"Besarnya pangsa pasar transportasi online menjadikan persaingan ketat antara penyedia jasa ojek online di Indonesia. Faktor ini menjadi salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi adanya persaingan harga antar penyedia jasa ojek online
. Keberadaan ojek online di Indonesia pun membantu mitra pengemudi dalam meningkatkan perekonomian, belum dengan ditambah tip yang acapkali mereka dapatkan dari konsumen Indonesia. Di penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari promosi harga,
price consciousness,
feelings of gratitude towards price promotion,
perceived sacrifice to tipping serta religuisitas intrinsik dan ekstrinsik terhadap intensi mayoritas penduduk Indonesia, yaitu konsumen muslim dalam memberi tip terhadap mitra ojek online. Data dikumpulkan melalui
self-administrated questionnaire kepada responden muslim pengguna ojek online dan pernah menggunakan promosi harga yang diberikan ojek online di Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah promosi harga,
feelings of gatitude towards price promotion,
perceived sacrifice to tipping, dan religiusitas intrinsik yang mempunya pengaruh atas intensi memberi tip terhadap mitra ojek online. Sedangkan,
price consciousness dan religiusitas ekstrinsik tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi untuk pelaku industri yang bergerak di bidang transportasi online untuk mengambil keputusan tentang bauran pemasaran terutama di aspek promosi dan harga.
The large market share of online transportation creates a heavy competition between online motorcycle taxi service providers in Indonesia. This factor is one of the factors that influence price competition among online motorcycle taxi service providers. The existence of online motorcycle taxis in Indonesia also helps online motorcycle taxi driver to improve to their welfare, not to mention with the added tip they often get from the consumers. In this study, researchers used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the impact of price promotion, price consciousness, feelings of gratitude towards price promotion, perceived sacrifice to tipping, also intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity on the intentions of the majority of the Indonesian population, Muslim consumers in giving tip to online motorcycle taxi drivers. Data was collected through a self-administrated questionnaire to Muslim respondents who use online motorcycle taxi and have used price promotions that was given by online motorcycle taxi in Indonesia. The results of this study are price promotion, feelings of gratitude towards price promotion, perceived sacrifice to tipping, and intrinsic religiosity have an influence on the intention to tip. Meanwhile, price consciousness and extrinsic religiosity do not have a significant effect to online motorcycle taxi drivers tipping. The results of this study can be used as a reference for industry players engaged in online transportation to make decisions about their marketing mix, especially in the aspects of promotion and price.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020