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Brisbania Ayu Saraswati Bhakti
"Penelitian ini akan membahas masalah dari sektor agrikultur Jepang: apa saja peran dan fungsi dari proyek Workaway dalam membantu penyelesaian masalah-masalah dan prediksi ke depan terkait pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pembangunan di dalam konteks hubungan desa-kota dan juga keuntungannya untuk negara ini, di level mikro dan makro. Globalisasi dan layanan-layanan internet dapat berkontribusi di dalam manajemen pembangunan area pedesaan melalui proyek-proyek Workaway.

Industrialisasi dan daya tarik kota telah membangkitkan urbanisasi dari pedesaan ke kota-kota besar. Dari level makro, skema penurunan dapat dilihat dari sektor agrikultur yang menghadapi berbagai masalah serius yang disebabkan oleh urbanisasi massal, masyarakat yang menua (ageing society), dan penurunan populasi petani-petani muda.

Data dari penelitian ini dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan konten analisis studi literatur. Penjelasan dari analisisnya disajikan berdasarkan analisis aspek-aspek yang dapat membuat proyek-proyek Workaway berkontribusi dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan. Fokus utama dari proyek-proyeknya adalah pencarian pekerja-pekerja dengan menggunakan daya tarik kontraurbanisasi dari pariwisata di sekeliling lokasi proyek, untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan wilayah pedesaan.

This research will examine the problem of Japanese farming sector: what the roles and the functions of Workaway projects in helping to solve the problems, and the prediction for the future regarding the economic growth and the development of the rural-urban relation context and also the benefit for this country, at the micro and the macro level. The globalization and the internet services both contribute in the management of developing the rural area through the Workaway projects.

Industrialization and the attraction of the city has generated urbanization from the villages to the big cities. At the macro level, the downgrading scheme can be seen through the agricultural sector which suffers several serious problems toward the increase of a mass urbanization, ageing society, and the decline of the young farmers population.

The data of this research is analysed with qualitative methods using content analysis of the literature studies. The explanation will be provided by analyzing what aspects which could make Workaway projects make a contribution towards sustainable development. The projects are mainly tend to focus in finding the workers using counterurbanization attraction of the tourism magnetism around the place, for sustainable development in rural areas."

Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The study aims to identify the complex of population movement in two dukuh, Kadirojo, and Piring, in Yogyakarta Special Region. There are three kinds of population movement in these two dukuh: commuting, circulation, and migration. A dramatic increase since the seventies in the volume and distance of commuting and circulation reflects the extension of rural roads and the growth of the mini-bus. Rising levels of formal education and the adoption of agricultural innovation also have increased the number of individuals who aspire to spend longer periods in towns and cities. Despite these changes, the mobility of dukuh people remains a bio-local system, tightly anchored to the home village and various destinations. Circular movement is a form of linkage between rural and urban areas and is important in achieving a closer interaction between rural and urban people."
GEOUGM 10:40 (1980)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article is aimed at discussing the structure of non-farm employment and small-scale non-agricultural enterprises in the rural areas where the rural-urban relation is increasing tremendously in the last decade. A special attention is devoted to the structure and sectoral as well as spatial linkages of small non farm enterprises (SNFE). In this context, rural-urban linkage is simply measured in terms of flow of materials, and labor from both rural to urban as well as from urban to rural areas. Interpretation of those flows is made to understand their respective implication for rural and regional development from which some policy recommendation are offered. An intensive single visit survey and rapid rural appraisal are conducted, covering three villages (Maguwoharjo, Kembang, Putat) in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). To some extent a qualitative information is also available for two additional villages of Pendowoharjo and Murtigading. This enables to draw a more complete picture of rural-urban linkage from and to all directions between Yogyakarta Municipality and its vicinity."
GEOUGM 29:73 (1997)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dawud Ramdhani Rozali
Penelitian ini memberikan sebuah gambaran mengenai Forum Ar-Robithoh, sebuah forum yang berada dan berkembang di Jakarta namun masih tetap mempunyai hubungan dengan daerah asal masyarakat Dukuh Kemuren. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan dan menganalisa bagaimana dinamika relasi kota-desa yang tercermin pada kasus Forum Ar-Robithoh. Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain untuk mendeskripsikan
kegiatan-kegiatan dalam Forum Ar-Robithoh yang merefleksikan dinamika relasi kota-desa serta menganalisa dinamika relasi kota-desa yang tercermin pada forum ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan secara tidak terlibat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dinamika relasi kota-desa pada kasus Forum Ar-Robithoh terefleksikan dari kegiatan internal dan kegiatan eksternal dan dinamika relasi kota-desa bergerak dalam arus uang dan barang, arus orang, dan arus ide dan informasi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini relasi kota-desa dilihat sebagai dua hal yang saling berkaitan dan terintegrasi (hubungan fungsional). Sehingga pembedaan antara desa dengan kota secara eksklusif agaknya sudah tidak relevan lagi di saat ini.

This study provides an overview of the Forum Ar-Robithoh, a forum that
grows in Jakarta and still has a relationship with the origin of their hometown, Kemuren Hamlet. Issue raised in this study are explaining and analyzing how the dynamics of urban-rural relations reflected in the case of this forum. The objectives of this study are to describe about the activities in the Forum Ar- Robithoh that reflects the dynamics of relationships and to analyze the dynamics of urban-rural relations reflected in this forum. This study uses is a qualitative method of data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and nonparticipation
observation. The results of this study show the dynamics of urbanrural
relations in the case of Forum Ar-Robithoh reflected from its internal
activities and external activities and the dynamics of urban-rural relations move in
the flow of money and goods, flow of people, and flow of ideas and information.
The conclusion of this research that the dynamics of urban-rural relations as two
things are intterelated and integrated (functional relationship). So the distinction
between village and city seems to be exclusive is now no longer relevant."
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fukutake, Tadashi
Jakarta: Gramedia, 1989.
307 725 FUK nt
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Jauhari
"Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia adalah jumlah penduduk miskin yang cukup besar, yaitu mencapai 36,1 juta jiwa pada tahun 2004. Penduduk miskin dan kelaparan sering merusak Iingkungan hidup sekitar mereka untuk mempertahankan hidup, mereka menebang potion di hutan, mencari pakan ternak di wilayah terlarang, memakai tanah marjinal; dan dalam jumlah yang terus bertambah mereka memenuhi pusat perkotaan.
Untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan dan kerusakan Iingkungan perlu dilakukan pembinaan dan pemberdayaan terhadap penduduk miskin sehingga mereka dapat memperoleh penghasilan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidupnya. Pembinaan dan pemberdayaan perlu dilakukan terhadap penduduk miskin di pedesaan karena sebagian besar penduduk miskin berada di pedesaan. Sebagian besar penduduk miskin di pedesaan adalah petani gurem dengan kepemilikan iahan kurang dari 0,5 hektar per rumah tangga petani (RTP). Jumlah petani gurem pada tahun 1993 adalah sebanyak 10,8 juta dan meningkat menjadi 13,7 juta pada tahun 2003.
Pembinaan dan pemberdayaan penduduk miskin di pedesaan perlu dilakukan melalui pengembangan sektor pertanian yang terbukti menyerap banyak tenaga kerja dan menghasilkan komoditas pangan. Di antara komoditas pertanian yang dapat berperan dalam diversifikasi pangan dan dapat dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani adalah komoditas jagung.
Pengembangan budidaya tanaman jagung memiliki prospek ekonomis, yaitu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri dan berpeluang untuk diekspor ke luar negeri. Namun, pengembangan budidaya tanaman jagung secara intensif dan secara monokultur di Iingkungan alam Indonesia yang memiliki ekosistem hutan hujan tropis akan berakibat pada terjadinya degradasi Iingkungan, terganggunya keseimbangan ekosistem dan tidak berkelanjutan. Untuk mengatasi dampak yang merugikan terhadap lingkungan tersebut, perlu dilakukan pembinaan dan pemberdayaan terhadap petani agar mereka dapat melaksanakan dan mengembangkan sistem pertanian terpadu dan berkelanjutan, yang dapat menjaga kesuburan sumberdaya lahan pertanian secara berkelanjutan, menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem, tidak menremari lingkungan dan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas serta memberikan keuntungan kepada petani.
Sistem pertanian berkelanjutan akan dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk kimia dan peslisida kimia, sedangkan Iimbah pertanian yang dihasilkan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pakan ternak ruminansia. Pembinaan dan pemberdayaan petani dalam pengembangan sistem pertanian berkelanjutan dapat dilaksanakan melalui kemitraan agribisnis.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan model sistem pertanian yang ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Selain itu juga untuk mendapatkan model kemitraan agribisnis yang dapat membina petani dalam pengembangan pertanian berkelanjutan.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan penjelasan deskriptif-eksploratori untuk memperoleh gambaran petani dalam hubungannya dengan pengembangan pertanian berkelanjutan. Sumber data primer diperoleh dari petani responden (33 petani) Desa Mojo, Kec. Andong, Kab. Boyolali serial lembaga Pembina petani, yaitu: PT. Dharma Niaga (Kemitraan Usaha Bersama) dan CV. Dus International Trading (Program Pembangunan Kemandirian Ekonomi Rakyat Melalui Pertanian Organik Terpadu).
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diajukan perlunya pengembangan sistem pertanian polikultur yang sesuai dengan dengan tipologi lingkungan Indonesia berbentuk hutan hujan tropis, berbeaya rendah dan sedikit masukan sumberdaya dari luar ekosistem pertanian. Selain itu, perk] dikembangkan kemitraan agribisnis yang tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan penghasilan petani tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan petani dalam perbaikan kualitas ekosistem pertanian.

A problem faced by Indonesia is the fairly large number of poor people, with totaled 36.1 million in 2004. The poor and hungry often destroy the environment where they live just to survive; they cut down trees in forests, they look for cattle feed in restricted areas, they use marginal lands, and in increasing number they crowd city centers.
In order to deal with problems of poverty and damaged environment, upgrading and empowering disadvantaged people should be initiated to help them make money to meet their own needs. The upgrade and empowerment programs should be aimed at poor people in villages because the fact shows that most of those living below poverty line are rural areas. Many of them are small farmers with land ownership of less than 0.5 hectare per household. The number of small farmers increased from 10.8 million in 1993 to 13.7 million in 2003.
Upgrading and empowering poor villagers should be done by promoting the agriculture sector which has shown to have employed many workers and provided food products. One of the agricultural commodities that are significant in food diversification and can be developed to increase farmers income is maize.
Cultivating maize has economic potential because the crops can supply domestic demands and foreign export. However, intensive and monoculture maize plantation in Indonesia with its tropical rain forest ecosystem could lead to environmental degradation and ecosystem imbalance, and would not be sustainable. In order to eliminate the damaging effects to the environment, it is necessary to upgrade and empower farmers to enable them to carry out and develop an integrated and sustainable agricultural system capable of keeping farmlands sustainably fertile, the ecosystem in balance and the environment dean and intact, as well as improving productivity and giving benefits to farmers.
A sustainable agricultural system can minimize the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the produced wastes can be used as forage for ruminants. Farmers upgrading and empowering programs for developing a sustainable agricultural system is possible through an agribusiness partnership.
The reseach aimed to gather a model of the sustainable and environmental friendly agriculture system. The reseach to gather too a model of the agriculture partnership will be can to empowering farmers in the promotion of sustainable agriculture.
The reseach methode is survey methode with the exploratory-description to gather the farmers Image in promotion of sustainable agriculture. The primer resource from farmers in Desa Mojo, Kecamatan Andong, Kabupaten Boyolali and the empowering farmers institute (PT. Dharma Niaga and CV. Dus International Trading).
Based on the reseach above, it's suggested the promotion of policuiture agriculture system that in agreement with the environmental tipology of Indonesia is tropical rain forest, in low cost and low external input sustainable agriculture. It's. suggested too the promotion of the agribusiness partnership that just not can giving benefits to farmers but can also empowering farmers to increasing quality of the agriculture ecosystem.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Woods, Michael
""Michael Woods has taken on the formidable task of giving an overview of rural places and society in advanced economies as a single author and has presented a book that rightly deserves to be called state-of-the-art."- Geographische Rundschau "For those students with an interest in rural change, this 'state of the art' book is essential reading." - Brian Ilbery, University of Coventry"With Rural Geography Michael Woods remedies the often underestimated dynamism of rural places and rural society by providing the much-needed synthesis of the European and North American literature on rural restructuring and globalization processes." - Patrick H. Mooney, University of KentuckyRural Geography is an introduction to contemporary rural societies and economies in the developed world. It examines the social and economic processes at work in the contemporary countryside - including the more traditional: like agriculture; land use; and population; as well as wider themes like: rural health, crime, exclusion, commodification, and alternative lifestyles. With a contextualising section defining the rural, the text is organized systematically in three principal sections: Processes of Rural Restructuring, Responses to Rural Restructuring, and Experiences of Rural Restructuring.Using the most recent empirical material, statistical data, and research, the text is global in perspective using comparative examples throughout. Rural Geography is a systematic introduction to the processes, responses, and experiences of rural restructuring."
Londan: Sage Publications, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Paramitha Putri
"Indonesia memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang besar untuk mendukung kegiatan pertanian. Namun pertanian di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia masih belum optimal karena menanam tanaman komoditas tanpa pertimbangan kondisi fisik lingkungan maupun kondisi sosial budaya masyarakatnya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun arahan kebijakan area prioritas pertanian yang mempertimbangkan kondisi fisik lingkungan dan kecocokannya terhadap komoditas yang menjadi preferensi masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode gabungan untuk melakukan penyusunan area prioritas pertanian berbasis ZAE, daya dukung lahan, dan komoditas preferensi petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komoditas yang diminati petani adalah kakao, jagung, dan padi ladang. Preferensi komoditas ini memiliki korelasi signifikan khususnya dengan sumber pendapatan dan luas lahan garapan. Terdapat ketidaksesuaian lahan pertanian eksisting sebesar 51% dengan ZAE sementara secara umum pertanian di Nangapanda sesuai dengan kondisi daya dukung lahan karena berada pada tingkat daya dukung tinggi. Berdasarkan area prioritas pertanian yang terbentuk, maka pertanian di Nangapanda dapat memanfaatkan lahan kering terutama untuk perkebunan dengan arahan komoditas utama yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi fisik lahan dan preferensi petani yaitu kakao, mete, cengkeh, pala, merica.

Indonesia has great natural resource potential to support agricultural activities. However, agriculture in several regions in Indonesia is still not optimal because it grows commodity crops without considering the physical conditions of the environment as well as the socio-cultural conditions of the people. So this study aims to develop directive policy for agricultural priority areas that consider the physical conditions of the environment and their suitability for farmer’s preference of commodities. This study uses a quantitative approach with a combined method to carry out the arrangement of agricultural priority areas based on ZAE, land carrying capacity, and farmers' preference commodities. The results showed that the commodities that were of interest to farmers were cocoa, corn and upland paddy. The preference for this commodity has a significant correlation especially with the source of income and the area of arable land. There is an incompatibility of existing agricultural land of 51% with ZAE while in general agriculture in Nangapanda is in accordance with the carrying capacity of the land because it is at a high level of carrying capacity. Based on the agricultural priority areas that are formed, agriculture in Nangapanda can utilize dry land, especially for plantations with the main commodity directions adapted to the physical conditions of the land and farmers' preferences, namely cocoa, cashew, cloves, nutmeg, pepper."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lockwood, William W.
New Jersey : Princeton Princeton University Press , 1954
330.952 LOC e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inukai, Ichiro
Japan: International University of Japan International Development Program (IDP) Press, 2003
338.952 INU j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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