Nowadays, purpose of company growth is towards to an era merger and acquisitions (M&A), the challenges of trade war that affect to the consolidation of globally integrated businesses, shall be a focus of Government in responding to the wave of M&A that are increasing sharply. The implementation of Merger Control by KPPU is mandated by Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. Further, GR No. 57 of 2010 concerning Merger or Consolidation of Business Entities and Collection of Company Share in occurrence of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, the notification of M&A has been arranged to KPPU but the regulation can not protect small and medium company (UMKM). In other side government through Law No. 20 of 2008 concerning Small and Medium Business give a special attention to UMKM who have limited financial capabilities, including the start-up company, but that attention have not been able to provide protection that has led to a level playing field between investors when UMKM are acquired by Big Companies. The inability of Indonesian Merger Control acts in preventing the elimination of competition from implementation of M&A of UMKM by Big Companies shall obtain the futher attention.