ABSTRAKKomposit nano Al A356 berpenguat partikel Al2O 3 berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kekuatan sifat mekanis tanpa mengorbankan keuletan pada matriks. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan variasi penambahan fraksi volume dari partikel nano Al2O 3 sebesar yaitu 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, dan 1,2%. Untuk meningkatkan kemampubasahan dari Al2O 3 pada Al A356 ditambahakn Mg sebesar 10%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposit Al A356/Al2O 3 dengan 0.5% Vf memiliki sifat mekanis yang lebih baik daripada yang lain. Nilai kekuatan tariknya mencapai 140,3 MPa lalu elongasinya sebesar 9,563% dan kekerasannya mencapai 46,2 HRB. Akan tetapi nilai mekanis dari kekuatan tarik masih dibawah dari Al A356 As cast maupun Al 356. Fenomena ini disebabkan karena adanya porositas dan persebaran partikel nano yang tidak merata.
ABSTRACTAluminium A356 nano composite reinforced with Al2O 3 particle have a potential to increase mechanical properties while maintaining good ductility. In this study, the addition %Vt variation of Al2O 3. Variation used is 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, dan 1,2%. To improve wettability of Al2O 3 in Al A356 addes 10% Mg. The results showed that the composite Al A356 / SiC 0,5% Vf have better mechanical properties than others. The ultimate tensile strength reach 140.3 MPa with 9.56% elongation. Hardness value reach 46,2.1 HRB. However, the value of ultimate tensile strength is still below the mechanical Al A356 As cast and Al 356. This phenomenon is due to the porosity and bad particle dispersion.
;Aluminium A356 nano composite reinforced with Al2O 3 particle have a potential to increase mechanical properties while maintaining good ductility. In this study, the addition %Vt variation of Al2O 3. Variation used is 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, dan 1,2%. To improve wettability of Al2O 3 in Al A356 addes 10% Mg. The results showed that the composite Al A356 / SiC 0,5% Vf have better mechanical properties than others. The ultimate tensile strength reach 140.3 MPa with 9.56% elongation. Hardness value reach 46,2.1 HRB. However, the value of ultimate tensile strength is still below the mechanical Al A356 As cast and Al 356. This phenomenon is due to the porosity and bad particle dispersion.
;Aluminium A356 nano composite reinforced with Al2O 3 particle have a potential to increase mechanical properties while maintaining good ductility. In this study, the addition %Vt variation of Al2O 3. Variation used is 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, dan 1,2%. To improve wettability of Al2O 3 in Al A356 addes 10% Mg. The results showed that the composite Al A356 / SiC 0,5% Vf have better mechanical properties than others. The ultimate tensile strength reach 140.3 MPa with 9.56% elongation. Hardness value reach 46,2.1 HRB. However, the value of ultimate tensile strength is still below the mechanical Al A356 As cast and Al 356. This phenomenon is due to the porosity and bad particle dispersion.
, Aluminium A356 nano composite reinforced with Al2O 3 particle have a potential to increase mechanical properties while maintaining good ductility. In this study, the addition %Vt variation of Al2O 3. Variation used is 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, dan 1,2%. To improve wettability of Al2O 3 in Al A356 addes 10% Mg. The results showed that the composite Al A356 / SiC 0,5% Vf have better mechanical properties than others. The ultimate tensile strength reach 140.3 MPa with 9.56% elongation. Hardness value reach 46,2.1 HRB. However, the value of ultimate tensile strength is still below the mechanical Al A356 As cast and Al 356. This phenomenon is due to the porosity and bad particle dispersion.