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Eva Julianti

Berbagai penelitian sebelumnya menyoroti kreatifitas sebagai komponen utama dalam industri kreatif termasuk televisi. Peningkatan kreatifitas telah menjadi kebutuhan perusahaan pada industri ini. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh motivasi baik instrinsik dan ekstrinsik terhadap kinerja kreatif karyawan perusahaan televisi berita dengan moderasi dari creative self efficacy danreward importance. Hasilnya, ditemukan bahwa kedua variabel tersebut tidak memiliki efek moderasi atas pengaruh motivasi ekstrinsik yakni rewardsterhadap creative performance. Sementara motivasi intrinsik memiliki pengaruh yang tinggi terhadap kinerja kreatif individu. Analisa ini memperkaya penelitian sebelumnya yang menyimpulkan moderasi creative self efficacyhanya terjadi terhadap karyawan yang memiliki high creative self efficacy. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 202 karyawan yang berasal dari tujuh perusahaan televisi berita di Indonesia, termasuk kepada karyawan dari divisi business operation dan business strategic. 



Creativity has been a discussion as creative performance being one of the most important matters in creative industry. Companies tries to improve their creativity as it is a necessity especially for those who enggaged in this industry. Despite the pro cons of reward effectiveness, many companies put reward as their tools to enhanced their employees performance. This study focused on the influence of both instrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the creative performance of news television company employees. Creative self efficacy and reward importance placed as the moderating variable of  extrinsic motivation or rewards. Result found that these two variables did not have a moderating effectthe influence of reward for creative performance, meanwhile intrinsic motivation highly influence individual creative performance. This analysis enriches previous research which conclude that the moderation of creative self efficacy only occurs on employees who have high creative self efficacy ( Malik et al., 2015). The study was conducted on 202 employees of 7 news television companies in Indonesia who worked not just a journalist, but also supporting role such as business operation and business strategic. 

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibnu Wibowo
"Pada era globalisasi, persaingan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia antar negara semakin ketat. Pendidikan formal sampai saat ini masih menjadi sarana utama terwujudnya bangsa mandiri yang memiliki daya saing tinggi. Salah satu bentuk dari pendidikan formal adalah universitas. Berhubungan dengan ini, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Creative Self-Efficacy CSE, motivasi intrinsik, dan prestasi akademik pada mahasiswa. Creative self-efficacy memiliki dua dimensi yaitu, Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy CTSE, dan Creative Performance Self-Efficacy CPSE. Pengukuran CSE menggunakan alat ukur Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II Abbot, 2010. Pengukuran motivasi intrinsik menggunakan Academic Motivation Scale khususnya pada dimensi motivasi intrinsik yang dikembangkan oleh Vallerand dan Bissonnette 1992, serta prestasi akademik dilihat melalui indeks prestasi kumulatif IPK pada mahasiswa. Responden penelitian berjumlah 245 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Dari hasil uji statistik Pearson Correlation membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara motivasi intrinsik dan prestasi akademik r=0,199.

In the era of globalization, the competition among countries to improve the quality of its human resource seems to be more competitive. Until now, formal education is still the main source for the realization of an independent nation with high competitiveness. One form of a formal education is university. Correspondingly, this present study was conducted to examine the relationship between creative self efficacy CSE, intrinsic motivation, and academic achievement in college students. There are two dimensions of CSE, which include Creative Thinking Self Efficacy CTSE and Creative Performance Self Efficacy CPSE. To measure CSE, the Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II instrument was used Abbot, 2010. To measure intrinsic motivation, Academic Motivation Scale particularly in the dimension of intrinsic motivation developed by Vallerand dan Bissonnette 1992 was used, and academic achievement was measured using grade point average GPA. The study participants consisted of 245 college students enrolled in Universitas Indonesia. Pearson Correlation analysis revealed that there is a significant positive correlation between intrinsic motivation and academic achievement r 0,199."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Retno Febriyanti
"Relawan sosial yang bertugas di wilayah dengan tingkat kemiskinan tinggi memiliki problem-solving demand yang cukup tinggi. Problem-solving demand adalah atribut pekerjaan yang sangat penting untuk creativity individu. Salah satu persyaratan penting untuk mencapai kinerja kreatif adalah creative self-efficacy. Maka penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh problem-solving demand terhadap
creativity relawan yang bertugas di wilayah dengan tingkat kemiskinan tinggi di Indonesia dengan menggunakan mediasi creative self-efficacy Untuk mengetahui apakah relawan sosial dalam melakukan pekerjaan kesukarelawanan dikuatkan dengan adanya motivasi yang berasal dari dalam diri mereka maka intrinsic motivation digunakan sebagai moderasi pada hubungan problem-solving demand dengan. creative self-efficacy. Survey melibatkan 359 orang relawan sosial dari 359 kecamatan di wilayah NTT, Papua Barat dan Papua. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa problem-soving demand berpengaruh positif terhadap creativity dan
hubungan ini dimediasi secara parsial oleh creative self-self efficacy. Namun intrinsic motivation tidak signifikan berpengaruh dalam hubungan antara problem-solving demand dan creative self-efficacy. Tulisan ini juga membahas keterbatasan, implikasi praktis dan saran untuk penelitian mendatang.

Social volunteers working in areas with high poverty rates have high problem-solving demand. Problem-solving demand is a job attribute that is very important for individual creativity. Creative self-efficacy is used as a mediation because creative self-efficacy is an important source of creative performance. This study examines problem-solving demand to the creativity of volunteers working in regions with high poverty rates in Indonesia. Intrinsic motivation is used as moderation to reveal whether social volunteers while doing voluntary work can be strengthened by the motivation from within themselves. The survey involved 359 social volunteers from 359 districts in the regions with the highest poverty rates in NTT, West Papua and Papua. Our results indicate that problem-solving demand has a positive effect on creativity and this relationship was partially mediated by creative self-self efficacy. However, intrinsic motivation has no significant effect moderated problem-solving demand to creative self-efficacy. This paper also discusses limitations, practical implications and suggestions for future research."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Alifa Adefia
"Inovasi menjadi hal yang krusial bagi keberlangsungan perusahaan. Innovative work behavior adalah bentuk perilaku karyawan yang dapat menginisiasi inovasi. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang dapat memengaruhi innovative work behavior, diantaranya adalah job autonomy dan work engagement. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh job autonomy terhadap innovative work behavior melalui work engagement sebagai variabel mediasi dan dimoderasi oleh creative self-efficacy pada karyawan sektor perikalanan di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui penyebaran kuesioner secara daring. Objek penelitian ini adalah karyawan tetap sektor periklanan di DKI Jakarta, dimana terdapat 184 responden yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data SEM-PLS dengan data yang diolah menggunakan aplikasi IBM SPSS Statistic 26 dan SmartPLS 4. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara job autonomy terhadap innovative work behavior. Hasil juga menunjukan bahwa seluruh variabel memiliki pengaruh langsung yang positif dan signifikan antar satu sama lain. Selain itu, hasil juga mengonfirmasi pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara job autonomy terhadap innovative work behavior melalui mediasi work engagement. Namun, peran moderasi creative self-efficacy dalam penelitian ini ditemukan tidak signifikan dan tidak dapat memperkuat pengaruh antar variabel.

Innovation is crucial for company sustainability. Innovative work behavior is a form of employee behavior that can initiate innovation. Several factors can influence innovative work behavior, including job autonomy and work engagement. This research aims to analyze the influence of job autonomy on innovative work behavior through work engagement as a mediating variable and moderated by creative self-efficacy on advertising sector employees in DKI Jakarta. This research was carried out with a quantitative approach using online questionnaires. The object of this research is permanent employees of the advertising sector in DKI Jakarta, with 184 respondents obtained using purposive sampling techniques. This research uses SEM-PLS data analysis techniques with data processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 and SmartPLS 4 software. The results show a positive significant influence between job autonomy and innovative work behavior. The results also show that all variables have a positive and significant direct influence on each other. Furthermore, the results also confirm the positive and significant influence of job autonomy on innovative work behavior through the mediation role of work engagement. However, creative self-efficacy role as a moderating variable in this study was found to be insignificant and could not strengthen the influence between variables."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bunga Ratnasari Hadipitoyo
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional,
learning orientation, dan otonomi pekerjaan terhadap creative self-efficacy serta
pengaruh creative self-efficacy terhadap perilaku inovatif di kantor pusat PT. Bank
Jateng. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 203 responden yang merupakan karyawan
di kantor pusat PT. Bank Jateng yang terletak di Semarang. Data yang didapatkan
dari responden kemudian diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan metode structural
equation modelling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa otonomi pekerjaan,
kepemimpinan transformasional, dan learning orientation berpengaruh signifikan
positif terhadap creative self-efficacy karyawan. Hasil selanjutnya adalah bahwa
creative self-efficacy karyawan berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap perilaku
inovatif. Oleh karena itu perilaku inovatif di PT. Bank Jateng dapat dikembangkan
melalui peningkatan creative self-efficacy karyawan.

This research aims to investigate factors that could determine employees? creative
self-efficacy, which are transformational leadership, learning orientation, and job
autonomy. Besides, this research also aims to analyze the effect of employees?
creative self-efficacy on innovative behaviour. To investigate this, 203 employees?
at the headquarter of PT. Bank Jateng in Semarang were surveyed. Data analysis is
conducted using structural equation modelling. The result of this research showed
that job autonomy, transformational leadership, and learning orientation are
positively significant to employees? creative self efficacy. Besides, employees?
creative self-efficacy was also found positively significant to innovative behaviour.
Thus, innovative behaviour in PT. Bank Jateng could be developed through
elevating employees? creative self efficacy."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulinda Dwintasari
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara traits dan creative selfefficacy (CSE) pada guru TK. Traits adalah dimensi dari perbedaan kecenderungan individu untuk menunjukan pola pemikiran, perasaan dan tindakan yang konsisten (McCrae dan Costa, 2003). Sementara itu, CSE merupakan keyakinan yang sementara pada individu mengenai kemampuan dirinya untuk melakukan tugas spesifik tertentu yang membutuhkan produksi solusi-solusi baru, orisinal, atau sesuai.
Pengukuran traits menggunakan alat ukur IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) dan pengukuran CSE menggunakan alat ukur Revised Model Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy (CTSE) II & Creative Performance Self-Efficacy (CPSE) II Inventories (Abbott, 2010) yang telah diadaptasi oleh peneliti. Partisipan berjumlah 112 orang guru TK yang berusia 20-60 tahun.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan negatif signifikan antara trait neuroticism dan CTSE, serta terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara trait extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, dan conscientiousness dengan CTSE dan CPSE. Namun demikian, pada trait neuroticism tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan dengan CPSE. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perlu dilakukan screening kepribadian ketika perekrutan guru TK. Selain itu, guru TK juga dapat diberi intervensi sejak dini untuk meningkatkan CSE.

This research was conducted to find the correlation between nature traits and creative self-efficacy (CSE) in kindergarten teachers. Traits is dimensions of individual differences in tendencies to show consistent patterns of thoughts, feelings and actions (McCrae & Costa, 2003). Meanwhile CSE is an individual's state-like belief in his or her own ability to perform the specific tasks required to produce novel original, or appropiate solutions (Abbott, 2010).
Traits was measured using an adaptation instrumen named IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) and CSE was measured using an adaptation instrument named Revised Model Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy (CTSE) II & Creative Performance Self-Efficacy (CPSE) II Inventories (Abbott, 2010). The respondent of this research are 112 kindergarten teachers.
The results of this research show that trait neuroticism negative correlated significantly with CTSE and the trait extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness positive correlated significantly with CTSE and CPSE. But there is no significant correlation between trait neuroticism and CPSE. Based on these results, kindergarten ought to held a personality screening in teacher's recruitment and give intervention, such as training or seminar to teachers that can increase creative self-efficacy.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruben Anugrah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara readiness for changes dan
general self-efficacy pada karyawan industri kreatif. Saat ini masih jarang
penelitian yang membahas konstruk general self-efficacy dalam konteks psikologi
industri dan organisasi. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah 102 karyawan yang
bekerja di sektor industri kreatif. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah Readiness For Change Scale oleh Hanpachern (1997) dan New General
Self-Efficacy Scale oleh Chen et al (2001). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan
hubungan yang signifikan antara readiness for change dan general self-efficacy
pada karyawan di industri kreatif dengan r = .45 (p < .01).;The purpose of this research is to study the correlation between readiness for
change and general self-efficacy among creative industry. There were rarely
research which study general self-efficacy in industrial and organizational
psychology. The respondents of this research were 102 employees who work in
creative industry. The instruments for this research were Readiness For Change
Scale by Hanpachern (1997) and New General Self Efficacy Scale by Chen et al.
(2001). The result of this research showed that there was a significant corellation
between readiness for change and general self-efficacy among creative industry
employees with r = .45 (p < .01);The purpose of this research is to study the correlation between readiness for
change and general self-efficacy among creative industry. There were rarely
research which study general self-efficacy in industrial and organizational
psychology. The respondents of this research were 102 employees who work in
creative industry. The instruments for this research were Readiness For Change
Scale by Hanpachern (1997) and New General Self Efficacy Scale by Chen et al.
(2001). The result of this research showed that there was a significant corellation
between readiness for change and general self-efficacy among creative industry
employees with r = .45 (p < .01);The purpose of this research is to study the correlation between readiness for
change and general self-efficacy among creative industry. There were rarely
research which study general self-efficacy in industrial and organizational
psychology. The respondents of this research were 102 employees who work in
creative industry. The instruments for this research were Readiness For Change
Scale by Hanpachern (1997) and New General Self Efficacy Scale by Chen et al.
(2001). The result of this research showed that there was a significant corellation
between readiness for change and general self-efficacy among creative industry
employees with r = .45 (p < .01), The purpose of this research is to study the correlation between readiness for
change and general self-efficacy among creative industry. There were rarely
research which study general self-efficacy in industrial and organizational
psychology. The respondents of this research were 102 employees who work in
creative industry. The instruments for this research were Readiness For Change
Scale by Hanpachern (1997) and New General Self Efficacy Scale by Chen et al.
(2001). The result of this research showed that there was a significant corellation
between readiness for change and general self-efficacy among creative industry
employees with r = .45 (p < .01)]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanda Tiara
"Performa akademik siswa dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal dan internal. Penelitian eksperimen dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh antara jenis pemberian umpan balik sebagai faktor eksternal dan academic self-efficacy sebagai faktor internal terhadap performa akademik siswa. Penelitian eksperimen terhadap 101 siswa SMA kelas X dalam setting alamiah di kelas. Siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan soal ulangan harian pelajaran Kewarganegaraan. Selanjutnya, hasil ulangan harian akan dikoreksi dan diberikan umpan balik.
Siswa dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara acak yaitu sebagian mendapat umpan balik deskriptif berisi tentang informasi spesifik mengenai apa yang sudah benar dan kurang dari hasil ulangan harian yang dikerjakan dan siswa lainnya akan mendapat umpan balik evaluatif berisi tentang ringkasan mengenai seberapa baik siswa dalam mengerjakan ulangan, diberikan dalam bentuk poin nilai dan komentar singkat. Selanjutnya siswa diminta untuk merevisi hasil ulangan berdasarkan umpan balik yang diberikan. Setelah melakukan revisi, siswa diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner yang mengukur academic self-efficacy dari skala Academic Self-Efficacy Subscale from Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C) dengan koefisien Cronbach?s Alpha sebesar α = 0.725.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis umpan balik signifikan mempengaruhi performa akademik siswa F (101)= 45.28, p < .05. Sedangkan, tidak ditemukan pengaruh yang signifikan dari academic self-efficacy terhadap performa akademik siswa F (101)= 0.01, p > .05, begitu juga interaksi antara jenis umpan balik dan academic self-efficacy terhadap performa akademik F (101)=0.146, p>.05. Hasil analisis tambahan menunjukkan jenis kelamin, durasi belajar, nilai UAS semester lalu, dan kesukaan terhadap pelajaran kewarganegaraan berkorelasi dengan performa akademik.

Student's academic performance is influenced by external and internal factors. Experimental research was conducted to determine whether there is influence between the type of feedback as external factors and academic self-efficacy as an internal factor of the student's academic performance. The participants of this experiment are 101 high school students of class X conducted in a natural setting. Students were asked to do an essay test of Citizenship lessons. Furthermore, the results of tests will be corrected and given feedback.
Students were divided into two groups randomly, students who get descriptive feedback contains specific information about how to improve the answer and the others receive evaluative feedback contains a brief comment and point on each answers. Furthermore, students were asked to revise the test based on the feedback given. Once revised, students were asked to fill out questionnaires that measure academic self-efficacy on a scale of Academic Self-Efficacy subscale from Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C) with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of α = 0.725.
The results showed that the type of feedback significantly effect a student's academic performance F (101) = 45.28, p <.05. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect on academic self-efficacy on student's academic performance F (101) = 0.01, p> .05. Also, there is no significant effect interaction between the type of feedback and academic self-efficacy on academic performance F (101) = 0146, p> .05. Results of additional analyzes indicate gender, duration of study, score final exam in last semester, and interest in Citizenship lessons correlated with academic performance.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapat gambaran mengenai hubungan antara
self-regulated learning (SRL) dan creative self-efficacy (CSE) pada mahasiswa
arsitektur. Self-regulated learning didefinisikan sebagai sejauh mana pelajar
menggunakan proses metakognisi, motivasi, dan tingkah lakunya untuk
berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses belajarnya. Creative self-efficacy didefinisikan
sebagai keyakinan yang sementara pada individu mengenai kemampuan dirinya
untuk melakukan tugas spesifik tertentu yang membutuhkan produksi solusisolusi
baru, orisinal, atau sesuai. Creative self-efficacy terdiri dimensi creative
thinking self-efficacy (CTSE) dan creative performance self-efficacy (CPSE).
Pengukuran SRL menggunakan alat ukur Strategi Self-Regulated Learning yang
disusun oleh Hariseno (2012) dan pengukuran CSE menggunakan alat ukur
Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II Inventories yang disusun oleh Abbott
(2010). Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 159 mahasiswa arsitektur dari beberapa
perguruan tinggi di Jakarta, Depok, dan Bandung. Melalui teknik statistik Pearson
Correlation, ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara
self-regulated learning dengan creative thinking self-efficacy (r = 0.269; p =
0.001, signifikan pada L.o.S 0.01) dan creative performance self-efficacy (r =
0.342; p = 0.000, signifikan pada L.o.S 0.01) pada mahasiswa arsitektur.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan bagi mahasiswa arsitektur untuk
meningkatkan self-regulated learning dalam proses belajarnya karena semakin
tinggi self-regulated learning mahasiswa arsitektur, semakin tinggi creative selfefficacy
mereka., This research was conducted to find the correlation between self-regulated
learning and creative self-efficacy among architecture college students. Selfregulated
learning defined as the degree to which students are metacognitively,
motivationally, and behaviorally active participants in their own learning process
(Zimmerman, 2008). Creative self-efficacy defined as an individual?s state-like
belief in his or her own ability to perform the specific tasks required to produce
novel, original, or appropriate solutions (Abbott, 2010). Creative self-efficacy
consists of dimension of creative thinking self-efficacy (CTSE) and dimension of
creative performance self-efficacy (CPSE). Self-regulated learning was measured
using an instrument named Strategy of Self-Regulated Learning made by
Hariseno (2012) and creative self-efficacy was measured using Revised Model of
CTSE II and CPSE II made by Abbott (2010). Participants of this research were
159 architecture college students from some colleges in Jakarta, Depok, and
Bandung. The Pearson Correlation indicates that self-regulated learning correlates
positively and significantly with creative thinking self-efficacy (r = 0.269; p =
0.001, significant at L.o.S 0.01) and creative performance self-efficacy (r = 0.342;
p = 0.000, significant at L.o.S 0.01) among architecture college student. Based on
research results, it suggested for architecture college student to improve their selfregulated
learning in learning process because the higher self-regulated learning
architecture student, the higher their creative self-efficacy.]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abraham Purnomo
"Pengangguran dan pekembangan sistem persaingan organisasi menunjukkan sistem daya saing baru pada level dunia kerja. Kebutuhan akan sumber daya manusia yang siap untuk berubah menunjukkan dibutuhkannya individu dengan kesiapan untuk berani memberikan keputusan dan memimpin, setidaknya dimulai dari diri sendiri. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya kepemimpinan dan kesiapan diri pada mahasiswa sebagai salah satu calon sumber daya manusia dalam dunia kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat self-leadership melalui creative self-efficacy CSE mahasiswa. Creative self-efficacy yang didefinisikan sebagai keyakinan individu atas kemampuan dirinya untuk melakukan suatu tugas spesifik dalam menciptakan hal yang baru, orisinil, dan solusi yang sesuai Abbot 2010. Dalam creative self-efficacy terdapat dua dimensi penyusunnya, yaitu creative thinking self-efficacy CTSE dan creative performance self-efficacy CPSE. Self-Leadership didefinisikan sebagai proses dimana individu mengontrol perilaku mereka sendiri, mempengaruhi dan mengarahkan diri mereka melalui penggunaan strategi perilaku dan kognitif. Strategi tersebut disusun oleh dimensi behaviour-focused strategies, natural reward strategies, dan constructive thought pattern strategies. Pengukuran terhadap CSE diukur melalui Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II Inventories yang dikembangkan oleh Abbot 2010, sementara self-leadership diukur melalui Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire yang dikembangkan oleh Houghton dan Neck 2002. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan sampel partisipan yang berada di lingkungan Universitas Indonesia N=146. Analisis statistik pearson correlation menunjukkan hubungan yang positif secara signifikan terdapat pada creative thinking self-efficacy dan self-leadership r = 0,394, p = 0,000, signifikan pada LoS 0,01 dan creative performance self-efficacy dan self-leadership r = 0,561, p = 0,000, signifikan pada LoS 0,01. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa creative self-efficacy yang semakin baik atau tinggi mahasiswa, maka semakin baik atau tinggi juga self-leadership nya. Selain itu, hasil penelitian korelasi terhadap creative self-efficacy dan dimensi self-leadership menunjukkan bahwa constructive pattern though strategies memiliki hubungan terkuat dibandingkan dimensi lainnya.

Unemployment and development of an organization 39s competitive system show a new competitiveness system at the world level of work. The need for ready to change human resources demonstrates the need for an individual with the readiness to dare to make decisions and lead, at least starting with oneself. This shows the importance of leadership and readiness of the students as one of the candidates of human resources in the world of work. This research is conducted to see self leadership through student self efficacy CSE. Creative self efficacy is defined as the individual 39 s belief in his or her ability to perform a specific task in creating the novel, original, and appropriate solutions of Abbot 2010. In creative self efficacy there are two dimensions of the compilers, namely creative thinking self efficacy CTSE and creative performance self efficacy CPSE. Self Leadership is defined as the process by which individuals control their own behavior, influence and direct themselves through the use of behavioral and cognitive strategies. The strategy is structured by the dimensions of behaviour focused strategies, natural reward strategies, and constructive thought patterns strategies. Measurements of CSE were measured through the Revised Model of CTSE II and CPSE II Inventories developed by Abbot 2010, while self leadership was measured through the Revised Self Leadership Questionnaire developed by Houghton and Neck 2002. This research was conducted with sample of participants who were in University of Indonesia N 146. Pearson correlation statistic analysis showed a positive correlation significantly in creative thinking self efficacy and self leadership r 0,394, p 0,000, significant at LoS 0,01 and creative performance self efficacy and self leadership r 0,561, p 0,000, significant at LoS 0.01. This shows that the creative self efficacy of the better or higher the student, the better or higher also his self leadership. In addition, the results of a correlation study on creative self efficacy and the self leadership dimension show that constructive patterns though strategies have the strongest relationship compared to other dimensions. "
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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