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Bhornchai Harakotr
Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lights allow specific wavelengths to be selected. These may be associated with microgreen growth, nitrate accumulation, and synthesis of bioactive compounds. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of LED irradiance on the yield, antioxidant production, and antioxidant capacity of microgreens from five traditional vegetables: rat-tailed radish (Raphanus sativus Linn var. caudatus Ale.), water convolvulus (Ipomoea aguatica Forsk), red holy basil (Ocimum sanctum L.), dill (Anethum graveolens L.), and lemon basil (O. africanum Lour). Samples were grown on a peat substrate in a controlled environment ( 8-12 days from sowing to harvesting, 25+2 ºC and 16-h photoperiod, 0.05% CO2 concentration, and 60+2% RHs). Light irradiance levels of 330, 220, and 110 µmol.m-2. s-1 photosynthetically active flux density (PPFD) were compared, with fluorescence lighting as control. The different species showed different responses to irradiance levels. Irradiance at 330 µmol.m-2.s-1 PPFD was found to be optimal for growth and accumulation of bioactive compounds by water convolvulus, red holy basil, dill, and lemon basil microgreens, producing the greatest dry weight, total phenolic and flavonoid content, and ABTS and DPPH free radical scavenging. Rat-tailed radish microgreen was not significantly responsive to the irradiance level. We recommend the use of LED lighting to enhance productivity and promote higher production of bioactive compounds in indigenous vegetable microgreen cultivation."
Pathum Thani: Thammasat University, 2019
670 STA 24:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Jaya Rizkiawan
"Lampu Light Emitting Diode (LED) termasuk beban non-linear yang meng-injeksi distorsi harmonik pada sistem tenaga listrik. Penelitian ini disusun sebagai bentuk studi untuk mengetahui karakteristik harmonik lampu LED yang telah tersedia di pasaran. Studi tersebut dilakukan dengan melakukan pengukuran terhadap 9 buah sampel lampu LED dengan berbagai merk dan rating daya.
Dari hasil pengukuran diketahui bahwa harmonik tegangan dan arus pada lampu LED adalah harmonik orde ganjil dengan nilai harmonik tegangan terbesar pada orde kelima dan nilai harmonik arus terbesar pada orde ketiga. Selain itu, masing-masing lampu LED memiliki bentuk gelombang terdistorsi yang berbeda satu sama lain.

Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights including non-linear loads that produce harmonic distortion. This experiment held as a form of study to determine the characteristics of LED lamps that have been available in the market, especially on the characteristics of the harmonic distortion generated. The study is done by conducting measurement of the harmonic content of the various branded sample LED lamps with various power rating.
Based on the measurement, it is known that LED lamps have odd harmonic distortion. The biggest voltage harmonic measured is fifth harmonic and the biggest current harmonic measured is third harmonic.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Dahlan
"Simulator surya merupakan divais yang dapat menghasilkan cahaya dengan karakteristik menyerupai cahaya matahari guna pengukuran karakteristik benda-benda yang berinteraksi dengan cahaya matahari. Sebuah simulator surya harus memiliki karakteristik menyerupai cahaya matahari, oleh karena itu, pemilihan sumber cahaya yang baik sangat mempengaruhi kinerja dari suatu simulator surya.
Pada skripsi ini dilakukan rancang bangun sumber cahaya simulator surya dengan memanfaatkan light-emitting diode yang mudah diperoleh di pasar lokal. Konfigurasi tersebut dirancang untuk memiliki karakteristik spektrum cahaya yang menyerupai matahari sesuai dengan standar spektrum acuan yaitu AM 1.5G. Pengukuran spektrum menggunakan spektrometer USB2000-VIS-NIR. Dari hasil uji coba pelbagai konfigurasi LED, diperoleh hasil terbaik dengan menggunakan 8 jenis warna LED yang disusun dalam 16 susunan oktagonal dalam satu rangkaian.

Solar simulator is a device that can produce light which characteristics resembling the sunlight in order to measure characteristics of objects that interact with sunlight. A solar simulator should have characterisrics of light resembling the sun, therefore, the selection of good light source is greatly affects the performance of solar simulator.
In this undergraduate thesis, solar simulator light source by using light- emitting diodes configuration has been designed and built. The configuration is designed to have characteristics that resemble sunlight spectrum in accordance with the standard AM 1.5G reference spectrum and use light-emitting diode that easily got in the local market. The Spectrum is measured using a spectrometer USB2000-VIS-NIR. The using of 8 kinds of color LEDs that are arranged in 16 octagonal arrangements in a cirquit is obtained from the results of testing various LED configurations before.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Denggano Patiguna
Provinsi DKI Jakarta memiliki potensi yang besar terutama dari segi perekonomian. Berbagai kalangan datang ke DKI Jakarta untuk mencari nafkah. Kesempatan ini dimanfaatkan sebagian kalangan untuk mempromosikan barang atau jasa mereka kepada publik. Namun, promosi tersebut ternyata membuat wajah ibukota tertutupi oleh tiang-tiang reklame. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta berupaya melakukan pengalihan reklame papan menjadi reklame LED. Kenyataanya, penyelenggaraan reklame LED masih belum optimal, terutama dari sisi penerimaann pajaknya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan. Teori utama yang digunakan adalah teori administrasi perpajakan dan Model 7-S McKinsey. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan post-positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa proses administrasi perpajakan telah dilakukan sesuai aturan. Penyelenggaraan reklame LED saat ini memasuki tahap peralihan, sehingga masih dibutuhkan beberapa perbaikan. Kebijakan terkait reklame LED harus dievaluasi kembali agar tidak terlalu membebani wajib pajak. Faktor lain seperti struktur, strategi, sistem, skill, dan staff juga turut berimplikasi pada proses administrasi perpajakan.

DKI Jakarta Province has great potential, especially in terms of economy. Various people come to DKI Jakarta to earn a living. This opportunity is used by some circles to promote their goods or services to the public. However, the promotion turned out to make the face of the capital covered by billboards. Therefore, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta seeks to change the billboard into LED billboards. In fact, the implementation of LED billboards is still not optimal, especially in terms of tax revenue. This research was conducted in South Jakarta Administration City. The main theory used is the theory of tax administration and 7 S McKinsey Model. This research was conducted with post positivist approach with data collection technique using in depth interview and literature study. The results concluded that the tax administration process has been done according to the rules. The operation of LED billboards is currently entering the transitional phase, so it still needs some improvements. Policies related to LED billboards should be re evaluated in order not to overload the taxpayer. Other factors such as structure, strategy, system, skill, and staff also have implications for the tax administration process."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Averaldo Razkyano
"Organic Light Emitting Diode(OLED) adalah divais semikonduktor dengan material organik sebagai lapisan emisi yang dapat menghasilkan cahaya ketika diberikan energi listrik. OLED memiliki kelebihan sebagai sumber pencahayaan, yaitu tegangan aktif dan konsumsi daya yang rendah serta dapat difabrikasi dalam thin film, sehingga fleksibilatas tinggi. Fabrikasi OLED menggunakan material emisi PFO dengan teknik fabrikasi laminasi telah berhasil dilakukan di Lab Nano Device Universitas Indonesa tetapi penggunaan material emisif Alq3 belum banyak dilakukan dan .Alq3 merupakan material yang pertama kali digunakan dalam fabrikasi divais OLED pada tahun 1987 oleh Tang, et al. Pada skripsi ini akan dilakukan fabrikasi OLED dengan material emisi Tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminium (Alq3) menggunakan metode fabrikasi teknik laminasi. Penelitian akan memfabrikasi divais dengan variasi jumlah deposisi lapisan emisi. Hasil fabrikasi dan pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa jumlah deposisi lapisan emisif yang optimal adalah sebanyak 5 kali dengan rata-rata arus tertinggi sebesar 49,325µA dengan kurva yang menyerupai karakteristik dioda. Deposisi dibawah 5 kali menghasillkan kurva dioda yang linear, dan deposisi diatas 5 kali menghasilkan rata-rata arus yang lebih rendah. Divais deposisi 5 kali juga mempunyai tingkat keberhasilan farbikasi terbesar dengan nilai 26,2%.

Organic Light Emitting Diode, also known as OLED is a semiconductor device with organic material as an emissive layer that could produce light when electrical current runs through the device. OLEDs have lower operational voltage and power consumption with high flexibility compared to its non-organic variants. Nano Device Laboratory in Universitas Indonesia has successfully fabricated OLED with PFO as the emissive layer with lamination fabrication method but the use of Alq3 or Tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminium is still not properly researched. Alq3 is the first emissive layer material used in OLED fabrication in 1987 by Tang et al. This research tried to fabricate and analyze OLED with an emission material that is yet to be researched thoroughly in Nano Device Laboratory that is Alq3. Fabrication is given a variants in its emissive layer deposition step to gauge the effects of the thickness or emissive layer deposition count on the I-V characteristics and light emissions of the device. The result shows that devices with total of 5 depositions produces the highest average current with 49.325µA and a curve that shows diode characteristics. Devices with 5 depositions also show highest success rate in fabrication with 26.2% success rate
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Konstanta Planck merupakan sebuah konstanta dasar yang digunakan untuk menghitung energi foton. Penghitungan Konstanta Planck dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai metode, salah satunya ialah menggunakan LED. Sistem pengukuran yang hendak dibuat ialah sistem pengukuran konstanta Planck dengan menggunakan LED, yang kemudian pengendalian dilakukan secara automasi dengan bantuan LabVIEW dan arduino nano. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan melakukan kalibrasi I dan V terhadap nilai ADC yang dihasilkan dari sistem pengukuran.
Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan mengambil nilai Vd dan Vr yang kemudian didapatkan grafik karakteristik I dan V untuk mengetahui tegangan treshold masing ndash; masing LED. Setelah mengetahui tegangan treshold masing ndash;masing LED, kemudian mencari nilai konstanta Planck untuk tiap LED yang digunakan. LED yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah LED Infra Merah, LED Merah, LED Jingga, LED Kuning, LED Hijau, serta LED Biru. Hasil konstanta Planck penelitian sebesar 7.28361 1.70635 x 10-34 Js dengan kesalahan literaturnya sebesar 9.93351.

Planck Planck constant is a basic constant used to calculate photon energy. Calculation of Planck constant can be done with various methods, one of them is using LED. The measurement system to be made is a Planck constant measurement system using LED, which then control is done by automation with the help of LabVIEW and arduino nano. Measurements are made by performing calibration I and V against the ADC values generated from the measurement system.
Data retrieval is done by taking the values of Vd and Vr which then obtained graphs of characteristics I and Vto know treshold voltage each LED. After knowing the treshold voltage each LED, Planck constant value can be searched for each LED been used. LEDs used in this study are Infra Red LED, Red LED, Orange LED, Yellow LED, Green LED, and Blue LED. The result of Planck 39 s research constant is 7.28361 1.70635 x 10 34 Js with literature error of 9.93351.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stefani Rachel Soraya Djuanda
Latar belakang dan tujuan: efek samping radioterapi pada kulit, yang disebut dengan radiodermatitis, merupakan masalah bagi pasien keganasan kepala dan leher yang menjalani radioterapi. Efek samping yang terjadi dapat menurunkan kepatuhan pasien berobat, sehingga dapat meningkatkan angka putus terapi. Dua studi pendahulu telah mempelajari light emitting diode (LED) untuk mengurangi kejadian radiodermatitis dengan hasil yang berlawanan. Penelitian ini ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai efektivitas LED untuk menurunkan kejadian radiodermatitis.
Metode: pada kelompok perlakuan, subjek penelitian (SP) mendapat tambahan fototerapi LED segera setelah radioterapi selesai. Fototerapi LED diberikan selama radioterapi berlangsung. Penilaian derajat radiodermatitis dilakukan oleh peneliti setiap lima kali radioterapi dijalani, menggunakan kriteria menurut Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event (CTCAE) yang dimodifikasi.
Hasil: kejadian radiodermatitis antara kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan hampir sama dan tidak berbeda bermakna secara statistik. Berdasarkan analisis kecenderungan, terlihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan persentase jumlah SP dengan radiodermatitis pada kelompok kontrol sebesar dua kali lipat saat rerata dosis radiasi kumulatif 34 Gy, sedangkan pada kelompok perlakuan baru meningkat saat rerata dosis radiasi kumulatif 44 Gy. Rasa gatal, lesi eritematosa, dan hiperpigmentasi lebih dahulu dialami oleh kelompok kontrol. Pada pemantauan 2 minggu pasca radioterapi terlihat bahwa persentase SP dengan radiodermatitis menurun lebih cepat pada kelompok perlakuan.
Kesimpulan: fototerapi LED tidak dapat menurunkan kejadian radiodermatitis pada pasien keganasan kepala dan leher, namun mempunyai kecenderungan untuk menurunkan kejadian radiodermatitis saat rerata dosis radiasi kumulatif 34 Gy hingga mencapai dosis 44 Gy. Fototerapi LED juga dapat menunda terjadinya rasa gatal, lesi eritematosa, dan hiperpigmentasi, serta mempercepat penyembuhan radiodermatitis. Diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk membuktikan hipotesis ini dengan memperhitungkan saran dari peneliti.

Background and objectives: radiation dermatitis remains a common problem in patients with head and neck cancer. This side effect causes discomfort, pain, and may lead to treatment delay. Two previous studies using light emitting diode (LED) phototherapy to prevent radiation dermatitis have been reported, with a completely different result. This study sought to further evaluate the effectiveness of LED phototherapy in lessening radiation dermatitis.
Method: in the LED treatment group, all subjects with head and neck cancer received LED phototherapy after each radiation treatment. Reactions were evaluated every five treatments by the author, using the modified Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event (CTCAE) criteria.
Results: instances of radiodermatitis amongst the control and the treated group has no clinical or statistical differences. Based on trend analysis, the fourth week of the study (mean cumulative radiation dose 34 Gy) shows a two-fold increase in the number of subject developing radiodermatitis in the control group. On the other hand, the treated group experiences an increase in the number of subject developing radiodermatitis on the fifth week (mean cumulative radiation dose 44 Gy). The control group experiences itching sensation, erythematous and hyperpigmented lesion sooner than the treated group. Two weeks after radiation therapy, the percentage of subject experiencing radiodermatitis decreases faster.
Conclusions: LED phototherapy did not reduce the incidence of radiation dermatitis, but there is a patterned trend which show LED phototherapy may reduce radiation dermatitis when the mean cumulative radiation dose 34 Gy until it reaches 44 Gy. LED phototherapy tend to delay development of itching sensation, erythematous and hyperpigmented lesion, also accelerate radiodermatitis healing process. Further study needed to prove this hypothesis.;Background and objectives: radiation dermatitis remains a common problem in patients with head and neck cancer. This side effect causes discomfort, pain, and may lead to treatment delay. Two previous studies using light emitting diode (LED) phototherapy to prevent radiation dermatitis have been reported, with a completely different result. This study sought to further evaluate the effectiveness of LED phototherapy in lessening radiation dermatitis.
Method: in the LED treatment group, all subjects with head and neck cancer received LED phototherapy after each radiation treatment. Reactions were evaluated every five treatments by the author, using the modified Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event (CTCAE) criteria.
Results: instances of radiodermatitis amongst the control and the treated group has no clinical or statistical differences. Based on trend analysis, the fourth week of the study (mean cumulative radiation dose 34 Gy) shows a two-fold increase in the number of subject developing radiodermatitis in the control group. On the other hand, the treated group experiences an increase in the number of subject developing radiodermatitis on the fifth week (mean cumulative radiation dose 44 Gy). The control group experiences itching sensation, erythematous and hyperpigmented lesion sooner than the treated group. Two weeks after radiation therapy, the percentage of subject experiencing radiodermatitis decreases faster.
Conclusions: LED phototherapy did not reduce the incidence of radiation dermatitis, but there is a patterned trend which show LED phototherapy may reduce radiation dermatitis when the mean cumulative radiation dose 34 Gy until it reaches 44 Gy. LED phototherapy tend to delay development of itching sensation, erythematous and hyperpigmented lesion, also accelerate radiodermatitis healing process. Further study needed to prove this hypothesis., Background and objectives: radiation dermatitis remains a common problem in patients with head and neck cancer. This side effect causes discomfort, pain, and may lead to treatment delay. Two previous studies using light emitting diode (LED) phototherapy to prevent radiation dermatitis have been reported, with a completely different result. This study sought to further evaluate the effectiveness of LED phototherapy in lessening radiation dermatitis.
Method: in the LED treatment group, all subjects with head and neck cancer received LED phototherapy after each radiation treatment. Reactions were evaluated every five treatments by the author, using the modified Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Event (CTCAE) criteria.
Results: instances of radiodermatitis amongst the control and the treated group has no clinical or statistical differences. Based on trend analysis, the fourth week of the study (mean cumulative radiation dose 34 Gy) shows a two-fold increase in the number of subject developing radiodermatitis in the control group. On the other hand, the treated group experiences an increase in the number of subject developing radiodermatitis on the fifth week (mean cumulative radiation dose 44 Gy). The control group experiences itching sensation, erythematous and hyperpigmented lesion sooner than the treated group. Two weeks after radiation therapy, the percentage of subject experiencing radiodermatitis decreases faster.
Conclusions: LED phototherapy did not reduce the incidence of radiation dermatitis, but there is a patterned trend which show LED phototherapy may reduce radiation dermatitis when the mean cumulative radiation dose 34 Gy until it reaches 44 Gy. LED phototherapy tend to delay development of itching sensation, erythematous and hyperpigmented lesion, also accelerate radiodermatitis healing process. Further study needed to prove this hypothesis.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seno Ajisaka
"Labelisasi energi pada peralatan rumah tangga semakin dirasakan penting sebagai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam melakukan penghematan energi, sehubungan dengan semakin tingginya harga energi listrik akhir-akhir ini. Saat ini lampu LED Light Emitting Diode telah banyak digunakan sebagai pengganti lampu konvensional sebelumnya, seperti lampu compact- fluorescent CFL dan lampu pijar, dan merupakan solusi dalam menghemat listrik, karena konsumsi energinya yang rendah. Namun demikian lampu LED termasuk jenis beban non linier yang dapat menimbulkan distorsi harmonik pada sistem tenaga listrik. Penggunaan lampu LED yang semakin meningkat dan terpasang dalam jumlah besar pada sistem tenaga listrik dapat meningkatkan distorsi harmonik yang cukup signifikan pada sistem tersebut.
Sampai saat ini belum adanya aturan atau panduan teknis mengenai labelisasi dan pengelompokannya, maka penelitian ini bertujuan mengelompokkan lampu LED melalui pengukuran parameter tingkat efikasi dan kualitas daya, meliputi faktor daya PF dan harmonik THD-i yang dihasilkan dan dikelompokan berdasarkan efikasi dan kualitas daya. Sampel lampu LED yang diuji berjumlah 64 buah mulai dari daya pengenal 2 - 13 watt, mengikuti prosedur uji SNI IEC 62612:2016. Tanda pelabelan efisiensi energi 1 menggunakan tanda bintang berwarna kuning untuk peringkat efikasi.
Tanda pelabelan efisiensi energi 2 menggunakan tanda bintang berwarna biru untuk peringkat kualitas daya. Hasil pengujian dikelompokkan dalam pelabelan lampu LED berdasarkan jumlah gambar bintang yang terdiri dari bintang 1, 2, 3 dan 4. Hasil pengujian dan pengelompokkan menunjukkan tingkat efikasi lampu LED sebesar 85 dari jumlah populasi lampu yang diuji berada pada kisaran nilai efikasi 63-104 lm/W, tingkat faktor daya 0.21-0.86, dan nilai THD-i 33-189 . Sebagai bagian dari pemahaman masyarakat tentang penghematan energi, diperkirakan penggunaan pelabelan lampu LED akan berkontribusi pada penghematan energi sebesar 18 GWh.

Labeling of household appliances in terms of energy consumption has been considered as one of the efforts to increase people awareness on energy saving. Recently, light emitting diode LED lamps have been widely utilized for lighting, replacing the conventional compact fluorescent and incandescent lamps, due to its low energy consumption. Because LED lamps work with switching procedures, it may produce distortion to the electrical power system. Furthermore, so far there are no rule or technical guidelines in Indonesia on labeling and grouping of the LED lamps.
This study firstly aimed at classifying the LED lamps through measuring the level of efficacy and power quality parameters, including power factor PF and total harmonic distortion of current THD I generated by LED lamps and grouped it based on efficacy and power quality. A numerous test of 2 13 W LED lamps was performed, following the procedure of Indonesian national standard SNI that adopted IEC 62612 2016. We employed the blue stars to indicate efficacy and yellow stars to indicate power quality level, respectively.
The results were then grouped for labeling using the number of stars 1, 2, 3 and 4. We found that the efficacy level of the most measured LED lamps 85 was in the range 63 ndash 104 lm W with PF and THD I of 0.21 0.86 and 33 189, respectively. As part of improved society understanding on energy saving, we predicted the labeling of the LED lamps will contribute to the energy saving of 18 GWh.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Rachman Firdaus
"Pemakaian LCU dengan irradiansi tinggi secara medis berpotensi merusak jaringan pulpa gigi akibat kenaikan suhu yang ditimbulkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh prototipe LCU menggunakan High Power LED dengan 3 mode Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) untuk mengontrol sinar irradiansi sinar output pada mode 1 dengan irradiansi 800 mW/Cm2, mode 2 dengan irradiansi 900 mW/Cm2, mode 3 dengan irradiansi 1.000 mW/Cm2 yang berdurasi 5 detik, 10 detik dan 20 detik dan suhu sinar output ≤ 37 °C. Lampu yang digunakan LED biru high power komersial Model LZ4-00DB10 sebagai sumber sinar.
Pengukuran irradiansi dan suhu dengan menggunakan LED Radiometer dan Thermocouple. Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan Prototipe LCU LED dengan metode kombinasi Pulse Width Modulation pada Mode 3 irradiansi 999 ± 3,16 mW/cm2 dan suhu sinar output 38,76 °C dengan durasi waktu penyinaran 20 detik. Pengaturan kombinasi PWM perlu disempurnakan lagi agar irradiansi diatas 1000 mW/cm2 dapat tercapai, sedangkan suhu sinar output LCU LED dapat terkendali tidak melebihi ≤ 37 °C.

LCU with high irradiance medically potentially damage the dental pulp tissue due to the temperature rise caused objective of this study is to obtain a prototype LCU using High Power LED with 3 modes Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the output light beam irradiance in mode 1 with irradiance of 800 mW / cm2, mode 2 with irradiance of 900 mW / cm2, mode 3 with irradiance of 1,000 mW / cm2 which lasts 5 seconds, 10 seconds and 20 seconds and the temperature of the output beam ≤ 37°C. Commercial high power blue LED as a light source LZ4- 00DB10 model.
Irradiance and temperature measurement using the LED Radiometer and Thermocouple. In this study produced prototype LED LCU with a combination method Mode Pulse Width Modulation at 999 ± 3 irradiance of 3.16 mW / cm2 and a temperature of 38.76°C output beam with a duration of 20 seconds exposure time. PWM combination settings need to be revised so that the irradiance above 1000 mW / cm2 can be achieved, while the temperature of the output beam can be controlled LED LCU not ≤ 37°C.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Napitupulu, Elizhabet
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak sumber sinar Light Emitting Diode (LED) terhadap kekuatan tarik diametral resin komposit bulk-fill. Resin komposit bulk-fill Tetric® N-Ceram Bulk-Fill, shade IVA (setara dengan warna VITA A2-A3) dibuat menjadi 30 spesimen berbentuk silinder dengan ukuran tebal 3 mm dan diameter 6 mm. Spesimen dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok variasi jarak penyinaran, yaitu 0 mm, 3 mm dan 5 mm. Penyinaran menggunakan LED Light Curing Unit Bluephase® Style (Ivoclar-Vivadent, Liechtenstein) dengan durasi penyinaran selama 10 detik sesuai instruksi pabrik. Data dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan metode ANOVA satu arah. Hasil analisis tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p>0,05) pada semua kelompok. Jarak sumber sinar LED ≤ 5 mm tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kekuatan tarik diametral resin komposit bulk-fill.

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of LED light source distance on diametral tensile strength of bulk-fill composite restorative material. Bulk-fill composite Tetric® N-Ceram Bulk-Fill, shade IVA (equal to VITA shade A2-A3) was formed into 30 cylindrical specimens with 3 mm in thickness and 6 mm in diameter. Specimens were divided into 3 groups with various curing distance: 0 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm. All groups were polymerized by LED Light Curing Unit Bluephase® Style (Ivoclar-Vivadent, Liechtenstein) for 10 seconds based on manufacturer’s instruction. Data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA The result showed insignificant differences in all groups (p>0,05). LED light source distance ≤ 5 mm was not significantly affected the diametral tensile strength of bulk-fill composite."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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