ABSTRAKPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian terjemahan dengan anotasi. Dalam
penelitian ini saya melakukan terjemahan novel Various Pets Alive & Dead
karangan Marina Lewycka dan melakukan anotasi terhadap beberapa bagian TSu
yang saya anggap sulit dan menantang. Dalam menerjemahkan novel ini, saya
menggunakan metode penerjemahan semantis dan komunikatif. Metode
penerjemahan semantis saya gunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa dan
kalimat yang erat kaitannya dengan budaya, bahasa dan karakter dalam novel,
misalnya saja pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang salah oleh orang asing di Inggris
serta istilah asing. Sedangkan metode penerjemahan komunikatif saya gunakan
untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa atau kalimat yang memiliki padanan yang sama
atau mirip dalam budaya sasaran, contohnya istilah lembaga pemerintahan, dan
istilah budaya. Dalam melakukan anotasi, saya menggunakan serangkaian strategi
penerjemahan dari Newmark.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa judul TSu dapat diterjemahkan ke
dalam BSa jika judul tersebut berpotensi tidak menarik bagi pembaca sasaran.
Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menyarankan untuk mempertahankan kesalahan dalam
penggunaan bahasa oleh tokoh yang merupakan orang asing di dalam novel ini.
Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penghilangan makna kata, frasa atau
kalimat dapat dilakukan jika makna kata, frasa dan kalimat tersebut berpotensi
membingungkan pembaca karena tiba-tiba muncul dan penghilangan itu tidak
memengaruhi jalan cerita novel itu. Selanjutnya penelitian ini juga menemukan
bahwa penerjemah dapat memilih padanan yang sedekat mungkin dengan TSu
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xvi Universitas Indonesia
jika tidak ada padanan yang sama dengan TSu misalnya council diterjemahkan
menjadi dewan kota.
ABSTRACTThis research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota., This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016