ABSTRAKStudi ini menjelaskan bagaimana fun at work dapat memengaruhi turnover intention dan organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) dengan affective commitment sebagai mediator. Studi dilakukan pada 316 karyawan milenial di industri kreatif digital. Responden mengisi kuesioner untuk menilai unsur-unsur fun at work, turnover intention,
OCB, dan affective commitment. Metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat antara variabel. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa fun at work berhubungan negatif dan langsung dengan turnover intention dan secara positif dan langsung terkait dengan OCB serta affective commitment memediasi secara parsial pada kedua hubungan tersebut. OCB merupakan prediktor yang berhubungan negatif signifikan terhadap turnover intention.
ABSTRACTThis study explained how fun at work influence turnover intention and OCB with affective commitment as a mediator. The study was conducted on 316 millennial employees in the digital creative industry. Respondents filled out questionnaires to assess elements of fun at work, turnover intention, OCB, and affective commitment. Structural
Equation Modeling method was used to show the relationship between variables. The results showed that fun at work was negatively and directly related to turnover intention and positively and directly related to OCB, and affective commitment partially mediated in both relationships. OCB was proven to be a predictor that was negatively and
significantly related to turnover intention."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020