Tokoh masyarakat sebagai panutan dan tempat mengadu bagi warga ternyata kurang begitu efektif dalam penyelesaian bentrokan dan kerusuhan mahasiswa. Karena walaupun mereka telah menepuh upaya untuk menyelesaikan dan mencegah kasus kembali terjadi, tetapi pada kenyataannya bentrokan dan kerusuhan tetap saja terjadi meskipun dalam skala kecil. Peran tokoh masyarakat yang terlihat dalam penyelesaian bentrokan dan kerusuhan mahasiswa di Desa Caturtunggal adalah sebagai penghubung antara pihak yang bertikai dengan ketua adat atau ketua paguyuban mereka, sebagai mediator dan saksi dalam proses mediasi dua pihak yang bertikai bersama-sama dengan pemerintah desa dan kepolisian, serta sebagai pemberi informasi atau pelengkap informasi bagi kepolisian mengenai kronologi kejadian. Penyelesaian kasus bentrokan dan kerusuhan antar mahasiswa pada akhirnya diserahkan kepada kepolisian.
Dengan kurangnya peran tokoh masyarakat dalam penyelesaian kasus kerusuhan antar mahasiswa hingga tuntas, bahkan ada sebagian tokoh masyarakat yang tidak mau terlibat sama sekali, akhirnya di dalam masyarakat timbul kesenjangan antara warga setempat dengan mahasiswa pendatang. Kehidupan mereka seolah berjalan sendiri-sendiri, padahal apabila terjadi kerusuhan bukan hal yang tidak mungkin warga setempat juga akan menjadi korban. Kondisi tersebut tentunya dapat mengganggu ketahanan daerah Desa Tambakbayan, yaitu hilangnya rasa nyaman masyarakat karena walaupun dari luar terlihat tenang tetapi dari dalam sebenarnya ada rasa was-was menjadi korban kerusuhan.
Community figures as role models and people whom residents complain to are less effective in provide the resolution of student clashes and riots. Although they have sought to resolve and prevent re-occurring cases, nevertheless in fact clashes and riots still occur on a small scale. The role of community figures that are in the completion of the student riots and clashes in of Caturtunggal village are as liaisons between the warring parties and customary leaders or head of community, as mediators and witnesses in the mediation process for among both two warring parties, government and police, as conduit of information or supplementary information about the chronology of events to the police. Eventually resolution of clashes between students and riot handed over to police.
Less of role of community figures in the resolution among the student riots case, some public figures who do not want to get involved in resolution of riot case at all, finally there is a gap arises in the community between the residents and those students who caused riots. Those people Their lives seemed to walk alone, but people will also be a victim of the riots. Obviously, these conditions interfere resistance Tambakbayan Village, the loss of a sense of comfort. From outside, people look calm but there is sense of anxiety about the riot."
In the last ten years, the humanitarian crisis affected the Rohingya Ethnic in Myanmar has increasingly attracted the attention of the globe. The attention come either from the regional community or international community including United Nations. The humanitarian crisis become massive in scale and based on the UN findings fact report that there has been etnich cleansing or genocide practical in Rakhine State Myanmar. Those it carried out by the Myanmar military. Some recommendations have been delivered by special envoys from both the United Nations and ASEAN including some official reports from NGOs and UNCT that have been carrying out humanitarian mission tasks in Myanmar as well as Bangladesh, but in fact no solution yet achieved till today crisis. Through an international customary law approach as well as UN Charter mandate for a cooperation of regional organizations, also by referring to the doctrine of responsibility to protect this paper try to see whether ASEAN can be a mediator for conflict in Myanmar. This research was carried out by using research methods, literature study, personal participation and qualitative methods. From the observations, this paper to conclude providing an understanding to doctrine, theory and international law, the involvement of ASEAN can be the most probably as the best option for resolving conflicts in Myanmar."