Ditemukan 9340 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
338 PAT
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Mountjoy, Alan B.
London: Hutchinson University Library, 1971
338 MOU i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahfud Nurhuda
"Skripsi ini membahas pengaruh industrialisasi terhadap perubahan peran keluarga Korea. Pembahasan tersebut menguraikan bagaimana pengaruh industrialisasi terhadap peran keluarga di Korea, sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan dan juga menguraikan nilai-nilai yang berubah di dalamnya. Penelitian akan dibuktikan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif atas perubahan dari peran masing-masing anggota keluarga di era modern Korea dan nilai-nilai yang berubah di dalamnya. Hasil studi ini membuktikan adanya pengaruh industrialisasi terhadap perubahan peran keluarga di Korea. Dari pembuktian tersebut, dapat ditarik kesimpulan mengenai nilai-nilai apa saja yang berubah di dalam keluarga Korea akibat industrialisasi.
The focus of this study is to explain the changing role of the Korean family as a result of industrialization that applied there. The discussion outlines the effect of industrialization on the changing role of the family in Korea and the values that are changed in family. This study will be conducted by descriptive-qualitative approach of the changing role of each member in the family in the modern era of Korea and the values that are changed in it. The results of this study demonstrate the effect of industrialization on the changing role of the family in Korea. From the evidences, it can be deduced about what values are changed in the Korean family as a result of industrialization."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Yehezkiel Kristianto
ABSTRAKUneven global economic development resulted by the global financial crisis of 2008-09, and infrastructure gay in the Asia-pasific region have become current economic challenges that the world has to overcome."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2019
330 ASCSM 45 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Once acting as local representatives of the national government and content to let their larger counterparts do the "heavy lifting", state and provincial governments are increasingly expected to be stewards of their economies and deliver sustained growth rates for their citizens. Spurred on by increasing competition, not least from neighbouring territories, sub-national governments are increasingly formulating their own plans for economic development, taking out loans, investing in specialist facilities, and establishing marketing offices abroad."
Singapore: Institute of South East Asia Studies, 2014
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Mountjoy, Alan B.
London: Hutchinson University Library, 1963
338 MOU i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Robie Kholilurrahman
"Skripsi ini berangkat dari melihat fenomena gejala dini deindustrialisasi yang terjadi di Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru sebagai suatu masalah. Deindustrialisasi yang terjadi dianggap sebagai suatu pembalikan dari tren positif yang sebelumnya terjadi yaitu perubahan struktural di perekonomian Indonesia dalam bentuk industrialisasi di Era Orde Baru. Dalam rangka mencari penyebab dari fenomena tersebut di dalam ranah kajian ekonomi politik, skripsi ini menganalisis relasi negara dan (kelompok penguasa) modal dalam konteks Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru. Relasi kedua aktor ekonomi dan politik tersebut dianggap sebagai hal yang mengkondisikan arah perkembangan situasi perekonomian termasuk di dalamnya tren industrialisasi yang terjadi. Gamblangnya, skripsi ini berusaha menjawab rumusan permasalahan: ?Bagaimanakah Relasi Negara dan Mobile Investors dalam Industrialisasi di Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru (1998-2014)??. Berlandaskan teori Kekuatan Struktural Pengendali Modal yang diabstraksikan oleh Jeffrey A. Winters, skripsi ini berusaha melihat faktor-faktor ekonomi, sosial, politik, dan stabilitas eksternal dalam konteks Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru yang memediasi kekuatan struktural pengendali modal dalam hal ini Mobile Investors, dan relasinya dengan negara Indonesia. Dari analisis tentang konteks ekonomi politik Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru dan faktor-faktor ekonomi, sosial, politik, dan stabilitas eksternal, diambil kesimpulan tentang semakin timpangnya relasi negara dan Mobile Investors, dalam artian menguatnya daya tawar Mobile Investors dan melemahnya daya tawar negara. Tren industrialisasi yang terjadi dengan demikian mencerminkan suatu pola yang terlepas dari perencanaan negara dan mengikuti secara penuh pertimbangan Mobile Investors dalam sistem pasar bebas yaitu sektor mana yang paling menguntungkan dalam jangka pendek lah yang menjadi fokus investasi tanpa pertimbangan tentang bagaimana dampaknya bagi perekonomian Indonesia dalam jangka panjang.
This research departs from seeing early symptoms of deindustrialization in Indonesia after the New Order as a problem. Deindustrialization that occurs is regarded as a reversal of the positive trend that has occurred previously, that is a structural change in the economy of Indonesia in the form of industrialization in the New Order era. In order to find the cause of this phenomenon in the realm of political economy studies, this research analyzes the relation of state and (the controllers) of capital in the context of the post-New Order Indonesia. Relation between these two economic and political actors is regarded as conditioning the development of the economic situation including the industrialization trend. Obviously, this research seeks to answer the question: "How is Relation Between State and Mobile Investors in Industrialization in Post-New Order Indonesia (1998-2014)?". Based on Structural Power of Capital Controllers theory abstracted by Jeffrey A. Winters, this research tries to look at economic, social, political, and external stability factors in the context of the post-New Order Indonesia that mediate structural strength of Capital Controllers, in this case The Mobile Investors, and their relationships with the Indonesian state. From an analysis of the political economic context of the post-New Order Indonesia and economic, social, political, and external stability factors, a conclusion is drawn about the relation of state and Mobile Investors, that is the strengthening trend of Mobile Investors?s bargaining power and the weakening of the state?s bargaining power. The industrialization trend thus reflects a pattern of whithering away from the planning of the state toward depending on free considerations of Mobile Investors in the free market system, in which the most profitable sector in the short term becomes the main focus of investment without consideration of how this can impact Indonesia's economy in the long term."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Roberts, John G.
New York: Franklin Watts, 1971
952.04 ROB i (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Bryce, Murray D.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960
338.9 BRY i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Bryce, Murray D.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965
338.9 BRY p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library