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Maura Bellarmia Alexandrina
"Laporan Magang ini membahas mengenai proses valuasi saham PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna dengan menganalisa kondisi keuangan perusahaan di tengah kondisi persaingan ketat industri rokok. Valuasi ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan fundamental menggunakan Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF), dengan sanity check menggunakan Relative Valuation. Ekspektasi pertumbuhan penjualan volume yang kuat, kenaikan Average Selling Price, dan tidak adanya kenaikan pajak cukai pada tahun 2019 akan menunjang pertumbuhan pangsa pasar perusahaan, dan pada akhirnya mendorong kenaikan profit. Harga saham PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna diekspektasikan akan naik sebanyak 30,2% dalam satu tahun, dengan rekomendasi saham BELI. Namun, ada ruang untuk menurun setelah periode satu tahun karena kemungkinan munculnya kenaikan cukai pada industri rokok yang berlaku tahun 2020. Secara umum, proses valuasi yang dilakukan sudah sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan. Meskipun demikian, masih ada kekurangan dari prosedur yang dilakukan oleh PT MBA Sekuritas, yakni estimasi pada model finansial yang tidak diperbaharui secara rutin.

This Internship Report evaluates the stock valuation process for PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna by analyzing the company's financial stance in the midst of intense competition in the cigarette industry. This valuation was conducted through the fundamental approach using Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF), with a sanity check using Relative Valuation. Expectations of strong sales volume growth, an increase in Average Selling Price, and the absence of an increase in excise in 2019 will support the growth of the company's market share, ultimately driving profitability. As a result, PT. Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna’s share price is expected to rise as much as 30.2% in one year, which leads to a BUY recommendation. However, there is room for a decline after a one-year period due to the possibility of an increase in excise tax on the cigarette industry in effect in 2020. In general, the valuation process is carried out in accordance with established standards. Nevertheless, there are still shortcomings of the process carried out by PT MBA Securities, namely irregularly updated estimates on financial models."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerald Oktavianus Hugo
"Laporan magang ini mengevaluasi prosedur analisis dan valuasi bisnis yang dilakukan di PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia dengan teori-teori yang dengan skema analisis top-down. Skema tersebut dimulai dari analisis makroekonomi, industri, strategi bisnis dan keuangan emiten, dilanjutkan dengan proses forecasting laporan keuangan, dan berakhir pada valuasi bisnis. PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia adalah perusahaan efek dengan penawaran utama berupa layanan perantara perdagangan efek berbasis ekuitas kepada klien lokal maupun asing. Produk yang ditawarkan PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia adalah laporan hasil riset yang berguna bagi keputusan investasi klien-kliennya. Penulis turut berkontribusi dalam proses analisis dan valuasi bisnis yang menjadi bahan laporan inisiasi salah satu perusahaan publik di Indonesia, terutama dari segi pembuatan model finansial dan valuasi bisnis perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, proses analisis dan valuasi bisnis di PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia sudah sesuai dengan teori-teori yang ada. Akan tetapi, terdapat perbedaan metode dan input yang digunakan PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia dalam perhitungan Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) dan Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) dengan teori yang ada namun perbedaan tersebut memiliki alasan yang jelas berdasarkan praktiknya. Selain itu, laporan magang ini juga membahas refleksi diri penulis selama kegiatan magang dan rencana pengembangan diri usai penulisan dan proses magang di PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia.

This internship report evaluates the business analysis and valuation procedures carried out at PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia with theories based on a top-down analysis scheme. The scheme starts with analysis of macroeconomics, industry, business strategy and financial analysis, continues with the process of forecasting financial statements, and ends with business valuation. PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia is a securities company with main offerings in the form of equity-based securities brokerage services to local and foreign clients. The product offered by PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia is a research report that is useful for its clients' investment decisions. The author contributes to the process of business analysis and valuation which is the subject of an initiation report for one of the public companies in Indonesia, especially in terms of making the company's financial model and business valuation. Based on the evaluation results, the business analysis and valuation process at PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia is in accordance with existing theories. However, there are differences in the methods and inputs used by PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia in calculating Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) with the existing theory, but these differences have clear reasons based on practice. In addition, this internship report also discusses the author's self-reflection during the internship and self-development plans after writing and the internship process at PT. YCD Sekuritas Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan menjelaskan proses valuasi saham PT. A untuk keperluan internal. PT. A merupakan perusahaan jasa layanan transportasi darat yang memiliki tiga lini usaha yaitu legacy, lelang kendaraan bermotor, dan jasa pengiriman last-mile. Segmen legacy terdiri atas empat subsegmen meliputi jasa penyewaan kendaraan, penjualan mobil bekas, juru mudi, dan logistik. Penulis menggunakan input manajemen yang telah disesuaikan dengan pertimbangan kemungkinan tercapainya estimasi tersebut. Valuasi dilakukan dengan pendekatan sum of the parts. Segmen legacy dan jasa pengiriman last-mile menggunakan metode diskonto free cash flows to the firm sedangkan segmen lelang kendaraan bermotor menggunakan metode valuasi relatif. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa saham PT. A berada dalam kondisi undervalued sebesar 34,9% dari nilai intrinsiknya akibat ketidaksesuaian arus kas untuk mendanai usaha baru yang belum mencapai nilai ekonomis dan meningkatnya penyebaran wabah COVID-19 di luar negeri.

The internship report aims to explain the valuation process of PT. A stock for internal purpose. PT. A is a transportation service company with three business lines that consist of legacy, vehicle auction, and last-mile delivery service. The legacy segment is composed of four subsegments, which are vehicle lease, used car sales, driver service, and logistics. The author applies the management inputs that have been adjusted accordingly with author discretion in respect to its feasibility. The valuation is performed by applying sum of the parts method. The legacy and last-mile delivery service segment employs the discounted free cash flows to the firm method meanwhile vehicle auction segment uses the relative valuation method. The author concludes that PT. A stock is undervalued by 28% of its intrinsic value due to cash flow mismatching for financing the new venture that has not achieved its economic of scale and the spreading of COVID-19 outbreak abroad."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daffa Eka Irawan
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi proses penyusunan laporan inisiasi untuk saham PT LL di Perusahaan Sekuritas X. Laporan inisiasi adalah laporan yang dirilis ketika perusahaan mulai meliput saham untuk pertama kalinya. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan proses penulisan laporan, komponen dalam laporan, dan cara valuasi saham yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan Sekuritas X dengan standar yang berlaku dan teori yang relevan. Berdasarkan evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh penulis, proses penyusunan laporan inisiasi yang dilakukan Perusahaan Sekuritas X sudah sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku dan teori yang relevan.

This internship report aims to evaluate the initiation report preparation process for PT LL stock in Securities Company X. Initiation report is report released when a firm start covering a stock for the first time. The evaluation was done by comparing the preparation process, report’s components, and the valuation method that Securities Company X has done to the applicable standards and relevant theories. Based on the evaluation that the author has done, the initiation report preparation process that was done by Securities Company X is already in accordance with the applicable standards and relevant theories."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claudio Richard
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian prosedur analisis serta valuasi bisnis yang terjadi pada PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia dengan teori yang ada terutama analisis top-down yang mulai dari analisis makroekonomi, industri, keunggulan bersaing, keuangan, hingga akhirnya proses proyeksi laporan keuangan dan berujung pada proses valuasi bisnis. Selain itu, terdapat pula tujuan lain yaitu melaporkan pengembangan diri sendiri yang digambarkan dalam refleksi diri berdasarkan pengalaman saat menjalani proses magang pada PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia. Berdasarkan proses evaluasi yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa keseluruhan proses valuasi bisnis yang terjadi pada PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia sudah sesuai dengan teori yang ada bahkan lebih komprehensif dan rinci sehingga menghasilkan hasil yang lebih akurat dan terpercaya.

This internship report aims to evaluate the suitability of business analysis and valuation procedures that occur at PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia with existing theories, especially top-down analysis starting from macroeconomic analysis, industry, competitive advantage, finance, projecting financial reports and ending with business valuation process. In addition, there is also another purpose for reporting self-development which is described in self-reflection based on experience while undergoing the internship process at PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia. Based on the evaluation process that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the entire business valuation process that occurs at PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia is in accordance with the existing theory and is even more comprehensive and detail to produce more accurate and reliable results."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarissa Zahira Hidayansyah
"Asas itikad baik merupakan asas umum hukum perjanjian yang digunakan sebagai bentuk pembatasan para pihak dalam melaksanakan kebebasan berkontrak. Asas itikad baik digunakan untuk mengetahui itikad para pihak dalam melaksanakan perjanjian yang dinilai berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan, nilai kepatutan, kebiasaan, kesusilaan baik, maupun ketertiban umum sebagaimana ditegaskan dalam pasal 1337 dan pasal 1339 KUHPerdata. Namun, tidak terdapat definisi yang jelas dalam mengartikan suatu itikad baik dalam perbuatan hukum tertentu yang membawa adanya beragam perspektif dan pendapat dalam mengartikan itikad baik suatu perbuatan hukum. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif, tulisan ini akan menganalisis mengenai bagaimana penerapan itikad baik dan kebebasan berkontrak dalam penerbitan jaminan kebendaan berdasarkan perjanjian fasilitas pinjaman (facility agreement) dengan melakukan studi kasus pada Putusan Nomor 3/Pdt.Sus-Lain lain/2021/PN Niaga Mdn jo. No. 7/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2018/PN Niaga Mdn berkaitan dengan penerbitan Segenap Akta Jaminan Fidusia dan Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan (APHT) yang diduga sebagai bentuk itikad buruk kreditor separatis untuk menyembunyikan harta boedel pailit debitor yang mana telah merugikan kreditor konkuren karena harta debitor hanya dapat membayar pelunasan utang kreditor separatis. Tidak terdapat unsur-unsur yang dapat menegaskan adanya itikad buruk dalam penerbitan jaminan kebendaan tersebut sehingga jaminan kebendaan yang timbul berdasarkan perjanjian fasilitas pinjaman berlaku secara sah di mata hukum dan mengikat para pihak yang membuatnya.

The principle of good faith is a general principle of contract law used as a form of limitation of the parties in exercising freedom of contract. The principle of good faith is used to determine the parties' intentions in carrying out the agreement, which is assessed based on statutory regulations, decency, customs, good decency, and public order, as emphasized in articles 1337 and 1339 of the Civil Code. However, there is no clear definition of interpreting good faith in a particular legal action which brings a variety of perspectives and opinions in interpreting the good faith of a legal action. By using the juridical-normative research method, this paper will analyze how good faith and freedom of contract are applied in issuing material guarantees based on a facility agreement by conducting a case study on Decision Number 3/Pdt.Sus-Lainlain/2021/ PN Niaga Mdn jo. No. 7/Pdt.Sus-PKPU/2018/PN Niaga Mdn relating to the issuance of all Fiduciary Guarantee Deeds and Mortgage Deeds (APHT), which are suspected of being a form of bad faith of separatist creditors to hide the debtor's bankrupt assets which have harmed concurrent creditors due to assets debtors can only pay off the debts of separatist creditors. No elements can confirm the existence of bad faith in the issuance of the material guarantee so that the material guarantee that arises based on the loan facility agreement is valid in the eyes of the law and binds the parties who make it.;

Nama : Claudio Richard

Program Studi : S1 Akuntansi
Judul : Analisis Proses Valuasi Bisnis Pada PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia
Pembimbing : Dr. Gede Harja Wasistha, CMA
Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian prosedur analisis serta valuasi bisnis yang terjadi pada PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia dengan teori yang ada terutama analisis top-down yang mulai dari analisis makroekonomi, industri, keunggulan bersaing, keuangan, hingga akhirnya proses proyeksi laporan keuangan dan berujung pada proses valuasi bisnis. Selain itu, terdapat pula tujuan lain yaitu melaporkan pengembangan diri sendiri yang digambarkan dalam refleksi diri berdasarkan pengalaman saat menjalani proses magang pada PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia. Berdasarkan proses evaluasi yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa keseluruhan proses valuasi bisnis yang terjadi pada PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia sudah sesuai dengan teori yang ada bahkan lebih komprehensif dan rinci sehingga menghasilkan hasil yang lebih akurat dan terpercaya.

Name : Claudio Richard

Program : Accounting – Undergraduate Program
Title : Analysis of the Business Valuation Process at PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia
Supervisor : Dr. Gede Harja Wasistha, CMA
This internship report aims to evaluate the suitability of business analysis and valuation procedures that occur at PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia with existing theories, especially top-down analysis starting from macroeconomic analysis, industry, competitive advantage, finance, projecting financial reports and ending with business valuation process. In addition, there is also another purpose for reporting self-development which is described in self-reflection based on experience while undergoing the internship process at PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia. Based on the evaluation process that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the entire business valuation process that occurs at PT Sekuritas XXX Indonesia is in accordance with the existing theory and is even more comprehensive and detail to produce more accurate and reliable results.

Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laporan magang ini menjelaskan mengenai proses valuasi pada saham PT Blue
Bird Tbk di PT XYZ Securities Indonesia hingga memperoleh rekomendasi
investasi untuk tahun 2017. Dalam melakukan valuasi, XYZ menggunakan metode
3-stage Discounted Cash Flow untuk sampai pada price target sebesar Rp 9.100.
Dengan price target Rp 9.100, saham Blue Bird memiliki forecast stock return
lebih dari 6% di atas market return assumption, sehingga rekomendasi investasi
yang diberikan oleh XYZ adalah Buy. Hasil relative valuations dengan
membandingkan P/E, P/BV, dan EV/EBITDA Blue Bird dengan perusahaan sejenis
juga menunjukkan Blue Bird sebagai perusahaan yang premium namun masih
memiliki potensi untuk berkembang.

This internship report explains about valuation process on PT Blue Bird Tbk stock
done by PT XYZ Securities Indonesia to get investment recommendation for 2017.
XYZ used 3-stage discounted cash flow in valuing the stock to arrive on the price
target of Rp 9.100. With price target of Rp 9.100, Blue Bird stock had forecast stock
return beyond 6% above the market return assumption, therefore the most suitable
recommendation was Buy rating. Moreover, result obtained from relative
valuations by comparing P/E, P/BV, and EV/EBITDA Blue Bird with other
comparable companies showed that Blue Bird had premium value but still had a
great opportunities to develop."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vida Manuela Cornelius
Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa performas usaha dan keuangan dari PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur. Indofood memasarkan portofolio produk yang luas termasuk mi, produk susu, makanan bernutrisi, makanan ringan, bumbu masakan, dan minuman penyegar. Ditengah ekspektasi kenaikan konsumsi pada tahun 2018 yang dikarenakan kebijakan pemerintah yang populis dan Pilkada serentak, Indofood beroperasi pada segment konsumen yang sulit. Katalis kenaikan yang terbatas menghasil rekomendasi investasi HOLD dengan target harga Rp8,896 dan potensi kenaikan sebesar 7.18

This internship report aims to analyze PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur business and financial performance. Indofood markets a wide portfolio of product including noodles, dairy, nutritional foods, snack foods, food seasoning and beverages that cater to a wide consumer spectrum. Amid the expected consumption pick up in 2018 due to populist government policy and simultaneous regional election, Indofood exists in tough segments within the consumer industry. The limited upside catalyst resulted in a HOLD investment recommendation with target price of Rp8,896 and upside potential of 7.18 . "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reyhan Syah Putra
Laporan magang ini membahas mengenai cara melakukan valuasi menggunakan metode relative valuation yang penulis pelajari pada PT Bahana Securities dan discounted cash flow valuation yang penulis pelajari pada saat penulis berkuliah pada Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia terhadap PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. Relative valuation mempunyai tingkat sensitifitas yang lebih rendah terhadap asumsi pada akun-akun kunci yang digunakan untuk melakukan proyeksi dan valuasi apabila dibandingkan dengan discounted cash flow valuation. Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh para analis di PT Bahana Securities ketika melakukan valuasi menggunakan discounted cash flow valuation yaitu data yang diperlukan lebih banyak apabila dibandingkan dengan data yang dibutuhkan ketika melakukan relative valuation, Sempitnya waktu yang dimiliki oleh para analis pada PT Bahana Securities sehingga lebih sulit bagi mereka untuk melakukan valuasi menggunakan metode discounted cash flow valuation, kurangnya pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh analis mengenai metode dan tempat mencari data yang diperlukan ketika melakukan valuasi menggunakan metode discounted cash flow valuation.ABSTRACT
This internship report discusses about how to do a valuation using relative valuation methods that the author learned in PT Bahana Securities and discounted cash flow valuation, the author learned during the author enrolled in the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia to PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. Relative valuation has a lower level of sensitivity to the assumptions on key accounts that are used to make projections and valuations when compared to the discounted cash flow valuation. The challenge faced by analysts at Bahana Securities when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow valuation, is that it required more data when compared with the data required when making relative valuation, limited time that analyst at PT Bahana Securities have is making it more difficult for them to do a valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation, the lack of knowledge held by the analysts regarding the method and find the necessary data when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation is also one of the challenge faced by analyst at PT Bahana Securities.;This internship report discusses about how to do a valuation using relative valuation methods that the author learned in PT Bahana Securities and discounted cash flow valuation, the author learned during the author enrolled in the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia to PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. Relative valuation has a lower level of sensitivity to the assumptions on key accounts that are used to make projections and valuations when compared to the discounted cash flow valuation. The challenge faced by analysts at Bahana Securities when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow valuation, is that it required more data when compared with the data required when making relative valuation, limited time that analyst at PT Bahana Securities have is making it more difficult for them to do a valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation, the lack of knowledge held by the analysts regarding the method and find the necessary data when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation is also one of the challenge faced by analyst at PT Bahana Securities.;This internship report discusses about how to do a valuation using relative valuation methods that the author learned in PT Bahana Securities and discounted cash flow valuation, the author learned during the author enrolled in the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia to PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. Relative valuation has a lower level of sensitivity to the assumptions on key accounts that are used to make projections and valuations when compared to the discounted cash flow valuation. The challenge faced by analysts at Bahana Securities when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow valuation, is that it required more data when compared with the data required when making relative valuation, limited time that analyst at PT Bahana Securities have is making it more difficult for them to do a valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation, the lack of knowledge held by the analysts regarding the method and find the necessary data when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation is also one of the challenge faced by analyst at PT Bahana Securities.;This internship report discusses about how to do a valuation using relative valuation methods that the author learned in PT Bahana Securities and discounted cash flow valuation, the author learned during the author enrolled in the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia to PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. Relative valuation has a lower level of sensitivity to the assumptions on key accounts that are used to make projections and valuations when compared to the discounted cash flow valuation. The challenge faced by analysts at Bahana Securities when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow valuation, is that it required more data when compared with the data required when making relative valuation, limited time that analyst at PT Bahana Securities have is making it more difficult for them to do a valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation, the lack of knowledge held by the analysts regarding the method and find the necessary data when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation is also one of the challenge faced by analyst at PT Bahana Securities.;This internship report discusses about how to do a valuation using relative valuation methods that the author learned in PT Bahana Securities and discounted cash flow valuation, the author learned during the author enrolled in the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia to PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. Relative valuation has a lower level of sensitivity to the assumptions on key accounts that are used to make projections and valuations when compared to the discounted cash flow valuation. The challenge faced by analysts at Bahana Securities when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow valuation, is that it required more data when compared with the data required when making relative valuation, limited time that analyst at PT Bahana Securities have is making it more difficult for them to do a valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation, the lack of knowledge held by the analysts regarding the method and find the necessary data when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation is also one of the challenge faced by analyst at PT Bahana Securities., This internship report discusses about how to do a valuation using relative valuation methods that the author learned in PT Bahana Securities and discounted cash flow valuation, the author learned during the author enrolled in the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia to PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk. Relative valuation has a lower level of sensitivity to the assumptions on key accounts that are used to make projections and valuations when compared to the discounted cash flow valuation. The challenge faced by analysts at Bahana Securities when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow valuation, is that it required more data when compared with the data required when making relative valuation, limited time that analyst at PT Bahana Securities have is making it more difficult for them to do a valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation, the lack of knowledge held by the analysts regarding the method and find the necessary data when doing valuation using the discounted cash flow method of valuation is also one of the challenge faced by analyst at PT Bahana Securities.]"
Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Collins, Eliza G.C.
Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara, 1994
658.15 COL p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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