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Andi Aulia Putra
Perkembangan teknologi digital telah menjadikan sistem automatisasi berkembang pesat. Tuntutan efisiensi dalam kegiatan operasi sebuah industri menjadikan sistem automatisasi menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisah dalam kegiatan-kegiatan operasi perusahaan manufaktur. Dalam menjalankan sistem automatisasi sensitifitas peralatan menjadi permasalahan yang sering terjadi dikarenakan kualitas sumber energi yang kurang baik, antara lain energy listrik. Masalah yang timbut yang dapat menyebabkan berhentinya proses produksi adalah turunnya tegangan temporer dibawah 0,9 p.u. Hal ini menyebabkan peralatan-peralatan yang memiliki tingkat sensitifitas yang tinggi seperti Programming Logic Control (PLC), Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) dan Komputer (PC) menjadi padam. Namun karena gangguan tersebut temporer (kurang dari 1 detik) maka utilitas tidak merasakan hal tersebut sebagai gangguan, namun pelanggan merasakan sebagai gangguan. Selama tiga tahun terakhir (2017-2019), PLN UP3 Cikokol telah melakukan pengambilan data sampling pada salah satu pelanggan PLN, PT. Toray Politech Jakarta. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi data kejadian dip pada jaringan listrik menyebabkan bertambahnya Energy Not Sale (ENS) sebesar 653,08 MWh pada pelanggan tersebut. Untuk itu maka dibutuhkan solusi untuk menghilangkan gangguan temporer yang disebabkan oleh dip tegangan. Studi ini akan membandingkan keekonomian antara Battery Energy Storage Sistem (BESS) dan Rotary uninterruptible Power Supply (RUPS). Penerapan kedua peralatan ini membutuhkan investasi yang akan berdampak kepada kenaikan biaya operasi PLN dan pelanggan. Dari hasil kajian dengan melakukan simusasi asumsi Pay Back period yang ditetapkan dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun maka didapat kanaikan Rupiah/kWh jual sebesar sebesar 201 Rp/kWh atau sebesar 17,86%, dan 623 Rp/kWh atau sebesar 55,44%

The Development of digital technology has made automation system devices become advance. Efficiancy demands on industrial operation make automation system as one of part that cant be sparated in operational manufacture industry. Sensitivity devices in automatic control system come to one of problem that can be finded, especialy in electrical power source quality. The case that could make problem when voltages drop become less then 0,9 pu, the control device likes Programming Logic Control (PLC), Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) dan computer (PC) will mal function. In other side, voltage drop less than 1 second will not write as electrical disturbance in PLN, but operational process in customer will be shut-down. In last three years (2017-2019) PLN UP3-Cikokol had captured data from one of customer, PT Toray Politech Jakarta. Base-on data evaluation, dip voltage events in electrical network will make ENS (potensial energy sells) lost up to 653,08 MWh. Therefore it's important to fine the solution from this problem. This study would evaluate the economics between Battery Energy Storage system (BESS) and Rotary Uninterrupted Power Supply (RUPS). Investation cost dan operational cost will be counted and would be finded. By using assumption payback periode 5 years, additional price per kWh would be 201 Rp/kWh (17,86%) and 623 Rp/kWh (55,44%).
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"almari arsip merupakan sarana yang sangat penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelayanan yang memuaskan. permasalahan yang akan menjadi pembahasan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari pengamatan sehari-hari dimana pengguna almari arsip sangatlah penting dan sering dilakukan. pemakaian almari arsip yang praktis merupakan suatu upaya penunjang peningkatan produktivitas kerja yang sangat diperlukan oleh anggota sebagai penggunanya."
050 JDST 2:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pangaribuan, Timbang
The field of electrical engineering is inseparable from mathematics. One of the commonly used equations is differential equations, in both linear and nonlinear form. Solution of linear equations of differential equations can be obtained analytically, but the solution of nonlinear differential equations can not be easily obtained.
The solution of the differential equation is necessary solved to understand the behavior of the dynamic system, therefore in the proses of simulation, a special method is required which can provide these numerical differential equations solution. This can be done with Matlab-Simulink programming.
Matlab-Simulink software with version R2016a provides LIBRARY BROWSER facility which is very adequate and applied in windows system, and has LIBRARY which consist of many blocks; CONTINUOUS blocks, DISCONTINUITIES blocks, MATH OPERATIONS blocks, FUNCTION, SOURCES blocks, SINKS blocks and so on. Therefore the solution of a system that has a linear or nonlinear differential equation is very necessary to be disclosed."
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Universitas HKBP Nonmensen, 2018
050 VISI 26:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Asosiasi Politeknik Indonesia (ASPI), 2006
PPT 1:6 (1997)
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Gaji merupakan sesuatu yang penting bagi pegawai. Keputusan yang tepat dalam menentukan gaji adalah hal yang harus dilakukan oleh pimpinan. Baru pada langkah selanjutnya kita lakukan pengolahan data yang diawali dengan penentuan variable. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembentukan himpunan fuzzy, dan dilakukan penegasan (defuzzy) sebagai langkah terakhir. Penugasan dilakukan dengan bantuan software matlab toolbox fuzzy. Logika fuzzy merupakan suatu metode untuk melakukan analisis system yang mengandung ketidakpastian. Pada metode ini dilakukan metode mamdani."
000 JEI 3:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verawati Puspitaningtyas
"Tesis ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja Program Insentif Percepatan Difusi dan Pemanfaatan Iptek dari mulai faktor input sampai dengan outcome dengan menggunakan metode logic model. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor input yang sangat berpengaruh dalam pelaksanaan Program Insentif Percepatan Difusi dan Pemanfaatan Iptek adalah sumber daya manusia, proposal, waktu serta mitra peneliti. Seleksi proposal yang dilakukan oleh tim penilai independen harus memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Kemenristek. Outcome jangka panjang yang seharusnya bisa tercapai ternyata masih membutuhkan proses yang lama dan panjang serta memerlukan dukungan dari pihakpihak terkait.
Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan agar proposal yang diterima diprioritaskan pada proposal yang mempunyai potensi tinggi untuk ketercapaian outcome jangka panjang. Disarankan pula agar Kemenristek berkoordinasi dan bersinergi dengan kementerian terkait lainnya untuk mendukung kebijakan mengenai tindak lanjut penerapan teknologi serta transfer teknologi yang dihasilkan dari pembiayaan Program Insentif Percepatan Difusi dan Pemanfaatan Iptek ini.

This thesis studies the factors that affect the performance of Incentive Program Technology Diffusion and Utilization start from input factors to outcomes using logic models method. This study uses a descriptive analytic that is a qualitative approach.
The result of analysis showed that the most influential factor inputs in the implementation of Incentive Program Diffusion and Utilization of Science and Technology are human resources, proposal, timing and research counterpart. Selection of proposal that was conducted by an independent assessment team must conform to the terms and conditions set by Kemenristek. Long-term outcomes that should be achieved still require long process and need support from relevant stakeholders.
The results of this study suggest to received priority on proposals that have a high potential for the achievement of long-term outcome. And suggest Kemenristek to coordinate and synergize with other relevant ministries to support policy concerning implementation and transfer technology as a result from financing of Incentive Program Technology Diffusion and Utilization.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Telah dilakukan analisis kadar uranium dan keasaman untuk menentukan kebutuhan sodium hidroksida pada penetralan limbah uranium cair di laboratorium kimia IEBE. Analisis kadar uranium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan uranium dalam limbah sehingga jumlah dan keberadaan bahan nuklir dapat diketahui dalam rangka menjamin pelaksanaan pertanggungjawaban dan pengendalian bahan nuklir. Sedangkan analisis keasaman dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat keasaman limbah sehingga dalam pengolahan lebih lanjut dapat dilakukan secara efisien dan aman bagi lingkungan. Disamping itu juga analisis keasaman dimaksudkan untuk menentukan kebutuhan sodium hidroksida yang digunakan dalam penetralan limbah sehingga penggunaan sodium hidroksida lebih efisien dan efektif. Analisis kadar uranium dilakukan dengan metode potensiometri dan analisis keasaman menggunakan metode alkalimetri.
Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa untuk limbah drum nomor 1 kadar U sebesar 0,8665 g/L dengan keasaman 2,0790 mol/L, drum nomor 2 kadar U sebesar 0,6939 g/L dengan keasaman 1,9076 mol/L, drum nomor 3 kadar U sebesar 2,8901 g/L dan keasaman 8,1309 mol/L. Penetralan limbah uranium cair dilakukan sampai pH 7. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kadar U dan keasaman serta volume limbah uranium cair maka untuk menetralkan limbah uranium cair tersebut diperlukan sodium hidroksida masing-masing untuk drum nomor 1 sebanyak 12.474,44 g, drum nomor 2 sebanyak 11.445,95 g dan drum nomor 3 sebanyak 22.767,98 g. Total kebutuhan sodium hidroksida untuk menetralkan limbah uranium cair sebanyak 46.687,61 g (50 kg)."
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Jakarta: Pusat Teknologi Bahan Bakar Nuklir Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional, 2017
600 PIN 10:19 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bhushan, S. Bharath
"The cloud is an outstanding
platform to deal with functionally equivalent services which are exponentially
increasing day-by-day. The selection of services
to meet the client requirements is a subtle task. The services can be selected by
ranking all the candidate services using their network and non-network Quality-of-Service (QoS) parameters, which is formulated as a NP hard optimization problem. In this paper, we
proposed a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) based a four level matching model for service selection based on QoS parameters,
which includes description matching of a service, matchmaking phase, LDA-based QoS matching and ranking. The LDA-service
selection agent is deployed on each cloud to classify services into classes and
rank the services based on the aggregate QoS value of each service. Finally,
the test results show the efficiency in service selection with minimal
discovery overhead, significant reduction in the computation time and the
number of candidate services to be considered."
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Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaluemwut Noyunsan
"Assessing trustworthiness of social media posts is increasingly important, as the number of online users and activities grows. Current deploying assessment systems measure post trustworthiness as credibility. However, they measure the credibility of all posts, indiscriminately. The credibility concept was intended for news types of posts. Labeling other types of posts with credibility scores may confuse the users. Previous notable works envisioned filtering out non-newsworthy posts before credibility assessment as a key factor towards a more efficient credibility system. Thus, we propose to implement a topic-based supervised learning approach that uses Term Frequency-Interim Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and cosine similarity for filtering out the posts that do not need credibility assessment. Our experimental results show that about 70% of the proposed filtering suggestions are agreed by the users. Such results support the notion of newsworthiness, introduced in the pioneering work of credibility assessment. The topic-based supervised learning approach is shown to provide a viable social network filter."
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Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benyamin Kusumoputro
"Cylindrical uranium dioxide pellets, which are the main components for nuclear fuel elements in light water reactors, should have a high density profile, a uniform shape, and a minimum standard quality for their safe use as a reactor fuel component. The quality of green pellets is conventionally monitored by laboratory measurement of the physical pellet characteristics; however, this conventional classification method shows some drawbacks, such as difficult usage, low accuracy, and high time consumption. In addition, the method does not address the non-linearity and complexity of the relationship between pellet quality variables and pellet quality. This paper presents the development and application of a modified Radial Basis Function neural network (RBF NN) as an automatic classification system for green pellet quality. The weight initialization of the neural networks in this modified RBF NN is calculated through an orthogonal least squared method, and in conjunction with the use of a sigmoid activation function on its output neurons. Experimental data confirm that the developed modified RBF NN shows higher recognition capability when compared with that of the conventional RBF NNs. Further experimental results show that optimizing the quality classification problem space through eigen decomposition method provides a higher recognition rate with up to 98% accuracy."
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Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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