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Ditemukan 94901 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Erus Effendi
"Information technology application of in libraries functionsin a variety offorms, one of which shaped by the utilization of libraryi nformation system to enablet he processing of data and reports quickly. Therefore the libraryi nformation system is in dispensable in determining business decisions. The development of library information systems are needed to carried out in accordance with the need of the business process. The purposeof this research is developing feature reports SliMS at President University Libraryto meet business process. SLiMS has been chosenasone of the development library information system to creat the enrichment of the report feature. They are Annual Circulation, Circulation per Capita, Membership Report, Registration as a Percentage of Population, Visitor perYear, Library Visit perCapita, Growing of Collection, with using the method of prototyping model.The Testing sistem results the enrichment of report feature can help to create library report with user friendly dan based on decision making for future library planning at President University Library."
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucas, Henry C.
New York: McGraw-Hill , 1997
004 LUC i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Applegate, Lynda M.
Boston, Mass: McGraw-Hill, 2009
658.403 8 APP c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
McFarlan, Franklin Warren
Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 1983
658.403 8 MCF c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cortada, James W.
New york: McGraw-Hill, 1995
658.403 88 COR t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
McLeod, Raymond
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1995
658.05 MCL m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati
"Sistem informasi keperawatan adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Sistem informasi keperawatan di Indonesia saat ini masih belum optimal dan umumnya masih bersifat manual. Riset dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi dan dilanjutkan pengembangan model sistem informasi manajemen keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO") yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi rumah sakit. Model "SIMPRO" yang telah dicustomization diujicobakan di dua rumah sakit dengan karakteristik yang berbeda yaitu rumah sakit swasta dan rumah sakit pemerintah. Setelah implementasi, dilaksanakan evaluasi dengan desain pre- post test without control group. Jumlah sampel dokumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja "SIMPRO" adalah 219 dokumentasi dari setiap kelompok rumah sakit. Hasil riset menyampaikan ada perbedaan kinerja sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan "SIMPRO" yang diidentifikasikan dari perbedaan kualitas, kelengkapan, kesinambungan, bukti aspek legal dan fungsi membantu membuat keputusan (p=0.001). Ada perbedaan efisiensi waktu: baik di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Bunda Jakarta dan RS. Fatmawati (p= 0.01). Setelah menggunakan "SIMPRO" waktu yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan dokumentasi di RS Fatmawati adalah 40.29 menit atau 25.27% dari total waktu dalam satu shift, sedangkan di RS Ibu dan Anak Bunda Jakarta membutuhkan waktu 24.62 menit atau 9.60% dari total waktu dalam satu shift. "SIMPRO" juga mempengaruhi efisiensi biaya, dimana dengan "SIMPRO" dokumentasi tidak setiap waktu harus dicetak. "SIMPRO" menjamin continuity of care dari asuhan keperawatan, sebagai bukti aspek legal, membantu mengambil keputusan dan meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. "SIMPRO" mengefisiensikan waktu dokumentasi sehingga waktu perawatan langsung ke pasien lebih optimal. "SIMPRO" juga meningkatkan edukasi kesehatan kepada pasien dan keluarga."Pada riset ini "SIMPRO" juga dapat meningkatkan peran manajer keperawatan dalam melaksanakan fungsi manajemen terutama pada peran pemberiaan motivasi, pengarahan, evaluasi dan monitoring terhadap pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Dukungan aspek perawat, aspek manajemen dan teknik dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja "SIMPRO" sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan. Berdasarkan manfaat dari "SIMPRO", maka sistem ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk digunakan di setiap Rumah Sakit serta dapat mendukung peningkatan kualitas mutu pelayanan keperawatan dan kesehatan.

Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marsellinus Bachtiar
LBH- Jakarta sebagai sebuah firma hukum adalah sebuah industri jasa yang produknya adalah pelayanan hukum dalam berbagai bentuknya.
Dengan semakin tingginya jumlah klien yang masuk sebagai akibat semakin tingginya kesadaran hukum masyarakat, LBH-Jakarta dimntut untuk meningkatkan penerapan manajemen modem dalam penanganan kasus.
Dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasionalnya (penanganan kasus) , LBH-
Jakarta masih menggunakan metode manual dalam pengelolaan sistem informasi.
Walaupun Cara demikian masih dirasakan memadai, namun divisi Informasi dan Dokumentasi LBH-Jakarta mempunyai keinginan untuk menerapkan komputerisasi dalam sistem penanganan kasus. Adanya kelnginan untuk merancang sistem komputerisasi timbul karena kesulitan pengelolaan dan pengendalian aliran informasi dalam penanganan kasus.
Dalam skripsi ini dibahas perancangan sistem infonnasi kepegawaian sebagai bagian dari sistem penanganan kasus di LBH-Jakarta. Dengan adanya sistem informasi kepegawaian yang berbasis komputer akan memudahkan manajemen dalam pendistribusian kasus pada pengacara dan perencanaan sumberdaya manusia (pengacara) agar proses penanganan kasus optimal.
Perancangan sistem informasi kepegawaian yang berbasis komputer dilakukan dengan perancangan sistem dan prosedur dan kemudian perancangan basis data kepegawaian Basis data kepegawaian yang clirancang akan mendukung sistem inforrnasi kepegawaian untuk mencapai tujuan optimalisasi sistem penanganan kasus di LBH-Jakarta.
Perancangan sistem informasi kepegawaian pada skripsi ini juga merupakan awal perancangan sistem informasi untuk model firma hukum.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kroenke, David M., 1946-
New York: McGraw-Hill, c1992
658.403 8 Kro m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: North-Holland Publishing, 1973
005.74 DAT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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