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Trias Noverdi
Penelitian berupa terjemahan beranotasi ini menjelaskan pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas pemilihan padanan. Dengan sumber data berupa buku the Soul of the Indian karya Charles Alexander Eastman, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah penerjemahan yang dihadapi dan menjelaskan solusinya. Data penelitian berupa masalah penerjemahan yang ditemukan dan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan kategori anotasinya. Metode penelitian kualitatif diterapkan dalam bentuk analisis komparatif. Temuan penelitian mencakup dua hal utama. Pertama, dari 27 data anotasi, terdapat 8 nama atau sebutan untuk Tuhan atau Deitas, 1 nama seremoni, 1 sebutan untuk tokoh spiritual, 1 nama praktik spiritual, 4 majas, 9 istilah khusus, dan 3 kolokasi. Dari 8 prosedur penerjemahan yang digunakan, prosedur kombinasi adalah yang dominan. Kedua, masalah penerjemahan diatasi dengan penerapan teori, metode, dan prosedur penerjemahan yang relevan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa spiritualisme dan budaya bangsa Indian saling berkait sehingga data anotasi tidak hanya bersifat spiritual tetapi juga kultural. Maka, penerjemah harus memahami spiritualisme dan budaya masyarakat bahasa sumber dan sasaran."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
907 PJKB 9:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lu, Xuanyi
"Penelitian ini merupakan terjemahan beranotasi. Dalam penelitiannya, penulis ini menerjemahkan dua bab dari buku biografi Tokoh Tionghoa & Identitas Indonesia: dari Tjoe Bou San sampai Yap Thiam Hien dan menganotasi terjemahannya mengenai bagian yang penting dan dirasakan perlu. Tujuan penelitian umum adalah menghasilkan terjemahan yang berhasil dan berterima bagi pembaca bahasa sasaran. Tujuan penelitian khusus dapat dijabarkan: (1) menemukan metode yang tepat untuk menerjemahkan teks sumber ini; (2) menemukan teknik penerjemahan yang cocok dan memberikan alasan memilih padanan. Dalam menerjemahkan biografi itu, penulis ini menggunakan metode penerjemahan komunikatif (Newmark, 1988) dan menganggap teori kesepadaan dinamis dari Nida dan Taber (1982) sebagai prinsip utama. Anotasi menjelaskan berbagai unsur yang diklasifikasi dalam enam kelompok, yaitu kata bermuatan budaya, frasa yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bentuk idiom bahasa Tionghoa, nama diri, metafora, catatan kaki, dan kalimat. Menerjemahkan sebuah teks dengan baik bukan hanya memerlukan tingkat kemahiran bahasa yang tinggi tetapi juga pengetahuan yang luas."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
907 PJKB 9:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trisna Dewy
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian terjemahan dengan anotasi. Dalam
penelitian ini saya melakukan terjemahan novel Various Pets Alive & Dead
karangan Marina Lewycka dan melakukan anotasi terhadap beberapa bagian TSu
yang saya anggap sulit dan menantang. Dalam menerjemahkan novel ini, saya
menggunakan metode penerjemahan semantis dan komunikatif. Metode
penerjemahan semantis saya gunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa dan
kalimat yang erat kaitannya dengan budaya, bahasa dan karakter dalam novel,
misalnya saja pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang salah oleh orang asing di Inggris
serta istilah asing. Sedangkan metode penerjemahan komunikatif saya gunakan
untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa atau kalimat yang memiliki padanan yang sama
atau mirip dalam budaya sasaran, contohnya istilah lembaga pemerintahan, dan
istilah budaya. Dalam melakukan anotasi, saya menggunakan serangkaian strategi
penerjemahan dari Newmark.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa judul TSu dapat diterjemahkan ke
dalam BSa jika judul tersebut berpotensi tidak menarik bagi pembaca sasaran.
Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menyarankan untuk mempertahankan kesalahan dalam
penggunaan bahasa oleh tokoh yang merupakan orang asing di dalam novel ini.
Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penghilangan makna kata, frasa atau
kalimat dapat dilakukan jika makna kata, frasa dan kalimat tersebut berpotensi
membingungkan pembaca karena tiba-tiba muncul dan penghilangan itu tidak
memengaruhi jalan cerita novel itu. Selanjutnya penelitian ini juga menemukan
bahwa penerjemah dapat memilih padanan yang sedekat mungkin dengan TSu
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xvi Universitas Indonesia
jika tidak ada padanan yang sama dengan TSu misalnya council diterjemahkan
menjadi dewan kota.

This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota., This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Miracellia Bo
Saat ini, para pemerhati isu-isu sosial dan budaya memilih untuk mengekspresikan kepedulian mereka melalui berbagai produk audiovisual, seperti video, film pendek, dan film dokumenter. Sayangnya, perbedaan bahasa sering kali membatasi kemampuan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan jumlah penonton yang lebih besar. Di sinilah peran penerjemah dan subtitle yang berkualitas diperlukan. Terjemahan beranotasi ini disusun untuk 1 memperlihatkan berbagai masalah yang muncul dalam proses menerjemahkan dialog video, dan 2 menjelaskan strategi pengalihan pesan yang tepat agar tercapai terjemahan yang berkualitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya dua masalah utama yang muncul dalam proses penerjemahan yang dilakukan. Masalah pertama terkait aspek kebahasaan, seperti ekspresi idiom, metaforis, istilah slang, kata umpatan, kata budaya, dan kata-kata berkonotasi seksual. Masalah kedua terkait aspek nonlinguistik, seperti keterbatasan waktu dan karakter, keselarasan subtitle dengan visual, serta ketepatan pemahaman pragmatis. Masalah-masalah tersebut diselesaikan dengan menerapkan metode dan prosedur penerjemahan yang relevan, serta dengan merujuk pada teori-teori penerjemahan audiovisual.

Nowadays, social cultural activists prefer to express their concerns through a variety of audiovisual products, such as video, short movie, and documentary. Unfortunately, the language barrier often hinders their ability to interact with audience in larger number. This is where a good translator places an important role, and a good subtitle is required. This article aims to 1 show various issues in subtitling, and 2 give plausible solutions to the issues. The finding revealed two main issues that arose in the subtitling process. The first issue is related to linguistic aspects, such as idiomatic and metaphorical expressions, slang terms, swearing terms, cultural terms, and terms that have sexual connotations. The second issue is related to nonlinguistic aspects, such as the limitation of time and space, the congruence between subtitle and visual image, and the accuracy of pragmatic understanding. Those problems were solved by applying relevant theories of English Indonesian language, translation, and subtitling."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adysti Maharrani
"Hendrik Marsman adalah salah satu penulis asal Belanda yang terkemuka. Karya Marsman dengan penggambaran yang hidup dan emosi yang dalam menjadi tantangan dalam menerjemahkan puisinya. Gambaran dan perasaan Marsman dalam puisinya dapat menjadi pertimbangan penerjemah dalam melakukan proses penerjemahan. Penelitian ini membahas metode penerjemahan yang ada pada terjemahan puisi berbahasa Belanda karya Hendrik Marsman ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Data penelitian ini adalah puisi berjudul Lex Barbarorum, Holland, dan Herinnering aan Holland, beserta terjemahannya karya Albert Hagenaars dan Siti Wahyuningsih. Albert Hagenaars adalah seorang penulis asal Belanda dan ia, bersama dengan istrinya, Siti Wahyuningsih, menerjemahkan berbagai puisi berbahasa Belanda dan mengunggahnya pada situs blog pribadi mereka puisibelanda.blogspot.com. Penelitian ini menerapkan teori metode penerjemahan yang digagas oleh Newmark. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerjemah menggunakan tujuh metode penerjemahan menurut Newmark dalam menerjemahkan ketiga puisi Marsman. Secara keseluruhan, metode penerjemahan semantik menjadi metode penerjemahan yang sering digunakan oleh penerjemah, yaitu metode yang mengutamakan unsur estetika dan berpusat pada bahasa sumber.
Hendrik Marsman was one of the most prominent Dutch writers. Marsman’s vivid imagery and deep emotions pose a challenge in translating his poetry. Marsman’s descriptions and feelings in his writing can be taken into consideration by the translator in the translation process. This research discusses the translation methods used in the translation of Dutch poems by Hendrik Marsman into Indonesian. The data used in this research are poems titled Lex Barbarorum, Holland, and Herinnering aan Holland, along with each translation by Albert Hagenaars and Siti Wahyuningsih. Albert Hagenaars is a Dutch writer and together with his wife, he translates various Dutch poems and uploads them on their personal blog site puisibelanda.blogspot.com. This research used the theory of translation methods presented by Newmark. The result shows that the translators used eight translation methods according to Newmark in translating Marsman's three poems. Overall, the semantic translation method is the most used translation method by the translators, which prioritizes aesthetic elements and centers on the source language."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rani Ratnasari
"Tesis ini membahas terjemahan beranotasi yang merupakan hasil terjemahan yang disertai anotasi atau diberikan catatan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas padanan yang dipilihnya. Penerjemahan anotasi ini melibatkan sejumlah teori, yakni ideologi, metode, dan teknik penerjemahan. Pemilihan teori dimaksudkan agar terjemahan sesuai dengan tujuan skopos penerjemahan. Ideologi pelokalan dipilih dalam menerjemahankan TSu dengan alasan agar terjemahan dapat berterima bagi pembaca sasaran yang terbilang awam dalam memahami konteks budaya TSa yang berlatar budaya Amerika. Sementara itu, metode semantis dan komunikatif dipilih dengan alasan edukatif, yakni selain berterima, TSa diharapkan mampu mengedukasi pembaca sasaran terkait perbedaan konteks budaya. Dalam penerjemahan karya sastra, penerjemah tidak hanya sekadar dapat mengalihkan pesan dari TSu ke TSa, tetapi juga dituntut untuk memiliki kreatifitas tinggi dalam mencari padanan dalam BSa.

The focus of this study is an annotated translation which is a translation supported by annotations translator rsquo s commentary as the translator rsquo s accountability on the equivalents chosen. This translating and annotating process requires a set of theories consisting the ideology, methods, and techniques. The theories must be selected or applied to produce a translation based on certain translation goals skopos. Domesticating is dominant in translating the ST due to the acceptance of the translation to the target readers that are considered having lacking in competence in understanding the American culture ST. Meanwhile, semantic and communicative methods are chosen based on educational purpose meaning that in addition to the acceptance, TT is expected to be able to educate the readers related to the culture gap. In translating literary texts, a translator is not only capable in rendering the meaning from ST to TT, but is also demanded to be creative in searching for the appropriate equivalence."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heni Wahyuni

Tesis ini adalah penelitian terjemahan beranotasi buku mengenai konflik Israel-Palestina yang ditulis oleh dua akademisi. Penerjemahan teks sumber ini menarik karena memuat peristilahan khas yang penggunaannya terbatas pada narasi konflik Israel-Palestina. Konflik ini sendiri banyak mendapatkan perhatian dunia internasional karena hingga hari ini belum mencapai kesepakatan penyelesaian. Tujuan penelitian terjemahan beranotasi ini adalah untuk memberikan pertanggungjawaban atas padanan tertentu yang dipilih untuk menerjemahkan tiga bab dalam buku Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel’s War Against the Palestinians. Terjemahan beranotasi adalah hasil penerjemahan yang disertai dengan catatan khusus yang dibuat oleh penerjemah terkait dengan keputusan yang dibuatnya dalam menentukan padanan tertentu. Unit yang dianotasi adalah peristilahan di bidang politik dan fitur bahasa politis berupa metafora dan analogi. Masalah penerjemahan yang ditemukan di antaranya berkaitan dengan adanya istilah yang tidak memiliki padanan dan adanya kemungkinan kesalahan persepsi pembaca dalam memahami metafora dan analogi yang digunakan penulis dalam mengungkapkan gagasan. Teknik yang diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah penerjemahan meliputi teknik amplifikasi, padanan deskriptif, naturalisasi, peminjaman, kuplet, penerjemahan metafora, serta parafrasa. Metode penerjemahan yang diterapkan dalam penerjemahan adalah metode komunikatif. Metode semantis juga diterapkan pada beberapa bagian teks yang menyangkut penerjemahan metafora agar dapat menghadirkan nuansa yang sama di bahasa sasaran. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerjemahan teks politis memerlukan kehati-hatian untuk menghindari persepsi yang keliru dalam bahasa sasaran. Selain itu, dalam menerjemahkan peristilahan di bidang politik maupun fitur bahasa politis seperti metafora dan analogi, makna kontekstual sangatlah penting untuk menentukan padanan.

This thesis is an annotated translation study of a book related to the Israel-Palestine conflict wrote by two academics. This topic is interesting because the target text itself contains the specific terminology used only in the Israel-Palestine conflict narrative. This conflict receives international attention because it has not yet reached a peaceful settlement to this day. This annotated translation study aims to justify the equivalent used in the translation of a political book titled Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel’s War Against the Palestinians. An annotated translation is a translation completed with specific notes or critical comments by the translator related to the decision in choosing a particular equivalent. The units annotated are political terminology and political language features in the form of metaphor and analogy. The translation problems found are related to the specific terms which have no equivalents and the possibility of misperception of readers in understanding the metaphors and analogies used by the writers to express the ideas. Techniques implemented to overcome the translation problems are amplification, descriptive equivalent, naturalization, borrowing, couplet, metaphor translation, and paraphrase. The translation method generally used in this translation is communicative. Semantic method is also used in some parts of the text regarding the translation of metaphors as to produce the similar nuance in the target text. From this study, it can be concluded that the translator has to be careful in translating the political text in order to avoid misperception in the target language. Furthermore, in the translation of political terminology and political language features like metaphor and analogy, contextual meaning is very important to determine the equivalent in the target text.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Utami Novitarukmi
Tesis ini menyuguhkan terjemahan beranotasi novel The Kaisho. Anotasi dilakukan untuk menjelaskan masalah penerjemahan istilah budaya dan penyelesaiannya. Keunikan novel dari segi budaya dan keinginan untuk memperkenalkan budaya latar TSu menjadi dasar penerjemahan yang menganut ideologi pengasingan, tanpa mengabaikan ideologi pelokalan. Ideologi pelokalan hanya digunakan pada bagian-bagian tertentu untuk mencapai pemahaman pembaca TSa. Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode semantis-komunikatif dengan penggunaan berbagai teknik yang mendukung kesepadanan makna dan kewajaran bentuk. Penerjemahan yang melibatkan teks sumber (TSu) yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat memerlukan upaya dari penerjemah agar tidak terjadi ?penjajahan budaya?. Keterlibatan teks sumber yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat di dalam penerjemahan ini memerlukan upaya penerjemah untuk menghindari ?penjajahan budaya?. Dalam situasi ini, penerjemah perlu mencondongkan pada lima aspek, (1) pemahaman karakteristik TSu; (2) pemahaman tentang calon pembaca TSa; (3) pemahaman budaya-budaya di dalam TSu dan budaya sasaran; (4) pemahaman makna dalam penyampaian pesan; dan (5) pemahaman bahwa ada perbedaan cara pengungkapan suatu ide pada dua budaya yang berlainan.

This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the ?culturally imperialistic?.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.;This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures., This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meirani Jacoeb
"Terjemahan beranotasi sebagai tugas akhir ini, bertujuan untuk memberikan pertanggungjawaban atas padanan yang dipilih dalam menerjemahkan secara mandiri buku How Come ke bahasa Indonesia. Teks sumber yang saya pilih adalah teks teknis, dan berjenis ilmiah populer. Dalam menerjemahkan saya menggunakan ideologi domestikasi dan metode komunikatif mengingat teks yang bersifat informatif. Unsur yang dipermasalahkan dalam penerjemahan dan dianotasi ada empat kelompok, yaitu istilah, nama jenis, idiom, dan tanda baca. Dengan demikian, sejumlah prosedur digunakan agar berbagai masalah yang ditemukan dalam penerjemahan dapat diatasi. Prosedur penerjemahan adalah transferensi, padanan budaya, penjelasan tambahan, calque, dan transposisi. Selain itu, untuk mencari padanan yang lazim dalam budaya BSa, digunakan berbagai rujukan baik dari narasumber, internet, penelusuran pustaka, dan berbagai kamus. Survei dan wawancara dengan narasumber digunakan untuk mengetahui kelaziman dalam budaya BSa selain pemaharnam teks sumber. Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan dari penelitian ini bahwa penerapan prosedur yang tepat dapat membantu penerjemah untuk mengatasi permasalahan penerjemahan akibat pertemuan dua budaya.

The objective of this final annotated translation assignment is to give justification of the equivalances chosen in translating the book How Come into Indonesian language independently. The source text chosen is a technical text and the type is popular science. The ideology used here is domestication and the method is communicative which is related to informative text. Some elements to be annotated is categorized into four groups: terms, common nouns, idioms, and punctuations. Therefore, some procedures are used in order to cope with the problems found in the translation. They are transference, cultural equivalance, contextual conditioning, calque, and transposition. Besides, to achieve a natural equivalance in the TL culture, some references, Internet, and dictionaries are used. Conducting surveys and interviews to gain the naturalness in TL culture and also comprehensibility of the SL. The conclusion of this research is, that the application of the appropriate method could overcome the translation problems which is caused by the two different cultures."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objectives of this study were to (1) explain how the types of translation shifis are processed in English email letters in to Indonesian by google translation, (2) investigate types of translation shifls, (3) investigate types of grammatical shifis found in the translation of English email letters in to Indonesian by google translation at PT. Mutiara Medica Sunggal during December 2014. Based on the analysis by Catford theory as well as the characteristics of each type of translation shifl it was found that translation shifts occured are due to the shitting of grammatical unit as well as the small linguistic changes system occur between ST and "IT in order to make the target language is more natural and understandable by the readers. The types of translation shifis occured were (1) stricture shifi (97 shifts or 42,54%) of the total 228 shifts, (2) unit shifi (78 shifis or 34,2l%), (3) level shifi (24 shifis or 10,53%.), (4) Intra system shifl (23 shifls or l0,09%) , and(4) class shift (6 shifis or 2,63%). The dominant tpye is structure shifi. It means that in conducting the process of translation, google translation is more effective when it translate in the level of word to word or phrase to phrase. The types of grammatical shifts occured were (1) Phrase (Modifier + Noun) to Phrase (Noun + Modifier) (76 shifls or 33,33%), (2) shift ofword to phrase (51 shifts or 22,37%), (3). Shift of phrase to word (27 shifis or 11,84 %) , (4) shifi of grammatical unit to lexicon (24 shifts or 10,53 %) ,(5) shifi of plural noun/ noun phrase to singular nounl noun phrase (23 shifts or 10,09 %) ,(6) pharse to phrase with different linguistic system from SL to TL (21 shifls or 9,21%), and (7) shifis of clause to phrase, clause to word and clause to sentence which reach 3 shifis or 1,32%, 2 shifts or 0,88% and 1 shifi or 0,44% of the overall data. In conclution, that google translation is only effective when it is used to conduct the translation from word to word, Phrase to Phrase, word to phrase and phrase to word but not in phrase to clause , clause to clause or sentence to sentence."
EXPLORA 1:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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