Mikroplastik merupakan partikel plastik yang terdegradasi di lingkungan dengan ukuran < 5 mm. Kandungan mikroplastik di perairan tawar berpotensi membahayakan kelangsungan hidup biota di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelimpahan dan persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik pada insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan nila Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus,1758) di Ciliwung daerah Srengseng Sawah, Jakarta Selatan. Insang dan saluran pencernaan (lambung dan usus) dari 10 sampel ikan nila diekstraksi dan dihancurkan menggunakan larutan asam nitrat (HNO3) 65%. Sampel yang telah diekstraksi kemudian diberi larutan NaCl jenuh agar mikroplastik mengapung ke permukaan. Sampel diteteskan sebanyak 1 ml pada Sedgwick Rafter Chamber kemudian diamati di bawah mikroskop dan dihitung jumlah mikroplastik berdasarkan bentuk partikelnya. Hasil penelitian terdapat kelimpahan mikroplastik pada sampel insang, lambung, dan usus ikan nila diantaranya bentuk fiber, film, fragmen, dan granula. Total kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik di insang sebanyak 4.135 ± 3.297,20 partikel/ind, di lambung sebanyak 2.772 ± 1.030,43 partikel/ind, dan di usus sebanyak 3.598 ± 1.582,18 partikel/ind ditemukan pada ikan nila. Persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik yang ditemukan dominan pada ikan nila terdapat bentuk fiber sebesar 57,85% di insang; 53,21% di lambung dan 53,06% di usus.
Microplastics are plastic particles that degrade in the environment with a size of <5 mm. The content of microplastics in freshwater has the potential to endanger the survival of the biota in it. This study aims to analyze the abundance and percentage composition of microplastic forms in the gills and digestive tract of Nile Tilapia fish Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Ciliwung, Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta. The gills and digestive tract (stomach and intestines) of 10 samples of nile tilapia fish were extracted and crushed using a 65% nitric acid (HNO3) solution. The extracted sample is then given a saturated NaCl solution so that the microplastic floats to the surface. The sample was dropped as much as 1 ml into the Sedgwick Rafter Chamber and then observed under a microscope and the number of microplastics was calculated based on the shape of the particles. The results showed an abundance of microplastics in the samples of gill, stomach, and intestines of tilapia including the form of fiber, film, fragments, and granules. The total abundance of microplastics in the gills was 4.135 ± 3.297,20 particles / ind, 2.772 ± 1.030,43 particles / ind in the stomach, and 3.598 ± 1.582,18 particles / ind in the intestine, which was found in tilapia. The percentage composition of the microplastic form that was found predominantly in tilapia contained a fiber form of 57,85% in the gills; 53,21% in the stomach and 53,06% in the intestine.
Ikan sapu-sapu merupakan salah satu ikan yang dapat dijumpai di Ciliwung dan mampu bertahan dari pencemaran pada perairan sehingga kerap dijadikan indikator biologis untuk perairan tercemar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelimpahan dan bentuk mikroplastik pada ikan sapu-sapu Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855), air, dan sedimen di Ciliwung daerah Srengseng Sawah, Jakarta Selatan. Pengambilan sampel ikan dilakukan dengan jaring sebanyak 4 kali dan diambil 10 ekor. Pengambilan sampel air dan sedimen dilakukan pada 5 titik. Insang dan saluran pencernaan di ekstraksi dan dihancurkan menggunakan HNO3 65%. Sampel air sebanyak 20 liter disaring dengan plankton net. Sampel sedimen diambil kemudian sampel dikeringkan di oven. Larutan NaCl jenuh ditambahkan untuk pengapungan mikroplastik pada tiap sampel insang, lambung, usus, air tersaring, dan sedimen kering. Sampel diletakkan pada Sedgwick Rafter Chamber kemudian diamati bentuk dan jumlah mikroplastik di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik pada Insang adalah 5.973 ± 1.087,85 partikel ind-1, 5.250 ± 313,22 partikel ind-1 pada lambung, 5.089 ± 253,79 partikel ind-1 pada usus, 223,6 ± 46,12 partikel L-1 pada air, dan 336.320 ± 38.087,68 partikel kg-1 pada sedimen. Persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik terbesar pada insang, lambung, usus, dan sedimen adalah fragmen. Untuk sampel air, persentase komposisi bentuk mikroplastik terbesar adalah film.
Cattle fish is one of the fish that can be found in Ciliwung and is able tostand with pollution in the waters so it is often used as a biological indicator for polluted waters. This study aims to analyzed the abundance and shape of microplastics in the cattle fish Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855), water and sediments in Ciliwung, Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta. Fish samples were taken with a net 4 times and 10 were taken. Water and sediment samples were taken at 5 points. Gills and digestive tract were extracted and crushed using 65% HNO3. A 20 liter water sample was filtered with a plankton net. The sediment sample was taken and then the sample was dried in an oven. A saturated NaCl solution was added for microplastic flotation on each sample of gills, stomach, intestines, filtered water, and dry sediment. The sample was placed in the Sedgwick Rafter Chamber and then the shape and number of microplastics were observed under a microscope. The results showed that the average abundance of microplastics in gills was 5,973 ± 1087.85 ind-1 particles, 5,250 ± 313.22 ind-1 particles in the stomach, 5.089 ± 253.79 ind-1 particles in the intestine, 223.6 ± 46 , 12 particles of L-1 in water, and 336,320 ± 38,087.68 particles of kg-1 in sediment. The largest percentage of microplastic form compositions in gills, stomach, intestines, and sediments are fragments. For water samples, the largest percentage composition of the microplastic form is film.