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"This volume presents a new contribution for the field of Tissue Engineering with a focus on the development of mathematical and computational methods that are relevant to understand human tissues, as well to model, design, and fabricate optimized and smart scaffolds."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Maulana Ghiffary
"Osteoartritis merupakan penyakit kronis yang ditandai dengan kemunduran tulang rawan dan menyebabkan kekakuan, nyeri, dan gangguan pergerakan. Strategi rekayasa jaringan tulang menggunakan perancah dapat menjadi alternatif yang menjanjikan untuk regenerasi jaringan tulang yang rusak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk fabrikasi dan karakterisasi perancah dengan material chitosan (CS), hyaluronic acid (HA), hydroxyapatite (Hap) dengan kombinasi penambahan graphite (Gr), graphene oxide (GO), dan multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNCT) untuk aplikasi rekayasa jaringan tulang. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan sintesis GO dan fungsionalisasi kimia dari material Gr dan MWNCT. Fabrikasi perancah dilakukan dengan metode freeze drying. Seluruh kelompok perancah dilakukan karakterisasi SEM dan FTIR, uji tekan dan porositas, uji swelling, wettability, dan laju degradasi. Fabrikasi perancah dibagi menjadi empat kelompok yaitu CS/HA/HAp, CS/HA/HAp/GO, CS/HA/HAp/f-Gr, dan CS/HA/HAp/f-MWNCT dengan ukuran diameter 1 cm, tinggi 1,5 cm, dan luas permukaan luas permukaan 4,71-6,28 cm2. Keseluruhan perancah memiliki ukuran pori yang bervariasi dan terdistribusi pada permukaan. Berdasarkan hasil FTIR, perancah mengandung gugus fungsi O-H, C=O, C-O-C, amida I, amida II, dan fosfat (PO43-). Pada uji kekuatan tekan, keseluruhan perancah memiliki CS/HA/HAp memiliki kekuatan tekan dan young modulus yang serupa dengan cancellous bone sebesar 5,76-6,14 MPa dan 3,95-471 MPa. Perancah memiliki laju porositas dengan rentang 13,8- 86,6%. Perancah memiliki kemampuan wettabiliy yang baik dengan rentang persentase 726-1069%. Rasio swelling perancah berada pada rentang 25,2-39,3%. Laju degradasi perancah cukup terkontrol dengan rentang 16,7-35,5%. Berdasarkan seluruh hasil karakterisitik, perancah CS/HA/HAp dengan penambahan GO merupakan kandidat terkuat sebagai perancah ideal pada penelitian ini. Perancah GO mempunyai karakteristik yang berada diantara perancah kontrol dan perancah f-MWNCT/f-Gr.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease characterized by the deterioration of cartilage and causes stiffness, pain, and impaired movement. The bone tissue engineering strategy using scaffolds can be a promising alternative for the regeneration of damaged bone tissue. This study aims to fabricate and characterize scaffolds with chitosan (CS), hyaluronic acid (HA), hydroxyapatite (Hap) with a combination of addition of graphite (Gr), graphene oxide (GO), and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNCT) for tissue engineering applications. In this study, GO synthesis and chemical functionalization of Gr and MWNCT materials were carried out. Scaffolding was done by freeze drying method. All groups of scaffolds were characterized by SEM and FTIR, compressive and porosity tests, swelling, wettability, and rate of degradation tests. Scaffolding was divided into four groups, namely CS/HA/HAp, CS/HA/HAp/GO, CS/HA/HAp/f-Gr, and CS/HA/HAp/f-MWNCT with a diameter of 1 cm, height 1, 5 cm, and a surface area of ​​4.71-6.28 cm2. The entire scaffold has varying pore sizes and is distributed over the surface. Based on the results of FTIR, the scaffold contains functional groups O-H, C=O, C-O-C, amide I, amide II, and phosphate (PO43-). In the compressive strength test, all scaffolds having CS/HA/HAp had similar compressive strength and young modulus with cancellous bone of 5.76-6.14 MPa and 3.95-471 MPa. Scaffolds have porosity rates in the range of 13.8-86.6%. Scaffolds have good wetability with a percentage range of 726-1069%. The swelling ratio of the scaffolds was in the range of 25.2-39.3%. The rate of degradation of the scaffold was quite controlled with a range of 16.7-35.5%. Based on all the characteristic results, the CS/HA/HAp scaffold with the addition of GO was the strongest candidate as the ideal scaffold in this study. The GO scaffold has characteristics that are between the control scaffold and the f-MWNCT/f-Gr scaffold."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Santoso
"Latar Belakang : Konsep minimal intervention dentistry adalah membuang infected dentin dan meninggalkan affected dentin yang dapat mengalami remineralisasi. Berdasarkan cara terjadinya, remineralisasi affected dentin dapat melalui dua cara yaitu metode konvensional dan Guided Tissue Remineralization GTR . GTR adalah proses remineralisasi yang melibatkan Dentin Matrix Protein1 DMP1 . Peran DMP1 adalah mengikatAmorphous Calcium Phosphat ACP dalam skala nano, membentuk ikatan elektrostatik yang stabil menuju zona gap dalam fibril kolagen dan menghasilkan remineralisasi mineralisasi intrafibrilar.DMP 1 yang rusak oleh proses karies digantikan oleh protein analog Carboxymetil Chitosan/Amorphous Calcium Phosphate CMC/ACP . Tujuan: Melihat remineralisasi yang terjadi setelah peletakan CMC/ACP pada demineralized dentin dan diperiksa menggunakan micro-CTpada hari ke-7 dan hari ke-14.Metode: Dua kelompok dilakukan demineralisasi buatan, salah satunya diaplikasikan material CMC/ACP, evaluasi grey level dengan menggunakan micro-CT. Hasil: Terlihat remineralisasi pada permukaan demineralized dentin dengan naiknya grey level pada hari ke-7 dan hari ke-14. Kesimpulan: CMC/ACP berpotensi untuk remineralisasi metode Guided Tissue Regeneration pada demineralized dentin. Kata kunci : Carboxymethyl Chitosan/ Amorphous Calcium Phosphate, Remineralisasi Metode Guided Tissue Regeneration.

Background. The concept of minimal intervention dentistry showed that only the lsquo infected rsquo dentine needed to be removed as part of the cavity preparation process, and that the lsquo affected rsquo dentine could remain. Remineralization of affected dentine was possible through two methods conventional remineralization techniques and Guided Tissue Remineralization GTR . GTR is a process of remineralization involving Dentin Matrix Protein 1 DMP1 . Dentin matrix protein 1 DMP1 is a non collagenous calcium binding protein that plays a critical role in biomineralization at the nanoscale, forming stable electrostatic bonds to the gap zone in collagen fibrils and resulting in remineralization of intrafibrillar mineralization. DMP1 is replaced by an analog protein Carboxymethyl Chitosan Amorphous Calcium Phosphate CMC ACP . Objective to evaluate demineralized dentin remineralization after application CMC ACP using micro CT. Methods Two groups performed artificial demineralisation, one of which applied CMC ACP material whereas, the other group was not applied CMC ACP. Evaluation of remineralization with micro CT. Result After 7 days and 14 days CMC ACP application, remineralization was obsrved.Conclusions CMC ACP has the potential to remineralize the demineralized dentin.Key words Carboxymethyl Chitosan Amorphous Calcium Phosphate, Guided Tissue Regeneration "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sela, Jona J., editor
"This book that addresses the modern aspects of bone healing and repair. Recent breakthroughs in understanding the regulatory aspects of bone formation and resorption, in both research and clinical arenas offer new modalities to induce, enhances and guide repair processes in bone for the benefit of millions of patients with conditions such as nonunion fractures, critical size defects, orthodontic tooth movement, periodontal bone loss, intraosseous implants and deformed bones."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chicago : Quintessence, 2009
617.692 TWE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shovy Suha Naulia
"Latar Belakang: Ti-6Al-4V merupakan material implan yang sering digunakan untuk aplikasi biomedis, tetapi biaya produksi yang masih mahal. Sehingga diperlukan perlakuan panas untuk mengurangi biaya produksi dengan hasil produk yang optimal. Salah satu syarat diterimanya material implan yaitu harus kompatibel dengan jaringan sekitar.
Tujuan: Mengamati efek implantasi material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI dengan perlakuan panas 850°C pada regenerasi tulang femur tikus yang diamati melalui gambaran histologi.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi ekperimental pada 2 tikus betina Sprague Dawley di setiap kelompok. Terdapat 3 kelompok penelitian yang mencakup kelompok kontrol normal, kelompok kontrol defek, serta kelompok perlakuan yang diberi defek dan diimplantasi bahan uji material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI dengan perlakuan panas 850°C. Tikus dikorbankan pada minggu ke-4 lalu dilakukan pengamatan histologis menggunakan skoring histologi Salkeld yang dimodifikasi.
Hasil: Hasil skor histologi pada kedua sampel kelompok kontrol defek dan sampel-1 kelompok perlakuan yaitu 2 yang menandakan proses pembentukan tulang baru mencapai tahap pembentukan fibrokartilago. Pada sampel-2 kelompok perlakuan didapatkan hasil skor histologi 3 yang menandakan proses pembentukkan tulang sudah mencapai tahap terjadinya mineralisasi kartilago.
Kesimpulan: Implantasi material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI dengan perlakuan panas 850°C dapat diterima oleh jaringan tulang disekitarnya diamati dari proses regenerasi tulang yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya fibrosa, fibrokartilago, dan kartilago yang termineralisasi. 

Background: Ti-6Al-4V is an implant material that is often used to biomedis application but the production costs are still expensive, so that heat treatment is needed to reduce production costs with optimal product results. One of the conditions for implant material is that it must be compatible with surrounding tissue.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of Ti-6Al-4V ELI implan material implantation with 850°C heat treatment on the regeneration of rat femoral bone observed through histology.
Method: This study used an experimental study design with two female Sprague Dawley Rattus novergicus rat on each group. There were three observation groups including normal control group, defect control group, and one treatment group that was given a defect and implanted by the implant material (Ti-6Al-4V ELI) with 850° C heat treatment. Rats were sacrificed in the fourth week and performed histological observation using modified Salkeld scoring.
Result: The results obtained from histological scoring of 2 samples of control group and sample-1 of treatment group are 2 which indicate that they reached the formation stage of fibrocartilago tissue. The histological results of sample-2 treatment groups is 3 which indicates the recovery process have reached mineral cartilage mineralization.
Conclusion: Implantation of Ti-6Al-4V ELI implant material with 850°C heat treatment is acceptable within the nearest bone tissue, observed from bone regeneration process which is indicated by the presence of fibrous, fibrocartilages, and mineralized cartilages.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Devy Pragitara
"Latar Belakang: Ti-6Al-4V adalah salah satu bahan implan yang paling umum digunakan. Dalam upaya mengurangi biaya produksi implan titanium, bahan dipanaskan untuk mengoptimalkan produk akhir mereka. Salah satu kondisi yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bahan implan baru adalah biokompatibilitas bahan untuk jaringan di sekitarnya.
Tujuan: Untuk memahami efek implantasi material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI yang dipanaskan pada 10500C pada tulang paha tikus Sprague Dawley melalui studi histologis.
Metode: Desain penelitian eksperimental digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan tikus Sprague Dawley betina yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok: kelompok perlakuan; kelompok kontrol normal; dan kelompok kontrol cacat, yang dibuat lubang pada tulang paha. Dua tikus digunakan di masing-masing kelompok. Pada kelompok yang diberi perlakuan, defek tulang paha diimplantasikan dengan material implan Ti-6Al-4V ELI yang dipanaskan 10500C. Tikus dikorbankan setelah empat minggu dan dievaluasi secara histologis menggunakan Salkeld Histological Scoring yang dimodifikasi.
Hasil: Skor histologis kelompok sampel 1 yang diobati adalah 3 yang berarti regenerasi tulang yang hampir sempurna, ditunjukkan oleh penampilan tulang rawan mineral. Nilai untuk kelompok perlakuan sampel 2 dan kelompok kontrol cacat sampel 1,2 adalah 2, yang berarti regenerasi tulang hanya mencapai fase pembentukan fibrocartilage.
Kesimpulan: Regenerasi tulang dapat diperoleh di sekitar lokasi implantasi 10500C yang dipanaskan Ti-6Al-4V ELI material implan yang ditunjukkan oleh adanya jaringan fibrosa, fibrocartilage, dan tulang rawan termineralisasi.

Background: Ti-6Al-4V is one of the most commonly used implant materials. In an effort to reduce the cost of producing titanium implants, the material is heated to optimize their final product. One of the conditions that need to be met for new implant material is the biocompatibility of the material for the surrounding tissue.
Objective: To understand the effect of implantation of TiI 6Al-4V ELI material that was heated at 10500C on the femur of Sprague Dawley rats through histological studies.
Methods: The experimental research design used in this study with female Sprague Dawley mice was divided into three groups: the treatment group; normal control group; and the deformed control group, which made a hole in the femur. Two mice were used in each group. In the treated group, femur defects were implanted with the implant material 10500C EL-Ti-6Al-4V. Mice were sacrificed after four weeks and evaluated histologically using modified Salkeld Histological Scoring.
Results: The histological score of the sample group 1 treated was 3, which means almost perfect bone regeneration, indicated by the appearance of mineral cartilage. The values ​​for the sample 2 treatment group and the sample defect control group 1,2 are 2, which means bone regeneration only reaches the fibrocartilage formation phase.
Conclusion: Bone regeneration can be obtained around the implantation site of ELI Ti-6Al-4V implant material heated by 10500C which is indicated by the presence of fibrous tissue, fibrocartilage, and mineralized cartilage.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This reference work presents the origins of cells for tissue engineering and regeneration, including primary cells, tissue-specific stem cells, pluripotent stem cells and trans-differentiated or reprogrammed cells. There is particular emphasis on current understanding of tissue regeneration based on embryology and evolution studies, including mechanisms of amphibian regeneration. The book covers the use of autologous versus allogeneic cell sources, as well as various procedures used for cell isolation and cell pre-conditioning , such as cell sorting, biochemical and biophysical pre-conditioning, transfection and aggregation. It also presents cell modulation using growth factors, molecular factors, epigenetic approaches, changes in biophysical environment, cellular co-culture and other elements of the cellular microenvironment. The pathways of cell delivery are discussed with respect to specific clinical situations, including delivery of ex vivo manipulated cells via local and systemic routes, as well as activation and migration of endogenous reservoirs of reparative cells. The volume concludes with an in-depth discussion of the tracking of cells in vivo and their various regenerative activities inside the body, including differentiation, new tissue formation and actions on other cells by direct cell-to-cell communication and by secretion of biomolecules."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Auliya Akbar
"Pendahuluan: Osteoartritis (OA) adalah penyakit sendi degeneratif yang ditandai oleh kerusakan tulang rawan. Kemampuan regenerasi tulang rawan artikular yang terbatas menimbulkan tantangan dalam pengobatan. Eksosom sel punca mesenkimal (SPM) telah menunjukkan potensi regenerasi struktur tulang rawan pada studi-studi in vivo pada hewan kecil sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efektivitas injeksi intra-artikular eksosom SPM dari jaringan adiposa dan hyaluronic acid (HA) terhadap regenerasi tulang rawan model osteoartritis domba
Metode: Studi in vivo melibatkan 18 domba jantan yang diinduksi OA melalui menisektomi. Domba kemudian dirandomisasi dan dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok perlakuan: Kelompok 1 (eksosom SPM adiposa + HA); Kelompok 2 (eksosom SPM adiposa); Kelompok 3 (HA). Pemeriksaan struktur dan mikrostruktur dilakukan 6 minggu pasca perlakuan. Penilaian mikroskopik menggunakan gambaran histologi dengan skor pineda, regenerasi tulang rawan dinilai dari pemeriksaan histokimia and immunohistokimia, dan pemeriksaan mikrotopografi dinilai dengan scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Hasil dan Diskusi: Regenerasi tulang rawan pada kelompok kombinasi eksosom SPM adiposa + HA memiliki area kartilago hialin yang lebih luas dibandingkan dengan eksosom SPM adiposa atau HA saja (40,38 ± 9,35 % vs 34,93 ± 2,32 vs 31,08 ± 3,47; p = 0,034) dan area fibrokartilago yang lebih sempit dibandingkan dengan eksosom SPM adiposa atau HA saja (13,06 ± 2,21 vs 18,67 ± 3,13 vs 28,14 ± 3,67; p = 0,037). Gambaran mikrotopografi didapatkan permukaan jaringan jauh lebih homogen dan memiliki permukaan yang lebih halus pada kelompok kombinasi eksosom SPM adiposa + HA dibandingkan kelompok eksosom SPM adiposa HA saja
Kesimpulan: Pada OA sendi lutut model domba yang mendapatkan injeksi kombinasi eksosom SPM jaringan adiposa + HA memiliki regenerasi tulang rawan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan injeksi eksosom SPM jaringan adiposa atau HA saja

Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease characterized by cartilage damage. The limited regenerative capability of articular cartilage poses a therapeutic challenge. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) exosomes have shown potential in regenerating cartilage structure in previous in vivo studies on small animals. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of intra-articular injections of adipose-derived MSC exosomes and hyaluronic acid (HA) on cartilage regeneration in a sheep osteoarthritis model.
Methods: This in vivo study involved 18 male sheep induced with OA through meniscectomy. The sheep were randomized and divided into three intervention groups: Group 1 (adipose MSC exosomes + HA), Group 2 (adipose MSC exosomes), and Group 3 (HA). Structural and microstructural assessments were conducted 6 weeks post-intervention. Microscopic evaluation using histological scoring with the Pineda score, cartilage regeneration assessment through histochemical and immunohistochemical examinations, and microtopographic examination using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) were performed.
Results and Discussion: Cartilage regeneration in the combination group of adipose MSC exosomes + HA exhibited a larger area of hyaline cartilage compared to adipose MSC exosomes or HA alone (40.38 ± 9.35% vs. 34.93 ± 2.32% vs. 31.08 ± 3.47%; p = 0.034) and a smaller area of fibrocartilage compared to adipose MSC exosomes or HA alone (13.06 ± 2.21% vs. 18.67 ± 3.13% vs. 28.14 ± 3.67%; p = 0.037). Microtopographic examination showed a much more homogeneous and smoother cartilage surface in the combination group of adipose MSC exosomes + HA compared to the adipose MSC exosomes or HA groups alone.
Conclusion: In a sheep knee OA model, intra-articular injection of a combination of adipose-derived MSC exosomes + HA can enhance cartilage regeneration compared to injections of adipose-derived MSC exosomes or HA alone.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2017
617.634 TIS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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