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Kharisma Titania Pribadi
"Meningkatnya angka stasiun televisi berita di Indonesia membuat persaingan di industri ini semakin kompleks. Perkembangan teknologi serta kemungkinan pendapatan yang dijanjikan industri ini sangat menggiurkan pelaku usaha, namun disisi lain meningkatkan angka pesaing hanya akan membuat pangsa pemirsa stasiun televisi semakin berkurang terutama bagi stasiun televisi berita yang memang pang pemirsanya sudah terbatasi oleh kriteria tertentu. Namun, walau dengan kondisi ini iNews memilih untuk memulai mengudara menantang pesaing-pesainnya di tengah kepopularitasan Metro TV dan TV One yang sedang memuncak. Oleh karena itu, untuk dapat bersaing dengan kompetitornya, iNews perlu meningkatkan konten yang dimilikinya untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar yang tentunya akan merangsang jumlah pemasangan iklan oleh advertiser. Penelitian ini menganalisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT iNews untuk dapat membantu dalam peningkatan konten iNews sebagai televisi berita. Dari hasil penelitian, iNews memiliki kekuatan (competitive advantage) untuk sistem integrasinya dimana iNews dapat bertukar sumber daya dengan RCTI, GTV, dan MNC TV. Dengan sistem terpadu ini, iNews menjadi kaya akan materi berita yang juga diikuti dengan sumber daya manusia terpadu yang mumpuni untuk menciptakan konten-konten seperti tayangan forum diskusi yang merupakan jenis tayangan yang digemari pemirsa.

Growing number of news TV in Indonesia has led to complex competition among media industry in the country. Technology development as well as potential high revenue indeed triggers industry players to enter the field, however the more industry players start entering the field it would also lessen the number of the industry market share. Moreover, the fact that news TV has a segmented audience makes the share for specifically this business even lesser. The intense competition this business offers seems to not stopping iNews from airing as news TV. As we have known even before iNews start airing, the industry already has Metro TV and TV One who are considered to have a strong market and popularity as news TV in Indonesia. Thus, in order to be able to survive and win the competition, iNews should start improving their programs content with expectation it could increase the number of audience that would also trigger the increase of advertisings in iNews from advertisers. It was previously said by Nielsen that most of TV station revenue is contributed by advertising revenue. Through this thesis, writer was analyzing iNews internal and external environment using SWOT analysis to help finding out whether iNews has unique strength that cant be easily copied by its competitors to improve its programs content and win the market. The analysis found out that iNews has applied a system called integration system which allows iNews to exchange resource with RCTI, GTV, and MNC TV. By exploiting the application of this system, it would help iNews in creating innovative and attractive programs such as a program which adopts the concept of open discussion in which this type of program has attract quite a big number of audience."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Ruth Putryani
Fenomena situs jejaring sosial menciptakan User-Generated Content
(UGC), sebuah evolusi penggunaan aplikasi internet yang memungkinkan penggunanya
berkolaborasi, aktif dalam menciptakan konten, menghasilkan pengetahuan,
dan berbagi informasi secara online. Maraknya UGC membuat batasan
antara produser media dan khalayak menjadi samar. UGC dinilai sebuah pembuktian
nyata kekuasaan pemirsa. Konsep Rutinitas Media digunakan untuk menjelaskan
adanya pergeseran atau perubahan dalam ruang redaksi televisi melalui
pengadopsian penggunaan UGC. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah studi kasus instrumental terhadap rutinitas media di era UGC.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UGC mampu mengubah nilai-nilai
jurnalistik yang selama ini dipegang teguh oleh para jurnalis dan pelaku rutinitas
media. Di samping itu, UGC kini menjadi andalan bagi para produser dalam
mengedepankan kecepatan tayangan berita, sehingga berita yang tampil di layar
kaca tidak seluruhnya valid dan terverifikasi.

The phenomenon of social networking sites create User-Generated Content
(UGC), an evolution of the use of internet application that allows users to collaborate,
active in creating the content, generate knowledge, and share information online. The
rise of UGC makes the boundaries between media producers and audiences become
vague. UGC assessed as a real evidence of the viewers?power. Media Routines
concept is used to describe a shift or change in the television newsroom through the
adoption of the use of UGC. The method used in this research is a case study
instrumental to the media routines in UGC era.
The research resulted that UGC is able to change the values of journalism that
had been firmly held by journalists and actors of media routines. In addition, the
UGC has become a mainstay for the producers in prioritizing the speed of the news
program, so the news that appeared on the screen is not entirely valid and verified."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhesi Dwinar Rumsari
"The existence of 11 television station in indonesia, make competition more strict Television station who in second position from three other station television was exist, make RCTI show they ability to produced their interesting programs and also for advertisement user For that PT Rajawali Citra Televisi indonesia as a one of the big private television which one has exist in 1989, force to expanding power of compete, if PT Rajawali Citra Televisl indonesia doesn?t want to left behind from other private television.
The target of this thesis is to know sketch of PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia competition profile among national television in Indonesia, how to indicate power of compete from television industry in Indonesia, and what PT Rajawali Citra Televisi indonesia strategy to face competition of television industry in indonesia. The approaching method used is descriptive analysis method. Meaning that this method describing and interpret the pass and present condition with qualitative approach. The analysis technique used is extemal environment analysis (macro and Eve forcess Ported and intemal environment analyis value chain, and also analysis with BCG Matrix.
The result from BCG analysis indicate that PT Rajawali Citra Televisi indonesia be in Cash Cow position, that is company who has market segment pretty high with low market growth, then altemative strategy recommended is product development and concentric diversification. The analysis five forces in industry considering output from external environment analysis has result that generic strategy which can be implemented is strategy cost leadership.
In the end of this thesis, writer conclude that the power and weakness in internal of PT Rajawali Citra Televisi indonesia, and opportunity from environment and also alternative and generic strategy which can be implemented. Writer suggest to PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia for more selective to chose trade fields for diversification trade, need to prepare human resources, technology, investment and how important to make a good relationship with regulation television business maker."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palupi, Intankesuma Ratna
"Televisi sebagai media penyebaran informasi sudah sehatusnya memiliki kegiatan pengorganisasian koleksi yang baik. Pengorganisasian koleksi bertujuan untuk memudahkan sistem temu kembali dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasi. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengorganisasian koleksi video digital di Library News iNews TV. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan studi literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Library News iNews TV sudah melakukan kegiatan pengorganisasian koleksi, walaupun terdapat perbedaan dengan apa yang dilakukan di perpustakaan, hal ini disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan yang ada di lingkungan iNews TV.

As a medium for information dissemination, TV station shoul deb have a good video recording collection management. The organization of collection aims to facilitate retrieval system in fulfilling the needs of information. This qualitative research conducted using case study method, discusses the organization of digital video collection in Library News of iNews TV. Data was collected through interview, observation, and literature study. The result of this mini thesis is Library News of iNews TV already do collection organizing activities, although the tasks are differences from tasks in common library collection management, because it is adapted to the needs in iNews TV."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Sadri
"Migrasi dari analog ke digital dan persaingan dengan media baru termasuk video on demand (VOD) telah menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi industri media televisi terestrial, yang belum banyak dikaji dari perspektif industri media oleh para akademisi. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk memahami strategi yang diambil oleh SCTV sebagai media televisi terestrial dalam menghadapi Analog Switch Off (ASO) di Indonesia dan menghadapi persaingan dengan VOD.
Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post positivistik dengan meminjam teori Mediamorfosis, Konvergensi Media, dan Disruptive Innovation sebagai kerangka dalam menganalisis strategi yang diambil oleh manajemen media SCTV dan holding company-nya, SCM, dalam menghadapi ASO dan persaingan dengan VOD tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui indepth interview, observasi dan studi literatur.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen SCTV dan SCM sebagai holding company-nya, telah mengambil sejumlah strategi sesuai dengan ketiga teori yang dipinjam di atas, di dalam menghadapi migrasi televisi terestrial ke sistem digital atau ASO, dan menyikapi persaingan dengan VOD. Di antara strategi yang diambil yaitu: melakukan positioning dengan flagship sebagai televisi sinetron, menjunjung prinsip “konten adalah raja”, prinsip ekslusivitas, mengadopsi prinsip konvergensi media (multimedia, multichannel, dan multiplatform), membangun Vidio.com sebagai platform VOD dari grup, memberdayakan media sosial yang dimiliki, dan melakukan efisiensi serta rasionalisasi dalam biaya produksi.

Migration from analog to digital and competition with new media including video on demand (VOD) has posed unique challenges for the terrestrial television media industry, which has not been extensively studied by academics, from a media industry perspective. This thesis aims to understand the strategy adopted by SCTV, a terrestrial television media, in facing the Analog Switch Off (ASO) in Indonesia and competing with VOD.
This research utilizes post-positivistic paradigm, drawing upon theories of Mediamorphosis, Media Convergence, and Disruptive Innovation as frameworks for analyzing the strategy adopted by SCTV's management and its holding company, SCM, in addressing ASO and competition with VOD. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach, with data collection conducted through in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies.
The findings reveal that the management of SCTV, and SCM as its holding company, have implemented several strategies in line with the three aforementioned theories, in dealing with the terrestrial television migration to the digital system or ASO, and in responding to competition with VOD. Among the strategies adopted are: positioning with a flagship as a soap opera television, adhering to the principle of "content is the king", exclusivity principle, adopting the principle of media convergence (multimedia, multichannel, and multiplatform), developing Vidio.com as the group's VOD platform, leveraging owned social media, and implementing efficiency and rationalization in production costs.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahra Silmi Kaffah
"Penerjemahan berita memegang peranan signifikan dalam penyebaran arus informasi secara global. Penelitian ini membahas strategi penerjemahan berita Indonesia-Arab yang berkaitan dengan isu Palestina. Objek penelitian berupa teks sumber (TSu) berbahasa Indonesia pada laman Antara News dan teks sasaran (TSa) berbahasa Arab pada laman Voice of Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Analisis dilakukan dengan melihat perubahan kecil seperti pemilihan kata sampai kepada perubahan besar seperti perbedaan format penulisan paragraf dan struktur isi berita. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa prosedur penerjemahan yang dominan diterapkan pada berita Indonesia-Arab berisu Palestina adalah modulasi. Dalam tataran wacana, penerjemah banyak menerapkan strategi perubahan urutan paragraf yang berdampak pada perbedaan penekanan pesan pada TSa. Selain itu, penerjemah berita Indonesia-Arab juga menerapkan metode penerjemahan bebas sehingga terjemahannya lebih berorientasi pada teks sasaran dan berideologi domestikasi.

News translation plays a significant role in the dissemination of information flows globally. This research discusses Indonesian-Arabic news translation strategies regarding the Palestinian issue. The research object is the Source Text (ST) in Indonesian on the Antara News page and the Target Text (TT) in Arabic on the Voice of Indonesia page. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Analysis is carried out by looking at small changes such as word choice to major changes such as differences in paragraph writing format and news content structure. This research finds that the dominant translation procedure applied to Indonesian-Arabic news about Palestine was modulation. At the discourse level, translators apply many strategies for changing the order of paragraphs which have an impact on differences in message emphasis in the TT. In additon, Indonesian-Arabic news translators also apply free translation methods so that the translation is more oriented towards the target text. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nerissa Angelina
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang penerapan regulasi yang berkaitan dengan bencana alam dan media untuk melihat proses pembuatan berita bencana pada satu lembaga penyiaran publik dan dua lembaga penyiaran swasta. Proses dari sisi seorang reporter dan kepala peliputan masing-masing stasiun televisi. Berita bencana alam menjadi tinjauan dari penelitian ini karena berita ini masih mengambil banyak perhatian publik namun pemberitaannya tidak seimbang dari aspek manajemen bencana serta masih mengabaikan beberapa etika yang berlaku.
Penelitian ini menganalisis aturan yang ada mengenai penyiaran bencana dan menguji bagaimana implementasinya pada lembaga penyiaran ketika sedang melakukan proses praproduksi hingga pascaproduksi sebuah berita bencana. Metode yang dilakukan adalah wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lembaga penyiaran publik cenderung tidak tegas dalam menjalankan regulasi dalam proses pembuatan berita bencana, sementara lembaga penyiaran swasta menerapkan regulasi dalam pembuatan liputan dengan penerapan yang berbeda.

This thesis discussesthe implementation of regulations that relate to natural disaster and mediato see the process of making disaster news in a public broadcasting institution, and two private broadcasting institutions.The process of making disaster news is seen from the side of a reporter and news manager of each broadcasting station. Natural disaster news become a main object of this research because disaster news is still taking much public attention but its news coverage is unbalanced from the aspects of disaster management and still ignores some of the prevailing ethics.
This study analyzes the existing regulation on disaster broadcasting and tests how they are implemented in broadcasting stations while preproduction to postproduction of making a natural disaster news. The methods used are in depth interviews and document studies. The results of this theses show that public broadcasting agencies are the least assertive in carrying out regulations in the process of making disaster news, and private broadcasters implement some regulations in the making of coverage, although the level of implementation is much different.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michael Surya Gunawan
"Industri teknologi informasi (TI) adalah merupakan perubahan tercepat dan paling dinamis di dunia saat ini. Hal ini pula yang secara dramatis mempengaruhi semua aspek kehidupan manusia serta cara melakukan bisnis, interaksi sosial dan perilaku hidup. Perubahan drastis revolusi digital telah mengubah peradaban dan mengacaukan semua pemain lama yang sudah mapan bahkan merusak dan menutup bisnis mereka. Tesis ini menyajikan hasil dari studi kasus Hewlett-Packard (HP) Indonesia, Perusahaan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) terbesar yang terlibat dalam strategi inovasi sebagai Proses Desain, dimana wujud inovasi adalah untuk membangun kemudahan manusia untuk menjalani kehidupan sebagai keluarga, makhluk sosial, interaksi antar manusia, serta pelaku bisnis dan akademisi. Demikian juga kami menemukan teknologi informasi untuk menjadi pendukung inti yang bersifat transparansi untuk kemajuan inovasi yang berkelanjutan dan bersifat radikal.
Penelitian ini dihasilkan melalui metode kuantitatif dengan menyebarluaskan kuesioner kepada 112 pelanggan setia yang telah memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun memakai produk Hewlett-Packard (HP) di Indonesia dan membelanjakan minimal 1 (satu) juta dollar Amerika Serikat setiap tahun dan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara dengan manajemen puncak Hewlett-Packard (HP) Asia Pasifik dan Hewlett-Packard (HP) Indonesia. Hasil Penelitian menujukkan peran manajemen puncak dan anggota manajemen Hewlett-Packard (HP) telah memainkan peran yang sangat penting untuk menerapkan model Ato- F dalam inovasi dan menyebarluaskan sosialisasi, eksternalisasi, kombinasi dan internalisasi (SECI) dalam model induksi spiral dalam perusahaan untuk menciptakan budaya inovasi. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengelola keberlangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan mereka dalam lingkungan strategis yang selalu berubah di Indonesia.

The information technology (IT) industry is the fastest and most dynamic change in the world today. This is also what dramatically affects all aspects of human life and how to do business, social interaction and life behavior. The drastic change in the digital revolution has transformed civilization and disrupted all established old players and even damaged and closed their businesses. Because we all now live in a digital economy, digital marketing is changing the way we do business, behave and act. This thesis presents the results of the Indonesian Hewlett-Packard (HP) case study, the largest Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Company involved in innovation strategies as a Design Process, where innovation is to build human convenience to live life as a family, social being, interaction between humans, as well as business people and academics. Likewise, we find information technology to be a core supporter of transparency for the advancement of sustainable and radical innovations.
This research was produced through quantitative methods by disseminating questionnaires to 112 loyal customers who had at least 3 years of experience using Hewlett- Packard (HP) products in Indonesia and spending at least 1 (one) million US dollars each year and qualitative methods through interviews with management the peak of Hewlett-Packard (HP) Asia Pacific and Hewlett-Packard (HP) Indonesia. Researchers found the role of top management and management members of Hewlett- Packard (HP) has played a very important role in implementing the A-to-F model in innovation and disseminating socialization, externalization, combination and internalization (SECI) in spiral induction models in companies to create innovation culture. It aims to manage their survival and growth in an ever-changing strategic environment in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunardian Wirodono
Yogyakarta: Resist Book, 2005
384.54 SUN m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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