ABSTRACTIn general, the present attendance system is using a paper file containing the signature column
of the participating students and lecturers of the course. The problem that arises is the presence of
signature due to the student's absence. Students in one sem ester must attend lectures as much as 75%
of meetings held lecturers as the requirement to take the final exam of the semester. Student attendance
calculations take a relatively long time for each course. For that in this research made cource attendance
system based on radio frequency identification (RFID) and fingerprint. As RFID card used e -ID card. The
result showed that the maximum e-KTP card reading distance of 2 cm and fingerprint ID reading with
time between 1.945 to 2.227 seconds. The success rate of reading e-KTP card and fingerprint ID is 100%.
The overall test of attendance system shows 100% success rate. Presence data is displayed in the GUI
and stored in database and exported in .xls format."