000 which accompanies financial development is disadvantageous to the poor and dampens the positive effect of banking development on the reduction of poverty. The hypothesis is tested successfully on Indonesia over the period 1971 till 2009, resulting in straightforward policy implication."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mu’amar Wicaksono
"Persoalan kemiskinan dan ketimpangan pendapatan merupakan masalah-masalah utama yang dihadapi di dunia baik bagi negara maju dan berkembang. khususnya di Indonesia. Keduanya menjadi tujuan utama dari aksi global yang perlu dibenahi sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) melalui tema "Mengubah Dunia Ketiga: Agenda 2030 untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan". Dalam rangka mendukung SDGs, Indonesia secara konsisten telah menerapkan desentralisasi melalui otonomi daerah dalam penyelenggaraan sistem pemerintahannya. Terdapat pembagian kewenangan antara pusat dan daerah melalui otonomi untuk menciptakan pembangunan sosial ekonmi secara berkelanjutan demi terciptanya kehidupan bermasyarakat yang adil, makmur dan sejahtera. Secara khusus, Indonesia juga menerapkan otonomi khusus yang diberikan kepada beberapa daerah yang memperooleh otonomi khusus berikut tambahan dana transfer daripemerintah pusat sebagai tindak lanjut dari otonomi khusus tersebut. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kebijakan pemberian ootonomi khusus telah tepat dilakukan dalam rangka pengentasan kemiskinann dan mengurangi kerimpangan pendapatan, namun terdapat faktor eksternal yang perlu dibenahi yang mempengaruhi kebijakan otonomi khusus sehingga akan berjalan lebih efektif.

Poverty and income inequality are the main problems faced in the world for both developed and developing countries, especially in Indonesia. Both are the main goals of global action that need to be addressed as mandated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the theme "Changing the Third World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". In order to support SDGs, Indonesia has consistently implemented decentralization through regional autonomy in the management of its government system. The authority between the central government and regional government is divided through autonomy to create sustainable socio-economic development for the creation of a fair and prosperous social life. In particular, Indonesia also implemented special autonomy which was granted to several regions receiving special autonomy along with additional transfer funds from the central government as a follow-up to this special autonomy. This study proves that the policy to offer special autonomy is appropriate in the context of poverty alleviation but has not succeeded in reducing income inequality."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewa Aji Ariwanto
"Produktivitas faktor total (Total Factor Productivity/TFP) dan produktivitas faktor tunggal (Single Factor Produktivity/SFP) diyakini sebagai salah satu alat untuk mengukur tingkat produktivitas. Masing-masing metode pengukuran memiliki keunggulan tersendiri yang tergantung pada tujuan pengukuran dan ketersediaan sumber-sumber pendukung yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pengukuran tersebut. Studi empiris menunjukkan bahwa kinerja ekonomi suatu negara dapat diukur melalui metode tersebut. Ekonomi Indonesia yang terdiri dari 11 sektor telah menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang positif dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Di antara 11 sektor tersebut terdapat beberapa sektor yang memliki kontribusi terbesar di dalam PDB nasional. Sektor-sektor tersebut antara lain sektor manufaktur, sektor pertanian dan sektor perdagangan. Namun demikian, PDB nasional juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain di luar 11 sektor tersebut.
Salah satu faktor pendukung tingkat produktivitas suatu ekonomi adalah ketersediaan infrastruktur. Oleh karena itu, tesis ini akan menganalisis peranan infrastruktur terhadap produktivitas di sektor manufaktur di Indonesia serta menganalisis jenis infrastruktur apa yang memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam produktivitas. Tesis ini akan mengukur tingkat produktivitas tenaga kerja sebagai salah satu bentuk dari produktivitas faktor tunggal/SFP.
Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peranan infrastruktur dalam produktivitas sektor manufaktur di Indonesia selama kurun waktu 2000-2009, pendugaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan satu set data panel yang mencakup semua provinsi. Hasil pendugaan menunjukkan bahwa metode terbaik untuk mengestimasi model adalah dengan metode Efek Acak (Random Effect). Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel yang diamati menunjukkan tanda positif walaupun beberapa variabel tidak signifikan. Analisis dalam level provinsi juga dilakukan untuk menguji apakah kondisi geografis juga berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa selama periode 2000 hingga 2009, produktivitas tenaga kerja di sektor manufaktur di Indonesia telah menunjukkan hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap infrastruktur. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa produktivitas tenaga kerja di sektor manufaktur di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan infrastruktur. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa infrastruktur pendidikan memiliki peranan yang paling dominan dalam menentukan tingkat produktivitas tenaga kerja di sektor manufaktur. Dalam tataran kebijakan, pemerintah Indonesia harus mempertimbangkan dan meningkatkan ketersediaan infrastruktur di seluruh provinsi terutama yang terkait dengan sektor manufaktur. Upaya tersebut tidak hanya sebatas perbaikan dan peningkatan dalam hal kuantitas dan kualitas infrastruktur, tetapi juga meningkatkan penyediaan infrastruktur secara lebih merata. Dengan demikian, melalui efek pengganda (multiplier effect), tingkat kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan dapat ditingkatkan.

Both SFP and TFP are believed as tools to measure productivity. This means that those measurements can be used to assess economic performance. However, each measurement has its own superiority, which relies on the purposes and the availability of sources to calculate it. Indonesia’s economy which consists of 11 sectors shows a positive growth in around last 10 years. Those sectors are manufacturing sector, agriculture sector and trade sector. Among those sectors, there are several sectors having bigger share on national GDP compare to the rest. However, the magnitude of each sector share in GDP is not solely determined by the sector itself, but it also influenced by other factors.
One believed as the supporting factor is infrastructure. Therefore, this paper will examine the role of infrastructure on the productivity in manufacturing sector in Indonesia and analyze which kind of infrastructures that highly contributes to the productivity. The paper is measuring productivity labor productivity as one form of SFP. Based on the calculation, this paper excludes the TFP calculation as the productivity measurement due to unconvincing result.
To assess the role of infrastructures in productivityin the manufacturing sector in Indonesia during 2000-2009, by using a panel data set which includes all provinces, the estimation is conducted. The result shows that the best method to estimate the model is Random Effect method. Further analysis reveals that all of observed variables show a positive sign but some of those variables are insignificant. Province level analysis also conducted to examine whether geographical condition also have effect to productivity.
To sum up, the results signify that during the period of 2000 to 2009, labor productivity in manufacturing sector in Indonesia shows a positive and significant relation to infrastructures. It can be concluded that labor productivity in manufacturing sector in Indonesia is influenced by infrastructure provisions. Moreover, government of Indonesia should improve infrastructures provisions across provinces which related to manufacturing sector. Not only improvements in the quantity and quality of infrastructures, but also reduce the inequality and uneven infrastructure distribution. By improving the infrastructures related to manufacturing sector, it can increase welfare through multiplier effects not only for the labor but also for the society.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Resmana
"Dengan memfokuskan korupsi pada level provinsi, thesis ini memeriksa apakah korupsi oleh pemerintah daerah aka mempengaruhi tingkat kemiskinan. Panel data dengan pendekatan “fixed effect” diimplementasikan pada data level provinsi dari tahun 2007 sampai dengan 2010. Dengan menggunakan temuan audit, hasil regresi menunjukan bahwa korupsi pemerintah daerah memiliki korelasi positif dengan kejadian kemiskinan. Jika provinsi-provinsi di Indonesia mengurangi korupsi, ini akan berkontribusi pada semakin banyak orang keluar dari kemiskinan. Hasil penelitian ini menekankan pada pentingnya penyempurnaan intitusi seperti pemberantasan korupsi dalam kebijakan pengentasan kemiskinan. Kebijakan anti korupsi sangat dibutuhkan agar program-program pengentasan kemiskinan lebih effisien.

Focusing on the provincial corruption level, this thesis examines whether local government corruption influences the regional poverty rate. In this paper, a fixed approach panel data method is implemented to a provincial level data set from 2007 to 2010. Using audit findings as measurement of provincial corruption level, the results show that local government corruption has positive correlation with poverty incident. If provinces in Indonesia reduce their corruption level, it contributes more people moving out of poverty. This study highlight the important of institutional improvement i.e. the corruption eradication effort in the poverty reduction policy. Thus, anti-corruption policies are necessary for anti-poverty programs to be efficient."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puri Listiyani
A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level., A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Maryanto
"Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis hubungan kausalitas dinamis antara perkembangan sektor keuangan, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penurunan kemiskinan di Indonesia periode 2000Q1 sampai dengan 2010Q4. Dalam penelitian ini, pengukuran perkembangan sektor keuangan menggunakan tiga proksi yaitu rasio uang beredar secara luas (M2) terhadap PDB, rasio kredit sektor swasta terhadap PDB dan rasio total kredit usaha kecil terhadap PDB.
Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji kausalitas Granger dan trivariate VECM untuk dapat menjawab tujuan penelitian. Dari hasil studi diperoleh bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perkembangan sektor keuangan mempunyai hubungan jangka panjang dengan penurunan tingkat kemiskinan di Indonesia. Pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perkembangan sektor keuangan terhadap penurunan tingkat kemiskinan tidak terjadi seketika, tetapi ada time lag yang lama tergantung pada situasi perekonomian di negara yang bersangkutan.Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa perkembangan sektor keuangan menyebabkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mendukung supply leading hypothesis di Indonesia.

This study aimed to analyze the dynamic causal relationship between financial sector development, economic growth and poverty reduction in Indonesia period 1996Q1 to 2009Q4. In this study, measurement of financial sector development using three proxies, namely the ratio of broad money supply (M2) to GDP, the ratio of private sector credit to GDP and the ratio of total credit for small business to GDP.
The model used in this study is the Granger causality test and trivariate VECM in order to answer the research objectives. From the results of the study found that economic growth and development of the financial sector has a long-term relationship with poverty reduction in Indonesia. Effect of economic growth and development of the financial sector to poverty reduction does not happen instantly, but there is a long lag time depending on the economic situation in the country.This study also finds that development of financial sector development leds to economic growth and support the supply leading hypothesis for Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Faturohim
"Studi tentang kemiskinan dinamis yang berfokus pada bantuan tunai bersyarat di Indonesia belum mengungkapkan apakah Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap tingkat kemiskinan rumah tangga. Meskipun beberapa studi telah meneliti kemiskinan dinamis di Indonesia, informasi tentang bagaimana PKH mempengaruhi tingkat kemiskinan rumah tangga masih belum lengkap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana PKH mempengaruhi status kemiskinan rumah tangga di Indonesia dan apakah berdampak positif pada indeks Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke (FGT). Ketika program tersebut diimplementasikan, kombinasi antara metode Propensity Score Matching (PSM) dan pendekatan Difference-in-Difference (DiD) behasil mengevaluasi hasil rumah tangga penerima dan non-penerima. PKH berasosiasi dengan peningkatan pengeluaran perkapita rumah tangga penerima program sebesar 1,46% dan penurunan peluang menjadi rumah tangga miskin sebesar 0,36%; Namun demikian secara statistik tidak signifikan. PKH juga berhubungan dengan penurunan tingkat kemiskinan, indeks kesenjangan, dan indeks keparahan di sebagian besar provinsi penerima program.

Dynamic studies on conditional cash transfer-focused (CCT) poverty in Indonesia have not revealed whether Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) has had a significant amount of impact on household poverty. While several studies have examined the dynamics of poverty and CCT in Indonesia, information on how PKH has influenced household poverty is incomplete. However, this study aims to properly investigate how PKH affects the household poverty status in Indonesia and whether it has had a positive impact on the Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke (FGT) indices. When implemented by the program, the combination of the propensity score matching (PSM) and the difference-in-difference (DID) approach evaluates the outcomes of the beneficiary and non-beneficiary households. PKH has been associated with the increase in the level of PCE of beneficiary households by 1.46% and the decrease in the probability of becoming poor by 0.36%; nevertheless, it is not statistically significant. PKH has also been related to declines in the headcount ratio, the poverty gap index, and the severity index in most provinces."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aprilina Tri Widyastuti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh inklusi keuangan terhadap kemiskinan energi rumah tangga di Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan data Susenas dan Pendataan Potensi Desa (Podes) tahun 2018. Variabel kemiskinan energi diukur menggunakan konsep deprivasi serta pendekatan multidimensional yang disusun dari lima dimensi dan enam indikator, yaitu: bahan bakar utama memasak, polusi udara dalam ruangan, penerangan, kepemilikian peralatan rumah tangga, dan perangkat penunjang layanan dasar seperti pendidikan, hiburan, dan komunikasi. Variabel inklusi keuangan juga diukur menggunakan pendekatan multidimensional berdasarkan aksesbilitas rumah tangga terhadap layanan keuangan meliputi akses ke lembaga keuangan seperti bank, kredit, dan asuransi. Estimasi pengaruh inklusi keuangan terhadap kemiskinan energi dilakukan dengan metode Two Stage Least Square (2SLS), menggunakan jarak rumah tangga ke fasilitas keuangan terdekat sebagai variabel instrumen untuk mengatasi masalah endogenitas dalam menjelaskan hubungan kausal antara inklusi keuangan dan kemiskinan energi rumah tangga. Dalam studi ini, salah satu mekanisme potensial yang digunakan adalah melalui pendapatan perkapita rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum inklusi keuangan berdampak negatif terhadap kemiskinan energi. Aksesbilitas rumah tangga terhadap layanan keuangan berkontribusi dalam mengurangi kecenderungan rumah tangga mengalami kondisi miskin energi.

This study aims to examines the effect of financial inclusion on household energy poverty in Indonesia. This study uses data from the Susenas and Village Potential Data Collection (Podes) in 2018. The energy poverty variable is measured using deprivation concept and multidimensional approached with five dimensions and six indicators. These five dimensions are cooking, lighting, connected household appliance, entertainment/education and communication. Financial inclusion also be measured using multidimensional approached based on household acces to financial institution like acces to bank, loans, and insurance. Estimation of financial inclusion effect on energy poverty using Two Stage Least Square (2SLS) method with distance to nearest financial institutions as instrument variable (IV) to overcome endogenity issue in causal relationship between financial inclusion and energy poverty . In this study, income per capita is employed as potential channel through which financial inclusion can influence energy poverty. Overall, we find that financial inclusion has a negative effect on household energy poverty. Household’s accesbility to financial institution services contribute to reduce household vulnerability to energy poverty."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shabrina Aulia
Kemiskinan merupakan fenomena multi-dimensi yang memerlukan upaya penanggulangan yang dilakukan secara lintas sektor dan lintas pemangku kepentingan. Maka, pengawasan yang dilakukan terhadap program-program penanggulangan kemiskinan juga harus dilaksanakan secara lintas sektoral. Fungsi ini diamanahkan kepada Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan. Penelitian ini akan menggambarkan kedudukan dan wujud peran BPKP serta penilaian pihak lain dalam Program Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (PPPK). Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan post positivist. Teori yang dijadikan dasar dalam melakukan analisis adalah gagasan pengawasan fungsional dari Taylor bahwa pengawas internal/fungsional berperan membantu atasan dalam menjamin tercapai atau tidaknya pekerjaan yang dilakukan bawahan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan pihak terkait serta melalui studi terhadap dokumen-dokumen terkait. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa peran BPKP sebagai pengawas internal dalam PPPK telah didukung dengan perubahan struktural untuk menjamin independensi. Meskipun begitu, peran BPKP belum didukung oleh perbaikan fungsi struktural sehingga ditemukan peran BPKP belum berpengaruh secara signifikan pada level pelaksanaan program.

Poverty is believed as a multi-dimension phenomenon that needs cross sectoral and cross stakeholders efforts to alleviate it. Therefore, the supervision over the poverty alleviation program must be carried by the same perspective. The Financial and Developmental Supervisory Board (known as BPKP in Indonesian acronim) is mandated to be responsible for this cross sectoral supervision over Poverty Alleviation Acceleration Program. The research was held through postpositivist approach. Theory used in analyzing the collected data is the idea of functional supervision by Taylor about the role of a specialized division created to help the superior to assure that the subordinate do the work assigned. The data was collected through in-depth interview with related parties and a study over related documents. The research found that BPKP?s role as an internal supervisor for President has been supported by structural change to ensure independency. Nevertheless, that structural change wasn?t accompanied by functional change so that the research found BPKP?s role doesn?t affect program implementetion significantly.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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