ABSTRAK Abstrak :Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) erat dikaitkan dengan penyakit
metabolik seperti hipertensi dan dislipidemia. Pasien dengan OSA juga sering
ditemukan pada pasien gagal jantung.Obsturctive sleep Apnea dapat
memeperberat gagal jantung.
Objektif :Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahuiprevalens dan faktor-faktor yang
memengaruhi kejadian OSA pada pasien gagal jantung kronik di RSUP
Persahabatan Jakarta.
Metode :Disain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang observasi. Pasien CHF FC I -
II berkunjung ke poliklinik jantung dan vaskular RSUP Persahabatan yang
memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Subjek dilakukan anamnesis,
pemeriksaan fisis dan eko kardiografi untuk memastikan diagnosis CHFdan
dilanjutkan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner Berlin untuk menentukan
risiko tinggi OSA kemudian dilanjutkan pemeriksaan polisomnografi lalu
dilakukan analisis statistik.
Hasil :Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan pada 70 sampel pasien gagal
jantung. Dengan menggunakan kuesioner Berlin diperoleh sebanyak 42 pasien
(60%) yang ditemukan berisiko tinggi OSA. Dengan menggunakan uji chi square
ditemukan bahwa faktor usia (p=0,988), jenis kelamin (p=0,678), IMT (p=0,170),
lingkar leher (p=0,605), lingkar perut (p=0,189), tekanan darah (p=0,922),
merokok (p=0,678) dan fraksi ejeksi ≦40% (p= 0.109) tidak ditemukan memiliki
hubungan bermakna dengan risiko OSA pada pasien gagal jantung. Sementara
faktor ukuran tonsil ditemukan memiliki hubungan bermakna (p=0,005). Dari 42
orang tersebut dipilih secara acak 26 orang untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan lanjutan
polisomnografi dan didapatkan pasien gagal jantung menderita OSA ringan
dengan nilai AHI 5 ? 15 sebanyak 7 pasien (26.7%), OSA sedang dengan AHI
15-30 sebanyak 9 pasien (34.5%) dan OSA berat dengan AHI>30 sebanyak 10
pasien (38.8%).
Kesimpulan :prevalens pasien CHF FC I - II yang memiliki risiko tinggi OSA
berdasarkan kuesioner Berlin dengan nilai >2 adalah sebanyak 42 orang (60%)
dengan faktor risiko ukuran tonsil yang bermakna menyebabkan terjadinya OSA
pada CHF
ABSTRACT Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) commonly associated with
metabolic disease including hypertension and dyslipidemia. Patients with OSA is
also commonly found in conjunction with heart failure condition.
Obstructivesleep apnea can cause CHF getting worst
Objective:This study aims to acknowledge prevalence of OSA and influence
factors in heart failure patients in Persahabatan Hospital
Methods:Thisobservational cross sectionalstudy was being done in 70 samples
chronic heart failure patients who visited in cardio and vascular disease clinic in
Persahabatan Hospital with fuctional class I - II who met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Subjects were asked for history of disease, physical
examination and echocardiography then underwentBerlins Questionnaire then
followed by polysomnography examination to detect the presence of OSA.
Results: Observational cross sectionalstudy done in 70 samples chi square test
can be concluded that age (p=0,988), gender (p=0,678), Body Mass Index
(p=0,170), neck circumference(p=0,605), abdominal circumference (p=0,189),
blood pressure (p=0,922),smoking (p=0,678) and ejection fraction ≦40%
(p=0.109),many factors are not significantly related to the risk of OSA in heart
failure patients.Meanwhile, tonsillar size is found to have significantly related to
incidence of OSA in heart failure patients (p=0,005). 46 patients who have high
risk of OSA by Berlins questionnaire selected by random to get 26 patients who
will follow polysomnography examination, result for patients CHF with mild
OSA AHI 5 -15 are 7 patients (26.7%), moderate OSA with AHI 15 - 30 are 9
patients (34.5%) and severe OSA with AHI ≥ 30 are 10 patients (38.8%).
Conclusion:The prevalence of CHF FC I - II with high risk OSA that screened
by Berlins Questionnaire in CHF patiens are 43 patients (60%) with tonsillar size
is found to have significantly related to incidence of OSA.;Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) commonly associated with
metabolic disease including hypertension and dyslipidemia. Patients with OSA is
also commonly found in conjunction with heart failure condition.
Obstructivesleep apnea can cause CHF getting worst
Objective:This study aims to acknowledge prevalence of OSA and influence
factors in heart failure patients in Persahabatan Hospital
Methods:Thisobservational cross sectionalstudy was being done in 70 samples
chronic heart failure patients who visited in cardio and vascular disease clinic in
Persahabatan Hospital with fuctional class I - II who met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Subjects were asked for history of disease, physical
examination and echocardiography then underwentBerlins Questionnaire then
followed by polysomnography examination to detect the presence of OSA.
Results: Observational cross sectionalstudy done in 70 samples chi square test
can be concluded that age (p=0,988), gender (p=0,678), Body Mass Index
(p=0,170), neck circumference(p=0,605), abdominal circumference (p=0,189),
blood pressure (p=0,922),smoking (p=0,678) and ejection fraction ≦40%
(p=0.109),many factors are not significantly related to the risk of OSA in heart
failure patients.Meanwhile, tonsillar size is found to have significantly related to
incidence of OSA in heart failure patients (p=0,005). 46 patients who have high
risk of OSA by Berlins questionnaire selected by random to get 26 patients who
will follow polysomnography examination, result for patients CHF with mild
OSA AHI 5 -15 are 7 patients (26.7%), moderate OSA with AHI 15 - 30 are 9
patients (34.5%) and severe OSA with AHI ≥ 30 are 10 patients (38.8%).
Conclusion:The prevalence of CHF FC I - II with high risk OSA that screened
by Berlins Questionnaire in CHF patiens are 43 patients (60%) with tonsillar size
is found to have significantly related to incidence of OSA.;Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) commonly associated with
metabolic disease including hypertension and dyslipidemia. Patients with OSA is
also commonly found in conjunction with heart failure condition.
Obstructivesleep apnea can cause CHF getting worst
Objective:This study aims to acknowledge prevalence of OSA and influence
factors in heart failure patients in Persahabatan Hospital
Methods:Thisobservational cross sectionalstudy was being done in 70 samples
chronic heart failure patients who visited in cardio and vascular disease clinic in
Persahabatan Hospital with fuctional class I - II who met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Subjects were asked for history of disease, physical
examination and echocardiography then underwentBerlins Questionnaire then
followed by polysomnography examination to detect the presence of OSA.
Results: Observational cross sectionalstudy done in 70 samples chi square test
can be concluded that age (p=0,988), gender (p=0,678), Body Mass Index
(p=0,170), neck circumference(p=0,605), abdominal circumference (p=0,189),
blood pressure (p=0,922),smoking (p=0,678) and ejection fraction ≦40%
(p=0.109),many factors are not significantly related to the risk of OSA in heart
failure patients.Meanwhile, tonsillar size is found to have significantly related to
incidence of OSA in heart failure patients (p=0,005). 46 patients who have high
risk of OSA by Berlins questionnaire selected by random to get 26 patients who
will follow polysomnography examination, result for patients CHF with mild
OSA AHI 5 -15 are 7 patients (26.7%), moderate OSA with AHI 15 - 30 are 9
patients (34.5%) and severe OSA with AHI ≥ 30 are 10 patients (38.8%).
Conclusion:The prevalence of CHF FC I - II with high risk OSA that screened
by Berlins Questionnaire in CHF patiens are 43 patients (60%) with tonsillar size
is found to have significantly related to incidence of OSA."