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"Tesis ini mengemukakan tinjauan terhadap perubahan format, bentuk dan konten dari Kutipan Risalah Lelang berdasarkan Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 KN 2017 Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017. Dokumen yang diterbitkan oleh Pejabat Lelang dan hanya ditujukan kepada pihak Pembeli ini pada mulanya diatur melalui Undang-Undang Lelang Vendu Reglement dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan RI Nomor 27 PMK.06 2016 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang. Terobosan dalam Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017 menciptakan jumlah halaman pada dokumen Kutipan yang lebih ringkas hanya berjumlah tiga hingga empat halaman. Oleh sebab itu, Penulis melakukan analisis terhadap sifat autentisitas dari dokumen Kutipan Risalah Lelang tersebut dan melihat harmonisasi terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang lelang yang mengatur masalah Risalah Lelang maupun Kutipan itu sendiri. Penelitian yang menggunakan metode Yuridis Normatif ini menyimpulkan bahwa dokumen Kutipan tersebut tetap autentis dikarenakan Kutipan Risalah Lelang merupakan turunan dari Risalah Lelang walaupun adanya disharmonisasi peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang lelang. Di samping itu, Penulis menyarankan agar pihak Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara dapat melakukan penyempurnaan terhadap dokumen Kutipan melalui amandemen Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017.

This Thesis reveals a review of the changes in format, form and content of Auction Deed Excerpts based on the Regulation of Director General of State Assets Management Number 5 KN 2017 on Auction Deed Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017. The document issued by Auctioneers and awarded to the Buyer only is originally regulated by Laws of Auction Vendu Reglement and Minister of Finance Regulation Number 27 PMK.06 2016 concerning Implementation of Auction Guidance. The breakthrough in Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017 creates the document is more concise, only consists of three to four pages. Therefore, the Author analyzes the authenticity and harmonization among prevailing regulations of the Auction. The research, using Normative Juridical method concludes that the Excerpt is still authentic because the document is derived from Auction Deed itself, even though there is a disharmony among the prevailing regulations in Auction. Moreover, the Author suggests that General Director of State Assets Management can refine the Excerpt by amending Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dilanti Oktorahayu
"Tesis ini membahas perkembangan lelang di Indonesia. Selama ini lelang di Indonesia identik dengan lelang penjualan putus dengan objek lelang berupa barang-barang berwujud atau bertubuh. Jadi, dalam jual beli lelang selalu terjadi peralihan kepemilikan atas objek lelang dari pihak penjual kepada pemenang lelang (pembeli). Namun demikian, perkembangan kebijakan pemerintah akhir-akhir ini menunjukkan adanya lelang tanpa peralihan kepemilikan atas objek lelang, yaitu lelang Hak Menikmati Barang. Pada akhir bulan Desember 2018, DJKN menerbitkan regulasi baru yaitu Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Nomor 5 KN 2018 tentang Tata Cara Permohonan dan Dokumen Persyaratan Lelang dengan Objek Berupa Hak Menikmati Barang. Dengan diterbitkannya peraturan tersebut, pemerintah membuka kemungkinan pelaksanaan lelang atas Hak Menikmati Barang, seperti hak sewa. Pada pelaksanaan lelang ini tidak terjadi peralihan kepemilikan atas objek lelang. Lelang hanya digunakan untuk menentukan siapa yang akan ditunjuk sebagai penyewa. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana keabsahan pelaksanaan lelang Hak Menikmati Barang dengan objek lelang berupa hak sewa menurut Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Nomor 5 KN 2018 ditinjau dari Vendu Reglement dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 27 PMK.06 2016 serta bagaimana penyesuaian isi Risalah Lelang pada lelang Hak Menikmati Barang dengan objek lelang berupa hak sewa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif (normative law research) dengan metode analisis data kualitatif. Tipologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Dalam tesis ini penulis menemukan bahwa lelang Hak Menikmati Barang dengan objek lelang berupa hak sewa lebih sesuai dengan perjanjian sewa menyewa daripada perjanjian jual beli karena kepemilikan atas objek lelang tidak beralih. Lelang ini hanya mengalihkan hak untuk menikmati (menyewa) objek lelang untuk waktu tertentu. Penulis menyarankan agar Direktorat Lelang melakukan beberapa penyesuaian terhadap isi Risalah Lelang Hak Menikmati Barang antara lain di kutipan Risalah Lelang Hak Menikmati Barang dituliskan kalimat Diberikan Kutipan kepada Pemenang Lelang Hak Menikmati Barang sebagai Akta Hak Menikmati. Dikarenakan lelang Hak Menikmati Barang dengan objek lelang berupa hak sewa lebih mirip dengan esensi sewa menyewa maka adanya perjanjian sewa menyewa bukan merupakan keharusan namun hanya merupakan pilihan dari para pihak saja jika diperlukan.

This thesis discusses the development of auctions in Indonesia. Until recently auctions were perceived as the sale of tangible objects. Thus, in auctions, there always be transfers of ownership of auctions objects from sellers to purchasers. However, recent development of government policy shows the possibility of conducting auctions without transfering ownership of auction objects, namely auctions of the Right to Utilize Goods. At the end of December 2018, DJKN issued a new regulation, namely the Director General of State Assets Management Regulation Number 5 KN 2018 on the Request Procedure and Required Documents for Auction of the Right to Utilize Goods. With the enactment of this regulation, the government has opened the possibility of auctioning the rights to utilize goods, among others lease rights. In these auctions, there are no transfers of ownership of auction objects. Auctions are merely used to determine who the winners of the rights to utilize goods will be. Based on the aforementioned explanation, this thesis will analize the legality of auctions of the rights to utilize goods, particularly the lease rights, governed by the Director General of State Assets Management Regulation Number 5 KN 2018 in the light of Auction Law (Vendu Reglement) and the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 27 PMK.06 2016 and the adjustment of the Auction Deed (Risalah Lelang) of auctions of the rights to utilize goods, particularly the lease rights. This research is a normative law research with qualitative data analysis methods. The typology used in this research is descriptive research. In this thesis the author found that the auction of the rights to utilize goods with lease rights as an auction objects is more likely a lease agreement than a sale purchase agreemant because there is no transfer of ownership of auction objects. Auctions only transfer the rights to utilize (lease) auction objects for a certain time. The author suggested that the Directorate of Auctions make several adjustments to the contents of the Auction Deed for the rights to utilize goods, among others the addition of a phrase Given as an Excerption of Auction Deed to the Highest Winning Bidder of the Rights to Utilize Goods as a Deed of Utilize Rights. Because the auction of the rights to utilize goods with lease rights as auction objects is similar to the essence of leasing, then the existence of a lease agreement is not a requirement but is only a choice of the parties if needed.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dita Rahmasari
Penjualan lelang eksekusi gadai saham melalui pelelangan umum harus dilakukan oleh Pejabat Lelang Kelas I di Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang (KPKNL). Namun pada prakteknya lelang terdapat lelang eksekusi gadai saham yang dilaksanakan oleh Pejabat Lelang Kelas II dan dilakukan di Balai Lelang Swasta sebagaimana dituangkan dalam risalah lelang nomor RL-0XX/2011. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah sebenarnya kewenangan pejabat lelang, khususnya Pejabat Lelang Kelas II, dalam melaksanakan lelang gadai atas saham serta bagaimanakah dampak pelanggaran kewenangan pejabat lelang terhadap lelang yang telah dilaksanakan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif, yaitu dengan memperhatikan risalah lelang yang telah diterbitkan oleh Pejabat Lelang dan diperbandingkan terhadap ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku berkenaan dengan lelang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal terjadi pelanggaran kewenangan pejabat lelang dalam melaksanakan lelang, maka terhadap pejabat lelang tersebut akan dinyatakan melanggar ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang lelang dan izinnya sebagai Pejabat Lelang dapat dikenakan sanksi berupa pembebastugasan untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Pejabat Lelang tersebut juga berkewajiban untuk mengganti kerugian yang ditimbulkan. Selain itu, terhadap lelang yang dilaksanakan tanpa kewenangan pejabat lelang, maka lelang tersebut dianggap batal demi hukum. Namun prosedur pembatalan lelang yang batal demi hukum belum diatur lebih lanjut dalam ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan lelang yang ada saat ini.

Shares pawned with creditors (pledge) should be sold by public auction conducted by the Class I Auctioneers of the State Asset and Auction Services Office (KPKNL). In practice, however, there was an auction of the aforementioned pledge conducted by a Class II Auctioneer at a Private Auction House as set forth in the Auction Deed No. RL-0XX/2011. This research examines auctioneer?s authority, particularly the Class II Auctioneer, in conducting auctions of pawned shares and how a violation of the provisions on authority affecting the auction. The research used the normative juridical method, by taking into account the Auction Deed and the prevailing regulations in relation to auctions. The research concluded that if an auctioneer violates the provision on authority in conducting the auction, he shall be guilty of an offense against the Auction Regulations and his license as an auctioneer may be suspended for a certain time period. He may also be obliged to pay the losses incurred. Furthermore, the auction of pawned shares conducted by the Auctioneer without proper authority shall be deemed as null and void. However the revocation procedure for a null and void auction has not been set forth in auction regulations in Indonesia.
;Shares pawned with creditors (pledge) should be sold by public auction conducted by the Class I Auctioneers of the State Asset and Auction Services Office (KPKNL). In practice, however, there was an auction of the aforementioned pledge conducted by a Class II Auctioneer at a Private Auction House as set forth in the Auction Deed No. RL-0XX/2011. This research examines auctioneer?s authority, particularly the Class II Auctioneer, in conducting auctions of pawned shares and how a violation of the provisions on authority affecting the auction. The research used the normative juridical method, by taking into account the Auction Deed and the prevailing regulations in relation to auctions. The research concluded that if an auctioneer violates the provision on authority in conducting the auction, he shall be guilty of an offense against the Auction Regulations and his license as an auctioneer may be suspended for a certain time period. He may also be obliged to pay the losses incurred. Furthermore, the auction of pawned shares conducted by the Auctioneer without proper authority shall be deemed as null and void. However the revocation procedure for a null and void auction has not been set forth in auction regulations in Indonesia.
;Shares pawned with creditors (pledge) should be sold by public auction conducted by the Class I Auctioneers of the State Asset and Auction Services Office (KPKNL). In practice, however, there was an auction of the aforementioned pledge conducted by a Class II Auctioneer at a Private Auction House as set forth in the Auction Deed No. RL-0XX/2011. This research examines auctioneer?s authority, particularly the Class II Auctioneer, in conducting auctions of pawned shares and how a violation of the provisions on authority affecting the auction. The research used the normative juridical method, by taking into account the Auction Deed and the prevailing regulations in relation to auctions. The research concluded that if an auctioneer violates the provision on authority in conducting the auction, he shall be guilty of an offense against the Auction Regulations and his license as an auctioneer may be suspended for a certain time period. He may also be obliged to pay the losses incurred. Furthermore, the auction of pawned shares conducted by the Auctioneer without proper authority shall be deemed as null and void. However the revocation procedure for a null and void auction has not been set forth in auction regulations in Indonesia.
, Shares pawned with creditors (pledge) should be sold by public auction conducted by the Class I Auctioneers of the State Asset and Auction Services Office (KPKNL). In practice, however, there was an auction of the aforementioned pledge conducted by a Class II Auctioneer at a Private Auction House as set forth in the Auction Deed No. RL-0XX/2011. This research examines auctioneer’s authority, particularly the Class II Auctioneer, in conducting auctions of pawned shares and how a violation of the provisions on authority affecting the auction. The research used the normative juridical method, by taking into account the Auction Deed and the prevailing regulations in relation to auctions. The research concluded that if an auctioneer violates the provision on authority in conducting the auction, he shall be guilty of an offense against the Auction Regulations and his license as an auctioneer may be suspended for a certain time period. He may also be obliged to pay the losses incurred. Furthermore, the auction of pawned shares conducted by the Auctioneer without proper authority shall be deemed as null and void. However the revocation procedure for a null and void auction has not been set forth in auction regulations in Indonesia.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Josepha Jasin
Keluhan kantor-kantor lelang di daerah mengenai tidak meratanya pendapatan dari penjualan lelang, serta kekhawatiran akan timbulnya gugatan terhadap tempat pelaksanaan lelang lintas wilayah sehubungan dengan otentisitas risalah lelang merupakan alasan dihapuskannya dispensasi tempat lelang oleh Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 106/PMK.06/2013. Tesis ini akan menganalisis mengenai otentisitas risalah lelang yang dibuat berdasarkan dispensasi tempat lelang, dan dampak penghapusan dispensasi tempat lelang terhadap kinerja balai lelang dan notaris sebagai pejabat lelang kelas II. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian ialah bahwa pemberian dispensasi tempat lelang tidak mengurangi otentisitas risalah lelang dan dampak penghapusan dispensasi tempat lelang adalah penurunan kinerja balai lelang serta notaris sebagai pejabat lelang kelas II.

Due to complaints from several state auction offices concerning the declining of state revenues derived from auctions, as well as concerns about the emergence of lawsuits against the dispensation of auction location in relation to the authenticity of the auction deed, cause the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia issued Ministerial Regulation No. 106/PMK.06/2013. This thesis analyzes two things. First, it analyzes the relation between the dispensation of the auction location and the authenticity of the auction deed. Second, it analyzes the impact of the abolition of provisions concering the dispensation of the auction location on the performance of the auction house and the notary's performance as a class II officer auctions. Methodology used in this research is juridis normative, combined with interviews to several prominent persons. The result of this research is that the provisions on the dispensation of the auction location does not reduce the authenticity of the auction deed, and that the removal of the aforementioned provisions has an adverse impact on the declining of the performance of private auction houses and notaries as the class II auctioneers.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metta Chandrasasi
Lelang melalui email muncul seiring dengan perkembangan internet itu sendiri. Di
Indonesia, lelang melalui email sudah dipelopori oleh pemerintah dengan situs lelang
email yang dapat diakses melalui alamat domain www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id.
Tesis ini akan menganalisis mengenai
langkah dalam penggunaan Aplikasi Lelang
Email (ALE) dan keabsahan dari risalah lelang email. Metode penelitian yang
digunakan adalah yuridis normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Hasil
penelitian ialah bahwa penggunaan ALE dirasa efektif dan efisien, meskipun belum
ada peraturan yang mengatur mengenai lelang email, risalah lelang email yang di
keluarkan oleh KPKNL penyelenggara lelang tetap berlaku dan sah.

Auction via email appears along with the Internet itself. In Indonesia, the auction via
email has been pioneered by the government with the auction site that can be
accessed via domain address www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id. This thesis will
analyze about the auction procedure using the Auction Email Application (Aplikasi
Lelang Email / ALE) and the validity of the email auction deed. The research method
which used in this study is a normative juridical or legal research literature.
Research found that the use of ALE was effective and efficient, although the
regulations governing the email auction, is still far from perfection. With regard to
the email auction deed, the writer found that the deed drawn/ issued by the state
auction office are valid and legitimate.;Auction via email appears along with the Internet itself. In Indonesia, the auction via
email has been pioneered by the government with the auction site that can be
accessed via domain address www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id. This thesis will
analyze about the auction procedure using the Auction Email Application (Aplikasi
Lelang Email / ALE) and the validity of the email auction deed. The research method
which used in this study is a normative juridical or legal research literature.
Research found that the use of ALE was effective and efficient, although the
regulations governing the email auction, is still far from perfection. With regard to
the email auction deed, the writer found that the deed drawn/ issued by the state
auction office are valid and legitimate.;Auction via email appears along with the Internet itself. In Indonesia, the auction via
email has been pioneered by the government with the auction site that can be
accessed via domain address www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id. This thesis will
analyze about the auction procedure using the Auction Email Application (Aplikasi
Lelang Email / ALE) and the validity of the email auction deed. The research method
which used in this study is a normative juridical or legal research literature.
Research found that the use of ALE was effective and efficient, although the
regulations governing the email auction, is still far from perfection. With regard to
the email auction deed, the writer found that the deed drawn/ issued by the state
auction office are valid and legitimate., Auction via email appears along with the Internet itself. In Indonesia, the auction via
email has been pioneered by the government with the auction site that can be
accessed via domain address www.lelangdjkn.kemenkeu.go.id. This thesis will
analyze about the auction procedure using the Auction Email Application (Aplikasi
Lelang Email / ALE) and the validity of the email auction deed. The research method
which used in this study is a normative juridical or legal research literature.
Research found that the use of ALE was effective and efficient, although the
regulations governing the email auction, is still far from perfection. With regard to
the email auction deed, the writer found that the deed drawn/ issued by the state
auction office are valid and legitimate.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihotang, Jeeferson
Tesis ini membahas kewenangan notaris dan kepastian hukum dari akta risalah
lelang notaris. Pasal 15 ayat 2 huruf g UU Notaris menetapkan bahwa notaris
berwenang membuat akta risalah lelang sementara Vendu Reglement (Peraturan Lelang) menyatakan bahwa kewenangan untuk menyusun suatu akta lelang dilakukan oleh pejabat lelang. Oleh karena itu, pokok permasalahan dari tesis ini adalah kewenangan hukum dari notaris dalam membuat akta risalah lelang berdasarkan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris dan bagaimana kepastian hukum dari akta risalah lelang yang dibuat oleh notaris. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dan dilengkapi dengan wawancara. Berdasarkan prinsip hukum lex specialis derogat legi generalis, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa notaris tidak secara otomatis berwenang untuk membuat akta risalah lelang. Hanya notaris yang ditunjuk sebagai pejabat lelang oleh pemerintah yang memiliki kewenangan untuk membuat akta risalah lelang. Oleh karena itu, akta risalah lelang yang dibuat oleh notaris yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai juru lelang akan membuat akta risalah lelang menjadi tidak otentik dan tidak memberikan kepastian hukum bagi para pihak

This thesis discussed the authority of a notary and the legal certainty of notary's auction deed. Article 15 paragraph 2 point g of the Notary Act stipulates that a public notary is authorized to draw up an auction deed while vendu reglement (the Auction Act) states that the authority to draw up an auction deed is held by an auctioneer. Therefore, the main issues of this thesis are the legal authority of notary in drawing up an auction deed based on the Notary Act and how the legal certainty of an auction deed drew up by a notary. The method used in this research is juridical normative and equipped by interviews. Based on the legal principle of lex specialis derogat legi generalis, the writer concluded that a notary is not automatically authorized to draw up an auction deed. Only a notary who is also appointed as an auctioneer by the government has the authority to draw up an auction deed. Therefore, an auction deed drew up by a notary who does not qualify as an auctioneer will make the deed not authentic and does not provide legal certainty for the parties."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Rafika Ilhami
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai keabsahan akta risalah lelang terhadap objek lelangyang tidak berada dalam wilayah jabatan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II Studi KasusPT. M Finance Pekanbaru dan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II Bekasi . Objek lelangdalam tesis ini berada di wilayah Pekanbaru, sedangkan akta risalah lelang dibuatoleh Pejabat Lelang Kelas II Bekasi. Dalam praktiknya, terdapat Pejabat Lelangyang membuat akta risalah lelang yang objeknya tidak berada dalam wilayahjabatannya. Praktik ini tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang diberikan dalamPeraturan Menteri Keuangan tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang yangmenetapkan bahwa seorang pejabat lelang hanya bisa mengeluarkan akta risalahlelang yang objeknya berada dalam wilayah jabatannya. Oleh karena itu, masalahpenelitian yang dibahas dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana keabsahan akta risalahlelang terhadap objek lelang yang tidak berada dalam wilayah jabatan PejabatLelang Kelas II dan bagaimana akibat hukum bagi Pejabat Lelang Kelas II yangmembuat akta risalah lelang terkait objek lelang yang tidak berada dalam wilayahjabatannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Teknikpengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menemukanbahwa akta risalah lelang yang objeknya tidak berada dalam wilayah jabatanPejabat Lelang Kelas II adalah tidak sah. Risalah Lelang tidak dapatdiklasifikasikan sebagai akta otentik, namun menjadi akta biasa dan akibat hukumdari kasus ini adalah Pejabat Lelang dapat diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat. Kata Kunci : Lelang, Risalah Lelang, Pejabat Lelang
This thesis discusses the validity of an auction deed of auction objects which arenot in the jurisdiction of the Class II Auctioneer A Case Study of PT M FinancePekanbaru and the Class II Auctioneer of Bekasi . The auction objects in thisthesis were in Pekanbaru territory while the legal document of the auction, namelyRisalah Lelang, was made by a Class II Auctioneer in Bekasi. In practice, therewas an Auctioneer making a Risalah Lelang of several auction objects which werenot in his her legal territory. This practice was not in conformity with the rulesgiven in the Minister of Finance Regulation concerning the Auction Directivewhich stipulates that an Auctioneer can only issue auction deeds of auction objectwithin his her jurisdiction. Therefore, the research issues discussed in this thesisare the validity of the auction deed of auction objects which are not within theClass II Auctioneer rsquo s jurisdiction and its legal consequences for the Class IIAuctioneer who conducts the auction. The research method used in this theseswas normative juridical. Data collection technique used was the study ofdocuments. The research found that the auction deed of auction objects which areoutside the jurisdiction of the competent Auctioneer are not valid. The RisalahLelang can not be classified as an authentic deed, but becomes an ordinary deedand the legal effect of this case is the Auctioneer can be dishonorably discharged. Keywords Auction, Auction Deed, Auctioneer."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soilia Riyanti
Tesis ini membahas lelang eksekusi tanah pertanian yang dimenangkan oleh subjek yang tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditentukan oleh peraturan-peraturan terkait, sehingga menimbulkan pemilikan tanah absentee, sebagaimana ternyata dalam Kutipan Risalah Lelang Nomor: 406/2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis-normatif dengan bentuk penelitian preskriptif-evaluatif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan untuk KP2LN dan Badan Pertanahan Nasional agar cermat dan tegas berkaitan dengan peraturan-peraturan pemilikan tanah absentee.

This thesis discussing agriculture land auction that won by subject who is not comply with conditions that determined by related regulations as a consequence it cause absentee land ownership, in the same manner as in Kutipan Risalah Lelang Nomor: 406/2013. This research use normatif-juridical approachment with evaluative-prescriptive research type. Result of this research recommends KP2LN and Badan Pertanahan Nasional in order to coutions and strict link to regulations about absentee ownership."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clara Egia Pratami
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai perlindungan bagi Pemenang Lelang ketika Putusan Pengadilan membatalkan Risalah Lelangnya. Terkadang, pelaksanaan lelang pasal 6 UU Hak Tanggungan dibatalkan oleh Putusan Pengadilan. Dampaknya adalah Risalah Lelang menjadi tidak berkekuatan hukum. Selain itu, pembatalan lelang dan risalah lelang juga menyebabkan masalah hukum bagi Pemenang Lelang yang beriktikad baik sebagaimana dalam kasus putusan pengadilan tnggi nomor 247/PDT/2018/PT.BDG Tanggal 23 Juli 2018. Oleh karena itu, Penulis menganalisis bagaimana tanggung jawab Pejabat Lelang dalam putusan pengadilan tersebut dan perlindungan hukum yang seharusnya didapatkan oleh Pemenang Lelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode peneltian normatif dengan pendekatan analisis data kualitatif. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Pejabat Lelang tidak bisa dimintai tanggung jawab atas kerugian yang diderita Pemenang Lelang karena Pejabat Lelang telah menjalankan ketentuan yang tertera dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 27/PMK.06/2016 Tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang. Pemenang Lelang seharusnya mendapatkan perlindungan berupa ganti rugi dari Penjual Lelang atas pembatalan penyelenggaraan lelang dan risalah lelang. Maka dari itu, Penulis menyarankan Pemenang Lelang mengajukan gugatan ganti rugi kepada Penjual Lelang. Selain itu, diperlukan pula adanya peraturan yang mengatur tentang gugatan pihak ketiga dalam lelang.

This thesis discusses the protection of an Auction Winner when a court decision canceled his auction deeds. Occasionally, the judicial auctions of real property based on Article 6 of the Indonesian Mortgage Law were annulled by court decisions. As a result, the deed of the related auction would lost its legality. In addition, the cancellation of an auction and its auction deed also causes legal problems to the auction winner who acts in good faith as in the case of the auction winner in the Court Verdict Number: 247/PDT/2018/PT.BDG dated 23 July 2018. Therefore, the writer analyses the responsibilities of the Auctioneer in the aforementioned court verdict and the legal protections which ought to be obtained by the Auction Winner. This research utilizes a normative method with a qualitative data analysis approach. The writer concludes that the Auctioneer could not be held liable for the damages to the Auction Winner because he has implemented the auction procedures in accordance with the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 27/PMK.06/2016.  The Auction Winner is supposed to obtain protection in the form of compensation from the auction seller due to the cancellation of the auction and its auction deed. Hence, the writer recommends that the Auction Winner claims damages against the Auction Seller. Besides, it is necessary to devise a regulation regarding the third parties lawsuit in the matter of auction."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marpaung, Michael Arthur Schumihar
"Tulisan ini membahas tentang Penyelenggaraaan Lelang Eksekusi Pengadilan oleh Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang Sebagai Pelayanan Publik. Untuk memahami cara Penyelenggaraan Lelang Eksekusi Pengadilan, definisi, penyelenggara, dan asas asas dalam pelayanan publik serta pengertian sumber hukum dan asas asas dalam lelang juga dibahas. Tulisan ini ditulis dengan menggunakan metode penulisan hukum normatif untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif analitis. Selanjutnya, temuan penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa, Penyelenggaraan lelang eksekusi pengadilan sebagai pelayanan publik haruslah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku termasuk dalam proses pra lelang, saat lelang, dan pasca lelang, serta dokumen persyaratan yang dibutuhkan dalam proses tersebut. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai penyelenggaraan lelang eksekusi pengadilan dan penerapan asas akuntabilitas sebagai bentuk pelayanan publik.

This paper discusses the Implementation of the Court Execution Auction by State Property Service Office and Auction as Public Service. In order to understand the way in which Court Execution Auctions are held, definitions, organizers, and principles in public services as well as understanding legal sources and principles in auctions are also discussed. This paper was written using the normative legal writing method to produce analytical descriptive data. Furthermore, the findings of this study conclude that, The implementation of court execution auctions as a public service must be in accordance with applicable regulations including in the pre- auction process, during the auction, and after the auction, as well as the required documents in the process. This research is expected to explain regarding the implementation of court execution auctions and the application of the principle of accountability as a form of public services."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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