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Jumlah lansia dengan hipertensi semakin meningkat di Indonesia, namun sebagian berlanjut mengalami komplikasi hipertensi sebagai akibat tekanan darah yang tidak berkontrol. Pengembangan model asuhan keperawatan lanjut usia berbasis komunitas ini merupakan salah satu usaha dalam meningkatkan outcome status kesehatan lansia dengan hipertensi dengan mengoptimalkan sumber-sumber yang ada dimasyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi masalah dan kebutuhan lanjut usia dengan hipertensi, mengembangkan model asuhan keperawatan lanjut usia dengan hipertensi berbasis komunitas, serta mengidentifikasi pengaruhnya terhadap manajemen diri hipertensi, kelola masa lansia, dukungan keluarga, tekanan darah, dan kualitas hidup lansia dengan hipertensi. Desain penelitian merupakan riset operasional. Tahap pertama menggunakan studi kualitatif dengan 64 partisipan, tahap ke dua pengembangan model, dan tahap ketiga penelitian quasy experiment pre-post with control group dengan 80 lansia hipertensi. Tahap pertama didapatkan 8 tema yaitu:1) Keluhan terkait penuaan dan hipertensi, 2) Pengetahuan dan kepercayaan tentang hipertensi, 3) Perubahan perilaku setelah hipertensi, 4) Hambatan pelayanan kesehatan bagi lansia, 5) Kebutuhan dalam mengelola hipertensi untuk lansia, 6) Dukungan pengelolaan penyakit, 7) Perilaku manajemen diri hipertensi, dan 8) Kepatuhan minum obat. Tahap kedua diperoleh model asuhan keperawatan lanjut usia dengan hipertensi berbasis komunitas yang memiliki komponen lanjut usia dengan hipertensi yang memiliki 4P perilaku manajemen diri, keluarga dengan 5 tugas keluarga, kader hipertensi dengan 5 tugas kader hipertensi, kelompok swabantu lanjut usia dengan hipertensi, dan perawat dengan 4 tugas perawat. Tahap ketiga implementasi model asuhan keperawatan lanjut usia dengan hipertensi berbasis komunitas berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap manajemen diri hipertensi, kelola masa lansia, dukungan keluarga, tekanan darah sistolik dan tekanan darah diastolik, dan  kualitas hidup lansia.

Indonesia has a large number of elderly who live with hypertension, but some continue to experience hypertension complications as a result of uncontrolled blood pressure. The development of the model community-based nursing care for the elderly with hypertension is one of the efforts to improve the health status outcomes of the elderly with hypertension by optimizing existing resources in the community. This study aims: 1) to identify the problems and needs of elderly with hypertension, 2) to develop the model of community-based nursing care for elderly with hypertension and 3) to assess the effectiveness of the model on self-management of the elderly with hypertension, health status: blood pressure, the elderly developmental tasks attainment,  quality of life of the elderly with hypertension and the family disease management. This is operational research design. The first step is a qualitative study with 64 participants, the second step is the model development, and the third step is the quasi-experiment research with pre-post control groups with 80 elderly with hypertension. The first study found 8 themes, namely: 1) problems related to aging and hypertension, 2) knowledge and beliefs about hypertension 3) behavior changes after hypertension, 4) Barriers to health services for the elderly, 5) the needs to manage hypertension for the elderly, 6) Disease management support, 7) hypertensive self-management behavior, and 8) medication compliance. The second step is the development of community-based nursing care for the elderly with hypertension. Components of the model are elderly with hypertension with 4 self-management behavior tasks, the elderlys family with 5 family health tasks, the hypertension cadre with 5 tasks, the elderly self-help group with hypertension, and the primary care nurses. The third step is the evaluation of the model. There is a significant improvement in hypertension self-management, health status of the elderly (reduction of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure), the elderly developmental tasks attainment, the quality of life of the elderly, and the family disease management.


Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titi Sulastri
"Model pemberian asuhan keperawatan merupakan metode/pendekatan yang sangat penting dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan berkualitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh model asuhan penyakit kronis pada anak usia sekolah yang mengidap thalassemia f3 mayor untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain riset operasional melalui tiga tahapan penelitian. Tahap I: Identifikasi kebutuhan melalui penelitian kualitatif Tahap II: pengembangaan Modified Chronic Care Model hasil integrasi antara penelitian tahap I, studi literatur, dan konsultasi pakar. Tahap III: uji coba model dengan rancangan quasi experiment with control group. Metode sampling menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 148.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan :
1) Tahap I: diperoleh 15 tema;
2) Tahap II: dihasilkan modifikasi chronic care model dengan 1 buku asuhan keperawatan, 2 buku saku untuk pasien dan keluarga, 1 buku saku untuk perawat; 3) Tahap III: sikap keluarga, kualitas hidup anak, pengelolaan diri dan status fungsional anak yang mendapat intervensi Modified Chronic Care Model lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan anak yang tidak mendapat intervensi.
Kesimpulan, Modified Chronic Care Model efektif meningkatkan kualitas hidup anak, meningkatkan kemampuan pengelolaan diri anak, meningkatkan status fungsional anak dan meningkatkan sikap keluarga dalam merawat anak.
Rekomendasi :
1) Replikasi model di rumah sakit pemerintah lain;
2) Pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi perawat di ruang rawat thalassemia;
3) Penelitian lanjut yaitu penghitungan ratio tenaga perawat dengan pasien.

Nursing care model is the important thing for better quality of nursing care. The aim of this study is to develop nursing care model for thalassemic school age children. This study used operational research design through three stages namely Stage I: Identifying problems and needs. Stage II: Developing the Modified Chronic care Model resulted from integration of the results of stage 1 studies, literature studies, and expert consultation; Stage III: Testing the model with the quasi experiments with control group design. Sampling strategy used simple random sampling method with 148 samples.
Results ofresearch were obtained:
1) Stage I: 15 themes were obtained;
2) Stage II: Modification of Chronic Care Model with 1 book o f nursing care, 2 pocket books for patients and their family, 1 pocket book for nurses;
3) Stage III: Children's quality of life, functional status and self-management who received Modified Chronic Care Model intervention were higher than children who didn't receive. Family attitudes who received Modified Chronic Care Model intervention were higher than family who didn't receive.
In conclusion, Modified Chronic Care Model effectively increases thalassemic school age children's quality of life, functional status, self- management, and family attitude.
1) Replicate similar models in other government hospitals;
2) Keep continuing training for nurses in thalassemic unit;
3) study about patient-nurse ratio."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Sabri
"Rendahnya kualitas hidup lansia di PSTW belum mendapatkan perhatian dari berbagai pihak, sementara keinginan lansia tinggal di panti semakin meningkat di Sumbar. Salah satu penyebab adalah pergeseran nilai budaya perawatan lansia di keluarga. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh model keperawatan pendampingan lansia berbasis budaya minang, untuk meningkatkan kualitas asuhan, status kesehatan, kepuasan dan kualitas hidup lansia di panti. Disain penelitian yang digunakan riset operasional, terdiri dari tiga tahap. Tahap I: identifikasi dasar pengembangan model, melaluimetode campuran dengan desain ethnografi terfokus dan desain deskriptif. Tahap II: pengembangaan model keperawatan pendampingan lansia berbasis budaya merupakan integrasi tema tahap 1, studi literatur dan konsultasi pakar; Tahap III: uji coba model dengan quasi experiment with control group design. Jumlah sampel kelompok intervensi 52 orang, dan 51 orang kelompok kontrol. HasilSal penelitian  tahap I: kompetensi budaya, perilaku merawat, status kesehatan, kepuasan dan kualitas hidup status masih rendah (kurang 50%), penelitian kualitatif diperoleh 19 tema; tahap II, dihasilkan model pendampingan lansia berbasis budaya minang dilengkapi 3 modul, 1 buku kerja, dan panduan bagi komponen model; tahap III: intervensi berhasil meningkatkan kualitas asuhan, status kesehatan, kepuasan dan kualitas hidup lansia di PSTW Sumbar. Kesimpulan: model memiliki efektifitas intervensi tertinggi pada kualitas asuhan (komunikasi, kebersihan dan pelayanan), kualitas hidup (spiritualitas), status kesehatan, kepuasan hidup, kompetensi budaya dan perilaku merawat. Rekomendasi: 1) model dapat dipakai di PSTW diwilayah lain diluar Sumbar dengan melakukan penyesuaian; 2)Pendidikan dan pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi seluruh staf panti; 3)Penelitian lanjutan yaitu pengembangan instrument kompetensi budaya untuk petugas panti.

The low quality of life of the elderly at PSTW has not received much attention from various parties, while the desire of the elderly to live in the institution has increased in West Sumatra. This happened because of the shift in the value of the elderly care culture in the family. The aim of the study was to obtain a nursing assistance model for elderly people based on Minang culture, to improve the quality of care, health status, satisfaction and quality of life for elderly people at the orphanage. Research uses the operational research research design, which consists of three stages. Stage I: identification of basic model development, through mixed research with focused ethnographic design and descriptive design. Stage II: development of a culture-based elderly mentoring nursing model is the integration of the theme of stage 1, literature study and expert consultation; Stage III: trial model with quasi experiment with control group design. The number of samples in the intervention group was 52 people, and 51 were control groups. The results of phase I research: cultural competence, caring behavior, health status, satisfaction and quality of life status are still low (50% less), qualitative research obtained 19 themes; phase II, produced an elderly mentoring model based on Minang culture equipped with 3 modules, 1 workbook, and guidance for model components; stage III: the intervention managed to improve the quality of care, health status, satisfaction and quality of life of the elderly in West Sumatra PSTW. Conclusion: the model has the highest effectiveness of intervention on the quality of care (communication, cleanliness and service), quality of life (spirituality), health status, life satisfaction, cultural competence and caring behavior. Recommendations: 1) the model can be used in PSTW in other regions outside of West Sumatra by making adjustments; 2) Continuous education and training for all nursing staff; 3) Further research is the development of cultural competency instruments for nursing staff."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Riasmini
"Pemberdayaan keluarga melalui aktivitas kelompok sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kemampuan koping dalam mengatasi berbagai masalah yang dihadapi keluarga dalam merawat lansia. Tujuan penelitian yaitu memperoleh model kelompok keluarga mandiri yang efektif untuk mengurangi beban merawat dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain riset operasional melalui tiga tahapan penelitian yaitu Tahap I : Identifikasi masalah dan kebutuhan melalui penelitian kualitatif dengan desain fenomenologi deskriptif dan trianggulasi sumber data; Tahap II : pengembangaan model kelompok keluarga mandiri hasil integrasi antara penelitian tahap 1, studi literatur dan konsultasi pakar; Tahap III : uji coba model dengan experiment with control group design. Strategi sampling menggunakan cluster multistage method dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 196.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh : 1) Tahap I : diperoleh 15 tema; 2) Tahap II dihasilkan model kelompok keluarga mandiri dengan 4 modul dan buku kerja untuk pelaku rawat dan panduan bagi fasilitator dan supervisor; 3) Tahap III : terdapat perbedaan bermakna beban merawat, kemampuan merawat (pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan), kepuasan merawat, status kesehatan dan kualitas hidup lansia antar pengukuran (3 bulan dan 6 bulan sesudah intervensi model) diantara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol.
Kesimpulan, model kelompok keluarga mandiri efektif mengurangi beban merawat, meningkatkan kemampuan merawat, kepuasan merawat, status kesehatan dan kualitas hidup lansia.
Rekomendasi : 1) Replikasi model di seluruh wilayah Indonesia yang diintegrasikan pelaksanaannya dengan posyandu lansia; 2) Pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi perawat puskesmas dan kader lansia sebagai pendamping bagi pelaku rawat dalam merawat lansia di rumah; 3) Penelitian lanjut yaitu pengembangan model kelompok swabantu bagi lansia; grounded theory untuk membangun konsep beban.

Empowering families through group activities is crucial to enhance coping skills in dealing with the various problems faced by families in caring for the elderly. The research objective was to obtain an independent family group model which was effective for reducing the burden of care and for improving the quality of life of the elderly.
This study used operational research design through three stages namely Stage I: Identification of problems and needs through qualitative research with descriptive phenomenology design and triangulation of data sources; Stage II: development of independent family group model resulting from integration of the results of stage 1 studies, literature studies and expert consultation; Stage III: Testing the model with the experiments with control group design. Sampling strategy used cluster multistage method with 196 samples.
Results of research were obtained: 1) Stage I: 15 themes were obtained, 2) Stage II independent model of a family group with 4 modules and workbook for caregiver and guidance for facilitators and supervisors; 3) Stage III: there were significant differences in the burden of care, the care ability (knowledge, attitudes and skills), satisfaction of care, health status and quality of life of the elderly between measurements of (3 months and 6 months after the intervention model) between the intervention group and the control group.
Conclusions, independent family group model effectively reduced the burden of care, improve care, satisfaction of care, health status and quality of life of the elderly.
Recommendations: 1) Replication models in all parts of Indonesia through integrated implementation with posyandu (intgrated post) for the elderly; 2) ongoing training for nurses and health centers as a companion for the elderly cadres caregiver in caring for the elderly at home; 3) further research was the development of models of independent groups for the elderly; grounded theory to establish the concept of burden.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Inkontinensia urin (IU) pasca stroke merupakan salah satu gejala sisa stroke yang mempengaruhi seluruh kehidupan pasien baik fisik, psikologis, sosial, dan spiritual pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model asuhan keperawatan berbasis teori human becoming dan self-care deficit theory of nursing dan teridentifikasi pengaruhnya terhadap penurunan insomnia dan peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien IU pasca stroke. Penelitian ini terbagi atas dua tahap yaitu penelitian kualitatif (studi kasus) yang melibatkan 18 informan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyusunan model dan penelitian kuantitatif (non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design) yang melibatkan 56 responden secara consecutive sampling, yang dibagi dalam kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol dengan lama intervensi 8 minggu. Penelitian tahap ini dilakukan di empat rumah sakit di Kota Kendari kemudian dilanjutkan di rumah pasien. Hasil penelitian tahap satu didapatkan lima tema dari hasil wawancara mendalam sehingga dihasilkan model pengelolaan IU pasca stroke beserta buku panduan intervensi model, modul untuk pasien dan perawat. Hasil penelitian tahap dua membuktikan bahwa model ini berpengaruh dalam menurunkan insomnia dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup dengan p value < 0,05. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian yaitu model asuhan keperawatan berbasis teori human becoming dan self-care deficit theory of nursing berpengaruh dalam menurunkan insomnia dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien

Post-stroke urinary incontinence (UI) is one of the sequelae of stroke that affects the patient's entire life (physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually). This study aims to develop a nursing care model based on the theory of human becoming and self-care deficit theory of nursing and identify its effect on decreasing insomnia and improving quality of life. This research was divided into two stages, namely qualitative research (case study) involving 18 informants, then continued with model development and quantitative research (non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design) involving 56 respondents by consecutive sampling. Respondents were divided into the intervention group and the control group with an intervention duration of 8 weeks. This research was conducted in four hospitals in Kota Kendari and then continued at the patient's home. The results of the first phase of the study obtained five themes from the results of in-depth interviews so that a post-stroke UI management model was produced along with a model intervention guide, modules for patients and nurses. The results of the second stage of the study proved that the post-stroke UI management model had an effect on reducing insomnia and improving quality of life with p value <0.05. The conclusion of the research is that nursing care model based on the theory of human becoming and self-care deficit theory of nursing has an effect on reducing insomnia and improving the patient's quality of life"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhining Ayu Oktavia
"Lansia memiliki berbagai kerentanan terkait dengan penurunan fungsi fisik, psikologis dan perubahan perkembangan yang dapat berdampak pada kualitas hidup. Penurunan pada fungsi pendengaran lansia dapat menyebabkan kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi, depresi, gangguan harga diri rendah, safety risk, dan gangguan fungsi kognitif yang berdampak pada penurunan kualitas hidup lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara fungsi pendengaran dengan kualitas hidup lansia.
Desain penelitian ini korelatif cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel 71 lansia di UPTD Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Tresna Werdha Provinsi Lampung yang dipilih menggunakan teknik total sampling yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yang telah ditetapkan. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Fungsi pendengaran dinilai dengan menggunakan kuesioner HHIE-S dan kualitas hidup dinilai menggunakan kuesioner WHOQOL-BREF. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan data rerata usia responden adalah 75 tahun, sebagian besar berjenis kelamin perempuan (59,20%), tidak sekolah (49,50%), dan 97,20% lansia tidak bekerja.
Hasil analisa biavariat mendapatkan data bahwa terdapat hubungan antara fungsi pendengaran dengan kualitas hidup lansia (p value = 0,005; α=0,05). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna bagi pengembangan ilmu keperawatan ke depannya dimana perawat harus dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dalam berkomunikasi dengan lansia yang mengalami penurunan fungsi pendengaran dan meningkatkan intervensi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia maupun intervensi untuk mencegah penurunan fungsi pendengaran yang terjadi pada lansia.

The elderly have many vulnerability because of physiology function?s decrease, physiologi and change of their growth that can impact in their quality of life. The decrease of hearing function in elderly, can caused difficult communication between elderly, depresion, impaired cognitive function that can affect in their quality of life. The purpose of this research was to identificated relationship between hearing function and quality of life in elderly.
This research used correlative cross-sectional study design, with total sampling method which was involves 71 elderly in nursing home in Lampung. The data was analysis by Pearson correlation. Hearing function was assessed by Hearing Handicap Inventory for Elderly Screening (HHIE-S), and quality of life was assessed by instrument WHOQOL-BREF.
Result of this research show that respondens?s characteristic is elderly aged 75 years old, mostly woman (59,20), largely school (49,50%), and did not work (97,20%).the result of bivariate analysis is significant relation (p value = 0,005; α=0,05) between hearing function and quality of life elderly in institutional for elderly in Lampung. This research is expected to be useful for nursing science development in the future, spesificly, nurse should be improve their skill to communicatin with elderly who have hearing loss and to improve quality of live and intervention to hearing loss prevention in elderly."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shynta Dewiyana Hantogo
"Proporsi usia lanjut di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahunnya sehingga perlu diikuti dengan rencana strategis perawatan kesehatan. Frailty dikaitkan dengan ketidakmandirian akibat fungsi yang buruk, berakibat turunnya performa fisik. Uji Timed Up and Go (TUG) merupakan pengukuran performa fisik yang dilakukan di klinis. Latihan beban merupakan salah satu intervensi untuk mencegah keadaan pre-frail menjadi frail atau mencegah frail menjadi lebih buruk. Jarak dan biaya untuk ke fasilitas merupakan salah satu kendala, sehingga dibutuhkan latihan yang sederhana, ekonomis dan aman untuk dilakukan di rumah. Penelitian ini menggunakan One group Pre and Post-test design pada 21 orang usia lanjut dengan pre-frail dan frail. Setelah dilakukan latihan beban dengan pita elastis 3x/ minggu selama 8 minggu, didapatkan penurunan waktu uji TUG dari 9.98 ± 2.01 menjadi 8.79 ± 1.53 detik (p<0.001) yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan massa otot akibat sintesis protein, pengurangan kortisol mengakibatkan berkurangnya proses katabolik pada otot dan peningkatan adaptasi neuromuskular. Peningkatan indeks EQ5D5L 0.881 menjadi 0.914 (p= 0.016) dan VAS-EQ5D5L 80 menjadi 85 (p<0.001). Aspek kemampuan berjalan dan rasa depresi/ cemas memainkan peran penting dalam seluruh aspek kualitas hidup. Terdapat peningkatan performa fisik disertai peningkatan kualitas hidup usia lanjut dengan pre-frail dan frail setelah latihan beban dengan pita elastis.

The proportion of elderly in Indonesia increases every year so a health care strategic plan is needed. Frailty is associated with independence due to poor functioning, resulting in decreased physical performance. Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) is used in clinical settings for physical performance. Resistance training is an intervention to prevent the pre-frail becoming frail or prevent frailty getting worse. Distance and cost to the facility is one of the obstacles. A simple and safe training in home is needed. This study is One group Pre and Post-test design on 21 people elderly with pre-frail and frail. After 3x/ week for 8 weeks resistance training using elastic bands, the TUG was decreased from 9.98 ± 2.01 to 8.79 ± 1.53 seconds (p <0.001) due to increased muscle mass caused by protein synthesis, reduced cortisol resulted in reduced catabolic process and increasing neuromuscular adaptation. The EQ5D5L index of 0.881 to 0.914 (p = 0.016) and VAS-EQ5D5L 80 to 85 (p <0.001). Mobility and anxiety/ depression play an important role in all aspects of quality of life. Physical performance is increasing followed by increasing the quality of life in elderly with pre-frail and frail after resistance training with elastic bands."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joni Haryanto
"Disertasi ini membahas efektivitas model keperawatan sugesti pola tidur sehat Lansia yang mengalami insomnia dan hipertensi di Kota Surabaya. Hal ini dilakukan karena Surabaya mempunyai jumlah Lansia tertinggi se Jawa Timur, dan secara Nasional Jawa Timur mempunyai persentase Lansia terbanyak ke dua setelah DIY. Lansia sering diikuti penyakit degeneratif, seperti hipertensi. Lansia sering mengalami gangguan tidur jenis insomnia, maka perlu ada model yang memperbaiki kualitas dan kuantitas tidur Lansia agar status kesehatan dan tekanan darah dapat terjadi normotensi. Hasil penelitian tahap I, mengahasilkan pola tidur sehat Lansia, yaitu suatu bentuk pola atau rutinitas tidur Lansia yang dapat menyehatkan Lansia dalam suatu waktu tertentu. Hasil penelitian tahap II, berupa Model keperawatan Sugesti Pola Tidur Sehat Lansia, ini menggunakan pendekatan integrative concept and theory; self care, comfort care, transcendental meditation, aromatherapy, dan hypnosis, yang ditambahkan dengan hasil dari penelitian tahap I yaitu variabel suhu dan dukungan sosial. Penelitian tahap III, didapatkan hasil bahwa model keperawatan sugesti pola tidur sehat Lansia dapat efektif meningkatkan kualitas tidur, status kesehatan dan mampu menurunkan tekanan darah Lansia yang mengalami hipertensi, namun untuk berefek kepada peningkatan kuantitas tidur Lansia tidak secara bermakna.

Nursing models of Suggestion Elderly Healthy Sleeping Patterns (SPTSL) was developed for elderly with hypertension in meeting the sleeping needs. Elderly with hypertension often experience sleeping disturbances - types of insomnia, that was need to be intervened. Therefore, nursing intervention that can improve the quality and quantity of sleep was necessary to maintain elderly health status and blood pressure. This study applied operational research design. The first phase aimed to identify elderly healthy sleep patterns, phase II produced SPTSL nursing model, and phase III, to test the effectiveness of the model SPTSL in improving sleep quality and health status of the elderly as well as lowering blood pressure in elderly with hypertension. Nursing model SPTSL effectively improve the elderly quality of sleep, which was experience insomnia and hypertension. However, the effect of the model on increasing the elderly quantity of sleep was not statistically significant because physiologically elderly need for sleep decreased up to 5-6 hours per day than when younger. This model is recommended into nursing intervention on elderly who experience sleep disturbances."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nahla Savira Novelina
"Manajemen kesehatan yang tidak efektif akan mempersulit pengontrolan tekanan darah pada masalah hipertensi, terutama pada lansia. Keluarga memiliki peranan dalam mempengaruhi kondisi kesehatan lansia. KIAN ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis asuhan keperawatan pada keluarga dengan hipertensi agregat lansia melalui penerapan aroma foot massage. Intervensi ini dilakukan selama 12 sesi dengan pengukuran tekanan darah sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan keefektifan intervensi aroma foot massage pada keluarga kelolaan dan meningkatnya tingkat kemandirian keluarga.


Ineffective health management could worsen controlling blood pressure in people with hypertension, especially elderly. Family has a role in influencing the health condition of the family member. This Study aims to analyze nursing process in families with hypertension in elderly through the application of aroma foot massage. This intervention was conducted in 12 sessions and blood pressure measurements before and after the intervention. The results of the analysis showed the effectiveness of the aroma foot massage interventions for elderly and also there is an increased in level of the family independence evaluation.


Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Azizah
"Hipertensi menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian diseluruh dunia dan dapat diderita oleh kelompok usia mana saja, salah satunya lansia. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas tahun 2018, prevalensi hipertensi usia 55-64 tahun sebanyak 55,2%; usia 65-74 tahun sebanyak 63,2%; dan usia ≥ 75 tahun sebanyak 69,5%. Hipertensi dapat terus meningkat pada tahun 2050 karena jumlah lansia diperkirakan mencapai 2 milyar jiwa. Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan asuhan keperawatan dengan foot massage sebagai upaya menurunkan tekanan darah pada keluarga yang memiliki agregat lansia dengan hipertensi. Intervensi foot massage diberikan dengan tujuan memberikan rasa rileks, menurunkan rasa nyeri, meningkatkan kenyamanan, dan memperlancar aliran darah sehingga tekanan darah menurun. Intervensi foot massage dilakukan 6 hari berturut-turut selama 15 menit. Pengukuran tekanan darah dilakukan 5-10 menit sebelum dan sesudah diberikannya intervensi foot massage untuk melihat stabilisasi tekanan darah sesuai dengan target yang ingin dicapai. Hasil evaluasi mendapatkan adanya penurunan darah, yaitu sebelum terapi foot massage menunjukkan rata-rata tekanan darah sistolik 145,16 mmHg dan rata-rata tekanan darah diastolik 69,67 mmHg, namun setelah dilakukan terapi foot massage rata-rata tekanan darah sistolik 134 mmHg dan rata-rata tekanan darah diastolik 68,83 mmHg. Pembatasan garam harian, mengkonsumsi obat antihipertensi secara rutin, melakukan aktivitas fisik, dan mengelola stres perlu dilakukan keluarga dalam mengontrol tekanan darah. Tindakan foot massage tidak memberatkan perekonomian keluarga dan gerakannya dapat diikuti masyarakat luas.

Hypertension is one of the causes of death worldwide and can be suffered by any age group, one of which is the elderly. Based on Riskesdas data for 2018, the prevalence of hypertension aged 55-64 years was 55.2%; aged 65-74 years as much as 63.2%; and age ≥ 75 years as much as 69.5%. Hypertension can continue to increase in 2050 because the number of elderly people is estimated to reach 2 billion people. This scientific work aims to describe nursing care with foot massage as an effort to reduce blood pressure in families that have an aggregate of elderly people with hypertension. Foot massage interventions are given with the aim of providing a sense of relaxation, reducing pain, increasing comfort, and facilitating blood flow so that blood pressure decreases. The foot massage intervention was carried out 6 days in a row for 15 minutes. Blood pressure measurements were carried out 5-10 minutes before and after the foot massage intervention was given to see blood pressure stabilization according to the target to be achieved. The evaluation results found a decrease in blood pressure, namely before foot massage therapy showed an average systolic blood pressure of 145.16 mm Hg and an average diastolic blood pressure of 69.67 mm Hg, but after foot massage therapy the average systolic blood pressure was 134 mm Hg and the average diastolic blood pressure was 68.83 mm Hg. Restricting daily salt, taking antihypertensive drugs regularly, doing physical activity, and managing stress needs to be done by the family in controlling blood pressure. The act of foot massage does not burden the family's economy and the movement can be followed by the wider community."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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