Kata kunci: HIV, teori Roy, teori Bandura, ketidakpatuhan, konseling, Jacobson Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Practice of Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist is an important process of professional education in order to apply the knowledge and role of specialist nurses in providing professional nursing care to patients. In carrying out the practice of Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist, the resident also applies Evidence Based Nursing. Evidence Based Nursing is carried out by applying the Jacobson Progressive Muscle Relaxation intervention, and playing the role of an innovator in the practical field. Resident has provided nursing care to patients with HIV / AIDS, with 1 main case managed using the Roy Theory approach and 30 cases managed resumes using the Bandura Theory approach for outpatient rooms in HIV cases. From the results of the main case management, HIV patients who were treated in the ward had a major nursing diagnosis of cerebral tissue perfusion disorders so that the main nursing interventions focused on the management of intracranial pressure. From outpatient resume cases, the most common nursing problem found was non-adherence to treatment, so that the nursing intervention was carried out by conducting the innovative ARV Medication Counseling project which contained structured counseling on ART treatment in an effort to increase nurses' self-confidence and increase patient compliance.
Praktek klinik lanjut selama praktek residensi keperawatan pada sistem Urologi bertujuan agar dapat memberikan asuhan keperawatan, menerapkan Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) serta mampu berperan sebagai innovator di ruang perawatan. Peran pemberi asuhan keperawatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan model adaptasi Roy pada pasien dengan Karsinoma Ginjal dan 30 pasien lainnya dengan berbagai gangguan sistem urologi. Perilaku maladaptif paling banyak adalah mode adaptasi fisiologi, yaitu kelebihan volume cairan. Intervensi keperawatan berupa manajemen keseimbangan cairan untuk meningkatkan adaptasi pasien dalam keseimbangan cairan. Penerapan EBN dengan music intradialytic pada tiga pasien hemodialisis menunjukkan keefektifan musik intradialytic dalam menurunkan tingkat kecemasan. Program inovasi keperawatan berupa penerapan program peningkatan adekuasi hemodialisis pada pasien ESRD di Instalasi Hemodialisis.
Advanced clinical practice during nursing residency practice in the Urology system aims to provide nursing care, implement Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) and be able to act as an innovator in the nursing center. The role of the nursing care provider was performed using Roy's adaptation model in patients with Renal Carcinoma and 30 other patients with various urological system disorders. The most inefektive behavior is the physiological adaptation mode, which is excess fluid volume. Nursing interventions take the form of fluid balance management to improve patient adaptation in fluid balance. The application of EBN with intradialytic music in six patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy demonstrated the effectiveness of music in reducing anxiety levels. The nursing innovation program is in the form of implementing a hemodialysis adequacy program in ESRD patients at the Hemodialysis Installation.