"Seluruh aspek kehidupan telah dipengaruhi oleh pandemi COVID-19 termasuk bidang kesehatan. Disisi lain, terdapat peningkatan jumlah penderita kanker setiap tahunannya. Hubungan karakteristik klinis kanker ginekologi dengan infeksi COVID-19 terhadap mortalitas belum banyak diteliti. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode retrospective cross-sectional yang menggunakan data pasien penderita kanker ginekologi dengan infeksi COVID-19 yang terdaftar pada Departemen Obstetri Ginekologi RSPUN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun 2020-2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis uji Chi Square untuk menentukan variable yang akan dimasukan kedalam analisis regresi logistik backward stepwise. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan usia >59 (OR, 0.020; Cl 95% 0.001-0.577; P= 0.023), anemia(OR,0.053; Cl 95% 0.005-0.565; P= 0.015), ARDS (OR, 50,010; CL 95%, 1,145-2185.101; P = 0.042), Hyperkalemia (OR, 11,189; Cl 95% 1,491-83.992; P = 0.019), Sepsis (OR, 18,386; Cl 95% 2,220-152.253; P= 0.007), ECOG >2 (OR, 12.859; Cl 95% 2.582-64.020; P= 0.002), and Degree of Severe-Critical COVID-19 (OR, 111.310; Cl 95% 3.961-3128.117; P= 0.006). Dapat disimpulkan ARDS, hyperkalemia, sepsis, ECOG >2, dan derajat COVID-19 berat-kritis memiliki signifikansi baik terhadap statistik maupun klinis dengan mortalitas, namun usia > 59 dan anemia secara klinis tidak memiliki signifikansi.
All aspects of life have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, including the health sector. On the other hand, the number of cancer patients is continuously increasing every year. The relationship between clinical characteristics of gynecological cancer with COVID-19 infection and mortality has not been widely studied. This study used a retrospective cross-sectional method using data on patients with gynecological cancer with COVID-19 infection registered in the gynecology department of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in 2020-2022. This study used chi-squared test analysis to determine the variables to be included in backward stepwise logistic regression analysis. In this study, it was found that age >59 (OR, 0.020; Cl 95% 0.001-0.577; P = 0.023), anemia (OR, 0.020; Cl 95% 0.001-0.578; p= 0.023), ARDS (OR, 48.796; Cl 95%, 1.131-2105.921; P=0.043), hyperkalemia (OR, 10.960; Cl 95% 1.462-82.187; p= 0.020), sepsis (OR, 18.087; Cl 95% 2.192-149.271; P= 0.007), ECOG >2 (OR, 12.629; Cl 95% 2.538-62.854; P= 0.002), and degree of severe-critical COVID-19 (OR, 108.771; Cl 95% 3.917-3020.095; P= 0.006). It can be concluded that ARDS, hyperkalemia, sepsis, ECOG >2 and degree of severe-critical COVID-19 have both statistical and clinical significance with mortality, but age >59 and anemia have no clinical significance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023